What the fuck Nintendo?
Seriously what the fuck
What the fuck Nintendo?
Seriously what the fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
is this a shop
No, its Moero Chronicles on Switch. Direct port of Vita version with a few QoL improvements. And most importantly, no censorship
Cute, I wanna pat her head.
I don't remember SMT being this (blatantly) lewd
c-censor that RIGHT NOW!!!
nice forehead
> kobold
> literally a human
Doesnt that Valhalla game have a robololi whoring herself out? I'm sure Nintendo doesn't give a fuck as long as it's not their own franchises
Thats literally EVERY non-MGQ or Teraurge
>Sony become cucked
>Nintendo become based
What strange timeline.
>tiny tits
Well if you're gonna go for it go for broke I guess but damn.
based as FUCK
at least put some dog ears or something
Hence blatantly. Usually you don't see him or other tiddy demons until lategame
just bought it to piss OP off.
>mfw finally realized the entire move/ability set is a depiction of a rape assault
Mischaguji is mid-levelish and has a penis head.
I fail to see a problem here. What's wrong?
spoken like a true pedo
boring already played it years ago on vita
wake me up when they finally make that rumored sequel
Why if you're going to use Kobold you'd pick such a shitty costume? Her default's better than that one. She's best used as a mage type far more than a frontline type, if you want a brawler pick Leche or Bee or even Orc.
Slime is best tank
Very funny and cute OP.
>wake me up when they finally make that rumored sequel
Which one?
Crystal has been out for years, then there was 7 Pirates, then 2 years ago we had Castle Panzer. Which do you want?
>no censorship
It's sad we live in a time where this is a selling point. Fuck Sony, all weeb shit should just be directed to Nintendo.
what game
I want to give them my money
un... unh...
ughhhhhh... unnnnhhhh...
give me that sweet cu cu cu........................
th- tth-th---hh...
HERE!!! uaggghh... take my..
to your
y-y-y- your- your-
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CACAAAAAAAAAAAA
J-J- j-j-j-j-jjj---j-jj- g gg--gh-g-jjg----ffffffffkkhkhhhhhh
jj--jj-- J-J-J-J-JJ-J--
*ppfffhfsshhhhhtt* *prpfshshhk* *frprrr*
uuuUUUuunnhhh.. ugh....
huhh... huhh... huhh...
So... Must buy game?
Started grinding for panties I missed in Mushroom Forest, and now I haven't played in days.
I love goblin.
I second this request
>7 Pirates
that's the one.. forgot the name
Moero Chronicle Hyper
The sale ends tomorrow. Hurry
Ah, you're welcome friend
That's a big post for such a tiny orifice.
somebody post it
Goblin is a solid early game mage since she learns either all or short of one element spells with one of her classes. You have good taste my friend.
that's a weird way to say based
what are some RPGgames where I can be a cutee loli
spoken like a true ministry of truth employee
based nintendo
Death End re;Quest
What about Nintendo? It was made by Compile Heart.
>it's another dungeon crawler
Game is shit, but i like how they designed the mythological monsters and beasts into lolis
Chimera is a loli with 2 hand puppets
>he's a real lawyer
what the fuck
This but unironically
What the fuck is this timeline
after you get both characters, Jack-o-lantern & Jack Frost have an argument about who should be called "Jack", because 2 Jacks is confusing.
isn't this a compa game?
>[email protected]
just imagine this dude's everyday life
>mr. cunny, at your service
Strange they'd go with tiny tits over "flat chest" but maybe the TL isn't versed in actual lolicon terminology.
is there a mrs. cunny?
>It's sad we live in a time where this is a selling point
You say that like censorship is new.
Thats a marriage ring so I'd imagine so.
Yes. Here is her profile.
It wasn't hard to track down Alex Cunny on FB
I want to fuck Jack?
It was when Asia-English translations were still shit. They've vastly improved since then. A-E translations I mean
me @ the right
I need this game
Oh, good! Another chance for me to ask.
WHAT comic is this from? Supposedly Komodo No Jikan, but nhentai does not seem to have it.
its a terrible game, boring as fuck. dont get it.
this is probably the closest you'll get to any actual nudity.
the Orc with a Fork
When autiists like you say this shit, you realize that women, no matter how small or cute, aren't dogs and don't act like them, right?
Like where does that shit come from? I thought actual faggot anime shit like this was just stuff you guys made up
Kodomo no jikan isn't hentai so it's likely you won't find it there.
Also, nhentai, really? How new are you?
But I liked DT2 and Mary Skelter and these kinds of games.
>kobolds are dogs
they got switched to little lizard faggots way back in 3rd edition
New to reading hentai, obviously.
I haven't played Skelter but Moero Chronicle is pretty bare-bones compared to DT2
Also, character is named Rin.
I'm not that guy but I use nhentai or other similar sites because I refuse to expend even the slightest effort to look at porn. I know how to access ex but I won't out of autistic principle. There's never been a reason for me to and there never will be.
