What was his endgame?

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Other urls found in this thread:


i dont know who that is but i want to fuck him

To be as wacky as possible.

Also what the fuck, this game was getting good and it just ended

Test NULLS, even as a recording still.

Why present a full story if you can hope to make people buy the game in hopes for a sequel? Except that strategy has left a few games without an ending in the past.

I pirated it on Switch so it looks like I really dug my own grave then

It probably wasn't getting addicted to chronos and having to freeze himself to escape "the withdrawal"

I killed the homeless man and I'd do it again too.

I killed him because I misclicked. Did not KILL THE CHILD however.

The game was being made over 6 years, and the devs needed some money, that's why they choose to release the first act rather than the full game.

6 fuckin years for a 3 hour game
either they worked like 2 hours a week for it, or that's number's horseshit

alternate route that changes the storyline if you go full nuclear and only pic red options when
no, the secret boss doesn't count

0 chance it was made in 6 years. 2 tops, and that's generous.

I acted as a psychopath to everyone except the little girl. Oh Christ, I hope that does not indicate anything.

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it was supposed to come out on 2016 but they delayed it
Also it has no kickstarter or anything and it's a small team so they propbably had to make it on their free time

>tfw you will never make snuff films with your subhuman russian bro

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Cyka Blyat fag wasn't a bro, he was an enabler.

reminder that she is real and zero will save her and get her out of new mecca

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What game

katana zero

She is not real jim.

then who does v give the tape of him killing the neighbours too?
also everything else is real except maybe the psychotherapist fight , why wouldn't she be?

prove it

He wanted to be the DRAYGEN.

Why did Zero run the fuck away as soon as the real Dragon showed up on the highway? It was extremely uncharacteristic.

Is it even possible to?

Assuming it wasn't only done for convenience, perhaps he was programmed to.

He acted like he was afraid of him because he runs as soon as Fifteen shows up to take V.

I have a bit of a crazy and most likely bullshit theory that Zero and Fifteen are the same person, with split personalities that are only active one at a time and aren't entirely aware of each other. Fifteen is possibly the original and Zero is him suffering memory blackouts from Chronos effects. Zero seeing him at times is a hallucination of his subconscious trying to remind him who he is.

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what would be more kino though?
>loli is real, entire second act is a revenge story to save her and peace out of the city, and on the way Zero fucks the city and everyone who stands on his way

>loi is an hallucination, entire second act is Zero going into a nonsensical rampage across the entire city to save a girl only real in his mind

but the ending shows the two of them being part of the same unit in the war, likely before the memory blackouts started happening

I bet Fifteen is the only actual human null and Zero is an artificial human based on Leon. He looks narcissistic enough to do something like that, think like Ruiner. Spare parts.

>the part where he drank team after the coolant leak was foreshadowing
your theory is retarded

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I'd be willing to chalk that one up to his memory being a little fucked up still. But I did admit it's likelly wrong and bullshit.

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Its not

Is the little girl real at the end?

Oh yeah? Well I talked to Electrohead.

Yes it is. You just don't click anything. Eventually it cuts to the family unharmed and you go home.

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>refused medication
get rekt

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What the fuck was his problem?

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Whatever Zero is, his age is accelerated. He has been given the drug "since childhood"
The war ended 7 years ago and there's no way that it went on for 28 years. Accelerated age would imply he's a clone of somebody, and he resembles Leon.

The child was the family. That whole scene is zero having a flashback to the ending scene replacing Al Qussam's family with the scientist's child.

No matter what you do, you don't kill the family.

What was yours? That was all in your mind. You stabbed the poor man through the skull.

You killed his daughter and got him targeted by Juncture for having an asset go rogue.

Really the psychiatrist did nothing wrong and just followed the orders he got from above.

But here's the million dollar question. Is he white?

Dev confirmed that the psychiatrist fight was real as the drugs he takes for the superpowers are real.

