Games with this feel
Games with this feel
Nothing can crush your soul that much at the realization of the mistake you just made, unless you picked up LoL or something
Spec ops the line
Accidentally killing Toriel at the beginning of Undertale if you're an absolutely massive faggot, maybe
That painting always makes me sad
Castlevania Mirror of Fate?
Me too, user, me too
what about games with this feel?
God that must fucking feel terrible. Killed his son and future king to his Empire in a fit of rage.
Planetside 2 with some good friends.
MGS3 for the actual killing.
PO and PW for the guilt and regret afterwards.
Both Amnesia games, sortof, AMFP more so
Mount&Blade with Fire&Sword is the easy answer
squad or tf2
TF2 pubs circa 2011, shame that entire tone is fucking ruined now
games for this feel?
Yea Forums
>Redemption of Ham
Fucking Ham
mother 3
How about some games with this feel?
Harvest Moon?
Any games where you ruin masterpieces?
Red Dead 2
Dutch is Ivan.
are videogames worth your time?
Games with this feel?
Allright, but what about THIS feel?
I wonder if the people who post this image realize that Red Skull doesn't give a single fuck about refugees, inmigrants or the concern of those people.
He was only manipulating their emotions to convince them to join Hydra.
The next image shows someone who is being forced to be a suicidal bomber in the name of Hydra.
the entire Rance series
CK2 as any pagan with the Dark Mod installed
when u shoot ur m8 in Insurgency
wait are you saying that the Red Skull is a bad dude?
> checking how much time I played on my account
> mfw 3000+ hours
thanks for posting this, i found it very amusing
Epic Mafia
You're welcome.
Games for this feel?
Crusader Kings 2.
i know a guy with like 7000+ hours in dota, you're not as bad as him at least
Is art worth your time?
Imagine the smell. But anyway dakapon kingdom and ss13
bioshock 1
Yeah there is still hope right?
Also it's only on one account I made 2 years ago since I lost the old one
I don't even know why I play it
Mountain Blade Warband in general.
>Can recruit a motley crew of anyone
>End up with a army from all corners of the world, all banded together under your command
>Can buy 50 pounds of butter, beer, salted beef, and vegetables for guaranteed old-style comfy
That was written by a /pol/fag.
M&B with Dickplomacy Mod.
>not even the first time the piece has been vandalized
Why do the mentally ill hate this painting so much?
no game can capture what it's like to see true butchery.
more like this?
>you will never return to that server on your favorites
More like Ham fucking his own father, amirite?
Honestly tho, Noah was asking for it.
You can’t just pass out naked and NOT expect to get raped.
Hmmm, that isn't my image.
games for this feel?
>This Absolute Unit of a Madlad sends you a letter to cease being a faggot before he sends the mighty Janissary hordes out to pillage your lands and take your christian sons.
What do?
More of what aspect?
run with your tail between your legs to the gates of some polish castle
nioh was great
>not even the most based Mehmed
Games with this feel.
Wait I thought he just laughed at his nakedness? He raped his own dad ?
Games for this feel?
Fire Emblem Iron Man runs.
Your original thought is right. He did nothing sexual to Noah. And who is to say Noah's curse was even legitimate? A guy who is totally wasted laying a curse on you and your descendants doesn't mean it actually works. The Bible doesn't say "and God made this curse upon Ham so".
Silent Hill 3
wow, asterix really took a dark turn
>being a pike-cuck
Games with this feel?
Was just about to post this.
Okay guys I need a game with this feel
Asterix is the story of Link saving Zelda but living happily with Navi at the end.
>open favorites list
>24/7 convoy server I used to play on every day
>0/32 players on dustbowl
Krieg vs Slaanesh post battle AF
>posts Cossacks
>noone recommends Cossacks
Valkyria Chronicles
Thats a big gun
for her
Red Orchestra 2
Day of Infamy wth WWI mod for pure kino
Games for this feel?
What sort of fate is this?
Must be hell.
>screaming "shit" at very loud and disturbing levels can indicate that the male is enjoying sexual intercourse
>The dog
There's a mission in Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines that allows you to fuck up some art
Games with this feel? (Not pic related, above images related)
It's a good thing the vandals missed anything important. That looks like it should be simple to repair
It's reported that it will take years. So it's probably not going to be available, based on outrageous estimates, 10 years at a maximum.
