
post your kniggas

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Other urls found in this thread:

that game look shit

>60 player deathmatch on contraband the smallest map
>everyone equips three firebombs and light the whole map up

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I haven't actually played the game yet and I'm not sure if I should buy it. I was a huge fan of Age of Chivalry when it was released and even played Chivalry for a fair amount of time. Although Chivalry did some things right the combat was too unbalanced, blocking/countering on high level play was just broken. M&B although on a whole different spectrum of autism and technically aged did a lot of things better than Chivalry imho. How does this game fare in comparison? Yeah I have seen some webms of the combat system but its not the same if you're playing it.

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>Run pic related
>Die in one hit to fucking everything
>It's worth it for the tears of kniggas when I clobber them with my stick and talk shit about their armor while doing it

It's especially satisfying to throw a rock squarely in the head of some ponce faggot and hear the clang of it striking their helmet as they drop dead.

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i know chivalry is dead as fuck but isn't for honor fairly populated since they unfucked it?

been watching a lot of streams, looks like chivalry but easier?

i'm happy the 360 overhead swing shit is gone but the feints are weak as hell in this. just looks like a left click spammer

Does the game have a tutorial? I didn't play Chivalry and I assume the game is more than just swinging your sword around.

>just looks like a left click spammer
Good way to get parried

it does, it's fairly funny as well

Bucklers are the best shield but poleaxes are the best weapon, change my mind.

They should change the system requirements from broadband internet to fiber internet for this game.

Whats the purpose of the bastard sword though I just grabbed a random sword honestly?

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Poleaxe is fun, but it just doesn't hold up against the fun of repeatedly throwing a rock at someone's head and seeing them drop


He is generic and edgy but I like him.

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If I hated the 180 acrobatic insta-hits in Chivalry, but liked it before that shit started, will I like this?

>all NA servers cease to exist

Well, you can wield it both in one hand as well as twohands. Also it's a fairly powerful sword for that price of 4 points (I believe?)

Where are the cute girl knights?

How long until people figure out not to fuck with Frying Pans?

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Feints are not weak. Literally, everyone falls for feints and I use them all the time or morphs rather. You've been watching noobs playing against other noobs.

pretty sure you will, it can have some pretty magical moments, just like old Chiv

so faster one hand swings or stronger two hands attack?

Yes. No Acrobatics in this.

Can I make a knight like pic related?
Your answers will determine if I am going to buy the game or not.

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One handed stabs are fucking nasty with the bastard sword. It pairs well with a heater shield.

Yes, you can make a knight identical to your picture.

>Stab with quarterstaff
>Enemy gauges the distance and thinks he knows how far it reaches
>Move grip down the shaft
>The added length in the next stab catches them off-guard

Every single time

I actually don't know how it really fares stats wise, haven't gotten my hands on it yet aside from picking one up on the battlefield. You can check the exact windup times and so on ingame though, by clicking on alt-mode in the weapon stats menue.

This is with very minimal gold spent. You can get a scarf around your neck too and better arms to perfectly match your picture if you want.

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Ah hell yeah.
Gonna buy it

>64 player Horde mode

Is this the best way to get xp and gold quick?

Fucking nice
Maybe this'll hold me over until Bannerlord

Yeah but it feels slow as hell to me.

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You guys are actually going to make me buy the game. If it's shit I swear Yea Forums...

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based on the stats and the way it feels, this seems to be the best way to sum up the differences
one-hand = longer reach w/ stabs
two-hand = wider reach w/ strikes
the only visible stat that changes between the two grips is the 1h release time is shorter (swing animation lasts for less time)

Deus Yea Forumsult party when?

You can take For Honor player numbers with a grain of salt since many players just go through UPlay and skip Steam entirely

It's the hardest fps game I've played ever. Playing against good players means you can't even get lucky and kill them sometimes. Be prepared to rage like hell until you start to improve at swordplay. It's one-of-a-kind (at least since chivalry is dead now)

I fight for the trees.

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If they fix the server issues and matchmaking, I'm almost certain you won't regret it
also the number of maps available is a bit small, but hopefully they will release some new ones (or even better, give us the tools to make some ourselves) soon

No one uses uplay exclusively

i love that logo lmao
wandering wood

>destroying everyone i come across
this game is easy when you have hundreds of hours in chivalry

It's super easy now because literally no one is using feints or morphs and everyone falls for it when you do it.

Generic kniggers best kniggers, besides, the edgyness can be fixed by just switching colors. Or you can go ham on the edgy and put some red in there too.

>level 1 guy completely dominating
>check his profile
>fucking 10,000 hours in chivalry
>mordhau devs commenting on his profile
holy christ I didn't think people cared enough about that game.

are there duel/1v1 lobbies?

its literally the sling + dagger from chivalry, but in one weapon

it's fucking insane


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it takes me at least 15 minutes to queue into a 1v1 in for honour (oce servers), game is fucked

it was an addicting game for me. i only have about 700 hours but consistently was either the top of the scoreboard or very close to it. it was my go to time killer game when i was bored. played an hour or two every day for a few years. glad all that time invested pays off in mordhau

how long until it joins chivalry/for honor/absolver and becomes a ghost town

>Willingly launching two launchers at the same time to play your game when you have the option to only use one
baka desu

Share some tips user. Trying to get better with the greatsword.

can't really say much more than the obvious. once you know all the basics, the rest is just practicing motor skills and have it become second nature. play duel servers.

>yfw when Wave 20

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I was worried you'd say that. Thanks though, I am getting better. I wish there were more duelyards near where I live, it's hard to duel with 70+ ping.

as long as your ping is less than 100, you'll do fine.

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Why no women in Mordhau?

Pan+Dodge or 3 Pans?

Should I get this game if I enjoyed playing chivalry with my big fuckin hammer and smashing the absolute shit out of peoples skulls or is this some bullshit swords only game for homos?

>Killing Kniggas with HELLFIRE

Same reason there's no black people.

If they add black people I want Arabic and moorish style armors so I can recreate kingdom of heaven

I was able to play for several hours, but now when I try to load into a server, I can join and load in, but as soon as the load is up it boots me because ‘the server is full’
Is there a fix for this? Anybody else having this bug?

i feel like there's a great balance between the different types of weapons. maul is most certainly a great weapon in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, and warhammer is pretty nice as well.

