The plotline to Blood of the Dead is fucking kino
dont grab it yet I need to reload
>that guy who buys olympia round 1
read that as AY LMAO
>upgraded thundergun
>1 out of 4 shots and cant reload at will
>want to get one gust in and reload before grabbing it
>use the blast
>teammate grabs it before i finish reloading
hi :)
>get insta kill
>melee zombo shitters
>nuke spawns right after kill and i grab it as it is an inevitability
god fucking dammit
Surely you mistyped mob of the dead
>Upgrading the M14 into the Mnesia instead of Olympia for Hades
your loss, fag
So we're all in agreement the Jet Gun is the worst Wonder Weapon right?
>That guy who took Sniper Rifles from the mystery box
>upgrading first room weapons
why is blops 4 so shit
hard mode: no mentioning lack of campaign
even harder mode: hard mode and no mentioning battle royale
Oh my god that was supposed to be a Wonder Weapon?
>Successfully guarding this room with 3 other randos till the high 30's until the weapons were just literally useless
That's truly something badass. Mmmmmm, wouldn't want to mess with us
>not having the sniper bonus perk in BO2 that let you get 300 extra points per kill as long as it was made with a sniper allowing for fast early round progression
t. aimlet its like you DONT have good aim
>that guy that opens the door without telling anybody.
>that guy that threatened to leave if he didn't get the raygun/get revived if he had it.
>that guy that hogged the mystery box
>that silent guy that carries the whole fucking lobby
>crafting memes
>drags the zeds closer to you
>can break
>have to put it back together
>except pieces can glitch and be lost forever
>that guy that opens all the doors
>that guy that always revives everyone
>that guy that opens PAP
The L96 was one of the best weapons for getting out of a shitty situation if your train looks like it's about to go bad though. I will fight for Sniper Rifles and the China Lake in zombies until the day I die, both are severely underrated.
Haven't played since December but Zombie was fine, just the different eras thing was strange, and the "Press Q to Win" garbage that has been infecting the MP since Black Ops 3 somehow made it's way in. Which, talking about the MP, the Specialists are still designed in such a way that some of them are just overtly upgrades over other specialists or, in the case of Battery for example, give you absolutely no reason to take equipment. There are just so many odd decisions that scream "Hey we put this thing in but here's about 5 reasons why you wouldn't want to use it let alone have to."
>Claim your window
>Teammate throws a grenade through it
Last I checked elixirs were jewish as fuck, free ones had a 30 min cooldown and paid ones were instant
So we all strictly use the knife and M1911 to milk extra points right?
underage thread
>>that silent guy that carries the whole fucking lobby
That was me literally every time
I wish they continued with military facilities and stuff instead this high fantasy shit. I really liked the roman arena map, but everything else is just boring and uninspired
>that guy that Jewed the team because he used the lift/launch pad/teleporter without anyone else
>That guy who threw grenades into your train
You wouldn't forget him, right user?
Which window was your all time favorite windowfu?
The one across from the staircase in the first room of Ascension was always the best
guys revive me i got ray gun
Whoops! I seemed to have dropled one of the best perk jingles in this thread by accident. Sorry about that!
It's really not that bad. The Chaos story has to get off the ground somehow, and I heard that it's finally done it with Ancient Evil. Now we get Aether story maps that will hopefully wrap up the story so we can move on.
>that guy who kills the crawler before everyone's finished setting up
>that guy who leaves during the beginning of the round
>that guy who picks up the max ammo before everyone reloads
>that guy who claims "Jug is for kids" and keeps getting downed
Of course not. He was the nicest one.
>Not running Mustang and Sally
If you kept the pistol and got it upgraded it could reliably help you out for a good while
Favorite map?
For me, it's Kino
Ancient Evil was legitimately Kino and second only to DE in terms of a great map, Dead of the Night was the best cast of celebs even if it had some of the worst treyarch-isms of modern zombies
>Want fully upgraded Folly but not hitting the box for it
>4 symbols with 3 locations each
>6 parts with 3 locations each for silver bullets
>RNG-based steps for collecting materia for upgrades
>Standard shield parts affair
>Pack-a-punch quest has 3 steps each with several permutations
>Perk statue RNG
>Fucking vampires that only get worse when crimsons are added
>Actual main quest is pretty shite too
I just want to blow zombies heads off as Brian Blessed then put down a bloody werewolf or two. I don't know how BO4 has had such hit and miss maps. IX was amazing, BOTD was a great way to do a remake even if some of the quest steps were bullshit, VoD is possibly the worst designed map in existence, but the boss fight was fantastic, and Classified was a great way to do a remake.
