What games let me fight hell itself?

What games let me fight hell itself?

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I mean... Doom?

Every Doom game

Plenty of games let you fight minions of hell, and probably a few send you to hell and make you fight your way out.

literally Doom

Dante’s Inferno

Dantes Inferno with realistic dong physics

Contrary to most people here I enjoyed Dante’s Inferno when it released.

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It’s the best god of war clone



Darksiders, I think. It's been a while

Do you... Even fucking know what video games are?

I really enjoyed Dante’s Inferno and wish it would be remastered just to look prettier

pfff i dont fucking know

God of War 1, 2 and 3.

I'm just looking for suggestions. Yes I know what doom is but i didn't know about dante's inferno was until this thread.

It's a better GoW than 2018


Dante’s Inferno. It’s honestly decent and also it’s aesthetic as fuck



It was alright. I wish they kept going with it because the environments were top notch.

DOOM(cringey zoomers call it Doom), Dante's, Agony, Mucucsk, every Doom game.

>DOOM(cringey zoomers call it Doom)
Don't you have it backwards?

>tfw no other game where using holy powers feels as powerful as demolishing enemies with giant crosses of pure light that sound and feel like fucking sledgehammers when they hit

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Now zoom zoom into your little grave, zoomer, it's a school night! ... But as a based boomer i wouldn't know

silent hill, in a way