What's your favorite engineer build, Yea Forums?

Can I swing one of these fuckers around?

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sorry for shit quality

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Ah shit i laughed hard

Make him a Bard and play Hellfire in the Lute Bot

So is this just Chivalry updated?

>Build Ballista
>OHK everyone from far away

Fuck these scummy pieces of shit and fuck archers and crossbowmen

>mount and blade castle defense.webm

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you were playing against retards lol

>Zweihander stab range

I swear to christ, that thing has reach beyond that of a spear.

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Why does it seem like theres zero stamina in Mordhau? swinging 200x in a row lol

Does the game have chaperon hats? I want to make a not-Roche

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stamina bars are a bullshit mechanic

More or less. They got rid of classes and now it's a point system for armor, weapons, and perks. They added horses and chambering, enhanced slashing with directional inputs, and gave more weapons an alternative grip mode that changes how it preforms or throws your weapon.

Spiritual successor.

Why are they so bad?

Wait so short spear actually has longer reach than the spear?

you gain stamina on a successful hit

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fun and effective

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Any lootbox or microtransaction bullshit in here?

Thanks for the explanation
>Got rid of classes
Guess I'll have to see how this plays out, I liked classes. Changing between what you wanted on the fly or whatever fit the situation of the battle.
>with directional inputs
So is it still playable with KBM?

is this game actually good

>10+ people can't manage to kill one knight

Embarrassing performance from the red team

why didn't they add a ranked 6v6 mode or something? facing noobs is boring

no I meant specifically for bastard sword

Can I use mp4's and mp4's with lute bot? I see it says midi files, but I was curious if there is a way I can just use shit I find off of YouTube.

what a run my guy. Good work

is the progression thing still fucked? last time i heard about the game you couldnt get xp at all or something

This needs a cheesy viking metal background track and some overblown sound effects


Is there any decent Stab weapon like Spear that doesn't require 10 fucking points to equip?

Fire wizards are the best part of this game.

"Classes" still exist as loadouts you create yourself or as several pre-made templates that give you access to costlier armor and weapons without having to buy them but are not modifiable. You can then switch to any of these loadouts at any point in a match.

What in God's cock?

Oh nice. Looks like I'll have to pick this up then. Didn't put a hell of a lot of time into Chivalry but I enjoyed the time I did put into it.

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Rapier for 1 handed, and Estoc for 2 handed

everyone is on fair and equal footing. There really isnt much to complain about.

>So is it still playable with KBM?

Yes. Now your swings is base on where you move your mouse. Eg Move your mouse left for a left swing, move mouse right for right swing, diagonal for diagonal slash, mouse up for downward swing, mouse down for upward swing.

Mouse wheel up for stab.

Alternatively mouse wheel down performs downward swing and Mouse4 (thumb button on the mouse if available) perform upward swing

just play normal frontlines.

Alright I bought the game fuck you

how deep does the customization go
can i make my weapons fancy as shit or am i limited to different outfits

It's ideal to play with mouse and keyboard. There's like three control settings and a few more options and modifier keys. You can either base it off the movement of your mouse, your WASD input, bind certain angles to specific keys, or do all that and have a button that inverts your input to your swing so turning left swings right instead of left.

Need gold to unlock stuff and then extra gold to make your weapon look pretty

The best strats are as follows

Hunt a distracted sad peasant and axe him a question from the back
Spaz your mouse a bit everytime you're going to deliver a frontal blow, people think you might be a ninja and block too early

thanks friend. ill try the chadtoc. rapier i didnt really like.

Thanks lads, looking forward to playing the game.

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Arming sword is really fucking good

There's quite a bit. I finally got a bit of gold so I went and prettied up my main loadout and just for my hand axe alone there's like 8 options. 2 overall skins, 3 axe heads, and 3 grips. Then you can recolor the grip, the wrapping for the head, and color of wood for the haft. Didn't see anything like engraving or gold inlays, but that's probably because we're talking an axe and not something more elegant.

>Horde mode
>starts off with 20 gold
>Hoe cost 15

Should I or just fist my enemies until I get a enough gold for better weapon?

Actually I just found a site with midi files

Incredibly useful if anyone else wants to come jam on the battlefield with me.

No, the hoe is the best, and I'm actually not joking.

>searching for a match...
>server browser just straight up won't load

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Same, shills got us this time user

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As somebody that loved Chivalry in its heydey and stopped playing when it got shit, will I like Mordhau? I've heard that it has a lot of connection and performance issues. Sell it to me Yea Forums I miss Chivalry a lot.

That's three of us dumb shits.

nah that's the scythe

>open game
>game wont even load

Are they going to add an arena mode?

I would really like a competitive mode where it is a 1v1,3v3, and 5v5 arena.

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That's low pop skirmish

deathmatch is basically 1v1 on most servers.

>bought game because of last thread
>like it
I fucking hate this place

>tfw didn't fall for the shill because I live in a third world where the minimum ping I'd ever get would be 200

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Wait they unfucked for honor?

I realised that going full naked mad peasant works great, and I'm not even sure why.
Being a loud shit bashing kniggers with your bare fists is surprisingly effective. I think I'm not even targeted because enemies don't see me as a threat.

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>since they unfucked it?

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Is the combat as broken as Chivalry or better?

>Somehow ended up in Battle Royale server even though I was sure I picked Frontline
Well that was fucking weird, even after I quit out of it I saw that I was still only set to join Frontline.

>4th crash tonight
>runs perfectly fine for an hour or so beforehand
Is there a crashlog? or is there a way I can make windows create one? What the fuck is going on?

my man


>tell the game you want to play fortnite
>it puts you into a battle royale
Hey, you're the one who asked for it.

short spear has heftier strikes though

They've made a bunch of improvements but for every thing they fix they introduce some new retarded thing

No retarded spinning if that's what you're asking

i know one of you fags has a discord
post it

Post your loadout. I use this alot to aid my team. You can take off Fireproof for a different 1 perk or put on Medium pants or keep Light pants and use no perk for lvl 3 armor.

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running peasant build and taking down knights is worth it for all the times you get 1-shot

Is it really that hard to let people enjoy a game?