Hopefully in three years time when Chaos is the only focus, we'll be much better off rather than having this mismatched balance of maps.
>all of my CoD Zombies experience was via the game on my iTouch
>played very well too
>Not Tombstone
I mean, come on user. Get your BO2 memes right.
zoomer here but i had so much fucking fun playing this game on my touch with my friends on the bus back from field trips. was my only way of playing it back then
So the second Richtofen at the end was supposed to be a version of him that exists outside the cycle right? How exactly is that possible?
I personally liked VoD but I understand how it could be seen as poorly designed. I think it was a little too ambitious, or just poorly executed. My main gripe with the map is that the Easter Egg has really nothing to do with the setting. It feels like random steps like the Revelations egg.
Fact: "training" killed zombies, and the maps were more fun when played cooperatively with 4 guys hunkered down in a corner of the level.
compare walking in a circle for hours to the thrill of you and 3 friends were on Der Riese with a lineup of zombies coming and you all set up thousands of bouncing betties and a mad dash to revive each other
Why yes, I use Hades. How could you tell?
The second Richtofen is post-Revelations Rich. We don't know the details, but he probably wasn't satisfied with being sent back to the Great War so he figured out a way to freeze himself under Alcatraz until the cycle was broken.
Right, the second Richtofen is OUR Richtofen.
>Becomes aware of the cycle the first time
>Is one of the, if not the only successful one to live through two full iterations of the cycle
>Goes from the great war with the fire gem back to the pocket Alcatraz dimension, puts himself in the cryo-pod, changing the cycle and the kronorium, since he isn't there post-great war to continue the cycle
>The crew we play as in BOTD kill the warden with his help, get filled in while Nikolai still had his soul and go to (presumably) Classified.
He's what had broken the cycle, by being aware of it and having taken part in it fully, he took steps to ensure it would be broken. As was the intention initially when they worked with Monty.
Hi, I'm the most underrated map in the series
It feels like they had the Titanic setting as an idea long before Chaos was established and it was the one map that didn't suit the theme of the trial to go with it, hence the random steps of the easter egg.
Aligning the planets, etc. were supposed to tie in with Odin and aligning the nine realms, etc. but obviously things were lost in poor execution.
You forgot the most important part
>Changing out of the templar armor and into his primis attire so Monty is none the wiser about Post Rev Richtofen existing
Tranzit was the worst map ever made. Prove me wrong.
I can't.
The bus was so fucking stupid and people spamming fans in the bus was even more retarded
Hence the presumably. The actual route might be BOTD > DLC 3 > Classified > DLC 4 especially since we have this to consider. There's nowhere that this fits in yet, unless it's at the end and they just completely cut out Primis Rich and replace him with Ultimis just for the complete tragic hero arc.
Monty put it best himself, I can't remember the exact quote but it's something along the lines of although he's all-seeing, he's not looking everywhere all the time.
MPL....Mmmmmm wouldnt want to mess with that guy
Why yes, Ascension is the best map. Isn't it obvious?
This man speaks the truth, zombies was at its best when the main goal was to get your weapons pack a punched so you could hunker down until the game stopped dropping power ups for you.
Say what you want about nu-cod, but the zombie modes always is fucking good. They should honestly do a standalone zombie game.
I like how absolutely off the rails the stories gotten in the past 2 games, but I also kinda miss the more grounded aspect of WaW and Blops too
>WW2 zombies looked to be a return to that
>Surprise no its not, it's all ancient evil entities and shit
They couldn't even keep up the "Mad scientist" story for 5 maps, it's amazing just how bad it was executed.
Are they really going to rehash Nuketown again for DLC 3? The leaks from November have been right so far so it seems that'll be the DLC 3 location. I'm annoyed that they keep rehashing this fucking map.
