Is this the best boss From has ever created?
Is this the best boss From has ever created?
>kino entrance
>great sound track
>complex move set
>aesthetic as fuck
Also you have so many interactions with him unlike Gwyn for example.
>How my blood boils!
anyone else prefer english dub Isshin to the jap dub Isshin?
It's one of the best for sure. It's nice that a From Soft game is actually ended with (arguably) the hardest boss.
>100% game achievements
>no desire to play it ever again
I fucking miss it but I'm so glad it's over, grinding out those last 20 or so levels broke me
He is great. Liked him better than Gwyn, Moon Presence and what's his face in Demon Souls.
Haven’t heard his dub yet but the way the Japanese actor says Sekiro is pretty great.
The only other contender for hardest boss is Owl 2 and even then I’d say Isshin has the edge. Demon of hatred is just a pure endurance fight.
FromSoft really likes the “weary old man out of his prime” trope for their final bosses
If you didn't save scum the endings, it's kinda quick in NG+5. Charmless bumps the exp too but yeah, replayability is down the drain after you 100% it unless you impose challenges.
>chose shura ending
>satisfying and great
>lets see what cutscene I missed in the other ending
>20% of the game is cutoff by shura
>game incentivizes multiple playthroughs
It's not as good as Guardian Ape or Owl.
Unfortunately I fucked up by not getting the bell so I locked myself out from the second memory and owl 2.
Demon of hatred wasn’t so bad with the fire shield thing.
Made this mistake too. I was following the shinobi code, how was I supposed to know I was wrong?
legit, he's like a final exam that forces you to use all the skills you learned over the entire game
there's even a refresher on the first boss fight you ever had in the game, to help you understand how far you've progressed since then
(how my blood boils in japanese)
>Guardian Ape is hard
Why did you try to deflect a slap from a car sized monkey hand?
Sword Saint is literal reborn into his prime though..
Why did you immediately assume that hard means good? If all a boss needs to be is hard to be good I can make bosses better than any From game easily.
he wasn't too bad
you didn't have to parry or anything at all, it was like playing souls. Wait out attack animations, hit one or twice, do it again
Its not that. Game is an easy 9/10 regardless of that. I still don't think I made the wrong choice but knowing how much I missed bums me out. Like you pedofags only really missed out on the gentle blade boss fight. And its not that spectacular. I felt a little robbed of the last area, demon bossfight, dragon bossfight, the resolution with Genichiro, Owleven though I kill him anyway, it happens in a cutscene, and Sword Saint version of Isshin. Which would be fine but my route didn't have a counterpart to that. Even the blade I get in the cutscene isn't made usable after the credits.
>how was I supposed to know I was wrong?
I don’t know user. Why would betraying a child be considered wrong?
You had access to all the moves you needed to beat the final boss right at the start of the game, you just didn't know how to use them until you got to this point in the game.
I went for NG+ immediately after and beat Genichiro first try on that first fight. It felt so nice.
You swear an oath to your father first. Child second.
boypucc > all
>great sound track
I fought him for hours and I couldn't tell you what his music sounded like on the day that I beat him, it was that unmemorable
english dub sounds awful and alot of the lines sound off or like they weren't conveyed right
Sekiro jobbed to a fucking nightjar faggot in that sequence, it's so stupid holyshit.
I wish they at least had a different explanation for the arm being cut. Like, Genichiro plays an even dirtier unfair trick to chop your arm off if you win.
>father was clearly the one who stabbed you in the Hirata state
>NPCs talk about how it was odd that the bandits attacked at that time, and implied it was a inside job
>Owl says it’s surprising you survived and says he thought you died
>has the key to lady butterfly’s room
>clearly bewitched by the dragons blood, even Kuro knows it
>”lol I better stay loyal”
How dumb are you user?
>"the shinobi code"
>he actually fell for it
That isn't the Fume Knight, he's close though.
This. Owl just brainwashed Wolf into becoming the perfect soldier who would follow his every order
it's obvious that kuro is the most powerful due to having dragonblood in his veins
you aren't just betraying a child, you're betraying a demigod
Holy shit how do you deal with this fucking faggot’s kicks? I can mikiri his red warning one but the others seem to ignore my deflect and zone in on my ass no matter where I dodge
Yes, because even "journalists" had to out themselves because of him.