I bought the game a couple hours. I'm pretty excited even though it's taking a shit downloading on Steam.

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Is it really hard for people to play the game without abusing the mechanics? The answer is yes because it's only a few days in and people are already spinning and spamming crouch. This is exactly the kind of shit that kills games. It's only a handful of people doing it but nobody wants to play with them. They should add a ranked mode to contain them.

Something simple is always the best

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does anyone know if you get gold in singleplayer lobbies?

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That engineer showing up lold me heartily.

holy shit i really want to do this

>put spikes in the rivers / behind corners
>mfw RIP you killed someone

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That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron

God that mode is fun as fuck.

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from what we know the zweihander was used more as a spear than anything else

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i see what you've done and i hate you for it

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Ghost of Chivalry's past.

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Why is he a twink?

What does leveling up unlock?
How easy is it to level up?

Is it good? Will this game live for several years?

You should be able to access all weapons by level 5, after that is unlocking cosmetics. Leveling is easy so far if you're decent.

>No "kill those archers" voice command to spam while hunting archers.

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>if you're decent
So it'll be a bigger grind for me than MK11, got it.

Are there microtransactions? Can I make my own custom knight that I never have to change?

no microtransactions

It should only take like a day or two max to reach level 5 even if you suck.

There's no microtransactions as far as I know. And yes, you can make your own custom knight the way you want, with whatever armor pieces you want.

1066 style Norman Knight, fun thing is the shield is really good against feinters and draggers and makes up for the lack of armour.

R8 plz?

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Are XP and gold working properly now? I want to start giving him new gear

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Levelling up to 5 will take no time even if you're dogshit.

7/10 would want as a man-at-arms

Did they fix that gold earning bug yet?
I've been stuck with some garbage for a while now because of it.

Can I customize my appearance any time and use any weapon? I saw their also adding women?


9.5/10 would have at my army

the only thing resembling a microtransaction for this game is some neat cosmetics you got for backing the game at a certain tier back when it was a kickstarter. There's no microtransactions in the game, though.
You can customize any time yes, even mid game, provided you own the weapons and armor of course.

Wait a second, Is this game better to play in 3rd person?

absolutely not

>provided you own the weapons and armor of course
what do you mean by that?


I've never played Chivalry but I just finished the tutorial in this.

Any tips for someone just starting out? Just got BTFO by some dude with a hammer.

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No, Ubisoft gave it dedicated servers but it didn't actually solve any of the issues, the player base now is the same as it was before the dedicated server "fix". The funniest part is that they gave the game away for free and the player base still tanked.

>be archer class
>two kniggas charging straight at me.
>one guy sword and board the other warhammer.
>warhammer guy takes a horizontal swing at me.
>misses but smacks his buddy right in the face.
>head explodes and body rag dolls
>warhammer knigga gives 0 fucks and proceeds to kill me.

10/10 Makes me wonder if this is how shit was really like back in the day. Mobs of people swinging deadly objects around fightung to survive all while slipping in the blood and entrails of the fallen.

>30,000+ people playing
Fuck yes BOYS.

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Don't mash and use your brain. Try to position in advantagous spots with an escape route that you can take when your health gets low.

Why are spears/rapiers so much better than everything else?
Just spamming Stab with rapier beats 90% of players

he thicc

First of all, you have a good amount of varied default classes to use already, so you're never gimped by starting out new ,gear wise.
You start out only owning one piece of armor for every class (light, medium, heavy) to switch in between as you please. You don't own any weapons in the beginning so you'll want to use the default classes. You buy everything with gold gained from matches. The weapons are all cheap to buy and you will probably have all of the ones you want by the time you hit level seven. The armor is much more pricy but they're all essentially just cosmetic as you already own light, medium and heavy armor from the get go.

Were you playing against actual retards? Holy shit you murdered them all.

because shitters can't into parry, and also don't know to close distance in order to deal with spear users

Someone tell me if there are frogmouth helms in this game. If there are I will buy it now.

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because they make people angry enough to lose their composure with their little needle dick blades constantly stab lunging like faggots
every time i see a rapier or shield user or both if they're real fucking faggots i instinctively run towards them to lop their heads off or die trying

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I'm pretty boring honestly, all my classes are the same old dude character copy/pasted and then I just fuck with his equipment set. Can't wait until I have more weapons bought so I feel more comfortable spending my gold on cosmetics, though. I've played a decent bit but almost all of it was when gold/xp were bugged.

The best tip as a beginner I can give you is just learning to feint/morph your attacks. Doing this will absolutely demolish other new players and instantly put you at the top of the newbie food chain. Also, always keep in mind your weapon length vs your enemy's weapon length, if you can dance out of the range of their blow and then strike them while they recover, do it.

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Closest thing is the great helm, user.
I share your pain.

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To encourage skilled play, actually hitting someone doesn't consume stamina, only missing does.
Otherwise you would never be able to beat multiple people by yourself based on your skill like in that webm, because you'd run out of stamina just from killing the first guy.

Running doesn't drain stamina for similar reasons. Gameplay over realism.
If you want, imagine it as someone's body blocking the swing is less exhausting than missing a swing (which does drain stamina).

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Duel servers for hours on end also ask some pro player to equip a training sword and let him teach you riposts

Is this game actually good?
What do you do in it?

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I see thank you.

Post some edgy designs i want ideas for my future knight.

>Otherwise you would never be able to beat multiple people by yourself based on your skill like in that webm

He isn't beating them based on skill. He's wildly flailing and they aren't blocking or stabbing or doing anything at all. I can't understand how that webm happened even on day one.

Wait it's free?

Are Mauls shit or is it me? You can't even combo them like literally every other weapon I've tested.

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This is so sad.

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based jihadist putting cucksaders in their place

I think that leg armour should be a bit more useful than it is right now. Each tier of armour on your legs should increase your kick damage or something.

Mauls are situationally amazing. I think it's the only weapon that can one-shot ANY armor class, isn't it? Headshots always kill even against T3 armour.

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>suicide firebombing everyone so they can unlock the 'Burning Man' achievement


>Is this game actually good?

>What do you do in it?
You beat people to death with swords. The most popular mode (Frontline) is 32v32. It gets pretty crazy.

