I actually liked its stupid meme design

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yuji Naka will finally be happy

They won't redo every scene in the next 3 months

yeah yeah its great to be a contrarian fuck isn't it? kys faggot

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I hope they'll consider the designs I sent them.

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They don't have to -- they already had this planned. Drop a trailer with a few select scenes with the shitty design to build of controversy, let idiots like us spread the word of its existence around, get people looking at it and laughing... because as they do, they'll eventually stumble across word of this, or they'll stumble across the remade trailer design.

It's 20-20 hindsight, but really I should have seen it coming. This is what marketing is now.

Bad idea for the following reasons:

1. You can't please everybody.

and most importantly: 2. Its ugliness was bloated by teenagers (and adults with the same, immature, mind) making memes.

Now go cuck yourselves.

i was gonna see this at midnight screening with my friends for a laugh

if they fix it then i dont care anymore

i just want a dumpster fire

I want to SUCC that hedgehog!

HAHA, it would be really funny if they did that haha

At best they'll do minor changes.

Attached: alitabattleangel-sidebyside-eyesfixed-700x300.jpg (700x300, 21K)

It's a children's movie.

I expect slight facial redesigns and maybe color placements will be the furthest they'll go.

>Source: My ass

I doubt most people will care enough to follow anything about the movie past seeing the first trailer. They will see the first trailer, write the movie off and not watch whatever they put out next

Nobody gave two shits about this movie, even jim carrey was a mistake cast. Nobody likes working with him. But the reception was bigger than expected. Sonics ugly design went viral so now they realize hey, people care about this movie doing well. Maybe not just shit it out like a bee movie pile?

it's the world first autist's movie. I'll be at the midnight screening with Christine.
hiding in the back of course in anticipation of he/r shooting up the joint

Well here we are talking about this movie for another day

It's all a publicity scheme

There's far more wrong with the film than just Sonic's design.


Yeah, it'll scare the hell out of kids. Sonic is horrifying if not just plan disgusting.


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Why the fuck would they do this? No one is ever going to think this movie is good so the best thing they could have done for marketing is to embrace the meme design.

If they play it up as a meme movie like Snakes on a Plane did they could actually make more money. Now it will just be a shitty movie no one cares or talks about.


>Sega in charge of fixing things

Nice, be sure to try and get it on Camera

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Post >yfw the revamped design actually turns out worse

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Gee who would have guessed?

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Unless they're going to can the whole thing, I can't see anything actually changing.

The movie is only 7 months away, there's no fucking way they're reshoot everything and redo the CG from scratch.

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Man Alita was such a good fucking film

sequel never ever

have sex


Why not? He’s CGI, it’s not like it involves reshoots. They change the base model and press “Render to Disk” again for all his scenes.

Actually sequel eventually yes, it was a success and that's all the backers need to see. Factoring in that sequels ALWAYS make more than the original, it's a guarantee.

I was hoping to see it in its original terrible, horrible glory

You realize it isn’t a puppet, right? Do you know how CGI works?

Imagine being this stupid.

Do you realize how CG works? How animators have to rig the thing in a real world environment and make it seem as seamless as possible?

Fuck. You're right.

thank god it didnt happen in the first place

I knew weebs were retarded but damn

>and make it seem as seamless as possible?
you clearly didnt see the trailer

You're right. So it really doesn't fucking matter, because shit will always just be shit

>i'm in the union
>pls gib a job

union cucks are so cute.

More work = more pay

That's what their job is on paper, that doesn't mean that's what they did.

He was right. I seen one user said this would happen and thought it was a bit silly. But now he was right.

I think the worst part of this is, Clickbait trigger advertising is now going to be an official thing.

And? That doesn't mean the end product will look any better than it does now

>it’s ugliness was bloated by teenagers

Seriously? You think pic related looks okay and that the negative reaction was just blown out of proportion? You just seek attention by being a contrarian brainlet right? Here’s your (You).