The hell? Kobolds are and always have been fucking dogs
im on the final boss right now, on the hardest difficulty, and i'll say the game isnt that bad. the subs are pretty bad but not unusable. combat can be a little imbalanced but that goes both ways. for example i can already hit the damage cap 9999 pretty consistently with a few turns to build up and my party is only level 53~. but at the same time there was an enemy in the last stratum that could 1shot my entire party from full health if i let it have more than one turn.
tldr its okay for the price
Hopefully it sells well and Moero Crystal comes to Switch too.
Holy shit
Should I switch panties as I finish getting my moves, or should I just pick a panty for each girl and stick with it? Do the abilities stack, I mean.
in mythology they're neither dog nor lizardfag and ro was in 2002 so it makes sense the koreans weren't up to date since 3rd came out in 2000
Free market working as intended now vote with your wallet like a good boy and buy the game or don't buy it either way quit yo bitchin
they are only active while equipped.
desu kodomo no jikan is something that actually has some real merit to it other than -just- being cunny bait even though thats all you need to create a masterpiece
still fapped through the entirety of it btw
>he still cares about 3D
you should probably go somewhere else
I'm almost 40 and no censorship has always been a major selling point to me. Ironically it was one of the things that made me switch to the PS in the mid-90s because I couldn't stand NoA's heavy-handed localizations anymore. The needless alterations they made to Chrono Trigger was probably my last straw.
Funny thing about history is if you give it enough time everyone will forget theirs and make the same mistakes someone else did before them.
well its on pc, I can pirate it first
dog kobolds are a wizardry thing
they've only ever been goblin-lites and lizard people in dnd
Not a defense. Don't dodge the allegation, are you telling me I'm funposting with actual manchildren here?
free market capitalism profits of pedo shit, remember that
Ah, now that makes sense. JRPGs originally just aped Wizardry really hard.
I just fucking realized his name literally sounds I LICK CUNNY
pedo is losing any meaning because of clowns like you throwing it around so lightly
Based capitalism
French for "I lick the cunny"
What kind of game is it?
turn based dungeon crawler with fan-service
dungeon crawler but a really shit one
Dungeon Crawler Waifu Simulator.
This is obviously a loli game, loli is slang for child. This game has sexualised loli and therefore you are a pedo. Why is that hard to process?
BASED free market, gommies absolutely destroyed and btfo YET AGAIN
It's all english?
How much?
Like HOW shit?
>fictional drawings and pixels are real children
Seek help retard
Surreal. Everytime I see this. What are the fucking odds.
based and red-pilled
It sounds like a hick saying "I licks cunny"
its english though the translation is questionable at best. and like i said in an earlier post its passable. its bad but cheap. it can be fun.
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree he has done objectively nothing wrong?
I dont want to hear you fuming about some lefties and drag kids down the line if you promote free market that push out these games over and over then
the battle system and lack of unique character stats is too simple to be enjoyable for something over 10 hours and general poor dungeon design. Some of the music tracks were good at least
As a dungeon crawler how does this compare to strange journey or any of the etrian odyssey games?
Based and cunnypilled
I used to hate that stupid word but now I love it.
i dont know anything about meme journey but it would compare poorly to the etrians. just like pretty much every other dungeon crawler ive played does,
Its 20 on Switch.
Not sure about Steam or on the Vita.
Mudo spells fucks us all
it was 13.99$ on switch when i bought it. i think they fucked up the price for a minute during the launch and accidentally applied the 30% discount twice. suckers.
Well, could not find the comic with this panel.
This game looks shitty I'd try it for like $5 but 13 too much
Motherfucker where the fuck do you think you are posting?? you're on Yea Forums, Yea Forums no less! fucking idiot
Just brought it because fuck you
>she's just a loli in a bra
>can't look at EGL dresses without being put on a watch list
>hahaha this sucks man
Fuck off you Puritan Fuck
But cute Asian girls like head pats.
>t. dating one
You really wouldn't be able to discern an on-model hentai crop from a crop of the official manga with kodomo no jikan (and that's a good thing)
SMT meets Lolis
I touch anerve, you out of touch large sized baby with amans face?
if Nintendo doesn't do anything stupid it can win this generation and the next one by doing absolute nothing
a wise man said one time ''It's the games, stupid''
Search for manga, not hentai.
Get the fuck out of my store.
The West was a mistake
Is this a good game? It looks like Etrian Odyssey, does it play similar too?
user it should be fucking obvious that a vast majority of Yea Forums is autistic manbabbies. I'm thinkin you actually might have the autism yourself at this point, if you can't realize that
Is your party all berserk and charge characters. I bought the game for Vita and I remember breaking the game half way in with the Dark elf, Minotaur, and Orc.
They literally did to do nothing but focus on games
Lend out IPs for new spins on their classic icons under their supervision
Tfw your favourite hentai manga artist who drew top tier cunny has turned normalfag and only draws shitty comedy manga with gaming references now
We really need a new sexy Atelier
I made the crop myself. Also, nice meme (and that is a good thing). Also, still don't know, but thanks for helping so much.
Wait, why is he stuck in a car in the middle of Downtown?
Thanks, I'll try!
nah actually i just use a single magic charge character. i realized i could break it even more but i just kept the same party for the whole game. my party is literally just from the first area.