It's good in every area except for the flaw of the server browser/matchmaking being shit, and it lacking map variety right now relative to the game that came before it (Chivalry).
Apart from that, it has good weapon variety, well designed melee/ranged gameplay, vehicles, lots of customization,
>What do you do
You do medieval fighting in a bunch of different ways: swords, maces, spears, axes etc., or also with siege engines, horseback lance charges, bows and crossbows, firepots, throwing weapons traps, and spike walls and fortifications you can build yourself.
There are 5 gamemodes
Cap all 5 points to win, this mode has vehicles
Fight against waves of AI enemies with allies
>Battle Royale
I don't need to explain this
2 teams, fight until everyone on one side is dead
everyone for themselves, most kills is winner

It's pretty enjoyable although you will get shat on at first, but there are plenty of funny moments.

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How's the future of Mordhau? Is it something that'll be active for a long time and not just fotm? I haven't played any online games like this for years and I really fucking want to get into one.

>playing mordhau with medieval 2 total war ost
Amazing specially with war of kings

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Yeah I guess, but you're pretty much fucked against multiple enemies.

"realism" is the worst excuse for stamina bars in videogames anyway
No one who does this shit for a living gets winded after 30 seconds of running

beware the logs

Attached: caution wet wood.webm (640x480, 2.74M)

Chivalry: MW is the closest game to this so it makes a good comparison. It released in 2012, and managed to keep a relatively stable playerbase for 5 years.
And already Mordhau is doing much better than Chiv in terms of playercount, and has a lot more content to work with. So things are looking good thus far.

Is this Insurgency Sandstorm but with knights?

So this is Yea Forums's new flavor of the month huh

are you retarded?

Fuck the stupid customization dragging.
I wish it just had sliders so I didn't have to try every combination with every different piece at every angle to try and get shit to change how I want it to.

It was for about a week, and everyone who downloaded the game dropped it.

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Zweihanders were used to fight pikemen, so it makes sense.

It depends on what you want to do. There's a few game types.

Team Death Match
Death match
Front line (Multiple Objective gametype, capture points, free peasents, destroy objects..but sadly no castle siege like it makes it look.)
Battle Royale
Horde which is basically tower defense with bows.

looking back I remember some pretty damn good games being FOTM on here that I still play.
Like Besiege, Risk of Rain and King Arthur's Gold

My honest opinion is that eventually it'll become what Chivalry did in that everyone leaves except the tryhards and even they get tired of fighting each other. You look around and there's people swinging weapons at each other and then one fucking dude who is jumping, crouching and spinning (while killing people, obviously). Looks absolutely retarded. It'll kill the game eventually.

>dabs on reachlets

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Every weapon has strengths/weaknesses. Maul is short range and slow but is the hardest hitting weapon in the game, at only 7 points. If you want a fallback weapon, try a secondary Short Spear along with it.

Zweihander were also used as spear so make sense.

What is it about bowniggers that just makes me lose common sense? The second I see one I just sprint straight at it completely ignoring enemies in the way - risking everything just to decapitate those dirty fucking useless bowniggers

This game was specifically designed to avoid those problems though. The combat looks fine to me. Nobody is fucking "spinning", you do 0 damage on a swing if you spin while attacking.


What do you take me for, some perkless goon?

no but you're a fag and black

Should I get this game? I have like $65 steam money left over from Christmas but I didn't like For Honour and I've never played Chivalry or Mountain Blades. But a new multiplayer game seems fun

>and has a lot more content to work with.

The maps are an utter embarrassment compared to Chivalrys at launch and the game is gonna get fucking old quick especially with taiga being guaranteed red win

I find most of the perks lackluster, I'd almost always rather have armor or another weapon.

No that is a perk. Not everyone gets that buff

I only have a screenshot of this build right now. My first Custom Merc.

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If you enjoy euro-jank or any From software games, yes.

I love having a shield because fuck you

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>forenite dance

if you already have the funds as steambux there's no reason to not just buy it and try it for an hour or so and see if something clicks with it. Bear in mind that odds are very high that you will get slammed the entire time you're trying it. As far as I'm concerned it's a great game. Chunky, good melee combat, is finished and has no microtransactions.

Spears > everything else literally the best weapon in the world, lindy said it so must be true.

console release when

Based shieldbro

forgot the pic

Attached: 3244.png (958x718, 727K)

This but unironically.

>surrounded by a small army of enemies
>get hit by a single arrow
>immediately lock eyes with the bownigger
>charge at him
>bownigger keeps firing arrows at me
>misses every shot
>his hands are probably shaking
>he doesn't even switch to his secondary
>his brain is in flight mode
>he's been reduced to a dumb animal
>slap his pathetic bow out of his hands
>kill him as he pathetically attempts to run away

feels good man

Attached: 2511`.jpg (146x144, 7K)

What do you find is the best way people get passed your shield? Shield dudes have been fucking owning me and I'm having a lot of trouble countering them.

Does anyone have a spare copy to gift?

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Can I be completely naked except for big chunky helmet?
Nudeknight or no buy

you cant get "passed" the shield this game has 360 blocking

You have to drag the fuck out of them and feint with them. Your opponwnt just has to fall for one feint and his head is gone in one shot no matter the armor.

Of course.

Attached: 544.jpg (482x361, 77K)

Yeah most perks are pretty useless except for that one that regenerates you to 100% health on each kill.

It's pretty hard in this game considering how shitty kicking is. I guess just try flanking them or have a weapon that has enough reach to try to get around it

>durr most perks are useless
>literally every good player uses friendly/tenacious

>pick my Nilfgardiaan knigger
>obliterate any Unsullied wanna-be spearfags

Attached: 12345357588.jpg (462x949, 71K)


Sadly I only feint bowniggers and other feinters.

I hated shield dudes until I realised you can easily hit them if you swing horizontally towards the side without the shield. Also, I'm pretty sure I've been able to stab their heads. Overhead seems to be a waste of time and obviously swinging on their shield side is a waste of time. Shields aren't overpowered because you can't parry with a shield so they're either attacking or blocking.

Every single good player I've seen uses at least Friendly. More because they're worried about stupid teammates than themselves TKing.

Damn I love that look. Good shit dude

I'm trying to convince my friends to get it with me so we can form a shield wall with spears.