What game is this

What the fuck, where is this

Yeah the flying around throwing energy part was real, strangely enough. The monster was something else. I don't know what that says about the MC. I was getting Joy flashbacks though, like Zero is about to go all mutie.

Metal Gear Zero
Kojima has gone full minimalist.
Completely scrapped Death Stranding and made it in a year.

Katana Zero, go play it

Secret boss unlocked by really pissing off the psychiatrist

Zero is most certainly a vat baby like the ones found in the mansion and bunker1 levels, however the war actually did go on for 28 years for the NULL soldiers.

If you remember the chapel scene before the mansion the voice as you walk (fiftheen) says that a week feels like a year due to the cycle of dying and rewinding back in their heads. What was 7 years in real life felt like 28 years to fifteen.

what if you get him to the boiling point then turn and walk out of his office? does he get fight blue balls and initiate the battle?

You need to hang up multiple times in the first level intro. Interrupt him until you leave in the second level intro. Talk to electrohead fully in the third level. Refuse treatment in fourth level intro and then kill everyone in the prison. Finally the next time you see him you need to tell him "Fuck You".

Sounds dumb. The psychiatrist recognises who Fifteen is, just from you telling him his physical appearance. That, plus the NULL chick.

How do you know that the voice speaking in the chapel sequence is Fifteen? Is that just assumed or is it stated somewhere?

Snow isn't a null. V, Snow, and whoever is their boss wants to manucture Chronos, they even made some test versions, one which V uses on Zero's neighbors.

Yeah I think the eye section up to and through the monster section is just him trapping you in your mind somehow. In each phase there is a different line if you die besides the normal "no that won't work" one. They are all basically the therapist taunting you that your going to be trapped here forever, but the one for the monster phase is just "..."

i think he means 15's partner, the one you fight in the bunker

So V only knows the effects of his shitty second rate Chronos. What if the withdrawal from the real deal is different?

It'd be pretty bad if he didn't recognize that description considering it's exactly who he's talking to in this theory.

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I don't think it's that much different considering the lady we fight at the bunker is pretty much going to something similiar. The only thing I really don't get it is how come the masks say that Zero is having a withdrawl while he is having Chronos almost on the daily. If anything, Zero shouldn't be having any sort of problem whatsoever.



That doesn't make any goddamn sense but you carry on believing you crazy person.

Pinka Pi motherfuckers

The first guy you go out to kill said he was expecting someone else who was a Null, Aka Fifteen who is the real Dragon.

*walks towards u*

As it is during a withdraw/flashback scene we can assume it is something zero heard in the past. The actual lines are coming from a NULL soldier as they make reference to the war in the jungle which they fought in. The only other NULL we know of is fifteen and the NULL girl (who I believe is the therapist's daughter but I don't know for sure). The icing on the cake is the end of the gane where it is revealed the dreams zero has been having end with him leaving the shack and meeting fifteen at a time during the war. I actually think that that moment is when fifteen says the speech to zero is when they meet up there.

Also the chapel speech uses the same font as when fifteen says he is the dragon to V.

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*checks his desk*

Based and Pinkapilled

I managed to forget that, and that does kinda blow a big hole in this, huh.

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>Didn't understand why the psychiatrist was pissed since the Juncture were out to kill ME
>Realize the Juncture killed the psychiatrist's daughter and were gonna kill him

Wow, I feel like crap from that

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Please post more art of the loli, she's a cutie

Zero starts going through withdrawal a day after his injection. Look at the sides of the screen when ever you are getting a shot.

I don't remember my playthrough being this spooky

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>tfw no loli companion

Who was the family in the bunker/safe?

why are you using the shit weapon user


I don't get the ending, so cops arrested me and that's the end? wtf

I must say I found this spooky.

Reddit official discord, dev did a q&a there.

>Realize the Juncture killed the psychiatrist's daughter and were gonna kill him
oh wow that actually makes sense
I always wondered why he always talked about his daughter for no reason

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I don't get it, so the ending is where the cops just shoot and kill me?

