MahjongSoul thread

So I understand that donating my gifts and using the dust to roll is extremely shitty, but is there really anything else to do with it? Might as well if the only other thing to do with them is raise bond, which only unlocks a skin or something.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that folding against a riichi is not a sin.

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Game will die really fast, nobody is whaling either.


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someone create a room

>get a fast 7 pairs
>someone deals into it
>they disconnect for the entire game
>this was the first round

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that shit is hella fun and fast

Make room please, I want to sleep.

I've encountered people with all sorts of cosmetics in bronze.
Unofficial desktop client with voice unlocker and table background editor

You forgot the link to the website.

Is this shit a gacha shitfest with the disguise of an actually good classic old game?
Why should i play mahjong from thar site instead of any other?

THere's this whale on Twitch that keep spamming money. he'll fund everything.


get in

Do you understand japanese? No reason.
You don't? This is in english and plays well.


go easy on me

In Episode 5 of Akagi thanks to having enjoyed learning mahjong the past few days. How long is this kid gonna keep cheating? The show so far is pretty cool but the cheating aint as cool as the mindgames

It's riichi mahjong with a gacha on the side.

>Why should i play mahjong from thar site instead of any other?
English client.
Ease of use, beginner friendly.
The ability to throw down smug emotes before you ron a dumb cat out of existence.

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Once you get to Urabe it's basically all honest play from there on out

You wouldn't last 2 seconds in Akagis world.

The gacha is only for cosmetics, other than that it's just mahjong

Its a gacha shitfest for sure but its only for cosmetics. The actual game is untouched.

>tsumo a chiitoi + tanyao
>get 2 ura
>everyone leaves
s-sorry i was just riding the flow guys

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Die stupid cat!

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You shouldn't. Everyone playing this is f2p and use the exact same characters and emotes over and over again to the point where it gets irritating. There's no point in having characters if 95% of the population use the same ones.

you only showed them that they will never reach your level

I just got into this website, what are Ranked Match, Tournament Match and Friendly Match for? And which one lets me join a lobby?

#dumbneko is trending on twitter

... I think the draconian gacha rates are fair because people would just clear everything and leave. Let's see. I spent 1118 games on tenhou last year playing from a total whatisayaku noob to just a 3dan shitter with av. place is 2,60. How many dust-powered rolls I'd get? I'd clear half the dumb gacha content like this.

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Ranked is matchmaking, basically
Tournament isn't implemented yet
Friendly match is the lobby crap

>have to run a D&D session on Saturday
>have prepared literally nothing
>know I'm going to be busy until late tomorrow
>just playing mahjong and shitposting on Yea Forums
I'm a terrible DM

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Nah you're the best. Literally the DM with good taste I'd wish for If I played it

Anyone about to create a game?

I would create myself but Can anyone explain game length options?

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make the session about mahjong

"oh no, the legendary gambler, uh, akatsuki, has possession of the mighty, uh, legendary sword! you'll have to fight him in his traditional game of mahjong!"

>You approach a cave, in front is a hooded man sitting at a kotatsu. He says you can only enter the cave if you defeat him in riichi mahjong. What do you do?

lost it

>Stupid magical cat summons three big dragons and kills everyone on accident


>tfw no gacha mahjong game with cute furries instead of anime girls

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East is 4 hands, South is 8, but there can be more rounds each time the dealer wins. Game can end earlier than that if someone goes negative.

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I'd whale for that tomboy but jesus christ those rates

who are they expecting to pay so much money for so little

>join game
>chink 1 gets hit by chink 2 with a 12k hand
>chink 2 ragequits
>chink 1&3 play safe for the rest of the game
>finish the game in 2nd by literally doing nothing
I need to stop playing silver east rooms. I've had this happen like 5 times in a row today, and it's starting to get annoying.


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What's the difference between Gift and Bond?

Stop or go away. I know what you're trying to do go make your own thread. Don't shit up good threads.

You need the former to increase the latter.

It's not a gacha, it has a bad mobile-only interface, and the art isn't very cute
It's good to play on train rides or whatever but it's really not on the same level as something like this

Fuck off you retard

Fuck off, furry. Go shit up literally any other thread.

do you get more points for playing east or south?


please join

can i get new waifus without spending money?

>play mahjong long time ago when Akagi came out
>not very good but I know what tiles I need to win and that's good enough
>see this mahjong thread two nights ago
>play a tiny bit
>every game blow the fuck out of everyone else
>bully a nerd so hard he goes down to 3k first round
>other guy leaves
Is this normal for bronze?

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>tfw haitei

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project harder

Yes, you're playing against chinks

Should i watch or read Akagi?

Whoever linked this efficiency trainer earlier thank you.

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Will you get a Yakuman next game?

only if you don't understand mahjong at all, if you do, it'll look to ridiculous to take seriously

time to sleep.

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oh yeah?

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wtf, stole my 3rd place wow

You should basically watch the anime adaptations for most fkmt stuff.

Oh wow, nice game

3rd place is fine I guess nyaa

Still 3\4

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1. watch
2. learn mahjong
3. watch
4. get used to mahjong
5. watch
6. become good at mahjong
7. watch
8. "holy cow, akagi my nigga..."

it will be a very, very long grind.
buy gifts with copper, dust them, and buy a summon scroll for a CHANCE to roll one.
not sure about the higher level ranked boxes, though, maybe there are some good stuff in there.

what does sphere of love do? got it from a chest

>isshanten for 20 draws

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save your copper for silver, you get random gifts every few games

No one has felt pain such as this

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Anyone know if summon scrolls give faith for the pity mechanic?

>TFW more confused by english than moonspeak


Make one more kan, motherfucker. I dare you.

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I can't stop going for retard big hands
Someone help me

Anyone got a video tutorial? I got the gist from the pastebin but would like to see a game in practice

First time I put a player 10k in the negative.