You aren’t deflecting correctly then
>being loyal to a traitor and hypocrite
Any law is worthless if even its creator casts it aside.
Mikiri/high monk the faggot
Contract law clearly states that you are no longer obligated to respect a contract that the other party has already broken. Owl didn't think the Oath was worth a rat shit; why should we?
This. God help that user if he ever has to deal with actual legal contracts.
The kick combo is just 1-2-3-4, it's easy to parry
You're just gonna have to commit his moveset to memory and deflect everything. Also, bring him out into the open after your stealth deathblow. Fighting him in that building is ass.
what's the spinning kick combat art? looks neat
>great sound track
You are the third guy to say this and i will never understand what boss u people played
This shit is easier than Demon of Hatred
>I was following the shinobi code
>bringing a gun to a sword fight
Senpou Leaping Kicks, one of the skills in the Temple tree
owl 2 is easy compared to sword saint, never understood what people got so caught up about with him
Senpou kicks/ High monk
>Ashina style mantra is win at any cost
>”wtf why is he using anything to win?”
Good thing he's not your dad
Owl 2 can be bullied.
Isshin phase 2 has several moves meant to interrupt flow.
>declaring that you're a brainlet
Thats pretty much the answer I expected.
I was actually really excited to be the pawn of a Shinobi warlord like Owl. I was sad when I stabbed him in the back in the cutscene. I just wanted to serve Owl.
>father stabs you in the back and betrays prince
Yes I know. This doesn't end the oath. Owl is based. Prince is not.
I didn't realize fantasy feudal japan had contract law. But lets assume it did. Wolf swears an oath to Owl. Owl swears no oath to Wolf. Its not a mutually beneficial arrangement. Its an oath.
>lol actual legal contracts
Nigga we talking about a game here.
Why does Isshin (Santo de la Espada) have seppuku scars?
The best boss was Ivory King
And the Kuro did not?
Kuro never forces him to do anything, and Wolf even refuses him at one point
He was dared to do it during one of his drinking escapades.
The Japs were garbage at art prior to the 2nd half of the 19th century, West was far superior at that point
If there’s one thing that could be improved upon in the SS Isshin fight, the third phase could be less of a free win. Instead, you should’ve had to reflect the lightning back and forth like with the Ganondorf fight in OoT, it would made it a fuckton more intense instead of “oh he’s going for the lightning attack guess I should jump and swing for a free hit”
>how was I supposed to know I was wrong
By not being an autist and picking up on the hints that Wolf became fond of Kuro and how he respected him?
Owl (father) was more kino in gameplay and aesthetics. Isshin doesn’t have nearly the same connection to sekiro as owl did. Also not as hard a fight
what are the moonrunes saying
Emma/Ishin > Genichiro/Isshin
Emma is a million times more fun to replay than genichiro who has the most cookie cutter moveset out of all the enemies in the game, and boomer isshin has more of a connection to sekiro than prime-isshin.
>Is this the best boss From has ever created?
Pretty bold claim. Come back a year later, when our thoughts on the game has mellowed. For me, it still is Gwyn or Gehrman.
>do Owl 2 on NG+ and NG++/bell
>first try him both times
>do Glock Saint with the same conditions
>take hours to beat him both times
What do people find hard about Owl 2?
He's just Owl 1 except he punishes dodging more and pulls a lot more cheap tricks and to top it off you'll never perform worse from tilting because Owl 2 is actually enjoyable to fight, unlike mr. I-want-to-die-tier 7 attack spear combo with random delays
I was a big fan of Nobunaga in Nioh. The Hino-Enma......the fucking vampire bat was a solid gatekeeper boss, it took me 2 days of playing after work to beat it.
So many vows. They make you swear and swear. Defend the prince. Obey the prince. Obey your father. Protect the innocent. Defend the weak. But what if your father plots against the prince? What if the prince is a huge fag? Tell me if your precious Kuro commanded you to kill your own father and actively save thousands of men women and children? Would you have kept your oath then?
>the kuro are selfless, always thinking of others
I don't agree, I prefer the back and forth with Genichiro much more than constantly chasing after Emma as she keeps backing away after attacks.