Wtf, I chose death because obviously being alive would kill the loli but I thought the ending would be better

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I think his daughter was NULL girl as immediately after you kill her he can't contact her, plus daughter is highlighted in purple text which corresponds with the NULL project.

So why Zero feels the need to cosplay as a Samurai? Surely not to blend in since everyone notices how odd and cheap it is.

They told you that someone dies.

Just hit continue and choose to live so you can play the best level in the game.

Personal style? I honestly think he does it just because.

I doubt his daughter is the female NULL, it just would be strange for someone with a somewhat normal if shady life would get his daughter into a super soldier program since childhood

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True that's what throws me off from it too. I could imagine a scenario where she is alpha or beta NULL without him knowing and works for Al Quasim to fuel her Chronos need but it is unlikely.

Because going in with modern fatigues and a sidearm is way way too familiar to him. He probably wishes to distance himself from any kind of real soldiering or modern weaponry at all. He spent years executing innocent villagers with guns and modern equipment.

because he is an actual weeb

>pick up the gun in the mansion level
>he just throws it hard enough to embed in their damn skulls

This since he buys weeaboo samurai anime and has a stash of samurai gear.

The gun actually is super useful since it can pierce shields.

Were talking about different things. There is a scene in the bunker where Zero has a breakdown when he enters the vault with the family, and sees the child that he killed. But it isn’t actually the child, Its the random family which just appears as the child to him, with the prompt “KILL THE CHILD”. This game is short as hell, how are there so many people who forgot key things?

Yeah no we are talking about the same thing. If you select the kill the child prompt or do nothing the same thing happens.

It's what you call a "smartgame"
It was made in a way to subliminally erase important parts of itself in your brain until you play it again multiple times.
Askiisoft is actually a government funded psyop company.

Lady in the bunker is a null.

Who's family is that and why are they hiding in a bunker? Why is the fem null protecting them?

Oh whoops, I misread it as you saying you DO kill the family no matter what.

It's most likely just Al Qussam's family.

>try to spare the bum again on my second playthrough
>this time the game auto picks kill
The fuck triggers this?

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Al was old as fuck there's no way that's his wife and kid. He's wheelchair bound and that kid is very young. He's shooting blanks if he could even feel anything down there.

Oh so maybe it was the game that made me kill him. I could have sworn I clicked spare him or whatever, but that did not fucking happen.

Daughter and grandchildern? I dunno, I doubt they're relevant to the story.

Dont know. Maybe you'll get a different ending where you actually slaughter the family and shoot the kid in the face in your flashback.

if you refused treatment and didn't kill anyone in the prison

Al Quasim's family, they were probably sent there to hide by him since he ended up getting killed. Female NULL isn't protecting them, she worked for Al Quasim in exchange for Chronos and came to the bunker when he died to see if he had any left since she was going to die from withdrawl.

Did orochimaru get his own game?

I don't think I understood what happens when Chronos finally runs out.
do you simply just die, or do you enter a comatose state that you can never wake up from?

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More like an OC Metal Gear character.

you get stuck in an unmoving world

I think it's supposed to be like every second is an agonizing eternity

The latter, its implied that you go comatose and experience dying forever.

I think time freezes for you until your body and mind actually die of old age. Of course your aging is slowed considerably with chronos use, so this takes even longer than it should for a normal person.

If you refuse treatment and kill everyone in the prision you auto kill the hobo.

You become Diavolo?

Can you not kill the homeless man? I’m pretty sure it makes you

I got the option but I did it anyway because he pissed me off and it seemed "in character"

Essentially, except instead of dying in different ways you just die once and continuously feel the pain from it.

You can choose not to. Has to do with something involving the prison level just run it in different ways and try different dialogue until it works.

