Who is the most autistic living being in the universe and why is it Pannenkoek? Scroll to page 22:

Who is the most autistic living being in the universe and why is it Pannenkoek? Scroll to page 22: docs.google.com/document/d/1K4OTAyampX1CueKyZUIunz0yIUYd3ldlQxv37oaySgs

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Other urls found in this thread:


>10 page summary that could have been summed up in a single sentence

>The half A press notation has been memed very heavily, mostly because the notation can sound silly to a layman.
I don't think anybody pushed the "an A press is and A press" meme to mock him. What a weird way to misread it. Was he bullied as a kid or something?

He is autistic, what do you think?

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>we're the bad guys
did we go too far, bros?

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>the fact that people then took my video basically just used it to make jokes and memes about it really didn't sit well with me
What fucking value did he expect people to get from a longform video about completing a stage in a niche challenge run for a 20+ year old game?

>my high production value was a success and memed to death on teh 4chanz waaaahhhhh

To be fair, shitty family+genuine autism is a pretty awful situation to be in already. Anything at all would be damaging at that point.

Probably informative value since he assumed he was making videos for a crowd that's interested in the inner workings of video games and not teenagers that call everything they don't understand cringe or autism

>You will never be dedicated enough to ruin your life in an autistic fit of rage because making a video about half A presses took longer than expected

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This thread will stay up while actual video game threads will get deleted


Yeah, that's generally how mental illness' work. Saying he should toughen up is kind of a moot point. It would be the equivalent of telling Chris Chan to stop responding to trolls.

If he wanted to ruin his life, he would keep making 20-minute long commentated videos instead of just doing what he wants to do

I too thought the "A press is an A press" argument was just a meme. The only other options that people are doing it just for the sake of arguing, or that people are legitimately retarded. Why else would people deny clear and straightforward logic?
Am I autistic too?

he's an autismo maximo, he expected people to study it for weeks on fucking end to improve.

Look at the first fucking five pages of the doc, they're autistic responses to imagined complaints that someone might discover he had more than one Youtube channel and get fucking OFFENDED over it.

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>actual video game threads
That you your self are posting here and not there already speaks miles about them

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We weren't responsible, lads.

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I'm not reading all of that.
Or maybe I will. I've done worse things with my time. I think it's really cool though, that you can make something and have it be so wide-spread and well-known and have people make so many memes out of it.... I could never get insulted if everyone did something similar with anything I make.

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I like how about half the story is weird ass analogies and a diagram.

Just because you didn't have a shitfit over him making videos almost exclusively on his second channel doesn't mean others didn't, you vastly underestimate how fucking stupid youtube commenters and especially Yea Forums is

He just realized he will never be able to top Rolling Rocks and just stopped trying. He hasn't even done a single voiced video since then.

Can anyone stop LazerBot?

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I get how suddenly acquiring a large audience could be stressful and sour the creation process for him, and I kind of sympathized with the dude until he started whining about people using his videos to make jokes. Did he expect respect? Prestige? His technical mastery of SM64 is impressive, but it's fucking SM64. It's Youtube.
I didn't need this deep a look at Pannen's autism or ego.

>Make videos about breaking a 20 year old game
>Throw a tantrum when it becomes a meme

What a fucking faggot.

And some rather interesting personal punishments.
This has to be some disorder. OCD, maybe?

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He hasn't done more voiced videos because he don't want to make more more memes about him.

I hope he realized since then that people making jokes/memes of the vid just helped spread it even wider to those that take actual interest in the breakdowns and reverse engineering of the properties of the game he researched amongst others.

yeah well if they did the proper response is 'lol' and to stop thinking about it.

Besides, plenty of youtubers have had videos become memes and they haven't posted a book full of autism on the net over it.

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His fanbase already put a stop to him.