>magic lilia
>physical leche
>support kobold
>physical just-sorta-there orthrus
>magic latte
lilia can hit 9999 with an elemental weakness using her magic charge and just like 50% boost from Io
The difference between you and me is my autism is functional
my gf likes pats u retard
LOL you're one of those "high functioning" shits
what if I already have it on PC.
based CUNNNwhyYY
Reminder that the Xbox version of Conker's game was a censored version of the Nintendo 64 release (2001).
Why is Yea Forums so lolicon?
>You can freely make loli threads if you pretend to be outraged in the OP
:big think:
>t. doesn't have one
A pure asian girl is as close to anime as you can get.
I want a loli ENF game
Thanks OP, picked up
Fucking noone on this goddamn board remembers /l/ I swear
No shit, a dakiamura doesn't talk back do it can't
>>physical just-sorta-there orthrus
She's a great healer and if memory serves has a huge defence so she works great as a front row healer who'll take most hits for you. It's also a low cost spell but high HP gain to the whole party.
>is there a mrs. cunny?
Yes, but their marriage was only legally accepted in Germany
looks like a fuckin alien
And this is how you know Anons saying "girls don't like headpats" are either virgins or don't date asian girls
>that pic
vidya cunny is top tier
yeah but i already have kobold nearly full healing everyone every turn with sacrifice + party heal. i really only use orthrus for building aura combos.
she could do nearly anything and my party would still function. shes just there.
she has the cutest butt and that might be why
Well if this will keep you virgins from molesting real little girls, sure why not. Doesn't stop you from being animals. If there were truly nothing wrong or if you weren't ashamed you pedos would play this in public but y'all are too cowardly to even do that.
They aren't "cute little anime pet things" no matter what your tulpa tells you
I want to fuck her while watching loli fox.
I just like tiny girls. In fact I lolibabas much better
Actually, I like big boobs too, so legal aged oppai lolis are the best
You don't know shit. You've never touched a woman. All women appreciate physical affection and attention from someone they are intimate with. Head pats included.
How would you explain to your friends or family what a "cunny" is?
>oppai lolis
My brother.
>legal aged oppai lolis
Yeah, yeah, we get it, you couldn't get an aussie girl, so you married some chinese goblin too poor to just buy a visa, you can stop bragging now, and go save up for your kids' dental plan
I guess i'm lucky or some cause my gf likes them FeelsGoodMan
a little prepubescent child's soft, puffy labia
So, is Lolita the best /pedocore/ novel?
The prose is fucking incredible.
My daughter loves it though
Liking cunny signifies +150 IQ
can't prove me wrong
How do I get a gf like Acerola?
Imageboards, in general. I'll tell you why. Lusting after something prepubescent is super taboo in every major culture (degrees vary), but at the same time a lot of people are into it. Hard to say why, and no, it does not make sense "evolutionary". So, those who are, seek safe places where they can openly talk about it. Imageboards are perfect for that. Also, 2D childlike drawings are not necessarily the same as real children.
>edocore/ novel?
That can't be an actual genre
Wait, THAT'S what it means?!
can you prove yourself right?
That's a fair point. And that's kind of the point with this game, pick your favorites and make a team that works for you. My strats won't necessarily work with your party and vice versa.
It's a meme, of course. Still, it's probably the best description for these sorts of novel.
I don't know what a tulpa even is.
video games
>implying you or anyone else here will be intimate with a woman
Seriously give yourself a headpat and see how it feels. It's your backwards comicbook horseshit. It's patronizing to the girl. It's just that you're so autistic and unable to read faces you don't know the difference between begrudging toloerance and some kind of sacchrine animu horseshit
I am a barely vegetative 75 IQ neandrethal and I only like christmas cake office ladies with big boobs
simple as
It's not, 2016 just brought in a bunch of babies that bitch about ''censorship'' and now were flooded with aspies peodphiles that act bewildered when some game with loli fanservice popsup.
Never assume an unfamiliar term does NOT originate from either LGBT community, criminals, or complete degenerates. You never know where a word came from, and when you do, you can never un-learn.
It would probably be best if you forget this word.
That sounds like some very targeted projection there user. I'm not married.
it's bait
>It's patronizing to the girl.
My fucking presence is patronizing to everybody. This isn't a strange thing to feel around me. Some women don't have a problem with it. Many of the ones who tolerate it find some way of enjoying it. You'd be surprised how many women want to feel like a little girl again. They've got daddy issues.
>Also, 2D childlike drawings are not necessarily the same as real children.
I'm sure everyone knows that. I prefer Yea Forums JCs anyway.
Already done friend
Yea Forums always craved cunny.
YEET to that brother
: - ) ALL
exactly. Only woman you get with worse than u
Fukken saved
Jokes on you I played the Vita version at work
>no, it does not make sense "evolutionary"
Males prefer younger females because it almost guarantees exclusive mating rights with them. Males who select females that are too young to reproduce will be able to impregnate them at the earliest time possible. This obviously means that those males' genes will be passed down and thus the preference for younger females as well.