Nothing in particular happens different between killing and sparing him.

time stops but you remain conscious for all eternity
It doesn't matter if you die later, the time fuckery of chronos locks your consciousness to the moment Chronos runs out so death can't even stop it

The ending punched me in the gut. I got too attached to the girl, those little interludes were charming and atmospheric as fuck desu.

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After you kill the null girl you can select retry in the menu and fight her again. I’m extremely disappointed that there wasn’t any dialogue considering the conversation you have with her.

Who the FUCK would willingly take this shit?? The risk is too high. If it's like that then you better just outright give me complete control over time itself

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the psychiatrist directly says they didn't realize that until the war ended and they stopped giving chronos to null soldiers

I think it's more like your perception of time is so extremely fucked that the moment of your death feels like it lasts billions or even trillions of years even if it only lasts a second in real-time. V's description of it came off as metaphor to me.


Sword Nothing

So what the fuck was up with comedy and tragedy. They seem to stand out in this story of super soldiers who can manipulate time, where the fuck to these teleporting transcendent fuckers fit in?

Leon is probably the only one insane enough to use it willingly. Everyone else didn't get much of a choice.

They're wearing lab coats so they are probably connected to the null project in some way.

Gods of progress and stagnation, the two sides of time, whose divine blood was used in the creation of chronos.

They're super fucky.
One minute the cops can see them, and the next one it was as if they never saw them in the first place.

They're Ricks

>It's only been a week but it feels like a year
>Every word is getting longer, the mosquitoes are getting louder
>When the drug runs out, time stops and you are stuck in the jungle forever
>It's...grains of sand in a shrinking hour glass
Sound to me like time slows down the more it has been since their last hit of chronos, and when it's been too long time actually stops
Also I just reread the scene and after the last line comes this
>I know what comes next. I need to ask you a favor
>-684 days remain(so almost 2 years before the start of the game)
What does that fucking mean, how did I never hear people talk about that
>someone contacted Zero 2 years before the start of the game and asked him for a favor related to Chronos

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>yfw youtube.com/watch?v=-pPxdh3OWrI

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They're a personification of Zero's psychic abilities. When you chose to live it's just Zero melting the cops minds.

Real as in, like, actually happened? I figured it was some kind of kickass psychic mind battle that ended with breaking out of the control and stabbing him in the head.

>tfw blending in

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they are actually the dancing neighbors V kills
the hair color matches
they got their powers from the work-in-progress V gave them
Their motive is fucking with Zero because it is his fault V killed them

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What's the name of the song that plays in the church scene?
That song fucks me up.

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Blue room?

I will miss levels like that, the rest will probably be about government secret labs and shit
A samurai with a katana blending in a club is just too good, pure cyberpunk kino

Yep, that's the one, thanks.

>song called Katana Zero isn't the song used for the final level

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What do you mean "final level"? The game's basically not even over at this point.

I like how they managed to keep the Jacket/Biker dynamic with Zero and Fifteen.
At least Biker had more than one mission though.

I am still annoyed as fuck that I couldn't kill that smarmy shithead myself.

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I'm pretty sure what you do to him counts as killing him yourself.

Sorry, I meant V.

But I did get treatment this time. And I also didn't kill anyone in the prison.

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The little girl is real, because that makes comedy and parody real, and that makes the game cuhrazyer. Find it in your heart, you know it to be true.

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What the fuck is Behemoth supposed to represent? Is behemoth Zero and the glowing red representative of the death Behemoth brings as he approaches the kid, Leviathan?

What did he think was gonna happen when he froze himself? It almost looks like time catches up with him because he gets old before he falls apart. Like he's actually as old if not older than Al Quasim.

>Mission where you play as 15
>Talking to the guy about to testify
>Sympathize with him, but tell him that he has to die because he's a liability.
>Proceed to drown him in dirty toilet water instead of giving him a quick death with my sword

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Does that mean armless V talking to you might be real?

Yeah Fifteen isn't really happy about being a lab rat. I knew it was gonna be ugly judging by where the red text was going.

