Any recommendations for a non-wireless X-input controller...

Any recommendations for a non-wireless X-input controller? I use a PS4 controller for my PC but the fucking dogshit microusb keeps fucking up every few months and I have to get a new wire.

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xbox one or xbox 360 controller

most people put naked chicks
you put a burger

Why do americans do this

What the fuck? Are you okay, user?

Good looking burg, tho

Logitech F310 is the best and cheapest.

>*muffled clapping*

Attached: [cooling level going critical].gif (250x250, 103K)

When you live in a wealthy country with access to food you tend to indulge

Xb1 still uses microusb
This is clearly a mexican dish

>Logitech F310
Based time traveler / boomer

I had one of those back when it came out but it remember it fucking up on me. If I still have it somewhere I might try it again tbqh.

>Mexico isn't part of America
Imagine being this braindead

8bitdo with Type C connection

Attached: IMG_20190502_115811.jpg (2752x2064, 925K)

It might be one of the most uncomfortable controllers I have ever used on a PC. Probably would use it as a joke for nostalgia's sake in a multiplayer game at most.

I've had mine for years and its still great, might have been a driver issue?

They still make them.

Attached: 1545281344541.jpg (1080x1080, 165K)

>"macho" burger
>red onions

red onions boost test

Why don't you just buy a 1 dollar Bluetooth receiver if your pc doesn't already have one? You can connect the DS4 and not worry about cables.

they're the shitty lite version for women

as an american i approve

It's part of NORTH America but not what is colloquially referred to as "America". Stop being a disingenuous little shit.

yellow onions are the sweet ones ya fuckin simp

>American isn't America STOP BEING DISINGENUOUS

Not a bad idea but I already have a bluetooth dongle that won't detect the controller for some reason. Maybe I'll try another one.

The Bluetooth manager on W10 is garbage. It's better if you go to the Bluetooth icon in the task bar, select "join a local network" and use the "add device" option. I use DS4Windows to make it work on games and, even though I rather the Xbox layout, it worked okay so far.

Can you fucking read? What does "colloquial" mean you mongoloid?