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t. seething sonicfag

>they gave him gums

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>Eggman finally beats Sonic
>with his cock

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This needs to be the only one they use

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>not pingas
one job


>NTR's Amy
Jesus Christ it works


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is really that easy? Can they add an Astolfo model to see what happens?

>mono eye


>muh union

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You misunderstand, what they mean is changes to Sonic's design.

As in his official design.
Movie design is the new canon.

>I actually liked its stupid meme design
Please don't say that, we have an opportunity to get the fuck out of this mess and we don't need assholes like you preventing them from un-fucking (one of the many disastrous parts of) this movie


This means they will have to redo all the scenes and they will do so in a rush.

This movie is doomed-er.

I imagine redoing literally 99% of the CGI for a movie is pretty cost intensive, particularly when it involves the main character

Lol. This has been a thing for awhile now, it's just Sonic is the biggest movie adaptation of a video game since Mario I am curious as to what will come next after Sonic. Metroid? Or Zelda?

>Good Stance
>Good anatomy (except for eyes)
>shoe design
>Kept his fur, I doubt that's going away.
>Mono eye.
>Giant feet.

I think the design is weird but honestly fine, it gives the movie a unique look and gels with the world more
If you just put in the modern Sonic model they've been using since Unleashed then you completely forego the visual suggestion that he's a real animal, and it just becomes one step removed from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Both canon by the way.

Trailer already made giant buzz because every fag on youtube made video about how it is worst thing since Holocaust. Ironicly if they made it Ok, moust people would just ignore it.

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just delete the sonic cgi entirely and make it like garfield minus garfield. instant quinoa

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>one step away from an amazing movie

holy shit you're dumb

If they were smart it really is as easy as clicking a button.

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He's right, click bait is not just for youtube. Companies will do it too.

Jesus Christ.

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Sounds like now they gotta go fast

How could it possibly get any worse?

Every fake fan liked the horrible design because none of you actually like Sonic, just the stupid memes about him. Fuck off and die.

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I'm re-realising how cringy sonic is, I actually think "cool" sonic would be harder to watch


It's Sonic.

They will CGI his upper lip to hide his mustache.

>im in the union

This would make the movie better, which in turn would make it a worse watch
It would turn it from a trainwreck you want watch burn into a mediocore movie

Sonic is meme. Future is now old man.

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the problems with hyperrealistic design in live action + cgi movies

1. it is impossible to convey something thats not real as hyperrealistic. you can only make a guess.

2. a character being presented as a totally alive creature embedded into our own reality, it asks the audience to consider everything else that comes with being a biological creature. sonic has guts and blood, he has a smell, probably an asshole too. sonic could get a blood clot in his brain.

3. most hyperreal designs are dull/uninteresting/creepy because having no real reference on how to design a bipedal, sentient and cultured hedgehog, real life reference must be used. look at the new dumbo for instance; they had no good reference for cute baby elephants because they look grody as fuck, so they simply made one with big ears and the eyes of a human baby grafted on (with a mutation of elephant iris). the result is a creature that is either abnormal in contrast to everything that surrounds it, offputting in a way thats hard to describe or completely uninteresting.

The problems are in the face, unless Sonic spends a lot of time smashing his face up against things it won’t matter. The silhouette won’t change, meaning the environmental interactions won’t change.

It’s been a thing since the practice of bartering began

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This, someone needs to go full Samuel L Jackson on this and say that the Snakes stay on the plane or Sam doesn't stay on the set.

Why did they change the way he appears in this new upcoming video game?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is good because the entire aesthetic is considered, the toon stuff gels with the goofy prohibition-era town and characters. When you rip a cartoony 3D model and just put it into live-action, you get garish trash that looks like those cheap TV spots for games where the CGI and the live actors don't mesh at all

This movie was always going to be a 5/10 kids movie with a CGI protagonist, the best you can hope for in terms of entertainment value is a trainwreck that surprises you in interesting ways, like casting Jim Carrey as Eggman or making Sonic look weird and muscular. If you rip that away then the movie loses one of the hooks that keeps you watching, and all you're left with is a "faithful" depiction of Sonic being sassy and talking about running and chili dogs, which isn't interesting to anyone over the age of 10
Sonic is a joke, there's nothing wrong with embracing that

All they had to do was what this Progressive car insurance commercial did seven years ago.