>have squads full of immortal super-soldiers able to see the future
>lose the war

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Askiisoft should hire this guy and give all the characters portraits in the sequel/final chapters.

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If only those fucking hippies in the first district didn't kick and scream about the child killings.

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[jazz music intensifies]

or its just a toy

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>felt like i already played a game with the same style as Katana Zero
>found out it was made by the same dudes that made Tower of Heaven and Pause Ahead
That's kinda neat.

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Does Zero actually ever leave the Third District in any mission?
Because if he doesn't then maybe the other districs are different, and if they are there might be a chance of a level like chinatown of ripping and tearing through the police in the streets so he can reach the other districts in his quest to save the loli

Behemoth is given to you by a girl who doesn't exist and is used to locate the toy you stole from the child you burned alive. It definitely means something.


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gib link

It's got the japs attention.

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This game kinda reminded me of Jacob's Ladder. Glad it didn't pull a similar ending though.

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>you stole from the child you burned alive.
Wait what? he hid under the bed in the house and Zero didnt set it on fire. He just disabled the computer and walked out to have a cigarette with fifteen.

i'm pretty sure it is, you can see him during the ending tied up at fifteen's place, i doubt he would just leave him there if he was dead

Unless he hates him so much that he mutilates his corpse a bit.

I don't think he does, but I'm not sure. Quassum's apartment/bunker in particular. Or Leon's bunker.

>He just disabled the computer and walked out to have a cigarette with fifteen.
watch the ending again, he puffs the cigarette once and then throws it inside the wooden house while the kid is still inside

The ending fucked me up, Bros. The twist gave me fucking whiplash.

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>kill the ones who did this to us
what did she mean by this? who are the ones that did that to them? why did he kill his therapist?
pic unrelated

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>the twist
That you weren't the kid in the dream?

>Strong Terry

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she wants you to kill everyone involved in the null project, because they're why she, fifteen and zero are so fucked up

>Born too late to kill cromafags
>Born too early to see a good district 3
>Born just in the right time to experience Strong Terry

Godspeed you magnificent bastard, make Jesus your bitch on the squat machine

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Is it really a bathrobe and are you disappointed the real twist wasnt that Zero was just some crazy guy in a bath robe full of delusions.

I was expecting that to be the case but was pretty surprised to see that medal actually was his.

He IS a crazy guy in a bathrobe. He just also happens to be a juiced up supersoldier.

>mfw cronos is actually super bath salts

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>the pompadour club

Who supplied him with chronos after the war but before he started working for Juncture.

Is the medal actually his? I tried asking the psychiatrist but ended up bashing his face in before he answered.

I think it's ambiguous. Keeps it interesting that way.

>Alpha Null testing, the rate of survival was 7%
>Beta Null, the rate of survival was 13%
>Gamma Null, the rate of survival was...100%
And you're a gamma null.
That means there are two other classes of Null soldiers that are like gods compared to Zero, Laser bitch and yes, even Fifteen.

no idea. he was probably in a fuckin coma the whole time in between; theres no need to worry about chronos soldiers exposing anything when they are in withdrawal and essentially braindead.

for all we know they pulled him out of a hospital bed somewhere and juiced him back up to get their assassin

has some parallels to the "forever war" stuff i guess where you only really exist during a conflict as needed, then put into storage when its over and you completely cease in the meantime

What about SNOW?

snow never does any null stuff, so for all we know she's just a really good assassin

Snow's just a well trained assassin.

A lower survival rate means that most of them sucked and died. Gamma is the strongest variant of Null.

He seemed like such a crazy fuck, he not only used chronos on himself but probably ran his own gauntlet to test his body. Leon probably fought in the war too.

>Fifteen is only playable for ONE mission

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A free update is projected for this year. They aren't as scummy as their cliffhanger ending would make them out to be.

