Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Activision "Couldn't Be More Pleased" With Better-Than-Expected Results

>During the financial conference call related to the first quarter of the calendar year 2019, Activision talked about the performance of FromSoftware’ Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

>First of all, we learn that the game’s sales were “better-than-expected.”

>Chief Operative Officer Collister “Coddy” Johnson also commented further on Activision’s reaction to the game’s performance.

>“Q1 also saw the highly successful release of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the result of Activision’s approach to selectively partnering with high-quality developers to leverage our publishing and marketing scale and expertise.

>We couldn’t be more pleased with the collaboration, execution, and response to FromSoftware’s critically acclaimed title from gaming communities worldwide.”

>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and has sold over 2 million copies in less than ten days.

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>Activision being pleased
Oh no no no no no no.
This is bad.

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Yayy I'm so happy my favorite company made lots and lots of money my dudes. The world is saved!

Guess that means we're going to get sequels until we're sick of it again.

I'm glad Fromsoft is doing well. I hope Activision doesn't try to fuck them.

I hope this is the case because I never got sick of the souls games, would have loved a couple more.

>DLC inevitable
>possible sequel

1 dlc then a completely new IP

I kind of want to play it but never tried any Souls game, will I be rekt?

It smells the blood and weakness. RIP From.

It plays very differently than the Souls games.

2 damn it.

And you will get rekt

You have to get a hang of parrying but if you played Ninja Gaiden or any similar action game you'll be fine. Also rolling isn't a universal strategy since you get significantly less i-frames

Miyazaki is gonna sell his soul to this jew, isn't he?

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>good games sell well
Who would have fucking guessed?

Hopefully this marks the beginning of a series of similar sequels that will completely filter out the soulsbab cancer. Sekiro already started down that path and it did a great job. I'm glad this happened. Nothing to worry about activision, they only publish. They have no say in anything else. Nobody gave a shit about gaming journo soulsbabs getting stuck at ogre, and nobody ever will

The question is: Should FROM ever make another game without a variation on the "clashing swords" mechanics Sekiro has? I say no. The Soulsborne games feel like utter tripe shit now. Even Bloodborne, which is probably my second favorite game of all time.


a toast...TO GAMERS
and all of the crazy SOBs at From!

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Nah, FROM typically switches publishers for each release to keep their design freedom, it’ll be fine.

From owns the IP

It’s literally from’s biggest release and has become mainstream with the normies.

Hopefully they keep doing new IP's and new mechanics to differentiate them then doing straight sequels like the trash that is DS 2/3

you will get rekt but you will have fun
it's great

You forgot your signature quote, here I'll say it for you...

DS3 is still the biggest.

will activation buy fromsoftware then finally put it in the grave?

Yeah rolling with a billion i-frames feels like shit now after Sekino.

For the first half, yes.
It's honestly probably the easiest Souls game

This was a shrewd move by Activision.

This is good. We need more solid purely single player games.

I just want my new Armored Core game.

Not only that, but it feels like you're not fighting something. Soulsborne combat is more like one of those machines they have in game shows where a bunch of poles are spinning around at various heights so you either have to duck or jump to avoid them. That's not combat.

I hope this starts a new trend in Sekirolikes

They would've done even better than expected and have been even more pleased if there was an easy mode.

I wouldn't have bought it

This. Why don't customizable giant robots sell?

I only hope that any possible sequel will do something about the locations. Bosses in Sekiro are great, but all the places feel to simmilar, and there's nothing as memorable as Anor Londo in the game. Everything is just your usual Sengoku locales. Even Fountainhead Palace is underwhelming.

It's not the 90's anymore

>game set in Japan has Japanese locations


>game set in Japan has YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO locations

Sekiro 2 please

The point is not that the locations are Japanse, but that they are pretty basic.

Is that how Miyazaki gets away with fucking the female interns and actresses? I heard he fucks actresses in his office.

>wanting sequels
>by FROM

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FS will never put easy mode in their games, that would be career suicide. We buy their games because they are challenging, in fact they should be even more challenging.

The only time Miyazaki drinks is on weekends when he drinks alone and cries because he ia depressed as fuck. He admitted he was seriously depressed in a random interview.