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GAWWWWWWWWWWWWW look at my, SSJ4Akagi, last hand. Was about to send everyone to the shadowrealm

RIP basedidiot

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Dunked on China in my next game to make up for my lost All Greens

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gg guys, nice comeback baka

Very fun match. Mahjong is fucking dope

every time i play this fucking game i regret it

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Playing silver is harsh. Yesterday I kept playing against people who knew how to actually play and it was terrible. Can't wait to reach gold and be a shitter since I get really fucking confused when I have pairs of tiles

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>No daily logins
>Pittance daily quest
>Only ONE daily quest each day
>No reward for just playing
>Punished hard for losing
The anime tiddies are not working right

As long as you don't get 4th and get 1st sometimes you'll climb no worries.

kuitan nashi
akadora nashi

>Playing a game from china and thinking it is from japan.
You disgust me, Yea Forums

>No reward for just playing
How about fun, huh? Can't play without your precious achievements and feel good without winning gameplay from mobileshit games? fucking zoomer


Everybody knows the devs are chinese, riichi mahjong is jap though.

>No reward for just playing
Get out of bronze fag.

retard or bait?

Majsoul Friends Room 97221(4-Player South):
shitters join

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Down to lose

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How do I fold?

>system error

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By not getting ron'd.
Discard only safe tiles if someone riichi(so tiles inside his discard pool)

Is silver league just full of masters that couldn't grind their way higher due to the recent release? I've been playing riichi mahjong IRL for years now, but winning in silver feels impossible. People consistently assemble mangan+ within the first discards, don't deal into my early riichis and then later declare their own and win, if I betaori without an amazing hand they tsumo me down to 4th anyway, etc.
I'm despairing over here. And bronze was so free, too.

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Discard tiles that have been discarded by other player.
If you have none, analyze what combo your opponent might have, and then discard the tiles they least likely to need.

So there's no way to fold?

Sad seeing how gachafags lives revolve around dumping money into mobileshit for anime girl jpegs. At least they can hopefully whale this game enough for people that just want to play mahjong


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>start with red dragon
>hold it for five turns because someone was calling random wind tiles
>drop it
>draw a red dragon
>fucking hell
>drop it
>draw a red dragon
>drop it
>five turns later
>I've drawn all four fucking red dragons and ended up discarding them all

Top priority: discard tiles other players have just discarded. The tile discarded just before you is 100% safe.
Second priority: discard tiles the player you're defending against (usually someone in riichi) has already discarded. He can't win off them. This is second to the first one because tiles discarded by others only put someone in furiten for that turn cycle, but something in someone's pond is safe forever.
Third priority: Discard honors when three copies are already on the table.
Fourth priority: Look into suji and kabe. It's a little more complicated, but there's not a whole lot to it. has pages on them.

"Folding" just means giving up on winning and focusing purely on discarding safe stuff, it isn't a game mechanic like in Poker.

The game isn't even out on mobile yet.

yakuhai is shit just discard

Imagine playing mahjong with a bunch of old japs and you make a wrong call and embarrass yourself

I had 3500 points left, because fuck me.

>"Folding" just means giving up on winning and focusing purely on discarding safe stuff, it isn't a game mechanic like in Poker.
Oh I assumed it was an option from reading online guides. Good to know.

I never know when to hold onto winds/dragons

>Not wanting to become a BAININ MAZEDA

>when you figure a tile is safe because of suji but you get ron'd anyway

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I assume you meant aside from when it has worth as Yaku? Then the answer would be instinct.

I'm guessing it comes down to something like
>is it a round wind/seat wind
>how likely are you to actually draw them from looking at the table
>do you have at least 2 and possibly another pair
>could it deal into your opponents hand

pretty funny how the room maker is dominating

would seppuku on the spot desu

if you plan on doing a flush or terminals hand you can hold on to honor tiles a bit more since they integrate into the fallback hand(half-flush/half outside)

When you hold them, get fucked.

When you discard, draw more, get fucked.

I hate to break it to you, but the waifufaggots are the only one able to keep this game afloat, and the number are not stellar right now. I think they will give it a better push when the mobile version hits the global app market. But the current climate is not looking good.

I know that a lot of you just want to play smooth JP mahjong, but the servers aren´t free, and the tits are helping the chances of you being able to play this secure future.

If you really detest anime, go back to your fucking Tenhou.

Probably just bad luck. I'm a mediocre player and in silver I win more often than I lose.

Better idea: Steal what I did a few years ago. Turn your sessions low-key Mahjong themed.

"Okay, a new bandit group called The Thirteen Orphans has appeared and they're running amuck."

My thinkan playlist is as follows. What am I missing?

Frozen Synapse 1 & 2
Zero Time Dilemma
Zero Escape

No one will whale for a game that is this damn jew. A daily summon would help a lot. Maybe some rewards for doing some cool Han would help. Played a south game, and this dude made a great comeback with his 13 orphans, shame he came third place with deducted rank points since a lot of us just played rapid hands.


death note

>discard winds, hold dragon
>draw winds, no dragon
Fuck it, fuck yakuhai.

Are there any good videos on youtube of someone playing mahjong and narrating their decisions and reasoning? I've read and understand the basic rules, but when it comes to trying to form yaku I either end up panicking and destroying my hand, or calling pon and chi which never ends well. I just want to be able to play and have fun.

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I just found out that you can now watch abematv's mahjong channel even if you're not in japan without any trickery.

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Any rooms open?
Preferably for total shitters like myself.

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Tenhou is a million times better anyways.

When is it a good idea to kan?

Stop worrying about yaku and just try to get to tenpai as quickly as possible. Don't call tiles unless you know exactly what hand you're going for.

Starting hand:
Right wind tiles? Go with seating wind
2x dragon? Wait for a dragon Pon
A lot of terminals? Try doing terminal hand only

Is not rocket science. Are you losing? Try a double or triple yaku, depending on what is on the discard pile.