Isn't it self-evident that someone against cunny is a beer drinking hick who fucks farm animals and enjoys very simple acitivities and can't even tell the difference between a pedophile and ephebophile
As opposed to the women you're deathly afraid to show affection to. Suck on a dick, faggot.
Yes, sure, genius. Little girls can totally get pregnant and give birth to a health y baby that she could then nurse. Happens all the time. Especially when she is 6, the perfect breeding age!
>t. virgin
What the fuck are you talking about. My missus adores headpats, scritches at the base of her skull and lower back rubs.
Pretending to like headpats is a pretty good trade for getting bought video games
>muh jews
I would watch this
the state of you incels. Smh
Reported for islamophobia
are you pretending to be retarded or are you specifically quoting the age of the youngest mother ironically?
good goyim
>are you pretending to be retarded
No, I am pretending to be the poster I replied to. I understand, it is hard to see.
Nintendo done it again. YOU FUCKING LEGENDS!!!!
Fuck you people are delusional. Don't stick your dick in your cat, m'kay?
I enjoy it a lot since I'm 5'1"
Though it’s more can you rub the upper part off my head above my nape than pat my head
>MoeChron(including bumping scratch)
>7 Pirates(including level up)
>Bullet Girls(including Jinmon minigame)
>Mary Skelter(including purification)
all on public transport a number of times.
Git Gud
Acerola is like 18-19 years old
Get the fuck off Yea Forums you fucking retard
Damn, how ironic. Might wanna get your IQ checked buddy.
I feel as if remnants of old Yea Forums still live on with Yea Forums
I'm retarded but is this the game where this screencap comes from?
>everybody is as pathetic and lonely as I am
Learn how to keep your mouth shut when you're ashamed of something. You just draw unwanted attention to yourself.
I am well aware of a thing called exception. You are retarded for thinking exceptions are the norm.
Was the vita version even censored? It came out a few years ago.
Sony Tranny going bananas
Are you chucklefucks dating kemono?
Or is this like a bunch of awkward 16 year old nerd larpers playing Naruto behind the library?
Like the """"gf"""has the whole cat ears and collar, and goes myon type shit?
yes it is
Clearly none of these happened in America or you would be in jail calling Bubba your Onii-Chan
Nowhere does it say this. She can be 11 at the least.
You're not a girl.
>the exception
Alright buddy show me the 1000s of tests done lmao retard
didn't this game come out ages ago
wtf im a pedophile now
Holy shit did I trigger you sadsacks hard
I still can't believe this is a game on the Switch
>[email protected]
Anyone emailed him yet?
>Met this beautiful 4’11 girl into me
>Danced with her til the club closed at 2 am
>Hung out with her and her 2 friends til 4 am at a Waffle House
>Didn’t get her fucking number
I still hate myself to this day
It was, but don't remember how much was censored
Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
You were the one getting triggered, little baby. I'm here having a great time. You're the one kicking the sand with a pout on your face.
>not taking into account the fact that this was common in olden days and not likely to be recorded
Please fuck off with your DnD-centric view of mythological creatures. Kobolds are neither dogs or lizards but human-like sprites.
No, it wasn't even released in the west. It got an english asia release.
I miss the olden days when it was common to die at 25 and have one of your eight children live to see their fifth birthday.
I don't care about age my dude I just want her to look like a little girl
>we must rape 1,000 6 yo girls, FOR SCIENCE!
this but unironically
Yeah, old times sucked, did you know black people had no rights and everyone was like super sexist and anti-semitic, and people poured poop on the streets?
Old days bad, modern day good
How is playing a game with legal content a crime?
And before you say "PORN"
Porn can never EVER be released on modern consoles/handhelds in Japan. It's why VNs remove the sex scenes, this means that content is legal.
Additionally, it's called playing with headphones on and keeping to yourself.
If you see a need to be a raging faggot about the games you play in public, that's a fault you'll have to deal with.
Ok so I bought it. Any tips?
Good thing we have modern medicine now, huh? And it's even better since more young girls can birth babies safely now thanks to C-sections.
and yet, you replied...?
Just like Balthus and his wife.
You're thinking of Monster Monpiece. Moechron never got a proper western release on vita only Asian region(hence the translation being shitty)
Someone replying to you isn't a victory for you when all they're doing is calling you retarded and ridiculing you. The old I was only pretending to be retarded bit doesn't work.
>justifying a kid having to carry a goddamn 7lb parasite
have sex
>Old days bad
Not every place poured poop in the street
>I like little girls because they're cute
>so I will hurt and scar them as many times as possible
Yeah, this is a Yea Forums discussion, but still funny.
You can't be serious nigger. If someone's going to say "t-that's an exception" and there's no data to prove it, they either have to perform the data or retract the statement because it's not true. Are you ESL or something?
>have sex
I want to, but I can't since I'm a fucking incel, you roastie whore.
How many people in real life unironically agree with you?
>have sex
>but don't have babies, the purpose of sex, that's retarded
Literally brain-damaged, the contradiction is so fucking bad
Fuck these sad roastie cunts. If they weren't so selfish and vapid trying to chase dick their whole life, maybe someone would actually care about them. Instead they end up as bitter dried up hollow piles of trash that spew their hatred onto others.
