Is he right Yea Forums?

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>caring about what the "correct" rating for a children's toy from 20 years ago is

It's not rated at all. Nobody talks about it because it's old and isn't considered as much of a landmark as OoT. Even the 2deep4u fags stopped caring about it. It's a shame too, it really is the best Zelda.

You just contradicted yourself by claiming it's the best Zelda

How did you speed read 4 sentences, retard? Not even him

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it honestly is, ironically, the most original Zelda since OoT.

No, that was Wind Waker.

completely forgot about it, but you are right.

>Last time I played Ocarina, I distinctly remember Link having to kill his village’s god to make sure it didn’t get taken over by Gannon

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He's right. Most fans I know of praise it as the best.


How can it be the most original when its 80% an OOT asset flip?

>Ocarina Of Time, forever overrated.

>I'm contradicting myself: the article

>guy likes obscure thing
>gets annoyed only he seems to like niche thing
>other people come around and start to enjoy it
>its no longer niche so hipster stops liking it
this is so fucking common now its getting tiresome

OOT is literally underrated since so many Zelda fans are obsessed with claiming BOTW or Majora's Mask is the best in the series

>OoT best game ever
>Zelda will never go back to OoT levels
>Number one!
OoT is decent, but the fans are the worst.

MM and WW are both overrated garbage.

OOT fans haver never done anything wrong, the worst fans are the autistic contrarians who actively go out of their way to try to convince people that OOT isn't a masterpiece

it's all on the setting, dude, it feels more like a sci-fi cosmic horror adventure than generic fantasy like every other Zelda game bar Wind Waker.

This, same thing has happened with Resident Evil 4 now

>children's toy
It's a work of art, retard

>whines about the three-day cycle, claims people say it should be overlooked rather than mentioning that people rightly that its flaws are overstated and its benefits undeniable
>complains about reused assets from OoT without mentioning how good the game's original assets are
>thinks the soundtrack is mediocre
>thinks the dungeon design sucks outside of Stone Tower Temple
>claims people praise the game for being dark and edgy, rather than being emotional and atmospheric
>the lazy "it's an expansion" dig like every other empty negative review of the game
No, he's not right. He's a faggot.

He's absolutely right, you are just seething

YES. fuck fedora's mask fags

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>I'm absolutely right, you are just seething
Upset that I'm dismissing your vacuous twaddle out-of-hand, little boy?

No, that's a special game.

Without reading the article and going based on the headline, I'd say from a hipster's perspective, yes.

people that don't like Majoras Mask are the same people that didn't get vaccinated when they were 4

Absolutely seething Fedorea fags

100%, yes. Especially how repetitive the game is and how many times you have to play the same songs (that fucking last dungeon) makes it pure dog shit.

He said that he liked the game & that it's one of the best games on the N64. Just drastically overrated by the Zelda fandom, which is correct

I mean, the Great Deku Tree does die by Link's actions, though it wasn't the intention

>Just drastically overrated by the Zelda fandom
i don't even like Zelda, but MM is pretty fucking amazing.

Unironically the best zelda.
Only contrarians disagree.

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that'd be Ocarina

OOT is extremely underrated from a story perspective, it has amazing storytelling & is the story is far deeper than people give it credit for simply because it doesn't go out of it's way to be dark & Edgy.

How did Link kill him? Ganondorf had already cursed the Great Deku tree. Link went in to save it. By the time Link defeated Gohma Ganondorf's magic had already taken its toll. The only one at fault is the Deku Tree for not sending Navi out sooner.

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Overrated does not = Bad, Majora's Mask is a great game. Just overrated as fuck & not as good as Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time & A Link To The Past. It's more of a attack on the fanbase rather than the actual game itself

This: OOT > ALTTP > WW > MM > TloZ > BOTW > TP > ALBW

>not as good as ALTTP
aaand opinion discarded, get the FUCK out of here, Arin.

ALTTP is pretty much the perfect 2D game from a design standpoint, what OOT does for 3D gaming is what ALTTP was like for 2D Games. It's objectively a 10/10

>what OOT does for 3D gaming is what ALTTP was like for 2D Games
[Citation needed]

Game is still underrated. Best game of all time.

is it? i'm listening?

ocarina's story is impressive by the standards of video games; majora's is just impressive.

Man, ALTTP is easily one of my favorite 2D Zeldas. Honestly, it almost feels underrated at times.