I just wish tenhou wasn't so fucking ugly

Turn on English subs

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The only good kan is a concealed kan. It gives you an extra draw, which can be nice.

RIP kitties

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Yet you are here. MS automate a lot of annoying stuff, so you can concentrate on having fun and even do something else while you wait.

If your hand is closed, it's a concealed kan, and you're very close to tenpai but nobody else seems to be
Having 2 dora plus 2 ura dora indicators when you win with riichi can be a pretty huge score spike

Alternatively if you have an open pon and draw the fourth yourself you can call kan for an extra draw too. Basically only kan if you draw the fourth tile yourself.

And MJ is a million times better than Tenhou

Sorry I had to do you guys dirty, but that's how it be

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how is this not worth more, what the fuck

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So it's casual garbage


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Because chiitoitsu doesn't stack with other yakus, dumbass.

gg cuties

kan is like raising the stake, if you think you have a good chance to win do it, otherwise dont.

Are they planning an ENG app, or will they just leave it as a browser-only game? Steam would be nice, too.

thats very unfair since it is an extremely difficult to form hand

>1st place wins with 60000+ points
>I end with less than 5000

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should we kick people who spam the laughing cat emote when they riichi?

discard all 1s,9s, dragons and winds. keep your hand closed and pray. once you can do that then move on to the complicated stuff


Why would it be?
That's pretty high for a chiitoitsu

>an extremely difficult to form hand
No it isn't, not at all.

Good fucking call, forgot all about it. Most of the songs sound somewhat similar which is a requirement of mine.
Professor Layton was too repetitive. Steins;Gate had vocals which I don't enjoy. Ace Attorney songs vary wildly in tone. Got any more suggestions?

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no, it's even worth only one han instead of two in other forms of mahjong.

Kaiji is the same composer I think



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What are you talking about? It stacks with everything it isn't mutually exclusive with by nature.

newfag in mahjong here how do I play with you? do you people just play ranked with others?


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>can choose between a wait with 3 tiles left or 4 tiles left
>pick the one with 4
>next draw get a tile that would have completed the hand if I picked the other one

I really wanted to mount a comeback but you guys wouldn't let me

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Requesting cheat sheet

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I have listened to the Kaiji and Akagi OST's, that's why I'm trying to branch out and find more intense instrumental music.

Wait, how does furiten get undone on those situations where you avoid a ron? Or whatever the situation is.

>2 games in a row where people riichi'd in the first few turns
>never dealt it, but still get 3rd and 4th
I want off this ride.

get in here

You should be happy with this because it could be a 6400 point hand. Atleast try to secure tanyao for mangan or get a dora pair instead of rely on luck to push you up.

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how do I do that?

Tsumo, so self draw win.

Beginner game for newfriend

>posting the old version

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what is a pon?

I swear I remember some kind of rule that lets you ron someone later if you skip it the first time around or something.

You can change your hand up to break out of it. Also yeah, even if you're in furiten you can still win by tsumo.

Some of you have been playing too much with chinks, there's literally no difference, just going for 2k hands all game and hoping to get lucky with dora.

after your next discard or someone chi/pon.
furiten last forever when riichi however.

>mfw dropped your tile a few turns earlier
dont call riichi when you have a yakuman u dumb nyagger

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please join

I think that's just how everyone learns the game
Go for Tanpin then branch out when you start to notice better possibilities

>after your next discard or someone chi/pon.
That's only furiten from skipping a discard that could complete your hand. If it's from something in your pond, you're in furiten until you change your wait.

>three star mahjong bully join the game
I said noob game you retard,and sorry I forgot to click start

I didn't have to, but it wouldn't be fun if I didn't

Retard here, why?

Wait on anything but honor and terminal will give you guaranteed mangan if you win even with ron.
Dora is a another matter tho.

if you are not in riichi you can do this to purposly try to ron someone else.

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Apparently there's an order when discarding. Basically you drop the round's wind first, in hopes that you don't let someone get that 2 han from seat and round wind. After that you drop the useless winds, the one that's closest to your right side and around counterclockwise. Finally you start dropping the dragons. Apparently, the white and red dragon should be dropped first, and then the green. Last honor to drop is your own wind.

>tfw too dumb to remember all these chinese words

Do you actually understand how tanyao works?

>implying 3 star means anything when you can't drop in level

There's no benefit. Riichi is useful for adding points, but yakuman don't get any extra points with a riichi. It just costs you 1000 if you don't win the hand, and people are more likely to fold.

Yakuman is already the score limit, so there's no reason to call riichi. All it does in that case is let people know you're in tenpai when you don't need to give it away.

Let's go

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I know but he said when you avoid a ron.

>no riichi allowed
Ah, fuck. That's how it was.

the more you go up the scarier unresonable play are so dont worry

tfw when somebody double riichis and all three other players avoid that shit entirely


what do these terms mean?

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underrated post

2 newbs here looking for other newbs.

what is a chi

they mean you're getting dabbed on by a cat

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>it was all going well, 1st and 2nd places all day, one win left to get to finally open the silver rooms
>mfw I get shit hands and ron'd to the shadow realm the next game
it's over for today

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Thanks I honestly didn't know that

3/4, room for 1 more

>yfw she tsumos

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Ponyah=Pon, which is calling a set of 3 of the same tile off the discard of any opponent. Kanyah=Kan which is the same thing, except with 4 of the same tiles, and you can declare it if you have all of the tiles in your hand. Chiyah=Chi which is calling a run of 3 consecutive tiles, (EG: 1 pin, 2 pin, 3 pin) from the discard of an opponent who went before you.

Richiidesu=Riichi, which you can declare when your hand is closed and you're 1 tile away from winning. You're basically betting 1000 points that you can win with your hand exactly as is, and you get extra points (and your initial bet back) if you're successful. Otherwise whoever wins gets an extra 1k points, even if they ron someone else.