>that guy that demanded we wait until he reloads before grabbing the max ammo
Is the zombie DLC for blops 1 worth it?
>find out about secret songs
>assume they work on the touch version
>it does
>but it's a loop of the first ten seconds
Here's your Misty, bro.
Yes Ascension and Shangri-La are great
Depends on which console version or PC and how many people are playing
If PC I say no
Also depends on what you like, as I consider Shi No Numa to be a terrible map. Nacht might be lacking in features
But if you mean the other maps? $15 for one zombie map is not worth it
>covering up her breasts
Treyarch messed up and had this visible on the store page in BO4, it might be the locked map after DLC4 assuming that's not Zombie Chronicles 2
I hope not.
>Of the last four aether maps, 3 of them are remakes
Nuketown would definitely be a bonus, the same way the MP map was added post-launch for everyone.
Shangri-la is the best map they've ever done and even in Black Ops 1 it looks beautiful.
Also you'll have to excuse this image, a friend DM'd me this through >discord a few days ago.
They reused Scarlet's model because they were lazy.
The best map ever is Der Eisendrache, followed by Shadows of Evil.
>"user make a crawler"
>accidentally kill last zombie
I played CoD zombies ages a couple of times years ago at a friends house, this thread made me nostalgic. Which CoD has the best zombie maps, should I pirate them?
Without DLC, Black Ops 1
With DLC, Black Ops 3
Get Black Ops 1, its funny playing the classic American, Nazi, Soviet, Jap party or playing as JFK, Nixon, Castro and McNamara
>shit gremlin eats your toes and ruins your train
Fuck special zombies, dogs were bad enough.
One of the maps is going to have the Victis crew as playable, it was set-up in a hidden phone call in Classified and according to the leaks one will have the Ultimis crew as playable as well (most likely the supposed new Nuketown) so who knows.
I'd recommend Black Ops III on Steam if they're okay with playing solo because of the workshop maps
I used to play this on my ____Wii______
Nah it'll be BOTD > Classified > DLC 3 (probably nuketown) > DLC 4
this shit with the second MPD in america is huge
So what is the plot of Zombies now anyway? The last time I was really up to date was the end of BO2 where they sort of soft rebooted the plot.
Would a mechanical MPD even work the same as the real MPD? I doubt all of the power in the Moon MPD is from the completed Vril Device and the Egg alone.
>So what is the plot of Zombies now anyway?
Have fun.
For a comprehensible version, go here
You don't wanna know
There's like 4 different plots happening all at once
kek, Brian Blessed was the best thing about DotN.
>"Is this a mansion or a fucking kennel?"
>that based bro that opens all the doors then leaves the lobby
Infinite Warfare's zombies is underrated. espcially director's cut.
probably also considering the vril are the keepers
this game will likely end with multiple crews just fucking on dr monty and/or maxis though the second MPD is very important and Ultimis Richtofen is too
the MPD basically turns you into a god or demi-god and you can see all of time and every dimension
it's how samantha on classified knows about what richtofen is gonna do and how she knows a crooked man who lives in a crooked house aka doctor monty
primis nikolai will likely be the one to enter the second mpd considering hes the only one with a soul
It wasn't really a soft reboot as the original WAW/BLOPS 1 crew returns later in the story.
The short and sweet version story is the version of the crew from Origins (known as the Primis crew) and their version of Maxis make a deal with an all-powerful being known as Dr. Monty for their safety from the zombies and any other being infected with or using the 115 element in exchange for their eternal souls. However it turns out that Monty is evil and locks them in a never-ending cycle. Richtofen eventually finds a way to break it using Nikolai's soul. They team up with the the WAW/BLOPS 1 crew (Ultimis crew) and the Trazit crew (Victis crew) to kill Dr Monty
Why does Samantha like McNamara so much?
Literally who
Not him but in the canon he's the one who survives the longest during the events of Five
Originally I thought she just didn't want Ultimis fucking with MacNamara because Five hadn't happened yet, but that's redundant since the zombies are already attacking the pentagon.
