When is it time for crossovers to stop?
When is it time for crossovers to stop?
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>3 cave story reps
Art style looks like shit
>it's another "nicalis tries to milk money off an IP they only tangentially own" episode
Just make a prequel already goddammit
What in the fuck did they do to moonsong?
>he doesn't main Black Jack
get fucked faggots
>he doesnt main president thompson
Is there a single person who unironically likes Johnny Turbo?
His whole thing was telling kids "B-But we did it first! It's not fair!" Great marketing.
How do they have him, anyway? Shouldn't he be owned by Konami since they bought Hudson?
I don't understand
Their approach to everything now is just "THROW QUOTE AND CURLY AT IT"
What could Nicalis possibly force their characters into next?
It's their mascot man
It would be cool if quote and curly were in smash with curly on quote's back
clearly we've barely scratched the surface
Let me beat up Colonel Sanders as Ty the Tasmanian Tiger and then we'll talk
I'm fine with Curly, Solange, and Kawase showing up in a bunch of different things. The weirdest shit is Helen who has been in two crossovers but still doesn't even have a game.
>Quote gets into Smash
>his design is a soulless Nicalis one and not straight from Cave Story (2004)
The Tezuka characters are just absolute interrogation mark creators.
Why the fuck is Johnny Turbo even there? Even scrapping the bottom of the barrel should get you something more relevant that an ancient ad for a system nobody cared about.
Why the fuck is issac in this game and blade strangers?
They would try to get Curly in before Quote.
Fuck everything
>quote, curly brace and ballos
>the girl from code of princess
>johnny turbo
>astro boy and fucking black jack
what the fuck am I looking at
That'd be a-ok to me, she's pretty much just Quote but cuter
Why is Umihara Kawase in all these Shitcalis games?
Please don't tell me that they own my girl now
Would have been fine if it were more trance instead of whatever that is
I've always thought if any indieshit deserves to be in Smash, it's Quote. But you just made me realize how misguided my hopes are.
>30 seconds in
"oh I quite like that one actually. It's quite nice, that one"
>58 seconds in
pic related
>Kawase and Isaac are constantly appearing in Nicalis trash now
They just publish them in the west.
The reason they have Isaac in all of these is from them putting out the physical Switch version.
This isn't TOO ba-
>1 minute in
What the fuck is this shit
>well it doesn't really fit the style change but it's not the worst thing ev--
>Cave Story was freeware developed by one person
>Nicalis, a corporation, now owns the IP
How the fuck did this happen? I smell something rotten here
Fresh was published by Success, which after a quick google search has literally nothing of note otherwise except for the Cotton series and those titty ninja games on DS (not senran kagura, I mean original DS)
Man, it's so good but at the same time it's shit
At least the main theme is good. If you can play it during matches there's no reason for other music to even be included.
I remember hearing that pixel got fucked over in a contract, but I don't know how true that is.
>Astro Boy and Johnny Turbo
What in the actual fuck lmao
why is obama in this random indie fighting game
Seem accurate considering how soul Monogatari was and how Nicalis bastardized it
I mean if it makes you feel any better Quote is likely gonna be playable in a GOOD game soon
But not the last.
If I didn't know the gameplay wasn't just a Super Puzzle Fighter ripoff, which in itself is shitty, I would totally buy it for Black Jack. It's so weird that him and Astroboy are in the game.
He’s recognizable, I guess
Ed and Saizensen own the IPs, they just let Nicalis use the characters (as long as they get royalties).
>Like the Binding of Isaac games
>Nicalis always portrays him as trying to look badass/defiant while crying
>It always looks so fucking shitty
Why do they do this?
I've always assumed that was a load of horse shit because nobody ever posted any kind of proof and it just seemed like a juicy rumor/excuse for how bad the wii port was.
Thank Guru Larry and Linkara for bringing them on to the public eye once more.
Also: Johnatan Brandstetter (aka: The real Johnny turbo), is the owner of his own vidya publisher, and the owner of the Data east brand in the east, thats where all these 'Johnny turbo arcade' games for the switch came from.
tldr: as far as it seems, Nicalis didnt ask for johnny turbo to be in the game, Johhny turbo asked to be in the game.
They don't own the IP, they just get to use Cave Story Assets in whatever the fuck they want.
Nicalis can't make a Cave Story 2, but they can use Cave Story 1 Assets in whatever they want.
Pixel Could make a Cave Story 2 with all the same characters, Nicalis doesn't own the IP, just the right to use the assets. Also, Pixel doesn't get shit from anything that they use the assets in.
So he kinda got fucked, but at the same time he could have got fucked a lot harder, so it's not too bad.
This is my understanding of the situation after having researched it a little bit a while back, but I might be wrong.
I've seen Pixel chat with Nicalis people on twitter before, so I don't think anything super negative happened to him.
What the fuck even happened to Pixel? He made a few games after Cave Story like Kero Blaster and the Squid game then just nothing
phoneposting right now, sorry. If thread is still up when I'm off work I'll dig through history.