Attached: getting ronned by single waits.jpg (720x540, 77K)

need 1+

1 more

>poker with more complicated rules
>chess with more complicated rules

sorry i need to leave bros. my bad.

I don't understand how to build a hand, I look at the cheat sheets but I just can't make the mental connection to what I have in my hand. Am I retarded?

>got beat by chinks who kept calling chi and pon all the time into negative score
I don't understand how

He said "or whatever the situation is" so I figured I'd clarify all cases.

Nothing like routinely starting off with pairs of winds that aren't worth shit.

that pair is a blessing tho.

remake with 4 again

Focus on 1han and 2han. The cheat sheet is intimidating but it becomes easy to understand after a few days of games.

Worthless winds are ok, they block out tanyao but you can still pinfu with them and they're fine in most other yaku that are worth anything. They're actually pretty useful.

>you can still pinfu with them
Oh, they don't count as yakuhai when they aren't worth shit?

I'll try but I can't even get an "All Simples" going despite aiming for it every round

As long as it's only a pair that is not your seat wind or the round wind.

how do you guys have big enough brains to remember all the pinfu haneman mugman wind dragons etc.?

sorry, im a neko

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hi i'm ready to play my first game, somebody give me a room number to join

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build triplets and pairs

It's just a matter of practice. No one remembers everything the first time they play. Just keep playing, look up anything you don't understand, and it will come naturally.

Can you have more than one pair?

oh man, this is some comfy shit

Play a lot. Not even a lot, just do it every day. After a couple weeks youll have it down.

Only in chiitoitsu which is all pairs. Though you can have a wait that is two pairs waiting to pon one of the pairs into a triplet.

Only if you have 7 pairs.

Use this tool, place a few tiles and keep refreshing your hand until you can place 3 tiles in a row that are the most efficient tile.

I'm dead serious. Look up what a Pinfu hand is and always try to make that while using the tool. It seems like it should be obvious but having someone explain why the tile you placed put you in disadvantage instantly changed my entire mentality instantly.


Yep, the technical definition of pinfu is a closed hand that isn't worth any minipoints on top of the base amount. Your pair only gives you minipoints if it's dragons or seat/round wind, just like yakuhai.

1 more to join on that room.

Oh and for the man tiles, hover over them with your mouse and it will tell you which number it is.

Ah ok, I understand now (doesn't understand)
I'll try this, but I don't really understand what you mean at all yet.

Why are some pieces glowing?

>round ends
>they shove all the tiles into the abyss
>a new set comes out
holy shit that is cool


If you win, you get bonus points for having them in your hand.

I won my first full game and I have to admit that was pretty god damn tittilating



They are cursed discard them quickly.

I think I'm winning bros

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I keep seeing people say keep a closed hand unless you know what you're doing, but doesn't doing kan and stuff make your hand easier to make? I can't get to tenpai at all.

There's reward for just playing, and they get better with higher rooms.

Also, there will be an event next week though I don't know how good or bad it will be at all.

Most kan are not likely to progress your hand at all.

Keep in mind it's for absolute beginners only, don't rely on it too much, it says so itself it doesn't count hand values and you sometimes need to fight for your hand over tile efficiency.

>but doesn't doing kan and stuff make your hand easier to make
Only of you know why you're doing it. Making a call can easily turn a winning hand into a not winning one.

Does this simulator intentionally make your hand closer to tenpai on every draw, because everytime I failed it gave me a tile that would put me closer to tenpai. Swear to god.

I was so close to getting 4 Kans but someone Ron'd

So should I never call on other tiles as a beginner?

Not if you don't know why it helps you. If you know it's a good call then make it. Otherwise there's no reason.

I made sure not to discard anything that could be kan'd, I had a feeling you were going to get that yakuman

As a beginner, only chi/pon if you're going for tanyao.

if your hand is closed, calling an open kan is retarded unless you have akagi levels of FLOW going on and are 100% sure you're going to get some dora out of it

So if All Simples means I can't have 1,9, Wind or Dragon, what do I even do with those? Discard them right away?

>try simulator again
>most efficiently straight discarded tiles makes up a sequence or two
God, why do I play mahjong.

Yes. Course sometimes you get stuck with a 123 or 789. Which happens a despairingly high amount of the time.

>ywn be a professional gambler

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what teh fuck i just richii'd and now im auto discarding every turn

That's why you shouldn't open your hand as beginner. Those tile will still be usable in closed hand.

Because you don't need anything but ONE specific tile. Your hand is locked until you win or someone else does.

That's how it should happen. Once you call Riichi, your 13 tiles are set in stone. To not call Tsumo or Ron the moment you have your opprtunity, you'll be under Furiten.

How do i even create an account?

Sorry I had to dip for like 10 minutes during that game. My dog was shitting itself.

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please stop saying all these dumbass words and explain in english

yeah some other anime girl won while i autoplayed, also why am i the only guy using the girl with the long hair?

Forfeit button when? I can only take so many rounds of abuse

Open rooms?

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>120xp away from adept
I'm doing it

just pretend your character is a slut who gets raped when she loses at mahjong

self-insert and jack off while you wait

>Best girl Miki is free

They really shot themselves in the foot with that one.

You can't forfeit from real life. Learn from your mistakes and fight back.


Attached: I have a made a huge mistake.png (213x200, 58K)


Yes I'm a dumb slut who always ends up with no yaku

It's not stupid if it works

clear tiles when

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>decide to change my hand to go all simples and discard a 9s
>able to get a riichi later but still have a 1p in my hand
>press the riichi button anyways
>4 tile wait but furiten because one of my winning tiles is a 9s
>tsumo anyways


i've played mahjong on/off for years and i still have trouble reading overlapping straight sequences / chinitsus, is anyone else like this
like when i build towards shit like 23334455667 i barely any idea what's going on unless i really stop to think which i don't have the luxury of during an actual game

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>good hand
>in riichi
>get super ronned on for some bullshit massive assfuck set off the auto discard

fuck chink poker

I'm retarded too. I just wait for the game to tell me I'm in tenpai.

