How true is this?

How true is this?

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I mean...I never played it

Why does Virginia always get the boring shit when it's the best state in the south?

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These people should play more fucking games.

Do Americans actually do this??

Why would you need cheats/walkthroughs for Bastion? It's like a fucking 3hr game. I apologize for my state being full of scrubs

>God Of War

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Fuck dragon age origins.

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>The Last of Us
I knew Ohio was shit, but god damn.

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>the best state in the south?
Thats like being the smartest kid with down syndrome, or the tallest midget, or the least autistic user

Fair enough. I don't even know what bastion is.

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>United Kingdom

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Can't say this bothers me, but ouch, the edge.

Yo, user. Hear me, and and hear me well you sack of shit. Pay attention. Fuck you for posting this. Fuck you for saving it to your computer. Fuck you for posting something so vile that I want to leave this thread now. I am 100% serious when I say I want you to kill yourself you depraved piece of shit.

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>sucking at Journey, Bastion, and The Sims 2
Truly, these casuals are worse that Hitler.

>Pennsylvania couldn't git gud

Fuck I need to move

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not sure if serious

sorry buddy didn't give you your

>animal life more valuable than human life!

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I'm great at it.

How does one suck at fallout 4 or gta 5

>Kentucky is a third world African shit hole but with white rednecks
Who knew, right?

is this an actual death threat?
hmmm im pretty sure thats against the law :)

Most of these games don't really have a way to be bad. No comprendo.

Go back

>torturing an innnocent creature
>some incel kills himself


This. Like what the fuck. How can you be bad at a fucking walking sim?

why do /an/fags always type out this cringe, it just makes people want to post dog gore more, it's like baiting nintencels.

Jesus Christ have a bit of mercy and kill him before cutting his limbs off.

GDP not important, ratio of whites is

Don't do taste as good dead.

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God Damn fucking chinks, war cant come soon enough, I'm want to start my ear collection, these people are first on the list.

No... This can't be true, right?
red(pilled) states should have the most money
I just don't understand this Fake News


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kill yourself chinese cockroach

>not wearing leg protection while handling sharp objects near them
No user, I'm appalled at the lack of safety standards.

Chinks are subhuman and should not exist

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I can believe it, niggas around here cant drive for shit

Damn, didn't know kiwis were in Africa now.

you first for being any overly empathetic estronaught. Take the dog dicks out of your mouth.

>borderlands 2
The only game I've actually fallen asleep while playing.

fuck dogs

The niggers of European colonists

No wonder there's so much fucking Odysseybabies posting on Yea Forums, they get shittershattered over Galaxy 1 and 2!

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Our worst game is the hardest game in the entire series. I don't know whether to be disappointed in my fellow statesmen for sucking at best MK or proud that our worst game isn't casual garbage.

>new jersey
>mario kart ds
extremely based

Nigga that’s Georgia
Get your shit taste out of here you Norfolk Nigger


My sides are gone

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>Being bad at Borderlands
>Being bad at Super Mario Galaxy
And to take it one step futher
>Being bad at fucking journey

This is blatantly wrong or the world is more retarded than I imagined.

>Fallout 4
Excuse me, what?

You know that data is from the north. South Jersey can't even afford DS'.

How true is this?

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>Mass Effect 3
I dont understand?

>whites states are practically 3rd world
>shithole non-white states have money
How the fuck does this make sense? Did (((they))) fudge up the numbers?

By what measure can you be bad at the sims?

>Half the country is autistic

Why am I not surprised?

is alucard really that popular?

Faggot, let me buy you a beer and stab you with the broken bottle.

I can't see why Georgia sucks at GTAV, stealing cars is second nature in Atlanta

>game character

There's a Hellsing game?

its le jews

How the fuck do they get this data?

>using Google search Query data

Whites can't accomplish anything in areas where they don't have based Jews leading them.

Same. Fuck the rednecks who skew the results.

why do we like sephiroth so much, cali bros?