What's funny is that after Demon's Souls and Bloodborne FROM pinched this to Neokiketrashitpisscommikikefornia$ony as their next project, but they were denied because Sony's newly ablazed arrogance knows no bounds and they ditched it in favour of their by-the-numbers on rails AssCreedBamHam open world meme western shitter dev dreck that is Ghost of Sushi.

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I'm still confused how this ended up with Activision publishing. Did it get turned down by Bamco or other Japanese devs first?

Good on Activision for giving it the green light if so.

>Souls games are the only From games
kys newfag


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>he actually bought a game published by Activision instead of just pirating it

Explain yourself, Yea Forums

>Souls games are the only From games
...that are good.

I don't care about any of what you just posted. I just beat Sword Saint and god damn it feels good.

My fucking ass, but this is most likely how it went down.
Sony thought that having two feudal Japan/samurai games would be counter-productive and cannibalise each other.
That's how publishers like to think at least.

I bought it twice to make up for your theft. Seethe.


beat him today too
can confirm it was pretty nice

Watch your blood pressure, bro. You are redder that a stoplight and seething harder than a pot of boiling potatoes.


PChads just keep winning

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I support the free market. All I care about is whether not the game appeals to me. If the product is something I want, what do I care who publishes? Activision could publish mountains of trash games but it's irrelevant to the sole game they push out the door that interests me as a consumer. I put forth my money to show my interest and act as part of the market economy.

It is nice. After just standing in the silver field soaking in the atmosphere after the battle is zenlike.

From can't do sequels. Demon Souls-Dark Souls-Bloodborne-Sekiro
DS2/3 are trash

good goy

>my fanfiction is how things really went.
wew lad

this, none of the areas really wowed me
even the literal divine realm was kinda boring

>Dark Souls isn't a Demon's Souls sequel

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Not an argument.

a dlc would be nice though


I haven't played Demon Souls, however Dark Souls looks to be just an extended version of that, whereas DS2/3 tried to change up the formula in completely half assed ways.
Bloodborne and Sekiro add new mechanics that actually drastically change the game, but DS2 just added more ganks and DS3 was just faster enemies with longer combos

amazing post my dude, also you're probably right

i mean not canonically maybe?

Based and kabukipilled

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>keep Activision afloat
>they now get to continue running Blizzard and all of their franchises into the ground
what's the next step of your master plan

This isn't a Bamco situation, there's no contract forcing From to keep making sequels
This honestly just means that whatever From does next will also be multiplatform and published by Activision

Not that guy, but I hate Blizzard. I'd gladly give Activision money if I'd get a guarantee that it goes towards fucking-up Blizzard. From games would just be a bonus.

Or they may just keep letting fromsoft make new souls like games with whatever seting they want seeing as they were so successful with a new ip.

noooooo bloodbornebros.... this wasn't supposed to happen.

In other news, just like every other Souls game it sold well!
We've had people calling Bloodborne the only reason to buy a PS4 for years, like I guess it's nice to get confirmation from the suits? But literally, no one thought this game sold poorly.

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>but all the places feel to simmilar

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Honestly, I feel like Fromsoft is just selling by name now.

Just because you pump up the contrast with mods doesn't make areas feel less similar.

I can kind of understand what that guy means. Many locations feature mountains, sakura trees, the sengoku-era architecture, etc. But in my opinion that archetypal direction is a lot more aesthetically appealing than fucking Bloodborne, one of the most boring and aesthetically sterile games I've ever played. Sekiro has a better soundtrack too

Spiritual successors are distinct from sequels.

>boring and aesthetically sterile
>Sekiro has a better soundtrack too
Fucking yikes. Art direction in BB is A-class, and the OST is objectively superior.

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Art direction in Bloodborne:
>dude what about another gothic cathedral

OST in Bloodborne:
>dude what if the choir pitched again

>look at my doctored images!
on an actual PS4 the game not only runs at 20 fps it's also blurred to hell and smathered with chromatic aberration. looks nothing like that

HAHAHAHHAHA hope it's true.

Imagine this masterpiece could have been a Sony exclusive. Another Bloodborne fiasco all over again. We got spared. Suck it.