>Saizen pushes Solange even harder than Kawase in crossovers
>still no Code of Princess 2
That better be what they are making next now that they are done with Fresh.
>Literally just make her naked
What a lazy ass design
Lina a cute
shame she got no art tho
He's just coasting off of Kero Blaster still
Probably making something but I think he enjoys being low-key about development stuff
It's cheesey, but I'm just happy to see Cave Story sticking around
I mean, Kero Blaster was only a few years ago.
Pretty sure he's just living that office worker life, he did make Cave Story in his spare time rather than as a main gig after all.
He's happy being a normal salaryman
Kero Blaster came out 5 years ago
He made a small follow-up to Kero Blaster like a year later and there hasn't been much since, though Kero Blaster did get console releases a year ago. He probably is working on something in secret on the side in addition to the standard Jap worklife.
She's not even the lewdest character in her game.
i thought ikachan came before cave story. i had read that it acted as kind of a beta test of the engine and story telling. hell, one of the bosses shows up in cave story (the fish with the metal face/helmet)
If indies ever make it into smash we will at least have some good options
That seems like that could be the case considering they've done nothing with the ip other than crossovers and ports.
>i thought ikachan came before cave story
It did.
She's gonna overthrow Quote as the face of japanese Indie gaming, isn't she
Quote is my most wanted and i didn't consider this until now.
Sakurai forced Pac-Man to have his original design, so Nicalis would probably bend over to him. Plus, the artstyle of Quote/Curly shifts literally all the time, so their depiction wouldn't be an issue
What the FUCK did they do to my boy Shovel Knight?
Honestly they would have to really, really fuck up his design to kill the hype for me
If Quote got in nothing could take that away from me
>antagonist is a loli that wants to eat everyone
What did they mean by this?
God this looks like utter garbage
I'd only complain about Quote if he was in his Blade Strangers design, he and Curly work much better as chibis rather than full on anime people
Is it wrong that I want Isaac(Binding of) in smash?
i wish she would vore my cock
>oh cool a game with tezuka characte-
>puzzle game
Probably a bit too reliant on shock humor to get in an E10+ game, but he'd be pretty cool. What kind of moves would he have?
Well he could use plenty from his Blade Stranger moves
I really don't like Quote's design in any of these crossovers.
Ikachan even had a cameo in cave story, remember?
Pixel also worked on a few other small games before cave story, like the one with the seals and the one with the glasses. After cave story he made a small shmup and a briefly active online adventure game (called soapland or something).
I suppose the best case scenario would be the blade strangers design, but even then...
Quote always looked best to me in the credits art and Pixel doodles. I'd imagine if he got in we'd get chibi of some sort, kind of like a Mega Man situation but who knows. There's a million ways to present Quote
I like the one where you have to catch the big boobie ladies
everything outside of the original Pixel art from the credits and the Japanese boxart for the 3DS port can go die in a fire.
Yeah. It's just a shame that almost none of the nicalis designs look good.
>a loli
Yeah Nicalis does this to nearly every single IP they publish, they're fucking vicious about taking advantage of these clueless japs. One case they just fucking erased all mentions of the developer from the game, boxart and all.
I suppose at least the switch box art looks alright.
This Quote render for the Wiiware port was pretty good though
As far as I know, these are the only nicalis designs that look good, and they probably wont use them ever again.
The thing that brings my piss to a boil is that they have the capacity to make decent designs, but they just keep making shit.
What a generic title for a game, you would think this crossover thing they're doing would have a proper name
Why the fuck is barack obama in this game
Shit what the hell is Astro Boy doing there? What the fuck
This reminds me of Silver Bullet, where you have these kind of sweet sections separated by OSEANS of filth.
Where's Gunvolt?
Is Code of Princess ex worth buying for my penis?
cave story was one of the original games that really began the indie scene for real
Smash usually uses the best designs for their playable characters, so this shouldn't be a concern.
Someone already made that joke. Keep with the times, old man.
if nintendo meddled, this would definitely be the case
otherwise sakurai would nail it. he gave more care to megaman in one game than capcom did in 10 years
Smash's megaman is fucking trash though?
>le bland emotionless robot that moves with fucking nes sprite jank
Blade strangers was a pretty good stopping point, yet here we are.
Stolen from Pixel.
Cave story doom wad where
It's ok
>a robot acts like a robot
>faithful adaptations are bad
go away fag
i'm only buying this because there's no modern puzzle fighter with online since capcom killed their mobile version
i wish i had a choice
what? capcom killed their deformed chibis puzzle fighter? it was quite new
they killed it last july I believe. They went hog wild with giving players free shit in the final weeks knowing the train was halfway off the cliff
it was less than a year old from what i recall
they made the employees focus on some other shit i think
>i wish i had a choice
What? Do you not want to buy the $250 capcom stick that has a bunch of shitty roms and no online?
I actually like Curly's theme. They better give Solange her theme this time since they didn't in Blade Strangers.
>Black Jack