Yes, As a young boy, Link is ostracised as an outcast for being different because he doesn't have a fairy. He manages to rise from the obscurity of Kokiri forest - where he has never really fit in - to forge his own identity as the Hero of Time, risking his life to save the world but constantly maintaining his quiet humility. Leaving his old life behind, he sacrifices everything, even his childhood (which is, albeit, eventually restored) in his endeavours to succeed. He is expected to repeatedly put his faith in the strangers he encounters along the way, strangers who provide him with vital direction on his quest, which he does without question. Ocarina of Time emits this grand aura of good versus evil. Aided by a brilliant narrative with an unescapable sense of dread, there is an impression that Link is part of something bigger than himself, and it adds gravity to his journey and emphasises his hero status even further. Consequently he becomes a symbol for everything he is fighting for. OOT is unironically a masterpiece of storytelling

Agree, Ocarina of Time is underrated now

I don't really get the dungeon design criticism. Except maybe the first one, they're all quite a bit more ambitious than any of OoT's. If you want to talk about poor design, then talk about the fucking fish egg hunt.

too bad neither Link nor the characters ever exteriorize their feelings in game and the only time where you can actually make sense of the story is by reading a dramatization of it.

>been spending most our lives, living in an incel's paradise

I don't know, user. I didn't really think it was overrated until I just read your post. (Not that user btw)

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Link shows his feelings, he's expressive & you can tell how he's feeling based on his reactions. At the beginning for example he was reduced to tears when he had to leave Koikri Forest

Ocarina is worse than Majora and Wind Waker (but it's still a gem)

MM has always been overrated

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The Oracle games are underrated

The Forest-Spirit-Shadow-Water-Fire Temple sequence in OOT is hands down the best piece of level design in gaming history

Yes, fucking bandwaggonners pieces of shit go die in a fucking hole

>At the beginning for example he was reduced to tears when he had to leave Koikri Forest
the fucking WW Link had more expresion than OoT Link

>WWtoddlers actually believe this

so many tears.. look at his broken expression..

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WW Link is the most expressive Link, but to say OOT Link had no character is flat out disengenious

based Zelda 2 fan

Cremia smothering Link in her ample boobs

>the fucking WW Link had more expresion than OoT Link
Not that user, but you say that like Toon Link wasn't intended to be the most expressive Link (and still is).

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That was before he even was confronted by Saria, she begins Talking after this & Link hesitates on leaving once he's given the Ocarina which is demonstrated by how slowly he backed away from her. The only thing he could do was turn around & run away without looking back

God I wish that was me

i do know that, but this nigga outright lying is hilarious.

>Link hesitates on leaving once he's given the Ocarina which is demonstrated by how slowly he backed away from her. The only thing he could do was turn around & run away without looking back

i get what you are saying and that's probably what the designers intended, but having 0 facial expression make sit so you can take it as a completely different interpretation.
when i was younger i never thought link hesitated to leave, i just thought he just stopped because the game bugged or something.

ALBW outdoes ALTTP by a HUGE margin.
There was not a single second in the game where everything slowed down or even bored me to tears and I would even go as far to say it beats even TLOZLW

Overrated and underrated are completely meaningless terms that fucking retards who like to make hot-take callouts throw around because what they're really into is drama and shitslinging, but they need to hide it under the guise of actual criticism or discussion to keep up decorum. If anyone's discussion on something revolves around if it's popularity is at the correct levels you can safely discard their opinion.

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> but having 0 facial expression
That was the fault of technological Limitations, 3D games weren't able to display character emotions through their facial reactions until Silent Hill 2, MGS2 & FFX came out in 2001

>comparing a 2D game to a 3D game
user, that isn't anything other than objective opinion.

>If the player beats a boss or collects a new mask, they don’t have to do it again, but all other items, bombs, arrows, currency in the wallet, that all goes down the drain. Even progress on side quests and dungeons gets wiped if it’s not significant enough.

So the 3 days cycle is bad because you lose consumable items and side quest progress at the end of it? How is that even a flaw?

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The game is SO good though.
I really like LA and consider it one of my favourite 2D games out there, but ALBW manages to pull a 2.5D move and outdoes them both. Everything feels so snappy and on-key that you could run through it without your mind wandering off.

This thread is FULL of zoomers, if anything is making me seethe its all the teenager zoomers in this thread posting

My opinion from over 10 years ago, still the best Zelda game but everyone treats it like its some unheard of hidden gem.

I liked LA a lot, but, imo, Worlds wasn't better than Past. ALLTP is a lot more open and there are tons of secrets an upgrades to find. In ALBW most of the cool stuff you had to explore to find is now used for the aliens/dungeons. I feel like the shop really messed with the flow of cool unlockables.

