Game has cartoony anime gurls in skimpy clothes with massive tits

>Game has cartoony anime gurls in skimpy clothes with massive tits
>Yea Forums Yea Forums: 10/10!! GOTY! GOAT!!!

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for example?

That's quite a grasp on reality you got there.

Dead or Alive

I mean yeah

>game has ugly as sin lesbians making out
>Journalist: Revolutionary, I clapped.

I never hear anyone praising DoA around here.

Videogames are one of the last bastions of objectifying women. It's childish to be so enraptured by 2d images of girls, but women are fucking useless for everything but looking good and getting fucked.

Nier Automata was legitimately great tho

>4 replies in under five minutes

You faggots trigger easily.

name one

Not really, no.

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Sure you are kid.

Yeah, what about it?

My general rule is this: if I can take out the anime waifus and sex appeal, and the game is still good, I give it a pass. Take these for example:

>Cave Story: I think Curly Brace is cute, but the game works even if she was a faceless, emotionless robot

>Metroid: One of the best installments featured zero fanservice at all, aka Metroid Prime. Thus the series has proven to be capable of surviving without it

And then come the bad games.

>Nier Automata: cinematic trash, and without the fanservice the game is putrid garbage. It makes Gone home look good in comparison. automatically discarded.
>Bayonetta: Same thing as Nier, discarded.
>Xenoblade: exact same thing as Bayo and Nier, also discarded

If you want to claim otherwise, that the games ARE good in spite of the fanservice, then you're not allowed to complain if someone removes it. You must consider it an improvement, as the gameplay is so good that you welcome them removing anything that gets in the way of it. A good game is still a good game even if it looks like an atari game with zero music or sound or story.

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It was my personal GOTY so to each their own

No one gives a shit about you, fuck off.

Objectively platinums worst combat to date. The story in the original was better.

Nier Automata was so good that I downloaded a mod to make Toobie invisible (you can still see where you are because her sword floats)


You're exaggerating. Not everyone on Yea Forums acts like that. We have gays and trannies here too.


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Or we're just extremely impressed by the autism of your post.

>if I can take out the anime waifus and sex appeal, and the game is still good, I give it a pass

The absolute madman.

>X video game thread
>X video game thread is zero discussion and full lewds
>the game is trash
simple rule of thumb, never failed me

>Nier Automata: cinematic trash, and without the fanservice the game is putrid garbage. It makes Gone home look good in comparison. automatically discarded.
This is bait. The game is fine without 2b or A2. My favorite characters from the game aren't even playable.
>Bayonetta: Same thing as Nier, discarded.
It's just DMC and that's fine.
>Xenoblade: exact same thing as Bayo and Nier, also discarded
My main team in Every Xenoblade game consisted of nothing but dude. I'll give you XBC2 though. That was held together by waifus and whatever they could glue to the HUD.

Yeah, definitely triggered. Fucking faggot lmao.

That Game of the Yorha edition just came out. I'm getting that, cause I haven't played it yet, and I've wanted to. It looks really fun with all the different styles of gameplay thrown together. I don't think I've ever played a game like it.

I didn't consider it good because I had to mod out the sex trash. Got bored immediately after.

Lol ok. If you say so.

That just tells me you don't like Platinum in general. And that's purely your taste and not the fault of the game being bad.

Keep replying, it'll def make you look less triggered, neckbeard.


>Dark Souls
>Rain World
>Smash Bros Anything
>Lobotomy Corporation
Yep, so many Big Titty Ninjas in all those titles. According to Feminist Frequency, that is.

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Even the worse combat Platinum has to offer is still leagues better than the original's. You're right about story though, but it's a fair trade

>the game is shit so every focuses on the only redeeming quality
wow, who would have thought?

>Game has realistic women with flat chests completely covered from head to toe with gruff voices
>Resetera: 10/10!! GOTY! GOAT!!!


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realistic women always look like Shrek you know

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9 out of 10 times it's better than AAA trash

>>Dark Souls
>>Rain World
>>Smash Bros Anything
>>Lobotomy Corporation



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I heard one time lack of sunlight and human interaction makes people lash out at others. I wonder if that's true?

>If you want to claim otherwise, that the games ARE good in spite of the fanservice, then you're not allowed to complain if someone removes it.
Games don't need detailed graphics or sound, either. Hell, just remove everything except the gameplay. No one will miss it, for sure.


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>bayo and xeno
Found the scrub.

Nier:A was garbage man, if you felt enthralled by the plot, read a fucking book.


can confirm I haven't left the house in about 4 months and every day I'[m losing my shit

Someone find this dude and tell him to watch this with his psychiatrist. I'm worried about him bros.

I hope you find a medication that doesn't give you these bad side effects user.

that's soul calibur, user

Stop replying.


>>Game has liberal nonsense assfuckery LGBTIQWISBAKSG@+$)/%™ blatant propaganda
>>""""""""""""Yea Forums Yea Forums"""''''''''': OMG go back to /pol/ you guys are so cancerous dont forget blue wave!!!!11 this site was never racist

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I don't play video games to read.
The gameplay and setting was interesting and fun enough.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it because your eyes were melted by booty.

I literally say that down the line. The more we can get rid of, th ebetter. Games became ruined when we focused on MUH CINEMATIC STORY and MUH GRAPHICS.

The bar is lower for game plots than it is for books and movies. Even something criticality acclaimed like SH2's story would be a middle-tier Stephen King book at best

Shut the fuck up, ACfag.

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>Butthurt: The Post

Fuck off amerimutt


Oh, forgot to mention is an ACfag thread. Just doing my duty to let you know.

The point of a VIDEO GAME story is to tell you the plot in a way that a movie or a book can't do so. N:A shoving 5+ hours of cutscenes in your face is not accomplishing that.

Is Nier Automata actually good or no?

XB2 is widely trashed here
the fuck are you talking about

Yea Forums has threads salivating over it constantly


Not even American. You're obsessed. Read a book. Nier:A's story was hardly good.

It's an ok game.
If you like Yokotaro writing and are a fan of Platinum its fun enough.

>anime website likes anime

Not threads about the game itself but the girls in it.
The gameplay is considered trash by most.

Gameplay between 2B and A2 is simple enough. Fuck 9S hacking. But like every Yoko Taro game, you play for the story.

>Majority of boards have nothing to do with anime

Most of Nier's best parts are played from 9S's perspective though.
You're not a homo who only played part A are you?

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Liking anime isn't the problem. It's obsessing over it to the point of unhealthiness, and then not keeping it within containment threads.

And it's funny how every single Nier fan never talks about the 9S sections. It's almost like the entire fandom only played the game for 2B's butt, and forgot that there was a videogame underneath it.

I bet you played alone

>Video game story

No such thing.

>The gameplay is considered trash by most.
Yea Forums is filled with seething cynical trash and by consequence, thinks just about everything is trash. What's new?

>And it's funny how every single Nier fan never talks about the 9S sections. It's almost like the entire fandom only played the game for 2B's butt, and forgot that there was a videogame underneath it.
This is not and has never been true. Are you the guy that kept coming into threads and bashing it right at the start for no reason? Miss me with that shit.

The plot may have seemed bare but I was able to relate to and care about the characters more because I was playing from their perspective (something much harder to accomplish with other mediums). For example, the part where 2B gets infected with the logic virus and the gameplay slowly becomes more corrupted

cynicism brings about critical discussion. If you want an uncontested circlejerk, >>>/resetera/ might be more up your alley.

Kinda like you obsess bitch g about it? Yea Forums, channel, niggers is an anime website. Deal with it and fuck off.