I will play a game solely because the protagonist is a cute girl

I will play a game solely because the protagonist is a cute girl.

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Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.

How do you do that without money and time?

Have sex.

>LLENN's game barely has her
Fuck that bullshit. Fuck off Kiricunt.

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I love Chara!

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I actually thought Fatal Bullet was a fairly fun game, but considering you're not literally playing Kirito, I found him being shoved in there super fucking obnoxious and annoying.

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>telling the ugly degenerates to fuck

Name ten games.

Gotta sell the game to the xXxBlaCKSWordxXx pre-teen Kirito fans. Game's an ok Borderlands clone otherwise.

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Literally can't get into this arc. What am I missing here

I can't convey what I am feeling right now.

Op, please, turn on the lights, open your eyes.

You don't have to be like this, you don't have to keep digging your own grave in a sceptic tank.

Man, people like you both make me pity you and also want to slowly poison you to death.

There's nothing to get, it's just a fun anime about vidya until it gets all weird and serious

The author is a literal /k/-tier super gun otaku and he wrote the entire thing as a way to live out gun fantasies without anyone being hurt.

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I liked how the ending had a fat otaku get dommed by a loli.

Heavenly swords
Atelier series
Nights of Azure
A rose in the twilight (and the firefly one too)
Honkai Impact
Long Live The Queen
A bunch of female only fighting games (arcana heart, skullgirls, etc)
Valkyrie Drive
Gravity Rush

Though the amount of games with female protagonists is lacking, whenever I see one I make sure to scoop it up.

Its just fun shit in VR without the autism "BUT OUR LIVES DEPEND ON THIS VIDEO GAME" and kirito circlejerking.
Its just some faggot who likes guns, writing about a gun VR game, and making the protagonists cute lolis.

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Parasite eve
Tron Bonne
Fear effect
Silent hill 3
Tomb raider
Mirrors edge
Tales of berseria
Perfect dark

I want to get the loli exercise and diet routine to turn into an ikemen.

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I miss LLENN-chan

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I'm... gonna need a source on that user

the official manga

Why is there no hyper customizable over the shoulder multiplayer shooter where all the characters are cute anime girls?

It's a big factor to me but not the sole deciding factor. Unfortunately games with cute girl protagonists are often terrible.

Season 2 when?

never ever because we're all suffering through a year of Alicization.

it would be so good though watching all of them team up to fight evil invading americans.

like many great shows:
never ever

>Jashin-chan got a season 2
Never say never

Wait fuck this thread is about sword art online garbage? Fuck you guys, stop getting my hopes up.

I didn't know that was getting a S2, sweet
I'm still wiaiting for yuyushiki though

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Yea Forums is filled with ironic weebs, what did you expect?

GGO is a spinoff that has literally nothing to do with SAO

I expected a game with a cute girl as a protagonist at the very least

Well that is ironic weeb shit so you got what you wanted.

read the thread then

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>youll never be a pink loli who loses her limbs but bites off the throat of her enemies through sheer rage

Terrible show just like sao online

I will play a game solely because the protagonist is a cute girl with muscles.

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I will play any game as long as it has good looking knights, robots, or armor in general.

Is it true that m*n were built for being the workslaves of women?

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Based user, but your suffering will be eternal.

based armorbro

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My man. Characters should always wear good protection that does not leave visible skin, unless the game takes place in a warm place. If there is a tundra or blizzard area, there should be warm looking protective gear.

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>he doesn't love LLENN

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Finally some good fucking taste on Yea Forums
Somebody post the "games where you play as a little girl" image

That's how I picked up Nights of Azure.

Fatal Bullet was fun too

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The beta for that game was so much better than release.

I don't regret having played Gurumin or Rabi-Ribi. Cute girls have yet to mislead me.

I hope you guys don't play men in fighting games, that would be weird.

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