What is a no-yaku wind?

This looks like everyone is having fun but the game looks super complicated

>east 1
>east 2
>east 3
>east 4
>south 1
>south 2
>south 3
>south 4

i dont understand what this means
i dont understand when the game is supposed to end
sometimes it goes 4 rounds, sometimes 8, sometimes 16

>About to riichi
>Hey retard you'll be in furiten
>What no I'm not, shut fuck up I don't see any of those tiles
>Riichi anyways
>Immediately remember it's because I did discard but someone called it
>Hope nobody notices my idiocy

I'm the exact same way. I've been playing this game a long time and I still can't figure out all the possible ways to look at those. I try to just stick to something that makes sense to me, and then consider one other possible way of looking at it.

Never give up user.
See pic related. He's down to 3300 point in south 3rd round, but then repeated his dealer round for 10 games and win with a bang.

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Some game modes have 4 rounds, some have 8. The round will only move forward if a non-dealer wins.

Yeah, you basically have to sit down outside of a game and memorize every individual one of those in order to understand what's happening.

Typically I'll look for whatever pattern is worth the most and build towards that. 2 222 456 456 7 in this case gets me iipeikou so I try to get that off the ground. If I have more time to think, maybe I notice the more complex stuff like 2 33 345 456 567 and keep in mind that a 1 or 3 puts me in tenpai.

if the person who's East keeps winning the round repeats

what the fuck is the piece with a peacock on it? is it one of the columns?


ggs adriano you're a bit too skilled for me to play against

30166 for nightly emote spam

Oh, it's you again.

is there a Yea Forums power rankings yet

>6 han is worth exactly as many points as 7 han
>10 han is worth exactly as many points as 8 han
Why is it designed like this? What is the point?

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1 sou.
Chun=red dragon
Haku=white dragon
Hatsu=green dragon
Fuck flower tiles, that shit belong on burger grandma games.

>legendary god tier

>fucking garbage tier

>literally shit tier
actual shit

>worse than satan tier


>good: me
>ok: everyone but you and me
>bad: you
also do not even ask for this ironically, it only leads to tragedy

when i was just starting out i thought the bird tile was called the "pinfu" and having it in your hand gave you extra points

to this day I still get pin and sou mixed up because I'll always think of the 1s as the "pinfu".

Not round wind and not seat wind.

who the fuck is the nigger that did not discard the red dragon?
two of them were already discarded on the board, it was not a viable triplet, I spent like 80% of the game waiting on it as a pair to win, who would hold on to such a useless piece

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Reducing ura-dora's luck factor you brainlet.

Let's say you 16.000 points hand. To get into 24.000 points, you need to have another 3 han.
If the point keep rising with every 1 additional han, like say, 18.000, 20.000, 22.000,
ura dora will be too powerful.

>throw up a smug emote
>hope they just fold

Attached: Ichihime-2a.png (100x100, 25K)

Probably in the dead wall. Get rekt

shitters welcome

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who are the cutest players?

anything that isn't your seat or round wind
so for example, north and west when you're the dealer(east) in a south round

It was on the dead wall


I wish I could remember these hands so I could build something that isn't shit

thank you


oh shit
i did not account for that
was there another optimal play for me? like letting the red dragon go and waiting on something else
I saw no other waits that were guaranteed discards if the piece fell on the lap of another player

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Wait so is a concealed Kan still count towards a closed yaku?

Draw some flash cards.

so what exactly is going on in this game? i manged to win my ranked match with this big point victory + a smol early ron in the next game that only netted me 1k points

i have very little idea whats going on and just try to get the 4 triplets and a pair, no idea what a yaku is and sometimes i try to hold on the piece in the top left (dora?)

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well it actually just compounds the variance, which increases the luck factor

>Reducing ura-dora's luck factor you brainlet.
Don't be a cunt.

>Let's say you 16.000 points hand. To get into 24.000 points, you need to have another 3 han.
>If the point keep rising with every 1 additional han, like say, 18.000, 20.000, 22.000,
ura dora will be too powerful.
I don't see how that does it, because it still totally relies on how close to the next step you are. If the dora you're dealt happens to bring you to 7, dora luck brought you to a point where dora luck determines how many points you get. It's still a crapshoot, it just feels clunky and often means pushing another yaku won't net you any more points.


Read this
And then look at a yaku sheet

yes it does, you only reveal some of its tiles to avoid people calling illegal kans IRL
in a perfect world, concealed kans would be actually concealed and there would be no confusion

I used to think NA was bad too but then I tried playing on JP and its busted.
You should try playing a bit on JP, they are actually insane topdickers you will not believe it until you see it.
If they want to win fast they will consistently riichi before turn 5 and tsumo on command its insane.
Also they never open their hands at all (no reason when their luck lets them topdeck everything i guess), and they never ever play into enemy hands.
Is that like supposed to be normal or something because its so frustrating to play against when their pure luck stat is jacked up 5 tiers higher than mine there is no counterplay
when they consistently tsumo their crazy hands and end the next rounds in 4 turns each there is literally nothing to do

This is an example from the extreme end.
You start with 25.000 point
If point keep increasing with every 1 additional han, adding 1 han to 24.000 point yaku can end the game in 1 round.

no, pair waits aren't that bad if it's for some shitty honor tile, you just got unlucky

1. nyaa
2. miki

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30166 extra innings

But that's wrong you fucking retard

>always get greedy when i have 3 dora
at least i didnt get last lmao stupid ass cat

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1 more

>when i rush a cheap hand
purely strategical, only to keep my dealer seat, move the dealer seat to me, or to end the game quickly
>when you rush a cheap hand
fucking moron who doesn't know any other yaku, sullying the game by your presence alone

>perfect hand
>get ron'd

Attached: yunyun crying.jpg (532x562, 123K)

yeah pretty much

>thinking you can actually win
your arrogance was your downfall

>perfect hand
>someone else gets ron'd
>it's a shitty hand worth 1500

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whats the difference between 4 player east and 4 player south? im always picking east

This. It's always faggots with open hands worth at most 2 han

I don't see how it would make any difference, it would just be steps in between the existing score values.