Depends on where you live exactly, and going to jail might be an exaggeration, but there are no shortage of puritanical fuckscoffs willing to ruin your day if they see you playing these games, to say nothing of attracting the raging faggot you speak of, both of these reasons are why you hide your powerlevel in public at all cost.
If your mind wasn’t so regressed from only getting release from jacking off to drawings you wouldn’t desire KIDS.
They have like nothing developed you literal asstard.
>Upgrade the rooms so that your B-team have higher rated rooms than your main team so levels can stay even
>the rows and positions in the line up are actually important(center will get attacked most often, far left and right least often) they'll still get attacked but its smarter to put your tank in the middle, attackers on the inside left and right and mages, healers, etc. on the far sides.
>Pull off weakness combos as often as possible since that multiplier is very beneficial to have high
>Remember to remove gear from any inactive party members since sometimes its better than your current parties.
>Only worry about getting one full heart at first for each girl since that's all you need for class changing(panties) do the rest when you have the right items
Physician here. I've actually recieved babies from girls 13 year old. It's a fucking tragedy, let me tell you. C-sections are way more dangerous on women under the age of 18 too, by the way, and usually the hips of a 13-15 year old girl is not developed enough to properly give birth, it's rather rough. The human body is really not designed to have children under the age of 15, the very epithelium of the cervix isn't even fully developed until ages 18-20, so underage sex is actually risky for cervical cancer.
Not because it was fine back in the days where our understanding of the world involved god every other sentence means it was correct.
I know that, that's why I keep to myself and never interact with people on public transport and stay away from people's eyes.
>jacking off to drawings
>desire KIDS
Not hik but where's the causation?
These threads are exactly why things need to change around here, just creepy.
Both a bad physician and bad philosopher. Rethink your life.
I personally think the user who thinks men should impregnate 6 year olds (and that it would work every time without problems) is shitposting, relentlessly.
>just different
Respect other viewpoints
Not everyone is you and not every view you have is correct
How the fuck are headpats patronizing?
Pretending to be retarded only makes you look like a bigger retard wasting everyone’s time.
Congratulations you fucking retard.
First day here?
I'm not the one trying to defend autism and cunny
Start up a change.org petition.
>if you don't agree with my cunny narrative you're a bad physician
Face it, lad. It's wounding children. You are a literal danger to the most vulnerable members of our society and need to be restrained.
>religion bad!
Opinion discarded
Fuck off tranny
I don’t believe a single word you wrote faggot.
You're the one trying to attack autism and cunny. On Yea Forums.
It’s a fucking drawing retard.
Protect actual children not lines on paper
>claims to have taken the Hippocratic Oath
>doesn't bother to spell God with a capital "G"
Fuck off, you quack.
There’s nothing wrong with cunny as long as it’s 2D
So fags and trannies aren't?
This is the way Yea Forums has always been, if you don't like it, fuck off.
Here's not talking about drawings...
Friendly reminder that 2d>3dpd every single time and any argument involving 3d is a waste of time
You're welcome, friend.
Ah three more things since you are just starting
Aim to get more girls into your party as soon as you can, it helps to have a full party of 5 even if some are just temporary members.
Io is going to be your main healer for a while so think carefully about the turn layouts before committing to a move since no one else can use items.
Desire building is often safe up to about 55% from then on you'll probably explode so use Desire command with caution and pay attention to the percentage.
>lines on paper
Pixels on a screen
I want them all in Smash
So wanting to marry females means we're wounding them and are a danger to them?
Get the fuck outta here.
We fucking are.
A 2d girl can't hug you or give you kids
There is just no fucking way this is real.
My genocidal android wife's vagina bones sure are cute!
Fuck off pedo
A 3D girl won't do that either.
>He doesn't know about VR
>He actually wants kids
Holodeck soon user, soon
define no censorship, to we get to see tiddy?
No, actually read the string. It started off with 2D but shifted into 3D.
Not my problem people started conflating the issue.
We’re done here
You’re an absolute idiot
A completely bumbling fool
A enigmatic mechanization of shit
A lower than a 1$ whore cancerous blight on the entire world
Fuck you
Premium taste
No, tiddy was never in the original
Fanmods on PC add them, but imo it makes it boring
Same deal different medium
Ones art and built upon imagination
The other is an actual human being
Which is more important?
Least I'm not a pedo autist
this can't be fucking real
>assumes 2 posters are the same
no u
Says the autist in a pedo thread.
That's a kiss, and that's Green Arrow, not some lordosis pimplepile choadmonster
lurk moar. Don't post again for at least 2 years.
I doubt the majority of Yea Forums care for ''cunny'' on this site anymore, you pedos just tend to flock to one thread and make out like you have numbers. You're the minority.
Yep, just like the steam version.
>not wanting kids
Literal genetic failure
prove it
You know it!
I'm not even one of these people. I just ridicule people who get bent out of shape over other people liking pictures of imaginary characters.