It wasn't the runaway success they wanted, but that remains to be seen.

>busty Lucina


the real test begins for Jeff

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That looks approximately nothing like lucina except they both have blue hair.

>1. You can't please everybody
Yes you can. Make Sonic look like Sonic and your literally please everybody.

uhh that's a good thing, why the oh no no

Why are gamers so entitled? Forcing poor movie companies to cancel and remake an entire film because it wasn't to their standard.

>Visible rib cage
Holy fuck my dick


only the 3d rig matters
they can just modify the textures and walah
they need to be re rendered tho

Who was asking for this movie? Like I don't understand why they bothered.
Do the chinks really like sonic and live action videogame movies?

this really is the best viral marketing campaign I have ever seen. It won't be topped for a long, long time.

The right one is good, similar to the original without the monoeye shit

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Based pastanon.

Dam son, thats pretty noice

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I legitimately believe they did the same thing with Bloodstained.

>Lets overwork our employees to satisfy a small minority, yeah!

Attached: crunch.png (627x975, 104K)

>You can't please everybody.
Boomers like you should be nuked for making this phrase a thing.

Delay the film.

I like current design.

It's not that easy, you can't just transfer animations from one model to the next. I'd they referenced instead of importing it's not impossible, but even then the animations won't 100% match properly because of the new proportions.
>source: animator

Hello marketer-san.

Sucks for them, maybe they shouldn't have pushed a shit product out in the first place.

>That sonic 3 invincibility theme and the 1-up theme.

I'd fire all those animators and artists, the fact that they didn't say a thing even though the designs is clearly, objectively disgusting shows their lack of commitment and initiative. They're nothing more than computer monkeys, no better than your average pajeet

Unironically based as fuck

>That sonic 3 invincibility
Oh god, don't even mention that, you'll trigger my PTSD.

You're a fucking idiot. You don't talk back to your boss, that's how you get fired.

>implying they didn't say anything
they are screaming I TOLD YOU SO right now

>You're a fucking idiot. You don't talk back to your boss, that's how you get fired.
t. jobless
It's not talking back, it's being assertive and showing your expertise.

Hey, look by the bright side of things: at least thir jobs are secured until the launch of the movie AND they will earn more for working overtime.

agreed. they need to go full abomination.

>budget increases
>movie bombs even harder

Would be great

>Eggman won't create Scratch and Grounder as a reaction to Sonic's abilities
>a tank bot that can hunt down Sonic underground and keep up with treads
>a bot based off a roadrunner as Robotnik starts looking toward animals for inspiration. Goons joke that he's a chicken and it sticks.
>Finale won't be Eggman chasing Sonic through the city with a decked out truck while City Escape plays
>they won't blow through the portal and end up on an island
>Sonic won't tear shit up as he runs off the island and tries to run toward home
>Eggman won't get woken up by Knuckles asking if he's with the blue jerk who wrecked his island and probably wants to steal the emerald
>Eggman won't start tricking him and setting up the sequel
I hate that this is probably a script that they lazily reskinned as a Sonic movie

Nobody told them to work on such a shitty industry. Fuck 'em for all care, better luck next life.

I hope they intentionally make it worse

Sonic Boom would like a word with you.

>multiple careers from animators to actors taking a hit
>no matter how you look at it shit like Jim Carry being casted and Sonic in a generic Smurfs esque real world setting will still be there
>zero leaks about the supposed "real movie" for some miraculous reason
>lmao it was intentional 4D chess from our child fiddler overlords and not just another case of out of touch suits being out of touch
Conspiracytards are the worst. You think you are fucking smart by pulling the "just as planned" card when any retard can do it for anything. I hope this stupid movie tanks anyways just so you tards will backpedal and pretend you always believed it was gonna happen.