The way he talks about meaningless made up rules that he follows to the point of self destruction, and talking about his mindset like some sort of exterior impossible to control agent, I think its fair to say he does have some sort of mental disorder.

it's almost like reading only the sentences some Yea Forumsirgin so graciously highlighted for you almost entirely out of context gives a completely different message than what he's actually saying

He hasn't done more videos like it because he didn't want to end up in the same mindset he was when making the Rolling Rocks video, how fucking stupid are you that this has been explained multiple times and you still miss the point entirely

Damn this dude is seriously autistic

I mean the whole hour long videos about qpi and 10 page docs are one thing but this is just next level....naming fucking pencils and then remembering there individual stories. Dudes sick

I entered this thread while holding A

He's still an autistic faggot.

dude seems like a whiny overdramatic emotional lesbian who is in desperate need of therapy

Reminder that Panne is a yurifag

does he have genuine autism?

he has a mental disorder and was given too much attention, simple as that

I don't really give a shit what you think of him personally, I'm telling you to stop being an utter fucking retard that bitches and whines about shit that no one ever said or did because you can't be bothered to read more than half a paragraph

I dont know dude. Look at this: Seems healthy and well adjusted.

No more than anyone else here.

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still most people online to kill to have the kind of impact and following he's had on the internet and all he does is act like an emo bitch thanks to his dumbass self imposed rules

Pannen is more than likely mentally ill in some regard, but that doesn't make him any worse as a person. His extreme dedication in insight and analysis in a single Nintendo 64 game, especially one as universally acclaimed as Mario 64, is something worthy of praise.

Except he must've made a good amount of money for the amount of work he put on, and stood to make more if he'd kept producing more.

Why would anyone do this?



Would this controversy exist if "click" was said instead of "press"

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I think he literally has autism, I'm pretty sure he's addressed that somewhere

Again, he clearly has a mental disorder. I'm not sure why you're acting like he just needs to toughen up. That's like telling someone to pray their gay away.

he has a mental disorder user, they don't respond to things like most people do

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Guys, I work with people with disabilities. This is some grade A autism right here. People in this thread are trying to comprehend the mindset stuff when he literally sees it all exactly how he says it, with the mental RAM and all that. The “analogies” every fucking paragraph. Like, I’m not talking bad about the guy, it is just some really damn obvious autism, he does not comprehend the “memes” as “funny” or anything like that. I have several clients who hate jokes because some are literal and some have absolutely no sense of our understanding of humor.

He only earned money on his primary channel, and he earns way more just working a regular job. Not really a profitable business, and by how much he's gone on about how much stress Rolling Rocks caused him, he isn't in it for the money.

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It would had been worse.

To be honest, it feels kinda sad to see him as Punished Pannenkoek now. Was his stuff ”autistic”? Sure, but who gives a fuck as long as he finds it fun and interesting to do that kind of thing? Heck, a lot of interesting vidya theorycrafting and trivia wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for some kind of blessed autism.

>good amount of money
>one video 24 minutes in 2016 on YT
I'll assume you do not know how YT Adsense works

Really says a lot that a "mentally ill autist" can grasp the concept of a half A press but for Yea Forums it's as confusing as the Monty Hall Problem

>Guys, I work with people with disabilities.
So does anyone who posts on Yea Forums during their breaks

He's still a whiny fag. Fuck off.

I don't really understand why he's so mad at the internet for making playful jabs about his videos. If people thought his videos were worthless garbage then they wouldn't have so many views and he wouldn't have been the progenitor of so many memes. It's totally possible to like something while also making jokes about it.

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You got me there lmao

Said the fag, whining

For the last time
He gets mad at them because they remind him of how bad his life was while he was making the video

i know but it still kind of irks me that this is how he chooses to repay his fans, by contsantly trying to make them feel bad for shit that's his own fault

You make money by creating a constant flow of videos with high amount of views generated by dedicated fanbase, not by creating one semi-popular video. It’s harder than you’d expect, you really need to get those followers and can’t lax down of the pace of releasing new videos.

I think he is too autistic to understand the humor.

Look, I'm sure your father tried to beat the gay out of you when you lost control and started sucking all the cock you could get your hands on, but even if you convinced your self that you were no longer a flaming faggot, these are things you are born with and are completely out of your control.