>shitty glitching queen blackout screenshot
Misty was always a shitty character I only enjoyed Russman and Stu for Victis
>tried his hardest to make it out with the others
>end up sacrificing himself and they won't even remember the hell he went through
Thanks for the recomendations guys. I already have Black Ops 1 (no DLC though) myself and it was the one I played a lot already anyway. So Black Ops 3 is the one I should get?
What makes the BO3 zombie maps so special? Haven't played them/seen them at all
Also, I don't follow Cowaduty at all, is the rest of the game any good (singleplayer/multiplayer)?
Primis Richtofen is selfish just like most Richtofens
it wasn't until that robes richtofen a primis richtofen became a non-brainlet probably because hes been through the cycle
Primis Richtofen used the blood vials so he wouldn't die and ultimately perpetuated the cycle by going through Monty's plan he never truly cared for his comrades
it's why Shadow Man had the alcatraz pocket dimension to eventually trap him and break the cycle
MP is boring, SP is hit and miss; unironically too high iq for most COD players to enjoy.
As for Zombies, Der Eisendrache (DLC1) is considered to be the greatest zombies map ever period. It has a solo friendly and super fun main easter egg quest, the bows are the most powerful and fun wonder weapons in a long time. ZNS (DLC2) is controversial, I personally find it to be god awful because of the boss zombie it can respawn multiple times in the same round, even if there's one already alive and buying every door on the map costs 10k points. Gorod Krovi is alright I guess, and it's also when the Zombies mode just goes ball to the wall insane with dragons and shit. Ray Gun Mk 3 is cool though. Revelations is easy as FUCK and it's even more batshit crazy than Gorod, as the map itself is mashed together maps from WaW, BO1, BO2, and BO3. Fun but there's like 6 different mini boss zombies and getting the power on is cancer. Then there's Zombie Chronicles, which has 8 remastered maps from WaW, BO1, and BO2. Some maps are poorly done, the others are fantastically remade.
I'd include Shadows and The Giant but I want to bump this thread first
Anyways, Shadows of Evil (Base map) takes a LONG time to learn, but when you do learn it actually becomes really fun to play on. The late 30's early 40's aesthetic is really pleasing to the eyes and ears, the celebrity cast is mostly great (Jeff Goldblum hamming it up is the best). The main reason it exists is to introduce the whole Apothicon Keeper story to the Aether story. The Giant is just Der Riese remade. Not one for one remade, though, there's some new stuff added like the 6th perk quest and the Annihilater, but it's about 95% the Der Riese experience.
Not them but the maps are both the best designed since BLOPS 1 and the most atmospheric since WAW. Der Einsendrache is easily a top 3 map. Tons of unlockables, each map has side quests with worthwhile prizes for doing them, gobblegums add a ton of replay value, each map is challenging but not overly difficult like WAW Verucktt or Tranzit.
>Zombie Chronicles Verruckt doesn't have Verruckt sprinters
Thank god but i feel like part of the charm of the map is gone because of it.
>Unironically too high IQ
This. It took literal years for people to realize it was all a dream
also to add in BO4
it changes some of the core mechanics with the new choose your perk loadout system and jugg,speed,double tap basically already being in the game
it's a pretty enjoyable experience though the maps really worth playing are IX,Ancient Evil and Classified
Blood of The Dead,Voyage of Despair and Dead of The Night can be hit or miss depending on your tastes
Thanks again for the help guys, that's a lot of useful info. I've heard that CoD3 zombies is unironicaly great and really made, especially for a fucking CoD game and what you say confirms what i've heard. I'll give it a try and see how fun it is
>bo2 maps
>no mob of the dead
its shit
Here's your Mob of the Dead, bro.
>Nacht der Untoten was almost 11 years ago
>that guy that buys an olympia round 1
>steals early kills and doesnt even aim for the head, let alone knife
>refuses to communicate, follow any instruction or open doors
>gets downed once every other round
>teleports when it suits him, doesnt recharge tele
>grabs max ammo without warning
>knifes the last fucking hound every time
>hosts the game from kazakhstan and gives everyone 100ping
>despite all this fuckery is somehow still, STILL given the thundergun
>finally gets downed in an unsalvagable position
>dies and loses the thundergun
>leaves the game and ends it for everyone else because he was the fucking host
blops 1 zombies mustve taken 30 years off my life
Haha good joke ano-
>Initial release date: November 11, 2008
>removing the iconic voice talent
I don't like this feeling
Mob of the Dead is the best zombie map, prove me wrong
Also, the intro cinematic is god tier
I will accept Der Eisendrach and Origins as they are also really fucking kino
I wish there was an alternative to this piece of shit rotten site, even more niche and old fagish. Fuck all of you underage retards
This is a real Nightmare!
fuck you.