I tell my boss all the time when someone isnt going to work in production. Would be neglegent to do otherwise

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It also ignores how Paramount fucked up in the past.

>people actually think this would be better
Ripping the game model into real-life would just be equally retarded but for different reasons, just watch the fan-film for proof of that. The only real way to fix this is to go more-hedgehog if anything, like a properly-stylized Rocket Raccoon with less uncanny human features.

wtf Sonic turned into a Cambodian girl

thats actually fucking smart

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>Paying people to willingly work for you? That's beyond shitty.
The sheer sense of entitlement people have these days floors me.

The fanfilm was also trying to be serious.

That would cost more money.

The fanfilm people are saying at least looks better than this?

>waaah I dont wanna work extra overtime paid hours

>I literally don't want to make money

meanwhile, the other millennials who cant get a response on job applications are disgusted.

Attached: a39.jpg (501x483, 26K)

Imagine being this contrarian

The thing is, they made the 3D look a lot better over time, but for it to be what you're thinking they would have gone back to 2D graphics.
The original (retarded imo) anger was over them doing 3D graphics when the original concept art was all drawn.

Serious or not, it'll just take you out of the film everytime. It's not wrong to want some effort.

Especially when we have reports from over a year ago that Sega and the producers disagreeing about Sonic's realistic look

That's not even an animator, that's someone white-knighting for them.



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Show me a film that actually flopped at the box office because people didn't like cartoons and live action.

It's autism to want something to be that something?

>what's that user? you don't want to work 100 hours a week? well you'd better suck it up there are people that would love to have this job
I've had that job and I fucking quit. Working yourself to exhaustion constantly isn't worth it no matter what the money is like. It destroys your mental state and then you never have any time to spend your fucking money or enjoy anything anyways.
I work a 40 hour job now making less money, but I have more time to myself and enjoy life a lot more.

Imagine being so cucked as to celebrate when more of your time is taken by work

Because cartoon characters on screen with real humans has never ever worked before right?

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they can't change the design without huge delays
they'll certainly have to polish up the cgi/live action composites though, some shots just look terrible

what kind of cunt name is kdin?

Play Sonic 3 complete.

>The original (retarded imo) anger was over them doing 3D graphics when the original concept art was all drawn.
It's not retarded at all.
The kickstarter was purposefully misleading to get people's money. Mighty No. 9 pulled the same shit.

Shut up tranny.

Fuck off and die user, I'm still waiting for my DmC Vorgilsaurus

you guys think I have what it takes to make it in the design industry? :)
pic related my best work yet :)

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>They make Sonic horrible on purpose so EVERYONE talks about it. Memes, jokes and analysis videos ensures everyone under the sun knows about the Sonic movie.
>They pull the "We read the feedback and we'll change it, because you guys are right and we love you!" so now they're good guys.
>Everyone knows about the Sonic movie and now look forward to the changes.

It's all conspiracy! They played a dangerous game and it paid off.

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Going to watch this kino in the theater alone ask me anything

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I actually like this.

They already had movie posters ready to go with that design, there's no way they actually went through making a fake movie

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here comes the contrarians

>like Snakes on a Plane
Snakes on a Plane flopped hard my nigga

Nigger you don't know anything about anything

All this should tell you is you're naive as fuck to believe they're really going to change the design

strong wymyn

Smurfs, Looney Tunes BiA, Yogi Bear and Woody off the top of my head.

>check profile
>trans woman

Attached: 191.png (485x332, 21K)

>Roger Rabbit
It's whole gimmick is that they're cartoon characters, when you have that expectation in mind, you take it more seriously
>Looney Tunes
same as above, though it isn't executed nearly as well and it isn't meant to be taken seriously
that was like the last ten minutes of the movie and those were arguably the worst parts of it

I'm thinking they already did the redesign, that's why it's taken months for them to release the trailer because they've been working on it since the first time people vomited at that thing

>changes to design 5 months before release
This is going to be even worse

god forgive me

Attached: sonic.jpg (1030x803, 70K)

*And that's a good thing

>I've had that job and I fucking quit.
Good for you. Other people have that option as well, or they might be different than you and decide that it's worth it for them. Crying on Twitter about how giving them the option to make more money is somehow morally wrong is fucking retarded though.