Some people want to watch the world burn.

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>white knighting a sperglord
>calls someone a fag

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You might as well get upset at a retard for him self or a baby for shitting their diaper. Choice is a really a poor word for someone with a mental handicap.

you have to keep in mind most "fans" aren't actually fans. When we talk about him we think about how in depth and high quality his videos are, and how entertaining the topic is. When other communities talk about him all they can say is "Le funny A press man XDDDD". Those fags are much louder and kill all of the motivation in his little autistic heart.

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This, he literally does not get it, he cannot comprehend what would make any of it ”funny” or “memeable”. He’s obviously amazing at figuring out SM64. The autism spectrum is a hell of a beast.

>I don't understand why autistic people act autistic

>When we talk about him we think about how in depth and high quality his videos are
The fact that you can look at this thread and still
have the gall to say this is absolutely astounding

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did nintendo purposely make mario64 beatable with no a presses?

pannenkoek's videos are interesting and he discovers new things

pic related is TRUE vidyautism, effort that is 100% devoid of meaning.

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>When we talk about him we think about how in depth and high quality his videos are

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All of that seemed somewhat normal until I got to
>Keep times hit by an enemy at 0

Is it common for autistic people to get triggered because they couldn't do some menial task to the point of having a full blown months long mental breakdown? Because that's what basically happened here, he wanted to make a few videos but was too busy and this sent him off the deep end.

this thread is a pretty bad example. Since the thread was created with the purpose of talking about him mental disorder that's all we are talking about. However, in threads that are focused on his actual content, a much deeper level of discussion is reached.

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Yes, we call it “having a behavior”. Basically the whole job is learning how to manage them and direct their attention elsewhere.

>threads that are focused on his actual content, a much deeper level of discussion is reached.
Still no

Oh, I hope this guy is undergoing some sort of therapy then. It reminds me of CWC and how he had autism but his family made sure he could get exactly 0 help for it.

I wish I could harness a pannen-style autist's focus. It seems cool at first, but still sucks when you realize geniuses like Einstein and Terry Tao get to be insanely smart and still otherwise fully-adjusted.

Yeah CWC’s autism is another interesting beast lol, if he had actually had services when he was younger he could have adapted to social situations much better than being a lunatic in public. Outbursts are expected but him and his mom trying to run over that gamestop employee was just insane lmfao

Cremula best girl and Abby a slut

>Autist guy absolutely despises doing something outside of his comfort zone
Who'd have thought

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Wellp. Better just give up on the entire concept self-improvement then.

>think that he couldn't possibly be autistic enough to have kept going with it
>check thread
>posts from a few days ago
>check older threads
>he's been doing this since like 2015

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Also wanted to say that it being months long is kind of fucking wild but I can totally see him doing that to himself after getting stuck in that mindset with his “mental RAM”. Him yelling at his family just for mentioning it and leaving them in disbelief wouldn’t be uncommon at all, sometimes clients will just lose their shit at the drop of a hat for absolutely no reason and we have to spend hours helping them calm back down.

I love Pannen, his dedication inspires me to try harder on the games I play.

couldn't he just reload his save if he got hit

TJ "_____" Yoshi

>Dude just improve yourself to get rid of autism lol

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Well maybe you shouldn't have made fun out of me you "halfpressing" nigger

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Bright mind, bleak psyche.
Always a dayum shame.

Better than Yea Forums's bleak mind, bleak psyche

I genuinely didn't know this capture was pannenkoek. Like I saw it, loved it, but didn't read that it was him who made it.
This guy is my hero.

I mean you can certainly mitigate it and try to learn the difference between people laughing with you and at you instead of just indulging in every autistic thought you ever have and never ever putting effort towards anything.

Based Henry gets the last laugh.