The game literally spells out that Gamma are the cream of the crop because there is no way they could ever lose the tests

>favorite level
Easter eggs were fun, the swordless part is imaginative but I'm still confused on whether or not you can access a secret level or not

Theme song, actual character portrait on the monitor, the overall aesthetic, the ending of the mission, the storytelling.

bunker 2
everything about it is perfect

>swordless part is imaginative
My mind got blown when I found out that you could actually start the level swordless.

It's challenging, the music is great, and the ending of course serves as the payoff for the masks' mindfuckery.

the ranged dudes are placed well and are not annoying plus the way the fucking swat vans come in are kino

Is Snow the little girl from the first dream sequence?

snow is the ninja chick who is an co-worker of Yea Forums

He just wanted to sleep in his fridge

Are you under the impression that he's talking about the survival rate of the guards? Because they're talking about the survival rate of the Nulls. Gammas never die, alphas and betas suck. Laser bitch is probably a beta and fifteen is probably a gamma.

Meant the bit about the monitor because there you can finally see what the game's art style is meant to be.

I honestly don't know what I thought.

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Make the world a more dangerous place and eternal rest in an ice coffin. He was a weird dude.

I know, I mean, is she a cromag child who survived the war? The first few dream sequences had a little girl who is thrown into the machine and becomes a toy, I think.

One of his favorite past times in life seems to be running strangers through a deadly obstacle course while he snipes at them from afar and films himself doing so for some...reason.

That was only the one dream sequence after you find leviathan under your couch.

Why do the Cromags seem technologically disadvantaged? How did they win the fucking war? Guilt?

is there a particular reason why most of the null soldiers are samurai aside from pic?

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gotta say i really enjoyed my time with hotline miami 3, even though it took some time to get used to the new gameplay style

Dennaton must be proud.

Actually, the game starts at 10 days remaining and counts down to 0, Judgement. So if it was -684 days remaining, it would actually be two years after judgement is passed.

Pick one

We've only seen like three so far, though, and Zero didn't have a sword in the flashback. Plus this is a case where precognition and bullet time makes swords useful, if not more powerful than most firearms.

>Entire fight is real
>Therapist does end up becoming a giant Akira monster
>Zero sees that happen with Chronos and kills him with his sword before he can inject the drugs

a sword works probably best with chrono powers since a bullet would slow down as soon as you fire, also 0 and 15 have been shown as not samurais in the war flashback

Because the impracticality of swords is negated when you can die as many times as you want

Do you think Zero drinking tea made with contaminated water will come back into play in some form?

15 was.
He was the only one who had a sword during the war though. I assume he personally trained Zero because he's also an Iaido user.

I felt so betrayed when I watched that news broadcast and nothing happened in the next few days.

Didn't Snow criticize Zero for his style? I doubt Fifteen would have left room for criticism.

I believe it's what made his nightmares come back

It's not like swords don't slow down too. Zero and Fifteen both slow down in bullet time. Bullet time is purely a perception increase it doesn't speed their bodies up.

I think she only criticizes if you choose the stand still option when seeing her the first time

Well whatever made Zero decide to pick up the sword in the first place has something to do with Fifteen, whether it be imitation or actual lessons from the man. I doubt it's imitation because it's implied that Zero is afraid of Fifteen on the highway when he just bolts out of there. The screen goes all horror movie red as soon as Zero hears his voice too, so there's something bad there in their past.

I didn't consider that.
Maybe there is a right answer for that. If she said something like "You're just like him..." that'd be pretty neat.


Yes, it's a guy. What are you genderbender degenerates trying to do here?

he could pass without the stubble tbqh family

this desu

What exactly am I looking at here? It both intrigues and disturbs me.

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Christ, they made him look like a Heroin addict.

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Somebody decided to draw our hero in an hour glass full of zombie DJ Electrohead's blood? Maybe it symbolizes guilt for killing that guy.

what happens if you talk to him?

red guy gets mad

Actually he gets shot through the window by V if you don't do it.