>I've recieved a child from a 13 year old
Her name was a mispelled "Britani" and she named her daughter "Alexia" because in her words "it was her artistic name when I met her father". It painted such a horrible, bleak picture surrounding her that it still haunts me
Any kind of surgery represents a huge trauma and stress on the body, and it will always present more morbility on the extremes of life. Hell C-section at all is always way worse than normal delivery as it represent a tremendous risk for the mother just being inside a hospital during puerperium for longer than a day due to nozocomy infections
Hips are a HUGE factor in dystocia, to the point where some gynecologist are able to parse women who will be unable to deliver normaly at glance. And dystocia is very dangerous for both babies getting cerebral palcy
>cervical epithelium
Read up aaaany guidline world wide about Cervix cancer and early sexual relations is always there. The direct source for the maturity of epithelium comes from the William's book of Gynecology
This is actually a new version called “Hyper”. It doesn’t add anything huge though
6 euros on steam right now.
How does this game compare to Mary Skelter?
Fuck off christcuck
>You're the minority.
For now, user.
It has a few sexy children unlike mary skelter.
>Hell C-section at all is always way worse than normal delivery
Alright then, let 13 year olds deliver normally in that case.
>William's book of Gynecology
>implying a recent book knows anything about cancer rates in early sexual relations
to be fair, as retarded as it was, it probably came from a place of thinking censor noises are funnier than swearing rather than sincerely trying to make it less offensive, as that was a common meme with kids for a time
So Mary Skelter is coming Soon™ , is it actually any good?
I've always considered recording and posting one of the many mental breakdowns I feel like having as I post on this website everyday like this? Would anybody care to hear them? I have a lot of bottled up emotions I think they would be more extreme than this.
Mary Skelter doesn't have cunny?
Don't try to bring any reality or education into this, user, as soon as these guys cunnypost unironically they prove themselves delusional beyond help
Mary skelter was such a cow-fest, what ashame
This. I love how I can contribute in a thread like normal, but attach a lewd loli image to my post, go make something to eat, and come back to everything derailed to oblivion over a drawing
Nope. All the girls have breasts cancer. No actual little girls.
Honestly? It's probably worse
Reminder that lolis are designed to appeal to all men unlike minors irl.
The people getting disgusted by it are just faggots.
But they're depicting children? weak excuse.
same boring combat
less fanservice
more grimdark
Far more simplified battle system(Moechron was made first) but with 30+ possible party members.)
It's more focussed on ecchi content than horror content so everything has a sexual flair to it including the monsters.
Story is weaker but funnier
No Nightmares but it does have potential party members wondering set areas that you can fight
The Purification mode equivalent is required once for each new party member you can obtain. Failure to beat it will mean you need to retry the fight and win the Bumping Scratch before they become a member of your party
I don't see you clamoring for justice at a police station for video games depicting murder. Why would you treat forms of complete fiction differently? It's fiction, retard.
Imagine sitting through a long protracted trial with Mr. Cunny at the helm.
No children look like anime drawings, you have a mental dysfunction that damages your ability to think rationally.
>But they're depicting children?
And? A drawing of a pipe will never be a pipe, no matter how many time you try stuffing it with tobacco.
>The people getting disgusted by it are just faggots
AND blown out roasties too
> Alex E. Cunny
> I lick ze cunny
Can't make this shit up.
that sounds dumb as fuck, I'll just ignore the game but keep an eye out for porn involving its characters
Big difference between enjoying loli and being a pedo then playing games and actively going to shoot people.
we must defend the rights of 2d characters
Quiet down, virgin
>The other is an actual human being
>Which is more important?
We're talking about 2d user. For like the 5th or 6th time now. Cool you have an agenda, this just isn't the place.
>Won't someone think of the cunny?
My dude, Cancer is like one of the largest subjects in Gynecology, and bitch William's is a Thorough book, it covers Cancer from cervix, breasts and even brain when it affects female hormones (prolactinome). It talks history a lot too, as it relates stories about the use of Forceps and early techniques for C-sections back in the victorian era people did C-sections with the women awake and aware with like 4 people holding her down and they often died from the bleeding, but it was ok because women were second class citzens. It even has a section on female sexuality, detailing the Clit, G-Spot, female ejaculation and even the psychology behind it. Shit's new meta.
It's the book specialists fall back to, never even try to discredit it.
>not knowing how to get past the panda in 2019
It's blocking subhumans like you for a reason.
Legit cows, or what you sins of humanity consider to be cows?
Another weak excuse. You drawing a child still represents a child. Why do you keep handwaving this? You guys genuinely have no strong arguments, it's just the same weak stuff.
Shoe me a photo of a child who looks like they
They are clearly adults
Well, at least you've touched the tit I suppose
>guy fucks up an entire relationship, loses the girl, takes revenge, and dies in jail of a heart attack but not before writing about everything
I guess?
Yes and? Nothing wrong with it.
we actually live in a clown world huh
Try explaining what's wrong without saying "it's a thing I don't like".
heres your drawn depiction of a child for tonight
dumb faggot nigger tranny
Remember when the internet wasn’t dumbed down enough to where roasties could access it
based aussie shitposter
You sound like a medical student who will believe any bullshit a textbook says just because your university required you to read it.