Smurfs got a sequel, Woody Woodpecker managed to make a profit considering its tiny budget and limited distribution.

Come to think of it with the "Realistic" Sonic a porn could pull it off with low budget

Thanks user

Reminder that LE SONIC IS SO LE BAD SO FAHHNNNYY shitposters are the same faggots who say "sonic was never good".

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unpopular opinion coming through:
sonic looks more freaky without the weird mono-eye

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They're not redesigning the character. Period.

he won't

There's way too many variations of that face.

Roger Rabbit was as jarring as possible on purpose, it was the whole appeal.
People hated Back in Action.
Spongebob had a fraction set IRL as a joke.

Sonic is already cringeworthy as it is and only works if it's super-stylized, so in a muh-realworld setting it's just gonna fall apart anyways. The human-teeth fuck up we got happened to be as shitty because these people apparently can't model worth shit.

sad part. it was done by SHAD


why boner ;-;

>some people can think beyond me
cry fag

Actually they are, and I'm pretty sure you have no say in the matter.

I just hope Tails isn't in it
I don't care what they do with Sonic because he's already ugly anyways but please don't fuck with Tails

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>and only works if it's super-stylized, so in a muh-realworld setting it's just gonna fall apart anyways
This. You can't find a good balance of a stylized - realist design in this fucker.

I really, really like this image

[citation needed]

>cheap films making a technical margin

It's the only way they "succeed" user. Is this really what you want to support?

They aren't, they'll just do tiny tweaks to texture and facial features. They're not gonna re-shoot every scene where another character directly interacts with him.

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id fuck with tails
if you know what i mean haha

Based, I am unironically excited for this movie and can't wait to watch it.

id fuck tails
if you know what i mean haha

Does that sanic have a penis?

monoeye doesn't work when the setting is realistic.

I honestly believe the right animators could, but we're not gonna get them.

can they really just change it? cgi is expensive and takes a long time to make, surely any meaningful change would result in a signficant delay

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the voice actor is worse than the design desu

Can't fix shitty writing though. But I guess it's a start.

Real man in cartoon world is a little easier to digest. It fits the silly tone better

You know what's even more amazing than the fact that they're changing his design? The fact that THIS MOVIE IS COMPLETELY SERIOUS AND ISN'T SOME IRONIC PARODY

>They aren't, they're just going to redesign the character
Great, glad we could clear that up.

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I have a bridge I'd like to sell you

inb4 it turns out to be even worse

I'm chalking this up to incompetence. Director/Paramount thinks they know better than everyone else, gets laughed at, can't ignore all the criticism, decides to bow down and fix it.

I don't know how this works, but I don't think they need to redo animations that much if they just fix the model right?

It’s a fucking talking blue hedgehog with magic powers, it might as well be high fantasy, so who cares?

Try actually reading you stupid retard.

They don't need to completely go cartoon, just less human. Make the eyes bigger, make the teeth smaller/sharper or hide the teeth as much as possible, cut the human lips, reduce the overall muscle definition/human build.

>Bait people into joking about shitty designs that aren't going to be used in the film
>Meme song in the trailer is intentionally out of place
>Spend all your budget on Jim Carry so he'll carry the entire film as Eggman, who is known for being the only consistently good thing about sonic games
>Already guaranteed sales coming from the so bad its good audience

500 IQ directors confirmed

Wait, there's almost no difference here, why does it looks so much better?


Fucking this, cohesion is the only way to save this travesty. Shame that requires giving a shit.