Alternatively it could just be a totally separate system, older forms of mahjong just always counted points (fu) and then multiplied it by your amount of doubles scored (han) to get your point total. Nice and simple mathematically and it also means every little scoring thing you do is always counted and contributing to your score. I just don't like how things like terminal/closed triplets/kans and harder waits are completely meaningless above 4 han, and as you get into the higher han numbers chunks of up to 3 whole han can add no additional points. What's fun about scoring in games to me is having every little thing stack up and be counted and doing what you can to optimize it.

Really I'm just curious when and why the systems changed, even old Japanese rules used the points and doubles system

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longer. east can go into a south round too if no one gets 30k by the end.

wait so whats the point of only showing 2 of them instead of all?
if you concealed kan does your hand still count as unshown or soemthing?

>click board
>make petals


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>sometimes i try to hold on the piece in the top left (dora?)
Don't do that. It's less likely complete a hand with that tile, because there's only up to 3 tiles in the game.

Also, it doesn't give you extra points. The tile that comes after is the dora. So, if the tile up there is 2sou, you'll want to get 3sou instead.

South is double the rounds. You should go for that one instead because it's less luck based and is better for learning.

Well I was 1st for a little while, that was nice but I'll be in 4th where I belong now

So what happens if you draw a 4th of the same tile and not call kan? You still have to discard?

thats the normal way of playing the game.
If you think they are just lucky all the times just watch the replay and you will be suprised at how many hand they fold when they can just calling to get a 1k hand.

>if you concealed kan does your hand still count as unshown or soemthing?
Yes, it's so you don't mistake it for an open hand.

Why do people like being dealer so much?
I get that you can win more points, but you will also lose more. Mahjong is a game about being defensive, it makes no sense. If you are not the dealer you can also get access to an easy yaku, your own wind tile.

>wait so whats the point of only showing 2 of them instead of all?
You do show all of them when you play irl, placing two face down after you've shown that you have 4 is just a marker that it was a concealed kan.

>If you are not the dealer you can also get access to an easy yaku, your own wind tile.
You can also do that when you're the dealer, what are you talking about

mahjong is a game about fucking bitches and scoring mad points, deal with it wimp

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Only the East wind tile is relevant to the dealer.
Meanwhile any other position will have access to both East and their own wind tile for yaku.

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You get to keep playing dealer as long as you can tenpai which means you have more chances to get ahead.

Mahjong really makes me wish I wasn't such a total brainlet... All i can manage without taking a whole minute a turn is randomly clicking tiles and hoping for the best.

south, 5+10s

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>implying East is the only round
Oh that's right, I forgot you shitters don't play actual hanchans
If your seat wind and round wind are the same, the yaku is worth double by the way

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You have both yakus as the dealer too... East and East so it's even easier dumbo.

>keep going for cheap hands
>keep repeating til someone goes bankrupt
Anything more chad? Imagine dying a slow painful death of 1000 points every round.

>If your seat wind and round wind are the same, the yaku is worth double by the way
oh shit I didn't know that, now it makes a little more sense
also the version where the wind alternates between East and West is anti-fun

being dealer gives you the opportunity to make big dick hands so why wouldn't people like it

sure there's risk but that's the entire point of the game

Because human players all have better win rates than lose rates per round, being dealer is a huge advantage on avg
Aso dont talk about what kind of game mahjong is or not if you’re gonna say something so stupid

>human players all have better win rates than lose rates per round

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ggs regulars

So make a 60sec room, bud. Play in a yakuza game and on the gamedesign trainer until you git faster.


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like anything, the more you do it, the better you get

It's a commitment. It's not something you get good at in a week then drop after a month.

2/4 now

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If you are playing again good player they will fold if you riichi as dealer or atleast try to play around it, give you more time to tsumo and lower the chance of someone else complete their hand.
They said the best defense is a good offense for some reason you know.

give me a bit to get set up, i'll be back in like 2-3 minutes

what is the difference between east and south?

What's the normal progression rate for learning this shit? I've been at it for 2 days non-stop and I still can't figure out how to score a single point, much less win a round.

It's just the number of rounds. Each wind is 4 rounds

You won't.

>Hurr servers are expensive
Yeah, it can cost almost $1000 per year to run. Pretty dangerous and trying numbers in these dark times.

Doom posters should really fuck off back to Yea Forums.

Memorize most of the yaku and try to win a hand with the closest yaku you could get.

It's a fucking child's game, kys idiot

I can’t tell if anyone played the chinese version, but theyve had the game for like a year now i think

So anyone know if there are there any special banners or anything? I’m waiting for special/rateup/limited banners to use my jade instead of rolling on this basic one

anyone want to play?
I will make a room if there are

How long does a game take?

so am i not allowed to pon/kan/whatever the fuck off the person who goes after me? hoomeboy just dropped the exact yugioh card i needed for exodia but i couldnt yoink it

Post room

>my jade

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I've had the yaku list pulled up from the start, but I just can't ever seem to get enough tiles to go in any direction with my hand. Is the opening draw important? Because I feel like my hand is always fucked from the first turn.

You should be able to, you probably didn't actually have whatever you thought you had.

Daily reminder just enjoy playing the game and dont think too much or else you will fall into that hole.

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There's no better feeling when it's a big hand too.