>If i say no then I'm automatically right

Not that user you're responding to and I actually agree with you on this but you're fucking stupid

>you can certainly mitigate it and try to learn the difference between people laughing with you and at you
Yeah you can certainly try but it probably won't work because most people on the spectrum are literally lacking the brain wiring that lets you do that.

shitter confirmed. horrible taste is mech pencils

>pannenkoek becomes a meme
>Yea Forums swears up and down that he isn't autistic, he's just dedicated!
>he actually is autistic
>carebears bend over backwards to defend him


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I'm pretty sure most psychologists would disagree that you are completely incapable of ever improving yourself if you have autism, especially someone clearly as high functioning as Pannenkoek is. But sure, you're the expert. I'm sure you're not just a lazy autist yourself lashing out at people saying things you don't want to hear or anything.

Not that user, but "no" is a proper response to someone who just said something unbelievably stupid and obviously wrong to anyone who's seen Pannen threads. "No, retard" would have been better.

That's like demanding photographic evidence when someone calls you out for saying the sky isn't blue.

I fear that he's going to do harm to a great number of people and this is like his manifesto

Someone post "that"

we're all autistic here though

God, Abby is such a slut

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I hope realize he was actually a great entertainer and could make people sit over a 25 minute video talking about the inner working of Mario 64.
He did wanted to appeal to a wide audience rather than people who were already knowledgeable with the terms as is spent most of the time trying to make the viewer understand what is about to happen and the TJ "Henry" Yoshi bit.

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>Speaks about being in a mindset as if the mindset is an entirely different person/being
>10 page summary when he could have summed it up in 1 page.
he unironically is mentally ill and/or autistic

>I'm sure you're not just a lazy autist yourself lashing out at people saying things you don't want to hear or anything.
I mean I'm not. I actually do have some authority on the subject because I was an assistant for a bunch of autistic teens for a year and had ample discussions with the parents and teachers.

This is what you Henrys did, I hope you're proud

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>My reasoning is arbitrary and unsupported but I won't acknowledge that and will instead call it out on the opposing side
I think you're living proof that autists cannot help but be autistic.

>people ask why he's acting autistic
>answer that he's actually autistic
>bending over backwards to defend him

Poor kid's wrapped up too tight in his own head, narcissistic.
Well, that's what the tism does to you.

Can you name a single mental disorder that isn't autism or OCD, Yea Forums?

bizarro-land autism

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>avatar fag calling anyone a fag
fuck off

used to be ulililia
but he's actually somewhat 'normal' now

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you know what, nevermind

>That many A presses for a star

Pancake is the best kind of autist I also enjoy his appreciation of Yuru Yuri



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No, because all of the mental disorders got folded into autism.

absolutely based

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based and 9pilled

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I think most of Yea Forums thought his videos are cool, but it got popular and people started making fun of him. There are still people posting on here saying hes wasting his time which is really ironic. Since he was introduced to me he's been one of my favorite video game person's because of how much he loves Super Mario 64. His videos are like Beyond the 120 Stars in the modern era to me. No one will ever know the game as well as he does.

histrionic personality disorder


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>fit perfectly with some signs
>exact opposite in others
what does this mean

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I don't think the people making memes and jokes aren't doing anything wrong. Most of the people who joke about him are actually pretty supportive and impressed with his work, most people aren't hostile. The dude seems to be some sort of mad genius, cursed by his own mind. He's clearly got other issues going on and is prioritizing his own mental health, which is fine.

Gotta do what you gotta do.

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Far be it from me to fall into meme culture but it seems like this guy needs to have a mentally purifying sexual experience.

Personality disorders aren't really mental illnesses. It's just a nice, clinical way of saying you're an asshole.

He's coming....

>I don't think the people making memes and jokes aren't doing anything wrong.
Fuck, meant to say that most people aren't doing anything wrong. It's okay to have fun.

That's not what avatarfaggotry is, kiddo. Lurk more.

Thats fucking badass as fuck lmao

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One day he'll force us all to be QPU misaligned
And then he'll finally have his revenge on the people who made fun of me

Reminder Henry got fucking pissed when he saw this image. Didn't like people turning his OC into a cute girl.