Friendly isn't bad either I guess.

ok, I thought you guys were just shilling some more garbage that will be dead in a week, but it looks decent.
watching the CM stream it, and he mentions they plan to implement arenas and MMR and all that stuff.
he thinks 6v6 would be ideal.

>shoots you while your fighting some other guy

>It's a "Died more to friendly fire and teammates body blocking you than to the enemy team" episode
Getting real tired of this one

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generic knights ww@

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Can i weild two swords in this game? that's important.

Is the ghost bug fixed yet?

If the game keeps growing like this every day and breaks the 50k players milestone I'll buy it.

I sure hope you guys don't bring the spears to the Greatswords fight

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It's the devs' fault for not implementing a system that measures team damage percentage and a vote kicking system like in Chiv imo.


Except they can actually riposte/parry with shield if they time it right.
And horizontal swings only work against retards who dont aim their shield toward the blow. Stabs only work sometimes. Shields are broken as fuck and your anecdotes are just examples of you killing noobs who dont know what theyre doing. You cant even reliably kick the shieldfag unless hes standing completely still. If he even vackpedals slightly your kick is nullified

Friendly reminder that if you don't have the Friendly perk enabled you ARE a liability and the team would be better off without you.

Is the customization good? That's the only thing that matters

Answer me nerds

You're forgiven for that excellent slaughter.

You can wield my two swords


I think thats just because only the ULTRA tryhards que 1v1 and most if not all the community knows this so they stick to the other modes

good loadouts for beginner?

>Frontline on Camp
>Insta-killed by cav every 120 seconds or so
Wouldn't be so bad if their momentum worked both ways and stabbing insta-killed them if they're poked with anything that actually has respectable piercing damage. That and the horse not respawning seemingly as fast as they do.

The entire thread is anons posting theur custon creations theyve been able to make. And this is just rhe noob/low level gear. You can make even cooler knights once everyone has leveled up more and unlocks new armor.

I fight with you my brother.

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what a shit game then

If horses and catapults were removed, the game would objectively be better.

Can I be a heavily armored sword 'n board generic knight?

>open steam
>steam wont even load

nope, I only had the bloodlust perk in that webm

thanks, user. been debating adding the eye bandage but Im not sure if it'd look a little too much

Spear + medium/heavy armor. Its kind of a cheap weapon thats looked down upon since all you really have to do is run around spamming thrust and youll stack up kills. If you actually want to learn and improve, pick a longsword or greatsword.

No. This game doesn't have those.

Catapults are fun but op. Horses can be removed though yeah


Archer kings > Melee peasants

Attached: teg3.png (1668x1072, 886K)

>tfw I don't know if I'm improving or getting worse

Attached: 1540900647103.jpg (428x410, 62K)

Can i be a heavily armored sworad n board EPIC knight?


Will the hundreds of hours I dumped into Mountain Blade help me out in any way here?
Also, are there halberds?

Hope they gut spears.

>are there halberds
hoo boy

Some matches I top the board and others I’ll be mid with a negative kd so it’s really hard to gauge myself

Like 4 halberd variations

>are there halberds

Attached: 1528663302018.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

This, finished last game 30/9 but the match before I was 3/11

>Will the hundreds of hours I dumped into Mountain Blade help me out in any way here?

>I play archer on a medieval sword fighting game

Attached: 6e00cae80.gif (326x192, 41K)

>I'm happy the shit that required timing, aiming, and proper footwork to execute while being entirely readable is gone and the button you press to immediately pass the guard of anybody who gets less than 60 fps and doesn't have hundreds of hours of playtime is still there
I realize that you posted this hours ago and will likely not see it, but on the offchance that you do I just want to let you know that I hate you and that fun >>> autistic realism

>takes up 12 points

What the fuck

god the maul is so fucking fun to use

>shoots you in the back multiple times while you're having a fair 1 on 1 with an equal skilled opponent

I like it.


I need to make a Bretonnian and find your pathetic man-worshipping ass.

>Join deathmatch server
>Not named duels
>Get kicked for ganking
Fucking retards.

>literally at a disadvantage and defenseless in most situations
>not intended to be balanced, not as useful as just fighting
>you still whine about it


This happened to me but the archer was my teammate.

Attached: 1556856153286.webm (860x482, 2.87M)

How many people here used to play chivalry?

I had over 800 hours. Most of them was playing MAA. I'm surprised you can dodge and juggle 6 different dudes in this game like chiv.

I was spectating this archer on skirmish and he was just being a typical bownigger shooting his teammates in the back then this maul just crushed his skull in 1 shot from behind him. Was super fun to watch

1v1 used to be completely garbage because any good player could parry lights on reaction with a decent connection. I don't know it it changed or not, I haven't played the game in ages. I know they finally got around to reducing the reward on parries but I don't think they did anything to make them less easy, so 1v1 the game is ridiculously passive-reactive and all anyone does is feint heavies at each other until someone fucks up.
The 4v4 modes get way more play because the nonsense it causes disguises the flaws in the fighting system better

Everyone > trash > Shield cunts > bow cucks > horse niggers

>want to play the game
>takes nearly 20 minutes to find a match with matchmaking
>trying to join with server browser crashesm y fucking game
I know this can't be a common problem based on reviews but holy shit someone please help, I exceed the recommended specs by a mile and live in a first world country with good internet.

I can actually hear the crunch in my head, watching that.


>Do 99 damage to Horsefaggot
>He just speeds away and chills outside of battle and comes back 10 seconds later with full health
Literally and figuratively why the fuck is this allowed? Why are you allowed to regen hp on horseback?

Why is this so satisfying to watch?

Any suggestions to make him better/more accurate to the source material?
Need some better arm stuff at least but I don't have enough currency yet sadly.

Attached: taffer.png (1370x925, 856K)

30 hours of chiv, all playing Messer / Axe knight.
I now have 44 hours in Mordhau, all full armor with a pole axe or greatsword.

He needs a buttflap and some marks around his knees

Based spear-chad

I have like 400 hours in Chiv. I'm enjoying Mordhau so far since its really similar. The one thing I really miss from Chivalry is the maps which I feel are better designed.

Attached: archer.png (741x1080, 474K)

Ah shit, my body is ready
Damn, fair enough I guess

Rapier and shield

Don't talk shit about Thief

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If you don't play spear, you are trolling and intentionally trying to lose and should be banned.