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I'm doing it guys, I'm winning games.
Time to buy tickets to Japan and play in mahjong parlors to bet money.

that's kinda the point of the entire game is building a hand from shit

all default setting
two winds


Opening draw helps a lot but it's not always hopeless if it isn't good. You may have to thin your hand more aggressively to make room for tiles that will actually help you.


there's a parlor in the US. it's fun to play live

You should be able to count how far from ready you are with your opening hand. Do that count, and then see how bad your luck really is.

I played for three days and I'm grasping the basics, have won some games and gotten a few more special hands. I've read Akagi and tried to read the rules before so I didn't go in complete blind, though.

If you want to score a point, for practice, just keep removing all honor tiles and 1's and 9's, call every pon and chii (expect those involving 1's and 9's) and you got yourself all simples, a cheap hand. It'll come up rather easily.

From half an hour to hour for the usual aka south round mode.

You can only fill sequences from the player sitting to your left. You can pon triplets from anyone.

ggs but fuck me I suck

I was so close. Good games, guys.

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Not sure why you're talking like I wasn't already talking about my frustration with tough opponents.
I really don't get it. I have lots of experience. I am not saying I'm a good player, but in ranking it's usually a given that silver is just an extension of bronze and filled with people that don't know the game.
I don't get how I can get snubbed so hard EVERY SINGLE TIME I get a good hand while everyone else is building good hands at super speed.
Ranting about dumb shit, but I'm really frustrated right now.

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felt bad for that guy on the bottom

>calling on a terminal
>calling on a valueless wind

Attached: clueless.png (297x230, 20K)

Is there a steam group yet?
Would be nice for chat rooms

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post your stats
bet your deal in rate is >15% and you need to learn when to fold em

fuck fuck fuck I shoulnt called that riichi
it was literally two turns and I could get few more dora easily
that free sex button is too tempting

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Don't cry for me I'm already dead

I'm trying to contain my frustration, but by the time I throw out 1's, 9's, winds, dragons, someone else has already won the game and I'm in dead last with nothing, I really don't see how going for All Simples is supposed to be easy and nothing else even feels close to possible.
I'm practicing for another hour and then taking a day off. Clicking tiles at complete random gets me just as far as trying to plan anything out.

If I call Pon on Dora, would my opened hand get at least 3 Han if I could scrounge together a Yaku from somewhere else?

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>When is it a good idea to kan?
When it's closed kan and your hand is in tempai.

yep, it's one of the few times i go open

Play with anons, they're less aggressive than chinks.

>get to novice 3
>some dude gets 77500 score


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i just furitened myself. so to clarify this is something i want to avoid? like if a tile says furiten and the other says no yaku i keep the no yaku one

Furiten generally means you need to draw a tile you discarded previously to win which is not allowed. No Yaku means you don't have any of the hands that can win.

might be worth going for the furiten if you got a wide wait anyway

So the tile on the top left is the bonus tile, but it's actually one tile over that's the bonus one? but I have seen shining tiles in totally different suites before, can someone explain this to me please

>tfw got trashed but still barely cling on, and have already gone through each stage of grief
>now just going for stupid hands

I am free

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I couldn't get any mileage on either and didn't want to ruin anyone's matches with my slow incompetence, so I've been trying to practice with Mahjong Pretty Girls on the lowest difficulty setting. I'm still not getting anywhere with it though.


East only

Which mode should a total newbie play

if the showing tile is 3, the bonus tile is 4

Top left shows the dora indicators from the dead wall. The dora itself is the next tile in the sequence. For example dora indicator of 8 man means that 9 man is the dora. You get 1 extra han for every dora tile in your hand. There are also several special red dora that look different than all the other tiles and are an automatic 1 han if you draw them. If the red dora is also the same tile as the regular dora it's worth 2 han.

mahjong live streams are just 雑談 streams with a mahjong background

>if I could
You have to in order to win, so yeah the minimum you'd get there is 3 han

Strongly recommended to read these links if you're new to mahjong
>how do I learn mahjong?
>how do I get good?
>when should I call pon/chii/kan?

>get really comfortable with the game after a few days
>can no longer win, only get 2nds over and over from not losing

god fucking damnit

just do 60s thinking-timer east-south games, playing against bots is fine at first but you should start playing against real people sooner or later

fuck, that would have been really cool if i won

Oh ok I didn't know there were inherently special tiles too, thank you

1 more

the empty white tile is a dragon and not just a blank piece? wtf.

I love when everyone reacts at the same time to the weird shit someone does

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>tfw you can tell the tile you dealing is dangerous as fuck but you deal it anyway cause you want to keep your hand
and of course I get fucked

With three other players this is going to be the kind of thing you get most of the time.

Is there a ruleset that is the standard for Yea Forums matches? I've been playing East only, 60 seconds, Red Dora off, no open Tanyao with friends.

not really but I prefer 5+20 than 60secs

Did you find out what they had? Was it chanta or something?

holy shit I just had a never ever again play
>join ranked game
>1st round ever
>I'm the dealer
>instant riichi (double riichi)
>player right after me plays into my hand, win instantly
the chinks were terrified

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>red dora off
>no open tanyao
I'd pass
should really only change between east/south, and longer/shorter time banks

all you fags have bunch of doras open
but not even in tenpai

Room: 40950, using rules

We're still beginners, so 60 seconds is kinda important for us with the more important turns.

Why do you prefer those options?

>south game
>make it to East 2

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How is that even legal? The other two players lost without being able to do anything at all.

You can't get Suu An Kou if the last triplet is open. You HAVE to tsumo that. So in this particular case, you would actually WANT to riichi. The reason being is that people know you're in tenpai and might fold their hand, giving you more time to draw that all-too-important 4th set.

