The most overrated game on Yea Forums and /k/

>spend hours upon hours compiling mods for New Vegas
>start new game, play for five hours
>never play it again
Every Betheshit game.

Attached: new_vegas.jpg (616x353, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

why even use mods? the game is fine vanilla

Maybe you should fix that ADD user.

>/k/ still loves New Vegas
based /k/

I can get into other slow games like DCS and Arma, but New Vegas is just boring. No amount of reloading ammo or survival overhaul mods will make it "/k/-tier". It's still a boring Bethesda sandbox.

This without a doubt. Though tbf I haven't played all the DLCs. I played the main quest and one dlc ages ago and did all teh side quests. Sure its fun, but no where near as great as Yea Forums likes to pretend, plus it's super clanky and buggy and hasn't aged well.

STALKER > Fallout

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you already tried with your gta thread and got ignored
fuck off bitch

Reminder that Sawyer studied guns and ammo so much for New Vegas he accidentally became a full on /k/fag and at one point had a gun collection worth over 10k.

What GTA thread? There's more than one person on Yea Forums who dislikes your favorite games, schizo-user.

Then maybe the genre just isn't for you.

We can have both.

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Every New Vegas thread quickly devolves into spewing the same epic Marty Robbins maymays, because you don't actually like New Vegas you just know Yea Forums and /k/ tell you to like it.

I beaten it on one sitting. I've felt that NV was the exception from 3/4/76 and was able to hold well with the first two Fallout games
Pic related is fucking garbage.

Attached: Overated POS.jpg (1680x1050, 352K)

"play it your way" games are the death of the industry and mark of casualization.

Sorry for your autism

In your opinion.

No matter how bad you allocate your skill points, you will still be an unstoppable killing machine by the late game. Because it's a game for normalfags and normalfags can't handle losing a video game.

That isn't true if you don't play on casual, but okay.

agreed. this game is garbage. and im pretty sure Yea Forums and /k/ blasting their dogs prostate to it is just another "epic board culture meme xD".

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New vegas's art design, gunplay, textures, lighting, postprocessing, and general stability are all total shit.

NV is the only game I've ever seen where you have ammo benches to break down bullets into casings, powder, etc. and also the only non simulation game to depict armor semi-accurately.

The graphics are fine, the combat isn't the point, and modding a game makes it less stable.

>I can get into other slow games like DCS and Arma, but New Vegas is just boring. No amount of reloading ammo or survival overhaul mods will make it "/k/-tier".
What a bunch of stupid non-sequitor.
>I can get into fast games like Super Mario Brothers and Tetris just fine, but I find Gran Turismo boring.
Idiotic blather.

How are DCS and Arma comparable to Mario and Tetris, with new vegas being comparable to gran turismo? What were you trying to say here, retard?

I'm saying that none of these games are comparable and it's stupid meaningless nonsense to compare them, so why the fuck did you compare them, retard?

>Oh man, I gotta be contrarian if I wanna fit in with these Yea Forums guys
>Heh, they'll think I'm so cool with my contrarian opinion and won't realize I'm from reddit
Go back

What the fuck is a "play it your way" game? Do you mean an RPG? Because those have been a part of the industry longer than you've been alive.

>anyone who doesn't like what i like is just saying it to be a contrarian!

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>anybody who likes something I don't is on a bandwagon

>the most overrated game
That would be Half Life 2

Like I give a shit about a bunch of fucking /k/ucks

>depict armor semi accurately
Elaborate s'il vous plait

No. I refuse to talk with frogs

never said that. learn to read nigger.

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Elaborate por favor

Too lata faguette

Mais je suis americain!!!
The armor had a parameter that affected weapon penetration, and part of the ammo crafting was that you could make AP rounds that penetrated more and damaged less. And firing at a heavily-armored soldier with a .22 might not even breach the armor at all, so no damage is done.