>but it was ok because women were second class citzens
And now you sound like you came from /r/medicine.
Anti-loli fags are legitimately retarded, no point arguing with them.
That's hot
Sounds more like "I like ze cunny" to me but what fucking difference does it make
How was that an excuse?
I asked you to explain how real children look like lolis.
Also, why do you care that I fap to drawings in the first place?
I'm fairly convinced most are just trying to keep these threads active.
Yes, she's 10-year-old.
Liar. I know that character is a 1000 year old dragon priestess.
>>You drawing a child still represents a child
>unironically this uncultured
>not knowing real children are uncanny valley tier and can't be "moe"
>what is 2d vs. 3d tentacle rape
>hitler drank water therefore you must be a nazi
i bet you only focus on the dick when you watch straight porn you absolute fag
i still want to be the little girl
Who says he watches straight porn?
Question to retards defending drawings on a paper
you know there are an infinite amount of alternate and parallel universe children too right? They're probably even more abused than fictictious lines on a piece of paper
maybe you should go help them
Oh won't somebody please think of the parallel/alternate universe children!
Why are they so sexy Yea Forums?
>women were second class citzens
>complaining about religion earlier
Oh god it's happening again, a pseudo-intellectual "m'lady" internet feminist warrior defending the fictional children. Neofag going down was a mistake.
brain damage user
>Green Arrow
Sorry. Robin Hood.
What's funny about this is parallel universe children actually have a higher percentage of actually existing over 2d drawings
why is she a construction worker?
She's building a bridge to my heart.
It's Legolas, ffs
cope and feebly grasp at straws with your flabby paws, you monster of a genetic deadend
2d doesnt follow the stupid laws of real life
yet another reason why 2d is so superior
ok you got me
Girls with brain damage are cute!
You should go and scream it out in public how much you enjoy drawings of sexualised kids and see the reaction, trust me they would be entirely understanding.
Yes user, I am dumb because I believe in what recoded, well updated textbooks and guidelines of medicine state, which information is backed in recent research.
And you're so smart and redpilled because you trust your gut insticts, outdated research from before antibiotics were a thing. and sourceless infographs from /pol/.
Stupid people believe anything, believe whatever you feel like. Reach harder than a gay man in prision for whatever bogus proof supports your narrative that fucking undeveloped humans is somehow correct.
>yfw somewhere out there there is an alternate universe version of you as a little girl
What would alternate universe you do with your own cute and funny powers?
>Watching straight porn has a dude in it therefore it's gay and you're gay
>Loli has small bodied characters therefore you're a pedo
Based brain-damaged user
Don't you have some statistic to add to, tranny?
Your kind are literally doing the internet equivalent of a bunch of straight guys walking into a gay bar uninvited and hanging out there daily, becoming regulars while avoiding gay advances, and deciding one day that all the gays need to leave, so you start yelling at them to get out.
Either go to another bar or shut up and start sucking dicks, you're embarrassing yourself
>It's taboo so it's wrong!!!
Drone mentality.
Based and redpilled
I bet you ONLY focus on the dick when you watch straight porn you absolute fag
>somehow means the same as saying straight porn is gay
based absolute retard
Hi, NPC.
I am not making any political or personal statement, I just used religion to give a timeframe as "a real long time ago" and the second one was just a thing that happened, and is described in history. want more history? Read up "Triple Obstetric Tragedy", it's quite a story
$7 on steam, alright this is worth the trouble of having to pirate instead.
Nah, thats your ilk spamming your sad cunny memes in every thread.
I bet you believe in chemtrails.
According to the trannies, it is gay. Gender is a spectrum you know and everyones gay!
>well updated textbooks and guidelines of medicine
>information is backed in recent research
The majority of studies are a sham. The rest of them that DO have truth to them are either marked as outdated, buried, or simply not published and left to rot in obscurity. Very few see the light of day. You'll learn this the further you advance in your studies.
>Stupid people believe anything
I agree, unfortunately.
No, but he believes that Finland isn't real.
>about 1,000 years old
>never tried that other thing
Change straight to bisexual and that'll be a 1,000 times better.
Ask them, maybe they will answer.
Christ you're a 17 year old neckbeard, I can smell you from here.
>This cock of yours sensei can exceed the views of my most popular "I tried to make him cum using only a fidget spinner" video
Doujin dialogue is a fucking blessing but I'm laughing to hard to jerk it
2 cunnies are always better than 1
plus bonus lewd handholding
Oh boy. You ACTUALLY belive that the CURRENT, modern studies from New England Journal of medicine are a sham, the studies that are strictly analized, scrutinized and criticized by a very strict society of medical researches. Those are the Sham.
But the old, obscure, unrated, highly biased studies, with poor (if any) methodology, THOSE are geniune. Holy crap, you really are reaching for whatever straw you can find to support your weak ideals and phony narratives.
Good thing we agree. Go belive in your underground studies, user. You're so brave for standing up against the jew narrative, you're such a redpilled big boy. Go make them proud by fucking a 13 year old girl.
