What kind of person plays video games outside in public?

What kind of person plays video games outside in public?

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Why are like 90% of autistic people white?

what kind of person post's on Yea Forums and not talk about video games?

Autism doesn't exist. It's a made up disorder.

because there's no concernable difference between an autistic black person and a 'regular' one.

tell that to

>no concernable difference
I think you mean DISCERNIBLE

why do like 90% of white people have made up disorders?

>posts on western, english speaking website
>why are you posting white people


>Be black
>This is still funny

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lol based

What kind of person does [anything] in public?

>picture of person doing [anything] in order to start an inflammatory argument.

Prove me wrong.

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i do bitch, you got a problem with that?

Because they have enough money to go to a psychiatrist so they can pull a disorder out of their ass.

y-yeah bro

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when I lived in nyc, I'd play my ds on the train. Don't see what the big deal is?

Yea Forumsirgins

always the same five fucking pictures
keep grasping you fucking loser.


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It's always funny seeing Yea Forums be like "lol look at this loser" and make fun of peoples looks. Yea I'm sure you're all 10/10s with perfect jawlines

so this guy got to the frozen food aisle and decided he had to bend down and unzip his pokemon right there?

reminder you can do what ever you want in public and won't be judged as long as you are good looking. If you're ugly no matter what you do it will look cringy.

It's not a big deal. Retards here make it a big deal when in reality most people don't care.

thats exactly what happened and anyone who says otherwise is lying

Other races have plenty of autistic people.
You just can't tell because you mistake the autism of other races as weird social mores unique to that group.

Do you think black people can actually afford to take their kid in to get the diagnosis? Why do you think every black person acts like a retarded ape?


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What the fuck is this?

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ah, fuck me. I knew that looked weird but spell check didn't say it was wrong.

i dont play video games in public because something like this might happen

Because acting like a retard is the norm among other races.

a movie. are you retarded?

>dude last night i went out drinking with my friends, it was craaaazy, check out this picture i snuck

>it's 5 millennials staring at their phones

He was probably getting a Pokemon or Animal Crossing thing that you have to go to the store or change your home WiFi to pretend you're at a store to receive. So he's no playing video games in public, just turning it on, receiving the item, then leaving

Why? Because some retard might take a creepshot of you to shitpost with so he can slightly feel better about his pathetic and uninteresting life?

look at the price

So phone games count?

It says volume 4 after the first word

He's in the dairy section you retard

Avengers Volume 4 i think it says so probally pic related.

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Antbully price is the one on the right

>be black
>speak without being spoken to


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Fat autsitic white people. I ran into one who literally tried to talk to everyone in Taco Bell, he talked super fucking loud you wouldn't believe the stares he got. Fucking white people were a mistake.

Japanese people

why can you guys make fun of and ridicule other races and it s okay, but the moment someone says something negative about white people the asshurt responses come out?


Because white people are super sensitive faggots.

Let me guess, you're a wh*te?

Please, go be shot elsewhere, Am*rican.

Yea Forumsincels

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White is the only race that matters.

Don't tell that to the mutts, they'll get angry.

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Black people are more socially competent than normal white folks let alone the autistic

Thats how black people keep stealing all your white bitches

Literally every phone in the picture is off.

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it's always a nintenbaby


like everybody. spend 5 minutes on public transit

Lets get this started with my personal favorite

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You're on right wing tumblr. Just our buzzwords are faggot and nigger.

a manchild

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i'd lick her sweaty, unwiped rim

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>tfw people at my job actually think I'm autistic
>one was genuinely surprised when I said I wasn't

I might as well just buy a Switch and start playing it at work, because whatever I'm doing clearly isn't working

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most autists i know are east asian.

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Keep dumping nincel pics

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My roommate was an autistic person of color.
Maybe it’s because we live in a majority white country?

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How come people on social media talk the biggest shit yet wouldn't say this to their face?

imagine the smell

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Sure that guy is slovenly but he's not harming anyone. Whoever took this picture is probably some memelord faggot looking to score karma points on reddit or iFunny.

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You ever just look at someone and instantly KNOW... "He's a pedophile"?

>caring what people think of you while you're wasting your life on public transit/in the airport/at a family gathering/hanging out with friends

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why do these type of people always have the same leg shape and shoe style?

niggers aren't even human bro.

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>tfw it took me a second to realize why there seemed to be something wrong with his lower body

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looks more retarded to me

wa hoo wahoo wahoo!

White people are the lowest tier. What a bunch of subhumans.

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>can’t spell
>talks shit

We need you to go back. You aren’t welcome in the ethnostate Amerimutt.

why do they take their pictures at an angle? they can just hold the phone further away if they want more of their big dumb face in the picture.

imaginez l'odeur

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>that grown man in the skirt

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whiter than you muhammed

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>right wing tumblr
Huh, with the plebbit invasion during the last presidential elections, this is something I never really put thought to but you're right.

>people that created literally everything in the modern world are subhumans
>greatest people are worst people, somehow

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Its Madam!

Look at all fat backs


Not nintendo but..

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These pictures are literally years old now.
I'm pretty sure the second one is over a decade.

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Is that the reason why they commit so many crimes?
>inb4 cop pulled me over jus' cos I'm black

>straightedge username
>at a bar
>beer in front of them

Not so fast nignog

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Why play it in awkward places like a shopping centre? I get on the bus or train, not when you are actively walking round

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Nigga that's Josh Gad doing some method acting

Imagine being so insecure you look at games you see food

They are more "socially competent" because society is pushing towards their nigger culture. It's call to call everything bro now

> Mocking a dude for being fat, ugly and playing games in public
Yeah how old are you guys in this place?

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>Yeah I go to the gym. How could you tell?

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Damn Beetlejuice for $4.99? What a steal! OP can you pick that up for me? I'll get you back for it, I swear.

That don't look like beer.

all of us are 20-something muscular chads who play PC games

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And to wrap it up, I give you based sony chad dabbing on the train.

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I think that's a soda. Notice the can next to the cup.

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White doesn't exist, ethnicities do tho

look at this autistic degenerate lmao

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You're right, instead of minding their own business and quietly playing a game to pass the time, they should be blaring low-quality rap music at max volume in order to assert dominance over their surrounding environment.

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based gran, showing why you shouldn't give a fuck what random people think of you

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please no

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Literally every races does this retard. Go call someone a nigger as a joke and see if they don't ape off

>nincel so angry hes dumping diaper porn
L e l

only normies get peeved at loud chimps
anons just think "we wuz kangz" and think it to be hilarious

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Is that really a gameboy? It looks like a phone to me

You would find that person ridiculous regardless of what he's doing, but you're using the gaming as a crutch to be able to mock him without the consequences.

>identifying with someone with a high rate of chance of dementia

I know you guys probably won't believe me but I know the guy. He became mentally challenged after being hit by a car an is stuck is in the mindset of an 8 year old.

I'm not joking

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Nintendo fans