Well there are areas with the potential for easy improvement, like his hands for instance should distinctly be gloves. Make them look ragged or retro or what, but having white hands is just wrong. He could also be wearing big goggles. It doesn't have to be so barren.

loud and clear haha over and out haha roger that haha imagine his balls on your chin while you wear his ass like a beard thatd be funny haha i get you though haha what if he wore a skirt too haha

It's not a video game where you can simply do a model swap

>Hey [Bossname], I feel like I need to speak up, but I'm concerned that a lot of people are going to react negatively to the design of Sonic in our movie, it is a bit of a contrasting shock from the original design, and internally I've heard the term "uncanny valley" more than once.

>Thanks for your input, user, that's definitely a new perspective. I'll bring it up at the next meeting or whatever the fuck
>Boss leaves and never brings it up to anyone, as if he's going to stick his neck out for an underling that's voicing a trite concern anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain could be understood to have.

Have you ever had a job, user?

Great. I just need your credit card number, expiration date and the 3 digit code on the back

Imagine the cost.

That's retarded. The movie's reputation is devastated.

Emoji Movie turned a huge profit.
Any publicity is good publicity.


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TROO FAR!!!!!!!

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>People hated Back in Action.
Yet people loved Space Jam.

>Sonic is already cringeworthy as it is
No he fucking isn't.
Classic Sonic has a timeless design.

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But not
Ghost in the Shell
Suicide Squad
Star Trek Beyond


This type of movies always find ways to cut the animation. The part in the elevator is a good example. The movie will focus more on the human characters and Robotnik. Plus all the scenes that will inevitable be either just a flash of light from his speed or because he's sitting in a car, so you only need to animate half the body.

None of those are even remotely comparable to what's going on with this and the emoji movie.

Coming up with a vague theory with no attention to the project's history and no corroboration behind it whatsoever beyond "well I mean it's likely!" isn't "thinking beyond", it's "not thinking at all". You want the conspiracy to be true because the conspiracy is more interesting than the reality. The reality is that they made a shitty design decision and have the leeway fix it since it doesn't require reshooting anything, just making VFX artists work overtime.

>People hated Back in Action.
Yeah, it was a shitty movie where the actual Looney Tunes took a back seat instead of being the actual focus.

All of these were SJW shit.

It's not just trannies. It's the type of people who are offended for others. Just happens that most trannies are offended for other people. Similar to how autism is a requirement for speedrunning and an alarming % of runners are trannies.


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Has an edited version of this been made yet?

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Jordan's acting was so bad he might as well have been the world's tallest stop motion.


If they really did this as the ultimate bait, that is brilliant. The nature of 3D characters makes something like this easy, they can just swap out the model and render just those scenes for the trailer.
However, I don't think thats the case and they really are this retarded.

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The sentiment is nice and well received, but could be a terrible decision on Paramount's part. CGI still takes a LONG time to model, animate, and render and with a November release, it is going to be brutal trying to fix it in that amount of time. Plus, it's not just the visual element of the design that people hate - it's the writing, it's the character attitudes, it's the stupid Jim Carrey shit, its a lot more than a CWC-level criticism of Sonic's look. That cant be fixed so quickly.

I honestly don't know if this is a joke or not because I don't know the source material and haven't seen the movie. The eyes are the main reason I didn't see it but I can get over that. Is it worth a watch?

This. It's clear the director or Paramount execs were just retarded. Fell for the realistic cartoon meme and didn't expect the internet to be this reactive towards it.


I was willing to let it all slide if Sonic looked anything like his usual self, but then the trailer dropped and the writing was abysmal. It's taking all my might not to flame Pat Casey

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They'll just change the model. Stuff like the shitty writing is already set in stone. At most they'll cut certain scenes if they can't make the deadline or if for whatever reason it would need the actors back.

None of this matters, everyone's still gonna see it anyway even if only to shit on it. It'll be the Emoji Movie all over again: Everyone hated it, but they still saw it and gave it money anyway which told them that we want more of this shit. And now we're getting more of it.