>dude wooden pagodas lmao
imagine thinking messy yukashit garbage being better than an actual live orchestra with competent composers, and actual good soundtracks
sekiro's OST is almost entirely pic related recorded in a broom closet
no bullshots, all me

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everything related to Activision would be bad for your retarded brain.

The entire game takes place in the mountain forests with one type of architecture. Large portion of the game takes place just in Ashina castle. In Dark Souls you have towns, swamps, castles, literal hell etc. Not to mention, nothing in Sekiro looks as good as Anor Londo or Irithyll. If there's anything I want from a Sekiro DLC is a location that actually looks interesting.

>only runs at 20 fps
Only, the most recent version runs at 30fps.

Question: The reason Bloodborne will never come to either PC or Xbox is because Sony owns the IP, right?

Nah I am sure Namco would jump on any chance to work with From again. I don't know why they fell out. I would guess them forcing them to do sequels and rushing but then again part of the fault some of the Dark Souls games had troubled development was because From took on too many projects at once. I am pretty sure DaS 2, DaS 3, BB and Sekiro all had overlaps in production with one another and the DaS ones suffered the most from it.

>an actual live orchestra
This statement is meaningless posturing unless the orchestra can actually produce good, creative music. Every track in Bloodborne sounds the same, much like its boring aesthetic. I remember when Destiny won an award for best music in 2014 because "DUDE ORCHESTRA" despite the music itself being uninspired garbage. Just fuck off to rainy mood already

I'm a Sekiro fanboy but Sekiro's OST is objectively bad with the exception of Emma's theme and Divine Dragon's OST.
Also the only truly kino areas are Hirata and Senpou. There's good areas like blue samurai dojo and bodhisattva valley though.

>caring about Blizzard

No Budavista statue where the Great Ape resides?

>I haven't played Demon Souls
Why are you even talking?

Nice game you got there, Sekirobros.
Would be a real shame if someone came and showed you the true path of THE samurai...

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Sequel time

It's not bad but it's pretty bland. Which I guess is bad to some people. It serves its purpose but doesn't really stand out.

>Western company + Japanese studio

Is this the best way to create good games?

>This statement is meaningless posturing unless the orchestra can actually produce good, creative music
Creative? Maybe, because the actual orchestras use coherent latin lyrics and actually fits the theme it presents. It just sounds great in general, get some taste.
>Every track in Bloodborne sounds the same, much like its boring aesthetic.
I think you confused Sekiro's aesthetics and OST to BB's. I literally cannot remember anything except for Divine Dragon, and maybe Genichiro. The entire OST is just ambience or god awful and messy hype tracks. Which isn't surprising, because Yuka was also behind DaS3's ear bleedingly bad soundtracks.

>hating Strength and Discipline and Sword Saint
Put on a trip so I can filter you

It's not bad it's just forgettable. The only bad music is when you're trying to reset aggro to be sneaky and the battle theme keeps triggering.

Activision should buy FromSoft.

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Not gonna happen. They already got bought and are not for sale.

>Why haven't you played a game on a console you don't own

Like it or not Activision has a good nose for competent devs, and this is good news for From Software. With Sekiro being a success they can expand their scope on new games, like CDPR did with Cyberpunk after cashing in with W3. Just hoping their next project is something entirely new, not Dark Souls 4.

I love Fountainhead palace, it has this very weird alien like vibe to it, a very peaceful place, but bizarre.

>Great Shinobi Owl

It's pretty clear that they're not interested in another Dark Souls game, but games that take the formula and twist it in new ways, which is just fine with me.
It's also worth mentioning that Activision only published it in the west, and From probably approached them

But Sekiro is a ninja, not some for honoru faggot

>forgetting both Owl themes

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Wow, so a day one crack couldn't stop From crushing it out of the park.

it's either this or Sony's collab that turns to 16fps game.. it is dark time for the gamers

kek tell that to BB sonygggers

Yes? You got a problem loser? No took my opinion on the series seriously before I played Bloodborne. You think you should get a free pass? I played Bloodborne. Why can't you emulate or get the cheapest console to play the oldest game? Opinion discarded. Also your opinion was stupid anyway. You literally complained about 2 and 3 not innovating enough when they are sequels.