What about that webm of his OC sucking Bowser's cock?

pretty sure he was permabanned a while back, because I haven't seen him in a couple months.
yeah, that was pretty autistic.


>wasting a year of your life on something you hate just to make fun of your "friend's" interests
Jesus christ

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Jesus Louisus that IS fucking autistic.

Despite what I've seen in this thread, I'd still say Chris-chan has everyone in the world beat for top autist.

Revved has been permanbanned so many fucking times
It doesnt matter, he always comes back

And remember, Yea Forums considers that based, but spending years reverse engineering your favorite game and testing the limits of what's even feasibly possible within the game is autistic cringe.

what i'd give for that powerpoint doc

>but spending years reverse engineering your favorite game and testing the limits of what's even feasibly possible within the game is autistic
It literally is, unless you're doing it to learn and program your own game. The fact that you don't realize that means you're on the spectrum as well.

Destruction is based and redpilled, creation is cringe and autism

You know it's a little sad, because he's obviously a smart dude who has a talent for education/entertainment, but he beats himself up so much that he's constantly in a mental slump and can't fully enjoy his own talents or the large number of people who support him. I hope he can overcome his issues.

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Why are you even on this board if you don't give a shit about video games?

Destroy yourself then, it's the ultimate in based after all.

I will never understand this "mental breakdown over something unimportant" thing that so many seem to suffer from. I don't consider myself a strong person at all, but I've never had this type of problem. Come on man, it's a youtube video. You have no reason to force yourself like this.

Sincerity is autism, you're only normal if you ironically enjoy things.

>He was right

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>I don't understand why gay guys suck dick. I've never sucked a dick
Truly a mystery

maybe you should tell us why then user since you seem to be such an expert on the craft

Because I'm attracted to cock you fucking faggot

That quoted segment isn't wrong.

The problem with pannenkoek is that he is genuinely autistic and has zero social tact.

He could have framed it in a joking sort of way. Lots of other content creators break games, make challenges out of them. Just make it like a game show, or offer little insights like his own opinion of how the devs must have built the game, like how Matthewmatosis deduces the reason for lack of coins in Snowman's Land. But instead he uses bizarre jargon, creates complicated graphs and timelines, and is 100% dead serious about everything being discussed, no joy, no context. He's just vomiting out his inner autistic bubble world as he experiences it for all to see. It could just be framed differently. It didn't have to be this way.

To him, though, this is a singular lifetime pursuit. His autism fuels his passion, and he can't help but sincerely gush about it. Maybe if he wasn't autistic and just branded himself as a guy who breaks Super Mario 64 for fun, he wouldn't be so butthurt. But he takes it way too fucking far. Imagine putting this amount of effort and energy into solving the world's problems. I at first felt bad for the guy, because he just seemed to really like a great old classic game enough to break it apart, but after seeing shit like I no longer have sympathy for him. Let the little whelp writhe in anguish mentally, he is fucking asking for it.

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Was TJ """"""""Henry"""""" Yoshi the bad guy all along? Was his comment about A presses viewed as a challenge to Pannenkoek that kickstarted his mental state to deteriorate?

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>Maybe if he wasn't autistic
>he is asking for it
I don't compute

>I also ended up going on a mental monologue detailing how worthless I was by going over all my past failures and shortcomings, and for each one going over my personal traits that caused those failures.
Damn I can relate to that

>autist acts like an autist
whod have thunk it

Bipolar disorder

This whole entire thread is people angrily shouting at a mirror.

Pannenkoek is cool.

The Panne video was already a rising meme before Henry chimed in.
Jokes aside, Henry was just asking a civil question and Panne was just doing a QA-type response to the question and then the internet blew it out of proportion by making it seem like Henry was being smug and Panne humbly BTFO him.

I unironically enjoy his videos and the deconstruction and care he puts into his stuff.

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>tj "henry" yoshi gets memed
>takes it in stride
>pannen gets memed
>cries about how it's breaking his "psyche"

Wow. TJ was the based one this whole time