With that said I genuinely love all three of those games.

So we all agree that WW is still the gayest title in the series correct?

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No, it's the second best Zelda game after Majora

Majora's Mask relies on nihilism and "muh depression" as its foundations of its game. And the one thing that irks me the most about them is that because of it, everyone considers this game the "scariest and the creepiest" game in the series.

Fuck that. Wanna know why?
Ocarina of Time is a fucking horror game in the manner as that your a fucking kid getting thrown out into a psychotic world. You're expected to stop shit from hitting the fan and you're teaming up with another kid in the process. You both know the dangers of whats to come and no one is listening to either of you because, guess what? YOUR FUCKING KIDS.

And then, AND THEN??
You go out of your way to get all these weapons, these treasures and shit to stop evil from getting any stronger AND YOU HAVE TO FALL INTO A GRAVE FULL OF FUCKING ZOMBIES (who are blatantly resurrected HUMANS fuck your Hystoria) AND?
You're still a fucking kid.

You then get all the stuff, no one still respects you, NOT EVEN GANON. Your childhood sweetheart runs away terrified because you and her have failed and no one is aware of whats coming.
You think? Oh wait, I have the trifoce! Nothing could go wrong!


The whole game is twisted left right and center and you have to fight your way out of it all while everyone runs around panicking in fear, either because they're incompetent, stupid or too terrified to stop things from getting worse.

And its literally all up to you to fix the damage caused.

Majoras Mask is just moody and expects you to deal with everyone complaining. Its not fun and its not scary. Its just annoying.

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No, fuck off you Autist. TP is the only lackluster Zelda game because unlike the others it does nothing to make it stand out & has no one aspect that is done far better than the rest of the series.
> OOT: Pacing, Soundtrack, Core Fundamentals, Bosses, Dungeons
> MM: Side Quests, Characters
> WW: Atmosphere, Graphics, Protagonist(s), Villain
> SS: Storytelling
> BOTW: Exploration, Freedom, Gameplay
All of these games have their selling points that made people love them. None of that exists for Twilight Princess since it's so mediocre & by the numbers.

No, but WW Link is the gayest Link in the series

Take the red potion.

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>No archive or pastebin
>Even posted a direct link to your shitty clickbait article about """video game culture"""
Wrap a bat in barbed wire and fuck yourself with it.

I've never agreed with a post more in a Zelda thread.

I'll admit, user
Majora's Mask is still my favorite Zelda game
But this post was beautiful
Also, one of my favorite moments is when getting the master sword, because you believe you got the weapon to kill Ganondorf, but he turns around and says fuck you because you gave him the triforce of power.

>> SS: Storytelling
Post goes out the fucking window.


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It's literally true whether you like it or not, SS has the best storytelling in the series regardless of how well the story is actually written.

>don't mention TP
>WWfag does it first
Rent free since 2003

Twilight Princess succeeds in that it creates a really unique and interesting world.
Most of the story stays hidden but you can kind of get an idea of what the world is like by exploring and looking at the unspoken details around you.
Its not a great Zelda game but it sure as hell works really well in the environmental storytelling department.
Sometimes I just hang around and explore in it because its just that nice.

>some faggots blog from 2016

where do you even find this shit and why do you even care

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>t's literally true
It's not. Turning the first ever Zelda adventure into an pseudo anime fit with a high school and waifu Zelda while also shitting on the best Toon Zelda game, Minish Cap, automatically makes it terrible. The story was trash and nobody needed Fujiabayashi's dumb OCs.

ALTTP is the most overrated piece of garbage Zelda game there is. MM and OoT are some of the greatest games ever made tho.

Twilight Princess's only saving grace is creating the most attractive video game character of all time

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>overanalysing a kids game

This is the equivalent of games journalism. Please stop.

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BOTW, WW & Majora's Mask all do the interesting world concept better than Twilight Princess. Somewhere under all of the tedious bullshit is a good game, but it's executed so poorly that it ruins it kinda like Assassin's Creed IV. The most i can say it does right is fanservice, it's pretty much like the MGS4 of Zelda in that regard. It's a perfect nostalgic callback to Ocarina of Time, but doesn't do enough to distance itself from Ocarina of Time to make it succeed at being it's own game.

>ALTTP is the most overrated piece of garbage Zelda game there is.
WW mate, people dickride until they realize it's an unfinished game stretched out the ass but it's okay because MUH COMFY and CEL SHADING.