>"D-dude trust me... I can get the ray gun by purchasing"
>Immediately disconnect so I don't play with such a garbage player.
>>"D-dude trust me... I can get the ray gun by purchasing"
>That moment when you play BO2 with that same guy and he legit gets the Ray Gun by buying the Olympia
>carry to round 38
>some asshole is still using a ray gun
>they even upgraded it
lol someones old (i.e. 22 years old) and bitter (i.e. feels special)
>round ends
I'm kinda in the mood to create a bunch of PTI edits for no reason. Shoot me your best zombies related images and requests, I'm bored.
>that spastic dance that you swear increases the odds of getting the raygun
Their lore writers are completely and utterly incompetent and the story has no cohesion whatsoever. The entire storyline fell apart as soon as it went from BO1 to BO2. Don't even TRY and make sense out of it, you're genuinely wasting your time.
>that one guy who threw an emp grenade near the bus
It makes sense, though. Brainlet.
Did you not realize what path Activision-Blizzard as a company has been taking lately?
This is the Call of Duty series now.
>reloading lmg
>impatient teammate picks it up anyway
Every time
>implying I'm not enjoying every moment of this absolutely nonsensical story
>zoomers destroy everything: the series
The mod maps for W@W zombies are good and capture the gritty dark feel of the first zombie maps, not the rubbish new shit
Either I am fucking retarded or this story is the most convoluted and complicated mess in video game history or both, but I cannot for the life of me understand what the fuck is going on in the Zombies plot, no matter how many useless recap videos exist. Can one of you autists take the time to spoonfeed this shit to me in detail like a fucking baby?
This is truth. Hoarding in MP just becomes a solo game with others since if you're near one another it just fucks everything up. Holding rooms way more fun.
Yes, right up until the third or fourth round. All headshots then finish with knife.
>there's a video of it
Probably Kino for me too. I want to say Verrückt, but Kino is too good. Ascension probably would be my favorite if it wasnt for the monkeys.
I read that they all survived?
Doesn't Classified take place before 5 as evidenced by the memo on the podium talking about the upcoming meeting?
I did this whenever a person left their post to go shoot at other people's zombies. In Kino, it was almost always the guy under the stairs
I was one of those guys that deleted the title update from my xbox so I could effectively downgrade my cod bo1 zombies to the version that didn't patch the gamebreaking "out of map" barrier skips or whatever they are. I'd stand on top of the table on "Five" and just see how far I could get like that. The zombies eventually die on their own anyway so I'd just leave the game on all night and come back to fucking chaos
>I read they all survived
There's a radio on Revelations in which NacNamara says he's the last one to survive.
Basically they have to go kill the devil
Men of culture
>not training as a 4 man death squad through the entire map
I cannot for the life of me give a shit about alien magic, fictional future guns or dumbass British dudes being big bads. Zombies stopped being interesting to me after BLOPS and i’ve been waiting for some campy coldwar/ww2 Horror for like a fucking decade now.
>"Woah! Big!"
music was very good, used to listen to them around 5 years ago
How do people play this past 25?
Where you need a whole fucking mag to even kill one zombie.
I thought it would be to continuously swap weapons and then pack a punch them, but even on BO4 that seems to not be the case.
WaW had the best zombie maps
and best guns too
>that guy who bought the kar98k instead of just waiting for the gewher
>aimlet cant get constant 1-hit kill headshots with the chadkar
>NBC Premier League ads
No fuck off I don't want to be reminded of shitball
Kar is meta. you make back the money it cost with 2 headshots and it's enough to get you to the box if ur good
Tfw playing Roblox knockoff zombies
>that guy that upgrades ballistic knifes and revives everyone instantly from across the room
That's me btw
Black ops 3 custom zombies from the workshop is worth the 20$ on g2a. Highly recommend it