>server is full, rejoining
>connection timed out
>server is full, rejoining
>connection timed out
>server is full, rejoining
>connection timed out
fun game

Attached: 49f.png (289x500, 204K)

>mfw ausfag and servers have worked fine since launch
sucked in US/EU fags

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Can you be a chick in this game? I only see white men in the thread.

I had 1100 hours in chiv and I feel the opposite. Reverse overheads, much better drags, actually being able to cftp with a fuckin maul, enemy shields not having such a fucking huge hitbox, vertical parry boxes not being so large, being able to parry attacks from behind by crouching and looking up, being able to duck lower to the ground, and not being flinchable in the release state of a riposte made dealing with hordes of scrubs a forgone conclusion. Dealing with two scrubs at once in this is an order of magnitude harder than five scrubs in chivalry and three just feels like certain death. Couple that with what said about the maps and I'm finding it much less enjoyable. Of course, I was never a cunt-at-arms, mostly a knight but often enough a vanguard/archer. Maybe I'll give dodge a chance in mordhau.

No samurai are kangs, sorry

is it worth the 26 dollarydoos if you have this many hours on chivalry?

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Maybe, I hated Chivalry but I like Mordhau a lot.

You can also play as a mtf who was forced to fight in the middle ages and was denied HRT and forced to wear men's clothing.

this. i need to complete the bretonnian look


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Why did rapiers have handles like that? Wouldn't it make the sword weird to wield because the blade is so light?

Yeah I also really miss the reveres OH and maul/messer dragging... but we're like 0.1% minority that actually likes it, most people just complain saying its glitchy or unrealistic etc. :/

Can I make a character that looks completely bedraggled and homeless, dressed in filthy rags and run around throwing my shit and rocks at people?
I need to remind some pompous knights of how we're all from the dirt.


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For Honor plays more like a fighting game, and because of that you either git gud or get fucked by someone who did. You grind for mainly cosmetic things like finishers, taunts, and other shit and you play the dude who handles the way you like. You don't get to pick a weapon and fully customize your guy, they are characters with move sets.

Much like how you don't see 100k people playing fighting games at once, it is more of something you pick up and play periodically and put down and it doesn't require a lot to get a match going. Chivalry, Mordhau, War of the Roses, Mountain Blade, and whatever I'm forgetting, they all play a little more goofy and are more about huge brawls. I personally liked war of the roses a lot more over chiv, but that game is dead. Chiv offers all sorts of custom player made maps n shit and that game is dead, Mordhau is Chiv 2 and no one honestly thinks it will live a long life for the same reasons that better games before it died. Except Mountain Blade, that fucking thing has this dedicated fucking community that keeps that fucking thing around and I don't know why.


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>theres someone complaining about bowmen
For fuck sake they arent that bad. If they are such a threat bring a shield and they do literally nothing, alot of the time you dont even need the shield up it will just plink off it, effectively rendering one of the enemy team redundant. Always have a shield character for situations like this, its like not playing Engineer in Battlefield when there is someone wiping the floor with your team with a tank, you know how to fix the problem yourself and you just arent doing it and keep playing something that isnt helping, make a build for different situations rather than just one for everything.

Had a guy today running around doing nothing but dropping med kits on the objectives and used a pavise to hold a chokepoint on his own, there needs to be more examples of this, you can do more in this than simply fight, help your team and build loadouts accordingly for different situations.

I only play 1v1 and frankly find the game shitty as fuck in any other mode than 4v4 elimination and 2v2 brawl.

who /pan/ here

Attached: panhorse.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Boar Grace, Your Wine?

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>Yea Forums anons resisted the shitpost brigade surrounding this game and actually get to see how fun it is.
It was unbearable playing the alpha and having no way to describe how the game was better than Chiv other than "you just have to feel how it plays".

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Chivalry felt super shitty to me for some reason but Mordhau needs more maps and modes, especially like a siege mode or something


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Coif + Sallet is peak fashion, change my mind.

>just be a support cuck and let other people have all the fun!
no thanks

Dodge is great, and friendly is nice if you actually play Frontline.

He looks like he *tips* his cap

I thought Chiv 2 is dead because devs ban people for giving constructive criticism and tell them that they are not devs so fuck off?

Rapiers actually weighed quite a bit, basically comparable to most other types of swords. Because that's about how heavy you can make a thing and still wave it around with dexterity, so if it's lighter than that you just make it longer until it's around that weight.
And they're quite long so you need mass around the handle to keep the balance point back near your hand.
You want the finger protection because you've generally got your hand stuck way out in front of your body so getting your fingers whacked off by the other guy's sword was one of the most likely injuries.

Excellent taste. Along with coif + German kettle

I can't

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Can't argue with a correct opinion user. Not only that, but the poleaxe is possibly the most effective melee weapons ever designed. It was used in a time when dismounted, heavily armored infantry wearing plate armor was more common, and axe/hammer/sword and shield combos were being dropped fin favor of two handed polearms capable of punching through heavy armor.
Here's a great video showing exactly how the poleaxe was used in combat.

Attached: 15th_century_knight_by_skane_smeden.jpg (1280x1024, 222K)

I love the game, but I do really miss the chivalry voices, mod when?

Who says its not fun. Have you tried anything other than melee?
>enemies keep coming from one way
>block it off with spikes
>someone ALWAYS try to jump over it
>killed X
>there rest try to destroy it
>whip firebombs at them
>half the enemy team is now focusing on trying to destroy your shitty structures instead of your teammates
Or adversely, just build a turret and watch people start bitching in the chat because you are holding a narrow choke and they insist on running the same way 4 times in a row and dying every time because they havent got a shield. Thats pretty fun to me.

I know it's not really a thing that was used at the time but are there slings?


What's some of the dumbest shit you've seen people complaining about aside from archers
>'teaming' in deathmatch
>not going 1v1 against the last player in skirmish
>talking shit about peasants on your team
>talking shit about the lute
>being told to stop "feint spamming" because they keep dying to it

>huge overhead attack from a massive 2 handed sword
>parryed by a dinky little dagger

nice game mord fags


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I dont understand how fainting even works, most people are just going to swing at you if you try to be fancy you're going to get cut

>talking shit about peasants on your team

>kingdom come
>now mordhau
feels so good to be an armor fag right now

>Melee and Archers arguing
>not sacrificing armor/perks so you can use both

Where my fellow idorts at???