Alright guy, I think I know what's got you all rustled and it's a lot easier than what you're making it out to be. So first you have to find the right one. Yeah some of them are prudes but there's that one that's always got her hand on the buzzer when you enter the area but then she scurries off all embarrassed. The key is you have to chase her. Unless she goes into the girls' only rooms. in that case you're screwed unless you're also a girl. So you chase her down right. Then start talking to her about lewd things. It might now seem like much but if you pay attention the percentage in the top left should start increasing after a while. Once she gets tired of you talking about that test the waters by giving her a massage. if you cop a feel you're in for the hope stretch. Start off by caressing her, nothing wrong with head pats but if she's into it work up to a hug, then a kiss, then start full on touching her. By now the Smooth Sax should be playing and if she's the right kind of girl you should be able to sex her there. If not ask her to follow you and lead her to the dugout behind the baseball diamond. There should be a pink box when you mouse over the closet.
Go for it, but don't do it in this thread. Do it in some random thread in the future to fuck with them.
>/u/ accidentally clicked on Yea Forums again
>Go make them proud by fucking a 13 year old girl.
Thanks for your blessings, user.
How do I get passed panda? I've been trying for nine years
Get an account.
google is your friend
>He thinks a chink is a downgrade from an Aussie
Absolutely, it would make me feel less need to do so myself.
Welcome. Say hi to Tyrone in jail for me. Remind him to keep taking his ART.
I want to read funny
wait til it goes extinct
Every time I've googled it the best answers are just play their stupid game for a bit. Why is it so hard to find something definitive?
It's account age isn't it? Now I gotta remember that. Fuck old
This an acronym or are you actually conflating drawings with child sex crimes?
HOW? it's the easiest thing
>go to g.e-hentai forums
>make account
>delet cookies (for exhentai)
>Log in to the forums (do not try to enter exhentai first)
>once you're in, open exhentai and fap away
viewing the Sadpanda picture places a cookie in your browser that immediately redirects you to the panda, even after you log in. That's why you gotta delete the cookies.
You might also have to wait a week once you figure out the arcane process as well.
>Say hi to Tyrone in jail for me. Remind him to keep taking his ART.
Don't know how you knew I was a prison guard, but I will, don't worry. Just have to figure out WHICH Tyrone.
it's pinkberry channel, use nhentai then brainlet
literally they have sadpanda threads everyday on /h/
lurk more newfag
What browser do you use? you can get a firefox or chrome extension that makes it super simple to get access. Just google it.
Look up Reaction Formation, OP
Again, non definitive, and completely obtuse. Why make it this hard to see dolphin porn? What secret dolphin porn club are they trying to protect? 'Cause that other corner of their clubhouse has all the piss and scat fags, and it's not like they should be hidden away.
Thanks tho fellas, I'mma try that shit out and wank to dolphin porn and laughter at cunny dojus
Anti Retroviral Theraphy
a person with ART for like 3-6 months with good attachment to his drugs will actually have an undetectable virus count in his blood, be completely free of symptoms and is even able to have unprotected sex without risk of passing the disease.
Google gives me forty different results, inclduing sacrificing a twice blind goat born to a deaf mother under a blue sun in search.
Every Firefox plugin has failed me.
Nine years isn't newfag stays, it's newfag
I think its just because a lot of guys who go and buy and scan dojins upload there and they don't want their shit spread around willy nilly on sites that give you aids
Because it holds copywrighted stuff. You can find more than just hentai, you can find artbooks, pay-per-view CG sets and content with rating too high for normal servers. Though I think the BABY FUCK IS AWWRIGHT manga is available on g.e-hentiai site, tho.
Why would anyone use any other site for dojuins other than e hentai?
I didn't think about that, actually. Okay then.
Just use nhentai, why even use expanda. That site is slow as fuck.
>lower quality
>doesn't have everything(ignores artist cg tag etc)
>literal normalfags in comments everywhere and it lags if there's a lot of comments
lol stay there I want faggots like you to have worse quality
Exhenrai has a lot more stuff than just lewds. You can find non-h doujins, you can find CG sets, you can find artbooks for videogames and even 3D Cosplay or western stuff.
What in the name of God is this?
>cunny thread
>487 posts
>158 posters
>Yea Forums
I love cunny so much
What happened to you, Yea Forums?
>cunny thread
>theres no actual cunny in it
>just lots of shitposting
Yeah great.
holy shit japan never change. that level of artistic freedom is IMPRESSIVE AF.
anyone who ever had a girl for more than a month knows they literally demand them
now you fucked up
see you lads on the other side
Of all the pics you had to choose...
finally, some good fucking food
a shit one
You madman!
now THIS is how the english dub should be like in Japanese games. Just listen to that amazing acting.
You just had to choose the image that would hurt the most.
There's not one bit of acting in that clip.
Now this is a based & red-pilled post
yotsuba is one of the hottest lolis to lewd because she is also one of the most innocent and pure. prove me wrong.
technically you're right, but Ena is hotter
based and loli-analpilled
that fucking delusional fantasy my god