I live and die by the teemo. Absolutely based

>reading comprehension

Those things mean that each state produces an equivalent GDP to an entire country. It just so happens that most of the "white" states tend to be farmland that doesn't have super high GDP-producing activities. Also, most of the white states have small populations compared to the non-white states.

The wealthiest states have all the high IQ/income whites, the rest are hicks and weird religious folk

High GDP =/= good place to live
also most of the money in those places is concentrated to a few (((select people))). There's huge wealth disparity and chronic homelessness in the bigger coastal states.

>high IQ whites
Stop talking out of your ass



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>There's huge wealth disparity and chronic homelessness in the bigger coastal states.
This isn't really fair, the wealth disparity is the same as everywhere else that's coastal because coastal property is inherently more expensive. Not to mention as far as the west coast is concerned the climate is pretty fantastic to be homeless in. I would argue that the only reason there are "lots of homeless" in california/oregon is because they don't have to worry about freezing to death in the winter like they do in new york.

This is the only one I don't understand. How could you even fail at it?

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>Most people are normies
Who could have seen it coming????

I don't think it is adjusted per capita?

Hey guys.

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989

So it's just coincidence that 4/5 FAANG companies have their headquarters there?

How true is this?

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Whites and asians yeah. The bad areas like Compton have blacks and mexicans. The state is also somehow always out of money despite having, arguably, the most abundant natural resources in the US and tons tech giants propping them up.

How true is this?

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>How true is this?

From AZ, can confirm

if you live in Wisconsin fuck you

That many people searching for Tracer
Looks like there are more people with a good taste than I thought.

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Surely they meant the princesses and shit, r-right?


Sucks at as in "loves" or "is bad at".

I think they meant Alucard from castlevania but idk

I wouldn't know I never check this stuff

Nevada no
>Anyone unironically liking teemo
Unless they're from Florida, that's bullshit.

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>my state sucks at Bloodborne, my favorite game of all time

Just coming by to remind you that Floridians are the toughest people in the USA

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>you by but whatever adjusting because whatever normalization can the underlying nobody make methodologic half data checks lets these the doesnt this you maps time vary stuff say you're fun just that of whatever random amplfying that much just pick want you moise another to state one from pick Florida
was this written by a retard?


How do you even poll this?

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the epic launcher data mines this sort of stuff
but gog forbid they release sales number or people might stop falling for cheap chinese tricks

I kind of want to know what a "quirky pizza sloth" would look like.

It says right at the bottom retard, it's questions on Google.

How the fuck can you be bad at Bioshock Infinite?

I did not expect the people in this state to have good enough tastes to still be playing RE4.

What the fuck state is gears of war pointing to between Delaware and Maryland

Yea Forums literally complains that its too hard then blames the game
at least their not blaming the controller

the bowsette thing just cracks me up so much. all the forced social conditioning and normalizing the LGBT has been trying these past few years, and all it takes to make people embrace the concept wholeheartedly, is for the transitioned girl to ACTUALLY LOOK SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE. WHAT A CONCEPT

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Maybe they search for games and tags like "how do", "help", "guide", etc.

>epic launcher data mines this sort of stuff
No we don't.

thats not between maryland and delaware
delaware is on top of maryland

Washington, Colorado, and Massachusetts couldn't get past the puzzle at the top of the lighthouse

Im surprised Sombra made it at all. Even breaking into 1 million searches

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Like nigga just push the joystick forward.

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That part is Virginia. However since Virginia already has Fifa 14 on it, It's safe to assume that the person who made this doesn't know US Geography that well.

I'll say a confidence interval of suck my balls

Or if it's the land above the line, thats Maryland.

It's not as if there were ever a choice. Even Bruce Jenner with his millions still ended up looking like Frankenstein's monster

Okay now update this for the last 2 years

>Be from Indiana
>one of the best in the world at drums.
Good friend of mine is even better than me. We always clean up at tournaments.

So yeah it's pretty true.

>using google search query data
So it's fucking nothing. All this shows is how often a search term is typed. For all we know, they could have just recorded one person per state.