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How do I fuck up horse morons? I thought polearms were supposed to fuck em up.

>Helmetless heroes complaining about x weapon because you lop their head off with 1 attack
>People with shields/flesh wound getting triggered by kicks

Brother here knows what's up.


Is the game down? got kicked from a server and now doesn't find anything

Are axes good?

Are there flails in this game?

1v1 is how I wanted to play the game, it's not that the other modes are actually good, they just don't fold as hard when you start to take them seriously.
Mostly because they're innately non-serious, hard to care about the more basic combat design decisions when some dude piledrives you into an instakill environmental hazard from behind.

I'd love a dev with experience doing real fighting games to try their hand at something like For Honor though. It reminds me of Absolver, kind of. During the pre-release period the devs kept talking about how much experience they had with real life fighting styles, how they all did martial arts and studied kung foo movies and shit, but no one ever said anything like "I've got experience designing fighting games" and it showed in the final product.

there is a peasant perk that gives you access to peasant weapons and armor

Real fashion comin through knaves

Attached: fashion.png (1216x949, 1.1M)

Well, I bought it

I enjoyed Chivalry.

Attached: game.jpg (186x25, 3K)

>Love the Halberd
>It costing 11 points basically makes it so that you have to wear shitty armour

I just want to make a lawbringer, guess the poleaxe is fine as well, but I tend to do better with the halberd

I have $22 in my steam wallet, should I buy it? I like huge battles and stuff

no, I think the devs said they want to put them in but they are low priority since there isn't an easy way to implement them
chivalry had them and they were janky as hell

>gets one shot by a guy with [hunter]

>"this game is broken so long as spears exist"
>"ffs stop using X(any tool like firebombs or smoke)"
>"its not fair that you can heal your team "
and of course
>"nice team kill"
It sounds more and more like people want to play Chivalry the more I play. The combat is not complex enough in these kinds of games for honorubu douelling but far too many people insist on it. Join a dueling server if thats what you want, standing in an open field and getting shot by archers and getting bombarded by bombs and ballista fire when you were expecting people to walk down in single file to fight you in a battle is fucking stupid.

what in the fuck is that reach?

drop short sword and pick up friendly or fire proof or something.

MACE gaming

Attached: 629760_screenshots_20190503003316_1.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

You can literally use a halberd with 3x3 armour pieces. Perks arent that important desu.

The billhook and bardiche fill the "halberd" role more than the actual halberd. The actual halberd is more like a spear with an axehead on it than an axe with a spearhead on it, if that makes sense.

horse niggers are bullshit dev assisted fucks

based ozbro

Attached: DORSIATIME.jpg (320x240, 22K)

its not a combat helmet anyways

Attached: 20190503071917_1.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

Wait, you can be a literal fucking peasant just for shits and giggles?

Horde mode is shit, the AI is absolute crap you just get lines of enemies conga-running towards you

I had a game with 4~ crossbow guys working together and they all stayed near eachother and it looked rad, was just on a random server though. Almost makes me want for a pike and shotte multiplayer game or have friends who play videogames

Yes, and to dab on kniggas

Yes but the game is actually optimized. It also has voice acting like Sandstorm in that you can spam the shit out of voice lines.

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3x cast iron pans is the best loudout. 2 for throwing, one for knocking out tin cans.

Isn't that the poleaxe? Halberd was the most expensive melee weapon I believe

Yep, most expensive perk in the game at 8 points and grants you access to illustrious weapons such as: Pitchfork, Frying pan, and tree branch.

loose the cock curtain

I imagine itll get some work eventually. Also the prospect of 64 player server horde mods sounds like it could be a good time, especially if they knock up the spawn count to accomodate.

You can not use a halberd with 3x3.

Everyone's doing the German Kettle + Cloth Coif combo and I love it. It looks so good.

Attached: 1541916062715.jpg (269x294, 37K)

Stoneshill best map

I wish this game had a tournament game mode where there’s like 64 players in a bracket and you just 1v1 all the way to the final

Not having reverse overheads is unrealistic.

Attached: reverse overhead.png (472x437, 249K)

Fear my fashion, knaves.

Attached: 20190503071910_1.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Halberd is 11, each armour piece is 3(9) for 20.

What's the sexiest possible character you can make?

Limit is 16.

Is there a reason to do it or is it just like choosing Dan in SF3?

>20 points total
So you get more down the line? Got 14 at the moment

frontline mode is based and huge battles. buy it.

It's completely just to style on kniggers. No actual benefit.

A few questions
>does armor really matter at protecting and running?
>what's the difference between parrying with a 1h weapon/2h weapon/shield?
>is parrying to the side the enemy is aiming important?
>is it normal that I always lose against m1 spammers?

Attached: 1540275561816.jpg (180x210, 10K)

Attached: peasant master race.webm (800x450, 2.96M)

there's a frogmouth helmet, it's one of the last unlockable helmets but it's there

the frying pan is unironically powerful, I wouldn't say that using one counts as styling on knights.

Honestly dont think the speed actually matters at all. Was playing as a 1/1/1 armour vs a 3/3/3 amour guy in death match ice vally and I could never reach the trolley [center of the map] in time to use it before he catches me.

>help help, i'm being repressed

Is there? I haven't seen it.

Are some of the equipment options hidden until you unlock them or something?

door kicking is so retarded because there is nothing you can do if some guy is just spamming kicking it and closing it. 100% PERFECT DEFENSE TECHNIQUE.

Speed doesn't appear to matter that much. There's a "catch-up" mechanic so if you're chasing someone your character will speed up, designed to prevent faggots from running away from a fight.

Armor does matter though. A sword hit does like 70 damage on an unarmored person and does like 20 on someone in plate.

My beautiful boys.
I just bought the Billhook for the middle, and I'm loving it.
Hooking off horsefaggots and then overheading them straight in the fucking cranium is so satisfying.
Fuck anyone who uses a horse, enemy or otherwise.