Owl is more punishing than isshin, hardly gives you any room to breathe, but generally he’s a lot more predictable. I struggled around equally with both, but with owl you really have to dip into his vitality before you can shank him unlike with isshin where all you need is just one good run
No. I actually understand both languages and I was blown away at how bad the English dub was the first time I heard it.
Ludwig is way better. He's also way harder too.
Daily reminder that DSP beat him within 3 tries whereas Ludwig literally made him ragequit
>hates English
Imagine my shock
Kuro was dancing while he was alone. Wolf saw one of those past illusions of him dancing. Wolf asked him why he was dancing back there. Kuro gets embarrassed.
Kuro was so powerful and so wise. He was even able to save the ones he cared about... from dying.
It seems like he does it right when you beat him. The camera doesn't let you see his front as it's happening, but he makes a swift motion and there's a sound effect
>Actually understands languages
>Prefers the version where the creators picked the voices and dialog they wanted
RE2 and DMC5 are much better in English because that's the language they were intended to be played in. You're an idiot.
based and Bloodbornepilled
Is it possible to learn this power?
Sorry but certain characters sound better in English. Owl, Carp vendor, Anayama for example.
Haha what if you found a memory of Kuro jacking off in his room
Not gonna lie, Burnt Ivory King is the best thing in DS2
Haha imagine
Eleum Loyce in general is, yeah.
He had the scars when he was summoned.
Maybe it's some kind of time paradox shit, I don't know.
NO song in sekiro is memorable, other than the fweee fuck's sound effect
Emma’s theme is great though. Great Shinobi is too
>Sorry but certain characters sound better in Eng-
Imagine having all this shit taste
I liked Owl Father 2 i thought that fight was legit amazing.
Sorry, but you're a retard who doesn't know moon so your opinion doesn't matter.
Owl Father = Allfather = Lloyd
divine dragon
owl 2
Spirit emblems held the game back so much. If it weren't for the Tanto they would drop it an entire letter grade in my book.
>he even uses the talisman to block your healing
The deepest lore...
That fight took me SO FUCKING LONG but it's such a good fight. Feels nice slowly getting better at countering his moves.
I've never died so fast so consistently to a boss before
I still dont know how I actually beat him
>thinking you're superior to another human being because you know something they don't
I feel sorry for your parents.
the code is more like guidelines than actual rules
>Is that wise, my lord? The shinobi code does not support this action.
Good meme.
you probably kept trying until he was gracious enough to give you a run without his infinite stamina wombo combo with enough hits to completely drain your maxed out poise bar because go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit those prayer beads may as well be anal beads because you can shove them up your ass
>first phase is just fighting a guy you already fought
>second phase isn't that different
>third phase is where things are somewhat fun
>fourth phase is pretty much the same again
it wasn't bad, but I don't see where all the excitement is coming from.
This fight and O'Rin taught me how to master the game.
Boomer Isshin and Emma are shit because grab hitboxes are shit.
isshin has a grab? is it one of the thrust attacks you can mikiri?
Emma/Isshin is hindered by reusing the EXACT SAME boss arena for the millionth time.
Yes, also Boomer Isshin have like 1 second iframe with "counterattack" later. This literally pisses me off.
pretty sure I got hit by it once, after I had dodged backwards and I was a decent distance away from his spear. I thought maybe I just got stunned by one of his attacks maybe and was mistaken.
It's not Boomer(aka Shura ending), it's SS Isshin
oh, my bad. I've only finished one ending, and haven't looked up anything about the others.
>Being proud of your own ignorance
How pathetic do you have to be to discuss a topic you are objectively uninformed about and insist your opinion is just as valid as someone's who took the time to learn what they were talking about?
nigger, i wasn't even the one arguing with you. you're the one stating your opinion as factual.
>argument from authority
yikes. shiggy diggy, my nigs
Should I be moving out of the way and dodging Owl instead of sword fighting her because he just fucks my posture massively at all times.
isshin shits on owl 2, demon of hatred is the only boss that comes close if you're not cheesing with malcontent
>informed opinions are worth no more than ignorant ones
>muh logical fallacy that states being acquainted with a topic makes you no less qualified to opine on it than a layman!
