>internal genitalia
This is better since it doesn't look like the Walmart smiley face logo
thats just the sonic fan movie design
its like they purposely wanted to piss people off
They actually gave him Nike shoes and not SOAP shoes?
Why does everyone keep making the flesh tone fur? It's obvious not supposed to be fur you fucking morons
It's a truly a mystery why he has cream-colored fur on his undercarriage.
>they're actually going to change his model for the final film
I feel sort of bad for the poor cucks at the CG studios.
I don't think they've ever seen any animals ever. They've just been sitting at their pc/phone all their life.
Source? That sounds like it would cost way too much time and fucking money at this point.
as a joke
Why did they take away his gloves? It's really just his eyes and clothing that screws the movie design
ya'll dumb niggas realise they can't change his sneakers rite?
they're puma branded and likely there's a tie-in with a real product.
Not him but Google it. It's one of the first results from multiple publications. They're going to change him to something that's not out of some LSD trip.
It's too late Yea Forumsros. Yea Forums btfo'd us once again...
Yeah, it sounds completely fucking absurd, but they say they're gonna do it.
just realized that sonic has nikes. i wonder how that agreement went down
Why would it cost too much money? The character is rendered anyway, they have the clean shots. They can just substitute with another character. Or am I missing something?
>This anthropomorphic cartoon hedgehog with primarily blue fur would obviously not have a flesh tone colored fur undercarriage
I don't know why. I hate Sonic but was genuinely going to see this movie just to bust a gut at how badly this is made and I can't be alone. It would have been a blockbuster of people showing up to see it ironically.
>but money money?
>yes, money money
>but money money money money?
>no, you're money money tier
>but money money money!!
I don't think they need to change anything about his design besides making his eyes a little bigger. Right design is boring.
Also shit.
This is also shit. Sonic looks like he's wearing a sonic costume and tore the sleeves off it.
more like, who initiated the agreement. did the producer seek out nike, or did nike win out the bid over other shoe brands?
Sonic can't have the mono-eye outside of games. Once you remove the gameplay aspect, dumb questions like his eyes become more important than ever.
No they would need to completely scrapped the 3D model they have for the new one.
>Nike seeking out a fucking Sonic movie for brand deals
I'm thinking Paramount paid them.
they actually can't change the shoes because it's product placement for Puma
>tore the sleeves off it
You ever see the 90's?
>dude just take da game character and slap a texture on it lmao!
both of these are garbage. Either this or is how you fix the design.
So what? 3D models are cheap
Have you ever even heard the WORD "Hollywood"?
It's gonna be weird to see his mouth being on the left side of his face. And that he got a giant eyeball with 2 pupils in it.
It's only gonna cost money in labor and assuming they only have less than 50-60% of the CGI done I don't see it being a big issue but it's almost 70 or higher is done then it can really expensive
These honestly look pretty good, with some tweaks.
but cringe cringe?
Better, but it still instantly reminded me of that shitty Woody Woodpecker movie for some reason.
I think live-action Sonic just doesn't work.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the design concept, they're just executing it awfully
Look at the SOUL in this fan rendering
> > >
Live action Sonic DOESN'T work unless you go for a "Looney Tunes Back in Action" or ""Rocky and Bullwinkle" style or real people and meta cartoon characters.
ok that's based
>people still get hung up over sonic's eyes
It's a goddamn cartoon animal inspired by felix the cat and mickey mouse
Who cares if it doesn't make perfect biological sense? His design is pretty much the only reason he's managed to survive through so many franchise-killing blunders
>Not "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" style
Get the fuck out Underage.
How about you just don't make the movie?
>implying I haven't seen that too
omeaga underage mentally!
I implicitly referred to that movie in the other two, as the took heavy inspiration from it and wouln't exist without it.
>dude it's not supposed to look like the character it's based
In the movie he's an alien from another planet so it doesn't seem that weird
>using the game model
Ew no, that's gay.
Only real problem with the lef is all the uncanny human qualities the added for whatever reason. Needs more hedgehog with a light amount of size adjustments.
Thanks for posting an example of something translated properly into live action instead of just ripping the game model and adding fur to it like and try to do.
All that assumes the people making the movie give enough of a shit about what they're making. Now watch that trailer again and tell me anybody in charge gives a shit.
>Look at the SOUL in this fan rendering
Try using words that actually mean something.
except still looks like the character without just cheaply slapping the game model in and adding a new texture onto it retard
Pikachu is the only one resembling a quality adaptation in the film, the rest are nightmare fuel far worse than Sonic is in his film
Pikachu's animal deaign is easier to meld into reality than Sonic. And even then half the Pokemon had to be 'adjisted' to not look like a cheap commercial.
sonic without gloves is fucking cursed man
It prints seething money
>A big budget Hollywood movie has more effort put into it than a fan mock-up that probably took a couple hours
Fuck what everyone else is saying I think this is pretty great
your post and that image made my day, thanks
Nu-sonic looks naked
based soulless brainlet NPC can't cope with the fact others experience reality on a deeper and more meaningful level
And it looks like shit and isn't Sonic. I'd rather having Sonic look like how he's supposed to.