Attached: beautiful bois.png (1525x929, 1.98M)

Call me a faggot if you want, but I'm glad an indie game is gettin so much positive attention. Modern AAA games have been total fucking hot garbage lately.

Punching somebody wearing armor and staggering their swings is also retarded, but who fucking cares. Peasant chads will rule the world.

I beg you, upload this in decent quality somewhere like youtube. That's beautiful.

Kick it back
Throw a fire pot
Do literally anything else besides go through that door

You fucking shills got another one.

Attached: 1547260544136.jpg (584x706, 105K)

armor is important, you will die in 1 hit most of the time if you run around naked,it does effect your speed though
there's no difference between 1h/2h parrying, but shields can hold their block unlike a normal parry
yes you have to aim your parry but it's pretty forgiving
just parry>riposte m1 spammers it's ez

Neat, kindof wish it handled coloring like For Honor did though, where you pick a color scheme for each team rather than how it works now which is just make every color red or blue.


>spawn in
>cant hit anything
Its always on crag too, what the fuck gives

it's almost at the very bottom of the heavy helmet variants, i think the third one from the bottom

>not pure luck

I saw someone running around with a pavise and noticed its a two handed weapon, what exactly is the benefit there is it just for holding people while those behind are safe? I can see some teamwork if thats the case but Im not wasting money on it if its garbo.

>spend 20 minutes wondering how my guy should look, carefully dyeing etc.
>he's just bright red or bright blue in-game regardless of what you do

Anyone know how much Hunter actually increases your damage by? Not sure if it's worth it.

Attached: 1553649652144.jpg (800x1200, 170K)

You can turn off team colors in the settings.

You can look like you do in the character creator on duel or Deathmatch servers. That's where your look really matters anyways.

then how do you know who is on your team?

Can I paint my character or get tattoos?
I must represent my welsh roots by running around naked while screaming

I'm gonna pick this gamr up and be a horseback archer get fucked Yea Forums

Attached: romanes eunt domus.png (1444x878, 727K)

I approve of this. If he can get some kinda leather guards on his legs, he'd be pretty good.

There should be a FFA skirmish mode.

>there is nothing you can do if some guy is just spamming kicking it and closing it
attack the door. every door, traps, walls, etc. can be destroyed with any weapon, but it's faster with an axe-type weapon

Do it, there is nothing more precious that try hard tears.
>but I want to duel
Join a duel server or play Chivalry, this is Battlefield: Medieval.

Do yourself a favor and do the tutorial like 3-5 times. Don't be that faggot REEEing the game is imbalanced and is bullshit. It is one of the best games I've played in awhile.

you don't
nigger when a teammate is covered in blood I have 0 idea what team they're on with the colors ON.

enjoy getting no kills, if youre not pegging guys mid fight or hitting them 3 times in a row you're not killing anyone. This game has life regain, doing a drive by shooting will only annoy someone into standing still for 6 sec

>That one Merc you bust out when it's time to turn the game around
Who is she, Yea Forums?

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I see, thanks for the answers. It just feels like the riposte is way too slow.

If you're in range to attack it with anying but a pokespear you are in range to get kicked.

>Build ballista
>Turn around for a nanosecond
>Team mate has already spawned in, ran over, and mounted it by the time I look back

Attached: 1490286457496.jpg (422x380, 42K)

The only thing this game is missing is a real meaty ballista like in Chivalry. I always loved and was terrified seeing a teammate get pinned to a wall or the ground next to me as a bolt flies past me.

>open computer
>now my computers open and I still haven't turned it on yet

Horseback Archer is just a worse version of a regular archer, and a massive downgrade compared to melee horsemen. What makes horses bullshit is their omnipresent oneshots that you can do nothing to counter (unless the rider is retarded), and horse archers have none of that.

The reason he's owning them is is two things
the weapon itself is inconsequential, as long as it goes through on swings that aren't blocked

The first reason is his heavy armour: He takes less damage per shot
The second is most critical: He has a perk that regenerates his health on each melee kill
Without this he would be dead after maybe 3 guys

there is a ballista

the catapults were great too, they both caused extreme chaos at whatever they shot at

literally git gud

Unless someone's using a preset merc you just learn to visually recognize who's on your team and who isn't.

I know, but they just aren't as meaty as the ones in Chivalry. Watched a criken video on chiv for the sake of nostalgia and god damn were the ballistas fun in that game

rate fashion pls

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thats fine in a small 12 v 12 game

Criken has a server up right now where he's using the viewer plebs to farm gold while he watches from the castle.

Yes, for fuck sake if you see this shit just leave it be unless its completely unattended, the person that made it probably doesnt have a good weapon or armour while you do, they are going to support you, you cannot support them if they run in instead of you.

The wedge armet? That's not a frogmouth helm. This is a frogmouth helm.

They'd actually be completely useless in battle and were really only a thing for jousting.

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eat shit cricken

I've never had trouble with it.

The game also tells you someone's name and whether they're friendly or not when you aim at them, even from a fairly decent distance away.

Looks mismatched. I like the color scheme but he looks like a poorfag who looted his armor from other people.

How much does this game cost and will it fill the void big if bannerlord comes out?

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Tough shit you noodle backed nip

Is that a bastard sword?

I do actually.

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You cannot unfuck for honor, in it fundamentally impossible to balance the meta between all the heroes, you have to play S or at least A tier heroes or you'll get shit on indefinitely which leaves you with only at most a third of the roaster to play with. And playing S/A tier heroes isn't fun because you're just shitting on everyone who isn't doing what you're doing or trying to out cheese each other with stunlock mix ups which is why no one plays this game for more than an hour at a time.

Playable demo for Butterlord at Gamescom, hold on a little longer brother.
Also I think it's a fun game, try it.

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mind sending one to me?

[email protected]

>Playable demo for Butterlord at Gamescom

Based Engineer gang.

When I slaughter 3 people in a row my mind isn't thinking "is this other guy kinda walking toward me friendly?"
Unless he's blatantly on my team I'm going to attack him. Situations where you end up walking toward or slightly toward your guys happens.

You'll have to wait until I get home but I will, probably be about 9 hours from now.


thanks bro I'll keep the e-mail up for 24hrs

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Yes my friend, go read the news blog update.
We're all gonna make it bro.

Alright that'll do partner, pay it f