Really, how fucking stupid do you have to be to spout reddit's logical fallacy "look how logical I am" arguments, especially that one? If you go to the doctor because your stomache's bothering you and he says "In my experience, it's most likely indigestion based on your history" do you respond with "Fuck you, appeal to authority! Logical fallacy! I know it's a tapeworm!"?
should i bother trying to beat this guy? I just got to him
>isshin shits on owl 2.
I don't think you realize where you are. No one here cares about who you are or what you know. Your opinion doesn't matter more than anyone else, despite what you claim to "know".
thinking about how nasty that fucking ponytail would smell jesus christ
>I don't think you realize where you are
I'm very well aware that I'm in a place where literal retards pretend their uninformed opinions matter because they quoted one of their go-to logical fallacies and they think it gives them internet argument points.
Did you forget about the part where Wolf fucking impales you after killing LB?
Then surely you can understand the folly of flexing on an anonymous image board? Get real. No one cares.
>Only I'm allowed to shitpost here!
That's cute, but no.
>the shifty guy that raised you to be a child soldier told you that the first rule of the shinobi code, people with no family or friends, is to be loyal to their daddies and the second rule is to be loyal to your master
you can't have two masters user. This is like, basic logic 101. is your brain so cucked with kike propaganda that you actually think its fine for politicals to be israeli dual citizens, or for corporations to be 'globalist' instead of putting their home country first? Owl lied to you as a child to give himself an out. He's the one who betrays you, multiple times. You owe him nothing and his code was a lie told to a naive child.
what martial art is useful? I never really used them much cause they dont feel any more effective than the regular sword swings
Yes. One of the best bosses in video games period.
Funny thing is, genichiro at the end feels just like a tedious trash mob in comparison to isshin.
Jokes on him, I cheesed him by exploiting his jump attack. ASHINA STYLE
you don't even fucking know that until after the choice faggot
The Isshin Sword Saint is reborn at his peak though.
I dont think so. You interact with Isshin more often than you do Owl outside of his two fucking boss fights. Isshin is constantly showing you what a badass he is throughout the game, as old fucking man, then comes back in his prime.
>implying anyone gives a shit about that faggot
What's he holding in his hand?
When i think about it now, it's a good fight in the sense that if you were actually learning the techniques the game was teaching you then it shouldn't be too bad.
it was a ton of bullshit as I was doing it though, I almost died more to him than valkyrie queen on Give me God of War.
I admit I looked up a guide to see how someone did it, which involved using a shield plus running behind him in phase 2 when hes jumping in the air. I didn't end up using the shield much or running behind him even once when I killed him.
I mostly got decent at mikiri countering and jumping in phase 1, then deflecting alot and slashing him once in phase 2. Phase 3 was just lightning counters.
>being this fucking naive
I know five languages. Swedish, Polish, German, English and Japanese and out all of them English is the worst. Lots of things are confusing as hell in this language.
Japanese sounds nice and I like some of the stuff you can do with implications, but structurally it's fucking awful. There are too few sounds and Japanese people are obsessed with omission to the point that clearly conveying meaning just doesn't happen. English has a lot of stupid rules and exceptions, but it offers so much utility in terms of how much or how little you say to express your thoughts, and many creative ways you can express said thoughts. Japanese has way too many fixed and ritualistic expressions for my taste.
It’s posts like these that make me rethink that Owl was a hilariously underwritten character
What shinobi code have you ever heard of or conceived that essentially says ‘hey but above all listen to me’ as it’s central point
Owl made that up on the spot for shits and giggles and was probably having a great laugh that the retarded streetrat who doesn’t know swords are sharp fell for it
It's the Witcher code all over again.
Reminder that nip-knights did not disdain the gun and considered practicing its use as important as practicing archery.
didnt you play bloodborne? Accepting what the mcguffen guy that just pops in out of nowhere says ends the game immediately.
>english is the worst
too bad its #1 secondary language in the world. go speak your moonrune shit somewhere else and get out of the way of a real language
italian dub is really cool
>you don't know that
>big ass murakumo driven through your chest
>only one character in the whole game wields it
>they hide him on purpose
>give choice to follow kuro or not
>it doesn't matter and wolf gets mesmerized by shota dick
miyazoter you absolute gaylord