Dwarf Fortress
All games made by Fenoxo
Monster Girl Quest
Degrees of Lewdity
intro to LoU
Kind of MGQ, though you play as a shota. You can surrender to pretty much everything you fight and they'll "rape" you, but you can't actually die because you have protection of a Goddess angel. She just revives you after watching you get raped and berates you for losing, especially when it's a really easy and it's obvious you just threw the fight to see the sex scene.
Apotheon Arena
I didn't know this was vandalized again. Goddamnit.
leaden sky
i want to be an artist
>Kind of MGQ, though you play as a shota.
>first time was motivated by modernism
>director of the gallery resigned and the curator fucking threw himself under a train
>second time the attacker viewed it as an affront to orthodox christianity and saw Ivan the terrible as a saint
At least there's gnarly backstories to them
reminds me of True Grit
Intoxgaming zombies mod..... 2013..... home....
literally in the quote you absolute fucking mongoloid
EU4 or Expeditions: Conquistador
Most biblical scholars who aren’t faggot ass American protestants think Noah got the ol’ Ham slam.
Games with this feel?
>tfw you'll never dab on a secretary to lucifer himself with your drunken buddies
Dreams or LBP
if david lynch made a video game, it might feel like this.
Rising Storm 2
Vampire the Masquerade
I never got over how they killed my poor Malkavian's pet.
how about games with this feel?
Games for this feel?
If I remember correctly, the black grandmother is dismayed that her daughter is a race traitor.
Modded Skyrim. Unironically.
pathologic maybe?
darkwood, first night
Dragon's Crown
The Void
games for this feel?
Poker Night 2
is there a bigger feet lover than william adolphe bouguereau?
>william adolphe bouguereau
I think he is more of a little girl enthusiast than a feet lover...
there is no hope. you will be the 7000+ guy in time
Not mutually exclusive.
Any games where skeletons are good aligned characters?
Games for a feeling of this kind?
Mordhau, unironically
Games for this feel?
I used to hang out with literal strangers on Skial servers until we started recognized each others names on instinct.
I would eventually add these people to friends. We never needed to coordinate times to meet up and play, we would all just show up around the same time. The banter and camaraderie shared with like-minded people having a good time is like nothing else. We never thought about the chance of victory or defeat, we just played the game and everyone loved it.
As fate would have it, we would just silently drift apart as the server(s) fell quiet. You can never replicate the community TF2 had years ago, it's nothing but tryhard pub-stompers and a constant influx of new players that will drop the game because the community that was once so charming and welcoming is not there.
Dark Souls
LA Noire
This feel?
Playing WoW with your friends and ganking/camping Horde scum until you get a forum post about you.
TBC dailies really were a highlight.
I need more games like this.
Total war warhammer
The community around my favorite server died when the game when F2P. That was when I dropped the game. I didn't like the path it was heading down with the scout update, but killing that community permanently soured the game for me.
Games for this feel?
Not to that extent, of course, but that was me when I realized just how much IS ruin FE Conquest's potential for a good story. It still kinda hurts even now.
any games with this feel?
>my boy... I'm killing my boy
LA Noire.
The opposite actually, the painting depics the official state policy of Brazil, "blanquiamento", "whitening"
Brazil's plan was to get rid of blacks by breeding them into being white
In hindsight it didn't pan out good for Brazil
How has no one brought up Fallout 4 since the point of this painting is someone killing their own son?
Not the guy you answered, but this looks dope as fuck.
What are some games where the grand dream falls apart?
DS3, not only do you have human bitches but pickle pee pump a rum is sitting on your head
Metro 2033
Give it a try. It is one of those SNES gems no one talks about.
Unironically Borderlands
games for this feel?
>" order to fully support Apex Legends, we are pushing out plans for future Titanfall games."
FE:GoHW honestly.
Will do, love me some SNES era Konami games.
Yakuza, maybe?
Fane from Divinity Original Sin 2
Morte from Planescape: Torment
Expeditions Conquistador
I love that movie
Games with this feel?
>horsedick rider cope
This image would have worked better if the girl was a flaccid meat-slime
Why be a pike-cuck when you can be a zweihander doppelsoldner chad and stroll right into 'em wearing nothing but fancy ass colorful clothing.