Yea Forumsirgin? Here's how you win over a femanon:-
>first, you need to go places were they will be present >local feasts are a good place to check, they normally come along with their family >now you need confidence for the next part so keep your head up >don't fuck about or be a pussy, straight up tell her that you admire her >if you've won any recent competitions you can even dedicate it to her >now to wait, don't be needy >if she was impressed, she will message you to meet up again >BE PREPARED >learn some poems n shit. Femanons love poems. Just make sure you tell her the kind that she's into, heroic, sad etc >if all goes well, you'll have yourself a fine femanon in a couple of months of courting like this
I've tried a grand total of four times in my life and I blew my opportunities to further things every time. Closest I got was a movie date but I ghosted her a month later. Things aren't as easy as they are in M&B, unfortunately.
Kevin Fisher
>>local feasts are a good place to check, they normally come along with their family
Yeah, I typically pick up little girls at McDonalds too.
Noah Kelly
Dunno I got drunk and banged my now GF on new year's eve and we've been a thing since
Jacob Barnes
How do I find a girl that play vidya without having to resort to playing MMOs?
Sebastian Peterson
Just find a chick irl who plays games, and play with them I've been with my gf for like 7 years now, and we started out just playing MHP3rd in one of the college lobbies.
I wish getting GF was my only problem. Fucking normalfags.
Gabriel Ramirez
you can just take any random castle or holding, there will be girls present and you can choose to keep them as hostages.
Alexander Rodriguez
Yea Forumsirgin, here's how to fix it >Whine on Yea Forums about tfwnogf >Find another user that whines in harmony with your whining >Engage in gay homosexual faggotry >??? You're no longer a virgin, you found a vidyabuddy and a shitpostbuddy Maybe over time you'll hold hands and kiss
Brayden Long
literally me
Daniel Robinson
good thing there's no females on Yea Forums that are on the prowl for cute and short boys
Listen up, the hardest part of getting a gf is all in your head, assuming you have the rest of your life in order. If you dont, get your fucking priorities straight. Here's the run down: >step 1. WASH YOURSELF. This is important. Do not skip this step. Head to toe, including brushing your teeth. This has less to do with getting a gf as it does with just being around ANYONE. Nobody wants to hang out with a dirty, smelly slob. >step 2. Dress normal. Comb your hair. DO NOT DRESS DOWN LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO CHURCH. That's weird. Just wear normal fucking clothes. Everybody else does, you can too. >step 3. Aquire target. You probably already have someone in mind. If you dont, go to a bar. It's likely that all the other people are there for the same reason. >step 5. We're screaming towards spaghetti territory now, so get a handle on your autism. Talk to her. People talk to each other, it's not weird. This step will vary depending on your current relationship with your potential gf. If you are already acquainted, ask her if she wants to hang out sometime, maybe see a movie. If you've only admired from afar till now, introduce yourself. BUT READ THE FUCKING ROOM. Dont just walk up a blurt your name. Just act normal. Say hi to her. Talk about whatever you're doing. And once you've exchanged names say something like "hey, you seem really nice, want to catch a movie with me?" >step 5. Shes likely going to decline. That's fine. Dont be a sperg about it. Smile and say "sure, no worries". Dont creep on her. If she changes her mind, she'll tell you. >step 6. CONTINUE TO CLEAN YOURSELF. EVERY DAY. You never know when you're going to run into gf material. Repeat steps 1 through 5 until a qt agrees to go out with you. >step 7. Dont talk about video games. If you've been on Yea Forums for any amount of time, this step should be the easiest There you go. You'll have to feel your own way from there. Good luck anons
Twf asked a girl out 2 days and she said yes. I almost ran away when it came to asking but believe me anons once you get over the hurdle it gets easier and easier.
Jack Torres
>step 7. Dont talk about video games. Actually bringing it up in a conversation is important, casually of course, not "Spend 110% of the time talking about it" sort if you are the type to spend most of your free time playing video games, if the girl is more sociable than you she won't date you for more than a week.
Ethan Walker
I suppose saying "I play videogames" is better than being honest and saying "I shitpost about videogames" when talking about hobbies but bringing up names of games is only done if she asks.
James Perry
That's the difference between the "Virgin I play video games" and the "Chad I go on a taiwanese fish cutting board to masturbate to anime traps and complain about video games"
Angel Bailey
>come up to cutie >panic and instead ask if she has seen any bandits recently >she stares at me uncomfortably >150/150 fish falls out of my pockets
Ethan Martin
Can I ignore this and Genghis Khan it instead?
Robert Butler
>Dunno I got drunk and banged my now GF on new year's eve when you break up she'll accuse you of rape, hope you're ready for that
Luis Lee
You fucking morons need to realize any guy is gonna want a girl who likes video games. How about you just find a girl who you like and likes you (the hard part) and then you introduce her to your fucking hobby? How hard is that? Why set the high standard?