BB runs at 30fps on the latest version. Cope.

>and response to FromSoftware’s critically acclaimed title from gaming communities worldwide
Is this a low blow to all the journalists and twitter crybabies?
Is Activision based now, what the fuck?

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>only From games
>...that are good.
kys soulfag

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i don't mind the locations, reminds me of my travels to nippon.
And my favorites were fountainhead and Senpou temple, specially the battle theme of those 2.

Maybe we would get some more divine realm locations with lady Tomoe DLC or something, kinda like a memory playthrough like Hirata

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"... the result of Activision's approach to selectively partnering with high-quality developers to leverage our publishing and marketing scale expertise."

Look at these fucking dick suckers. They can't stop to think about why the game does good. Activision thinks Sekiro did well because of Activision and not because the nearly decade long positive community interaction FromSoft had with it's fans.

made me kek

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Is DS:Remastered on PS4 worth it, dude is selling his copy for 5 trumpbucks. Played PtDE on PC btw

>Played PtDE on PC
>DS:Remastered on PS4
I would say no. It's a travesty. Assuming you used DSfix you got a much better experience. But 5 bucks ain't much anyway.

Autism: The Post

It's a damn shame they took off Prepare to Die. I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy remastered on PC on sale anyways

DSFix + texture modes, how shit is the meta now for DS:R?

>Activision disperses From and relegates them to chinese mobile games.

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Ad hominem. Kill yourself my man.

you chose the worst picture to show how different bbs areas are, i agree with you but those pics suck. Wheres the fishing hamlet, cainhurst, or the forest? each of those are very different from the 6 pics of fucking castles you went with.

God I need to replay those games, I don't think I ever actually beat the last boss of the first one when I was younger.

Why hasn't anyone petitioned Namco to bundle PtDE with the Remaster? There are mods that don't work with the remaster.

I don't know if anyone even plays it online. Last I heard it was completely dead on PC and it actually killed what was left of the PtDE players with it.

From Software are owned by Kadokawa.

is activision finally the right publishing arm for from software? I think we can all agree that atlus didn't have the budget to get their games exposure and that Bandai Namco was the most jewish publisher and sony locking all their shit behind lamestation.

The irony

Why can't Activison just buy out FromSoftware?

what is "the latest version" and why do you even think 30 fps is acceptable?

Guys. GUYS. I just discovered you can mikiri counter the lone shadow's perilous kick. Also you can deflect snake eyes's grab and shichimen's Kamehameha

30fps is acceptable, you're just autistic.

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Good on fromsoft really proud of those guys

nice job matey
I just finished NG+ hardmode and have been exploring the various suspicious similarities between sekiro and sword of the stranger

>30fps is acceptable
sorry user but not everyone is a shiteater, anything below 144 fps is unacceptable

Like I said, autism. Beyond 60, it's a meme.

You've never played a game above 60 fps.

If you haven't played every game in the series you can't have an informed opinion on it.

this is false

Then why did Bloodborne assholes use argument all the time?

Because you have the intelligence of an 8 year old and took them seriously

You literally cannot have an informed opinion if you haven't played all of the souls games. That goes for any series, retard.

Dammit, I played that shit game for nothing then.

Omae wa mou shindeiru

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Guess I don't have an opinion on Marvel movies because I haven't seen The Dark World

Easily one of the best final bosses, if there was any way to improve the fight I'd probably make the third phase less of a free win by, instead of simply reflecting back the lightning, you and Isshin would be throwing the lightning back and forth Ganondorf VS Link style until somebody gives up.

Then go see it.

Your logic is broken. Maybe if the game didn't have 4 games you'd have a point, but missing 1/4 does make me informed enough to make an opinion that DS2 and DS3 are mediocre and don't make proper changes to the formula

Look my dude. I've been civil up to this point. I told it to you. Others told you the same. This ain't me by the way You probably noticed how in some of my sentences I am missing words. It's because I was livid, so LIVID that I was being forced to read the shit opinions of someone who hasn't even played Demon's Souls. I was seeing red. DEMON'S SOULS. You lousy rat. You shitty pleb. You dreadful scum. No I can't. I am done. With this. With you. OMG. I can't even.

Have a good day, Sir.