>i-it isn't sonic unless he has a mono eye and noodle limbs!
except those redesigns are fundamentally wrong the second they try and argue that keeping the fucking cartoon mono eye is a good idea.
And I'd rather he not look retarded
It also helps that the people who designed them had the brilliant idea of making the Pokemon characters look like the Pokemon characters.
How is this relevant? The movie is being made today for a modern audience.
>based soulless brainlet NPC
>unirronically using 4 reddit meme buzzwords
this is when you need to finally unplug your computer, step out of your basement and get laid
*with lots of adjustments and touch-ups.
Sorry forgot to add that.
AKA nostalgia
You're fucking retarded.
>making the character look like how he's supposed to = bad
Here's you're movie Sonic, bro
Yeah I sure am nostalgic for that movie design revealed a few days ago
That's the weirdest part about it. He's basically a tiny muscular naked man
>unirronically using 4 reddit meme buzzwords
>get laid
Nice buzzword followed by stock HAVE SEX response
But they don't? Charizard literally looks like that gross fetish art of that fat dude taking a selfie and transforming into charizard
Pikachu and maybe Psyduck the only decent renders in the whole movie, the rest look like fucking overly detailed dogshit
t. soulless brainlet NPC incel virgin coping soiboy
Here you go
>>making the character look like how he's supposed to = bad
You can do that without making it look like an out of place cartoon with fucking 1920s mickey mouse eyes.
Why do you fags like this design?
I don't think Sonic needs a redesign, it needs to be fucking canceled.
Does that exist anymore?
t. seething pinhead simp
Any and every Pokemon design in that movie is a thousand times better looking than Sonic.
>I don't want my movie about a 3 foot talking hedgehog to have an out of place cartoon character in it
Yall should both fuck and stop being reddit buzzeord spewing Yea Forumsirgins
Where's the argument?
I cant wait for this shit pile to release
That's the version for faggots.
it really makes you wonder where their minds were at when they thought that teletubby sonic would be well received.
>making a literal cartoon character in the real world look out of place is bad
Nobody does nothing but praise Roger Rabbit for doing just that, but it's bad now?
have fun with your disgusting overly detailed cartoon character renders
Agree but it doesn't change the fact that theyre are all still ugly and nauseating to look at
>You can do that without making it look like an out of place cartoon with fucking 1920s mickey mouse eyes
Sonic's literally an alien in the movie so who cares if he looks out of place. If anything, there's no point in making him an alien from a narrative standpoint if he DOESN'T look out of place. Right now he just looks like some kind human hybrid abomination that escaped from a lab.
SOUL vs soulless
now try fixing it while adhering to the motion capture they used
It looks bad because it still has the mono eye and noodle limbs. is better.
You can still make that 3 foot talking hedgehog look like a feasible alien instead of a fucking cartoon.
>Nobody does nothing but praise Roger Rabbit for doing just that,
Hmmmm it's almost as if Roger Rabbit's story and context make it work you fucking retard. For a context with Sonic being the same as everyone else in the universe it would make no fucking sense for him to be a cartoon.
>durff transformer movies would totally be better received if they just stuck the 2d g1 characters into the movie instead of realistic cg robots
Anyone who uses the Roger Rabbit comparison is a retard who doesn't have a clue what they're talking about and probably didn't even actually watch Roger Rabbit.
>Yea Forums user forgetting soap exists
Top Kek
because he said so, duh
Smurfs got a sequel so clearly the cartoon characters in the real world didn't bother anyone there.
But the shittiness was the only charm it had. Now it's just bad.
Lmao not an argument.
I mind then less in detective Pikachu, but the point is, making a live action adaptation of a cartoon video game is always a bad idea. It's a small miracle that DP manages to look halfway decent
i like it
I honestly think they'd be better off basing his movie look around classic Sonic rather than his modern design. Going the "cute" route would be safer and would mesh better with the causal crowd (ergo why most are fine with the realistic Pikachu), with the "cute asshole" depiction fitting Sonic's original character anyway.
Also it would likely be easier to sell merchandise for.
developers that scare to create their own vision and listening to retarded fans that have no vision whatsoever other than their own nostalgia is probably the worst thing of this generation
100% this.
I honestly think they'd be better off NOT MAKING A LIVE ACTION MOVIE WITH A CARTOON HEDGEHOG
>implying anybody involved in the Sonic movie had any artistic or creative vision
Thanks for standing up and saying what we were were all thinking, user. Truly it must take some big balls to say what hasn't been said before.
Give him gloves and it would be 10/10
this is the best one I've seen