Based catbros dabbing on nee-sans

That's good to be aware of, thank you user

not him but why would you remove red dora? how does that make the game any easier? if anything it's harder to score

red dora is fun, and there's really nothing wrong with open tanyao

What does open tanyao mean?

yeah, it was a pretty obvious chanta someone dealt into after declaring riichi. Wasn't expecting the double dora tho.

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>east only
>red dora off
>60 seconds
No open tanyao may be good for learning but the rest of that sucks.

>tfw just ragequit for the first time
Fucking hate this game sometimes.

I dealt into your mom's chanta.

you have pon or kan (off someone else) or chi
no honors or terminals yaku

Congratulations, you picked the worst possible ruleset

>East only
in an already luck-based game, this is generally too quick to take into account a player's skill over randomness
>60 seconds
horrifically slow but it's fine if you're just first learning, however you'll need to learn to be fast eventually, something you can only get used to when put to a timer
>Red Dora off
Subjective, I guess, but they add some fun stakes
>no open Tanyao
open tanyao is integral to the game, a vast majority of online tables and mahjong games use the rule, just learn to play with it if you ever plan on playing against people who you don't know

Better than what I'm going through. I keep staying as 3rd because I can't finish my hands before others, but I also avoid dealing in. So usually one guy darts to the first place, second wins with shit hands and fourth after me gets completely fucked over by everyone.

>all my hands are fucking chanta hands for an entire south match
>constantly get into tenpai, some of them actually worth quite a bit
>dont win a single one

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Damn bro, try to pay more attention to her discards and be more careful next time

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Chanta, haku, double dora, was probably trying to rinshan.


>in online mahjong Pon has priority over Chii but in normal mahjong it's whoever that calls first that gets the tile
huh, that's new

>when you have hand that can probably go for yakuman
>get spooky by riichi button and ruin it all for 2hans hand



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That seems like a really shitty way to do it
It's like the "one two three... NOT IT" bullshit from playing tag as a kid, nobody's ever going to agree on who said it first

I just got my first win, it felt really good.
btw what does tsumo means? i won with it at the last round.

Tsumo just means you drew your winning tile. If you got it off someone else's discard, the button will say "ron"

tsumo is when you draw the tile you need to win, as opposed to stealing it from someone's discard
you get a yaku for getting a tsumo while closed

I've not played by any ruleset like that. Even in the offline, It's almost always explained that pon/kan takes priority over chi, both of which are trumped by Ron.

The only time where it's first-call is when there is a REALLY obvious clear difference in timing. Like someone says chi, has the tile in their hand, and THEN the other guy says Pon. That's usually not allowed. But if it's at the same time, there's priority.

Thanks for answering my question, guys.

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What's the difference?

>spend $15 and get nothing

at least i supported my old lady chink dominos

If you're not far behind you should go for it anyway. The riichi person can't defend against you so it's a double edged sword against them. They could be forced to discard into your yakuman.
rant starts here

she also says that if they say it at the same time then the Pon wins but if the Chi goes first then Chi wins

Not him but the guy who made it here, I think I just added houtei to the "last tile" one since the japanese name changes depending on whether you drew it or it was discarded, and moved some of the text lines around so it fills the space better

I didn't expect anyone to actually pay attention to the version numbers

in real life maajan yeah

no I am the one who got spooked by it and click the free sex

>I didn't expect anyone to actually pay attention to the version numbers
I mean, I obviously didn't. Otherwise I would have just compared the two and made judgement.
Thanks for giving me the info though, you're a pal.

Bad idea to riichi if you feel there's a yakuman around. You can still kill the yakuman without riichi but you lose all defense if you riichi.

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why not

Quit bullying Epoc

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i tried to intentionally deal in with the 6pin, and it worked
can't do it anymore, gg senpai

get in

I don't speak Japanese, but I speak Mahjong. I can tell just enough that she was talking about calling order.

ggs to all
also 10 second reserve is a bit too short for big thinks, 20 seems a lot more reasonable to me. both are fine really since i never ran out but 20 seconds doesn't feel as rushed

>it's a "everybody keeps getting shit tiles" episode

>Hag is default player in the JP version

Sorry epoc, you were the only one in that room I was hoping to get first place, those two cat niggers bullied you too much, I had no other choice. Try to discard safe tiles only.

You can do whatever you want with it like any other tile.

Is it possible to unlock more characters without having to spend $?
Also new thread when?

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man i was trying to but i kept getting super fast hands like half the match and i couldn't resist the free sex button

Possible, like summoning SSR servants as a f2p player possible.

So the optimal strategy for a beginner is to leave their hand closed at all times, try to match up 4 sets of 3 and a pair BUT ALSO remove any 1's, 9's, winds or dragons from their hand so it counts as a Yaku, while also hoping that no other player gets a yaku first. How the fuck is that even mathematically possible?

>Its an "exhaustive draw and everyone but you was in tempai but you didn't get ron'd" episode

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removing lose 1's and 9's and word tiles is a side effect of tile efficiency
you don't have to remove them if they're already part of a set

I've been playing for a few years now and I think I've gotten used to just never folding. The habit is really starting to bite me in the ass.

Next time.

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The math your asking for is all there friend

3 of the same dragon tile are a yaku.
If you declare riichi that's another yaku.

If it's an honor tile you can kan it or throw it away if you don't want people to know what you have. If it's a number tile you can just use it like normal. For example you could have 345 and 555, 345 55 567 etc.

You can use it in your hand as normal. For example, 344445 can be treated as 444 + 345. In this case you wouldn't want to kan because it ruins your 345.

Kind of. With good tile efficiency it's a lot easier than it sounds, and as long as you stay closed you can always declare riichi, so additional yaku like tanyao are completely optional. If you have a hand with a lot of 1s and 9s and honors it's usually better to not try and force tanyao because it will slow you down too much, but that's assuming you're not so far behind that you need the extra points.

>How the fuck is that even mathematically possible?
because everyone else is doing the same