T. Twilight Princess fag, literally the equivelent of FF8 fags crying about how "Bad" FF9 is

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All these games fucking rule

BOTW punishes you for investigating the world. There's no fun in being curious about anything since there feels like nothing but roadblocks wherever you go. Anytime I tried doing so all I got was "shrines" and food chases. It got infuriating very quickly.

The entire Zelda franchise is overrated except OoT. It's a mediocre adventure franchise with literal babby tier writing/stories, shitty one note fetch quests and braindead easy puzzles. Combat is a joke as well.

OoT gets a pass because it was truly revolutionary for its time like Mario 64 but every game since then, has been unremarkable and got high scores purely for its name alone (Skyward Sword, BoTW).

It reminds me of MGS. It's one of those franchises where reviewers are so desperate to please their rabid fans that they constantly give the games high scores that they don't deserve.

Take MGS3, by far the best MGS game. Well it's scored lower than MGS4 (trash) and MGSV(trash). How did this happen?

Reviewers chimped out and scored it way to high
Reviewers chimped out and scored it way to high
Reviewers tried to regain their integrity and scored it lower, despite it being by far the best game in the franchise
Reviewers score it way to high, despite it being garbage just so they can calm down the rabid fans who lost their shit after MGS3s reviews.

Compare it to Zelda and it's the same shit with Twilight Princess getting scored too low and Skyward Sword getting scored way to high after the backlash of Twilight Princess.

Mediocre franchises that get by on brand name alone

Only shit, same image from the Twilight Princess thread today. Did TP fuck you mom?

>bunch of adjectives to overly complicate a story that literally amounts to "save da princess and defeat da evil bad guy"

What's funny is you can make any story sound simple but that's literally Zelda's entire plot. You can even make Marios story sound complicated doing what you're doing. I mean, just look at this bit

> to forge his own identity as the Hero of Time, risking his life to save the world but constantly maintaining his quiet humility.
He's a mute, lmao. Literally has no personality like Jak from Jak and Daxter

>OoT Graphics
>MM Graphics
Hold the fuck up

>but doesn't do enough to distance itself from Ocarina of Time to make it succeed at being it's own game.
>the unique artsyle and mood of TP is not enough to set it apart from the other Zeldas

Proof that Ganondorf was known in Termina.

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>from underrated to receiving the correct amount of praise

T. Seething

WW sucks dude. Crap dungeons, side quests and overworld.

Maybe they mean how the graphics are utilized? idk

No because Majora's Mask already did the Mature Zelda better than Twilight Princess, and TP's graphics were fucking horrible & felt completely outdated when it first came out

Yup. Faggots will force themselves to like anything they view as the black sheep.

But Majora's Mask has the same Graphics as OoT
And I don't even dislike any Zelda game, they're all fucking fun

If this is the case then why does nobody share this opinion? You say this as if it's a fact, yet you are clearly the 1 % of people that believe this. For actually bad games like TP & SS, people have finally come to acknowledge that they aren't good games. Yet this hasn't happened with WW, OOT, MM or BOTW

Sorry user, I just don't see it that way.

>this looks ugly so it can't have mood or style

Nice argument

Have Sex

The opposite happened with FF7. No one critiqued it and everyone just continued to cry about how overrated it is. People who played it retroactively then realized it's one of the best FF7 games and the claims that it is overrated has led people to believe it's a bad game, earning it the status of underrated.

>If this is the case then why does nobody share this opinion? You say this as if it's a fact, yet you are clearly the 1 % of people that believe this

U unironically made some great points I had never before considered. 10/10 post

>For actually bad games like TP & SS
Those games aren't actually bad tho. Especially TP. Average but not bad.

That's cool, stay blind user.

A difference in two years is actually massive, for a 1998 game OOT looked revolutionary but by 2000 for a new game Majora's Mask's graphics were already outdated. It felt too much like a 1-1 rehash or expansion pack. This is why Wind Waker was rated so highly, because the graphical leap was the most impressive thing in that entire era before Resident Evil 4 & SoTC came out in 2005

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God it's 2019 and people are still fucking talking as if there's objectivity to these subjective opinions.

acting like massively popular beloved video games are overrated despite being totally incapable of such creativity oneself, is the definition of "just gamejourno things"

If Millions of flies eat shit, then that means you are the one in the wrong because you are convincing yourself that it tasting bad to you means everyone else is wrong for thinking otherwise

If you care about what's ""overrated"" or ""underrated"" then you're a tremendous faggot anyway. Your taste clearly isn't your own; it's all for show.

Ad populum user, ad populum.

You are just assmad that no statistic or source can prove your point about WW being a bad game. It's literally all solely based on the autistic ramblings of a few contrarians

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