Has there ever been a game that was like a reverse Hitman? Meaning that...

Has there ever been a game that was like a reverse Hitman? Meaning that, you are the target being hunted by assassins but you don't know who they are or where they'll come from and you always need to be alert and prepared?

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oh fuck

The game you're looking for is called The Ship.
You're also a killer in the game, mind you, but its basically the same idea.

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Trouble in terrorist town

>post yfw you can defend your property from degenerates like the founding fathers intended

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>Play Ship on a 20 person server
>Everyone's walking around staring each other down, no one knows who's their killer.
>Three people follow you into a cabin, someone could be gunning for you right now!
>Saddam Husein splatters Clinton's head with a golf club and walks out after saluting you.

Assassin's creed rogue

The first and only time I played I nailed Jason in the head as Tommy Jarvis and walked out of the camp

space station 13 traitor rounds
Someones always working away trying to fuck up the entire station.

This or "Framed" on Roblox

make a webm of that time that Jigen attached a stock and a scope onto his revolver to snipe with it and make a thread with it saying "what are some games where you snipe with a handgun?"

are Ship or Ship remastered still being played?
I would love to play a few rounds.

I remember when multiplayer was announced for Assassin's Creed 2, I imagined that it will be exactly like The Ship, but then it wasn't as good as The Ship was.

>that last movie where he got most of his arm cut off in a gruesome matter

i thought lupin was about funny thief hijinks

there is a doom mod called IMPatience and playing that feels very much like you described

well, without the "you don't know who they are or where they'll come from"

in it you play as an enemy from doom and have to stop the doomguy (being controlled by a hyper cpu).
sure, you know, it's the doom-guy that is the enemy and if you know the level from playing doom the usual way, you'll roughly know where he'll come from

but man, nothing gets the 'feeling of being hunted' across more than that mod

not sure about remastered, but it's probably worse off.
the ship seems to have people playing occasionally, but they're most likely in private servers. if you want to play, you need to post on the steam groups, make some friends, or join discord.

Dishonored has some stuff like that with Daud's assassins.

Based Goemon.

Shut the fuck up, neewfag.

What happened to the girl?!?

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She's a white woman so she proceeded to pleasure the Japanese man while millions of brainwashed weebcucks watched and gave TMS and Telecom more money.

Town of Salem

>reverse hitman
>you are a hired hand who must locate and impregnate a target

Yes Blood Money and Silent Assassin

>pin goemon facedown
>he rolls over like you aren't even there
>half-assedly grab him by the neck, still sitting on his legs
>somehow he manages to kick you in the dick hard enough to send you flying to the ground
>rush punch!
>you forget to actually punch and just slam your chest into goemon's fist, completely stopping your momentum despite your huge size and weight advantage

wow, great fight choreography here. i'm really missing out by not watching lupin.


I remember reading something like that about Asscreed 2 online, but I'm not sure.


t.watches JoJo for the ebic ironic memes

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Why is getting choked so arousing. Even garbage art and animation like that nearly got me hard.

why not go find somebody to choke you to death and spare the world your continued existence

I'd rather do the choking desu. If you're volunteering I'd love to squeeze your neck like a chicken.

MGS3 was one of them

>onions-guzzling zoomer really thinks he can overpower anything but his limp weenus

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yes, Manhunt

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>mfw Lupin is certified zoomer repellent

yep I knew it was kino all those years ago back in the Adult Swim days

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I'm 30 years old, and have arms like tree trunks, I'd choke and rape you to death without breaking a sweat. Is baby dick upset I insulted his gay little anime?

watch honii

Urasei Yatsura is based and redpilled too

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lel where's your katana stringbean, under the padded trenchcoat?

i can't believe you're lying on the internet. i can't believe anyone would do that.

>gay little anime
>"Why is getting choked so arousing" when it's a big ugly motherfucker

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Yes, one of the Assassin's Creed online multiplayers. I think it was Brotherhood that I played it on. Some of the most fun and exhilarating online multiplayer I ever played.

>have arms like tree trunks

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Why would I need a katana when I could just smack you like a bitch and you'd be on all fours presenting your asshole to my throbbing manhood like the submissive slut you are?

Begone Wizard.

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>I'm 30 years old, and have arms like tree trunks, 6'5 230 lbs, killed ten men before my fifth birthday, fucked and sucked 1000's of women, and don't afraid of anything

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TTT sorta.

Ass creed rogue

If Jigen and prime Ocelot fought who would win?

prince of persia warrior within and resident evil 3

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He's a nice man.