Not true, I did that my first run and spared the hobo

everyone just gets fucked in this game huh?

oh yeah, in a big way

What did you guys think of the boss fights? I wish there were moves that required multiple parries to get a hit in.

It's like Hotline Miami, Lisa The Painful and Sekiro. It's like the perfect 2D game.

It's Leon's loose ends coming back to haunt Zero

Kissyface was my favorite. I loved how his health bar was really a stagger bar, and how you have to escape the chair to start the fight.

*stagger bar was really a health bar

What's up with all these ninja games, man? Not that I'm complaining.

It was their version of Vietnam. They lost because public opinion was against them so they gave up and pulled out.

So we all can guess the killer samurai chick is going to be the kid from the flashbacks, right?

works out both ways

No, the kid is just some random little boy. I don't know why he shows up in Zero's flashbacks because he hid from Zero while he was fucking up that computer.

It was a posture bar.

I have a theory but it’s a really stupid one. What if the kid was either Tragedy or Comedy seeking revenge against you?

I didn't like them. The entire game is about one hit killing shit, and the boss fights don't adhere to those rules, and atop that you die in one hit so they just come off as really fucking annoying.

Who's worse? Shinra or Juncture?

Post favorite tracks:
>Blue room
>Disturbed line
>Hit the floor
> first minute of Monster

Anyone else bust out laughing when the kid gets shot in the face during the "nightmares"? It's so comedically placed each time.

He's a rich kid who played too many Metal Gear games.

Yo what if... like... the entire game takes place in Chronos and you wake up way before the game started?

Because no, god dammit. Why? If they were gonna do that why didnt they just make Zero a fat guy in a dirty bath robe with a dull decorative sword killing random people with it driven by his delusions.

Is the next chapter gonna be a new game or a DLC?


Any idea on the release date?

who the fuck knows
this year i guess

Attached: dlc1.png (643x964, 119K)

>You killed his daughter

Who's this qt?

the girl null working with 15/ the null you fight in the bunker is implied to be the psychiatrist's daughter, based on how he says you'll probably meet her one day and how the text is the same as null related things and how he can't contact her after you kill the bunker null

i thought that was a dude.

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I always read the colors as emotional context rather than indicating specific things. Red just means angry. Besides, your meeting wasn't planned, he didn't seem to know about The Dragon, the Null is a jaded super soldier out to get revenge on the government, and wasn't the paper weight picked up on a vacation or something? I think the family just exists to establish that outside of pointing a tactical missile shaped like a man at people the psych is just a normal 9-5 guy and he only freaks out about not being able to reach her to show you you're killing a good and caring daddy.


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i'm not saying i believe it, i'm just saying that's how people connect it

I’m not sure but it has something to do with club neon where you kill electro head. The club owner is a dude named Sterling Silver. And when the masks are introduced they are described as Gold and Sterling Silver. That can’t be a coincidence. Maybe it’s got something to do with who shot electrohead

as other people have pointed out in the thread, they also have the same hair colour as the neighbours and show up after v kills them

What game is this?

True. I actually had a crazy theory that the guy leading V and Snow is actually Sterling Silver which is why he’s referenced as death. Considering that their group has hunted down Null in the past maybe those masks are actually trying to warn you.




Attached: Basedgame.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)


>not listening to the council of Skinny Rickies

>"I can't wait to tell Strong Terry about this!"

Attached: Screenshot_20190415-000235.jpg (627x1319, 152K)

This is the kind of stuff that reminds me of Lisa the Painful.

What am I supposed to do in the government laboratory?

It allows you to switch weapons if you've found the secret keys for them. And the door's probably for the free upcoming DLC.

For the longest time I thought he was wearing an helmet

Attached: 2019-05-01 (2).png (1920x1080, 573K)

>there are other weapons
Well fuck. I missed every single one on the entire game.

I don't know who this is but I want to fuck the shit out of him

If you look at the webm posted it uses one of them, it makes the blood splatter a random color. The others actually change range/mechanics a little bit though.

Bog yourself.