Less human features

Imagine being so fucking spineless that you can't muster the willpower to correct your boss when he might be wrong.

If you're going to get fired over something so blatantly wrong you're better off being fired than working for someone so incompetent.


Eyes and mouth are bigger, making him cuter and more expressive-looking.

Just like Justice League amirite?

M-My nofap...

Sorry dude, not happening because the main human isn't black

You've never worked in a creative industry, shut the fuck up


What does that have to do with anything?

>Everyone hated it, but they still saw it
More like adults on social media whined about it, and children still drug their parents to it because they were always the intended audience anyway.

it was 7/10 for me, very enjoyable but hardly a masterpiece of cinema.

Those are SJW movies. Plus whitewashed Ghost in the shell. They should have known anime characters aren't literally Caucasian. They just look exactly like them.

t. actual fucking corporate shills who have never had to deal with fucking anything

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He means Jews are obsessed with displaying mixed couples.

>4 ears
Would you kindly fuck off

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>t-those don't count because SJWs

>you can't just transfer animations from one model to the next
you can if you keep the same underlying skeletal

Not nearly as obsessed as Yea Forums gets about anything.

Doesn't take 900 IQ to figure that out retard

>then work

What if they haven't actually rendered the CGI scenes yet and have only finished principled filmography plus the few scenes shown in the credits?

If half the movie is Jim Carrey slapstick and James Marden talking to a plush toy, they can probably add in all the CGI bits last moment.

>Push out total shit
>Boss tells you to do it again and get it right


>waaah I dont wanna work extra overtime paid hours
Have you never heard of a salary you fucking retard?

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>Not nearly as obsessed as Yea Forums gets about anything.
Try saying this in a less stupid way.

Aside from that, the movie itself already has a mixed couple as the main characters, so the initial point still stands.

t. even more corporate shills

How old are you? Have you ever worked a real job in your lives?

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And only you cockmunchers care.

Movie Sanic is based, """Cool""" Sonic is painful to look at.

>He thinks they're gonna redesign Sonic
Talk about "not thinking at all"

>t. eternal wage cuck
Back to your cagie, wagie :)

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I also don't have a job fellow senpai

What will lying do then?

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They were unironically trying to promote social justice(especially Ghostbusters reboot).

Sonic movie on the other hand is just trying to look bad to lower people's expectations and then "fix" it so as to fool people into thinking that the company making the movie is doing their best.

Well Yea Forums he got what he wanted

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it's time to fight for body horror sonic's right to live

Because it was done by different CGI animators?

Why does it matter if this film bombs in the box office? In fact the sooner in bombs the less impact it has as everyone will forget about it.

Here's that (You)
Say some more contrarian shit ,I promise I'll respond

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How will they improve the design?

fuck off marketer-kun

No. Kill it. With fire.

The head's too small for that hair or the scull is really tall

>Boss makes a bad decision
>sits back and makes more work for the employees

Go to Hell.

All they need to to is put the new or modified model rig on the skeleton, which they can recycle.

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That's missing the fucking point.
Bad publicity, is bad publicity, which hurts a product, it doesn't fucking matter if it's done "ironically" or not.

So who's fault is it, and who's responsibility is it to clean up the mess? The mess has to get cleaned up, and the guy that crunches the numbers sure as hell can't render hedgehog legs, so who does it?

Get retards like you to do damage control for them.

The only reasonable answer here is that Sonic doesn't work live action.
I will never understand the obsession these people have with making *everything* live action. Just fucking animate the whole movie, fuck, or maybe come up with something at least sort of original for once? So you don't have to try and bring a 100% animated character into the real world?

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if you want a shitty gta mod looking movie sure

I thought about this possibility, but 99% of the time, the way the real world works is that people are just really stupid.

I tell my boss to fuck herself once a month and blatantly tell her when she’s doing a bad job managing a project. 5 promotions in 4 years. Grow a spine.

Sega and paramount both made the current shit.

You have absolutely no fucking clue how any of this works if you think it's that easy

Stop buying exclusives Tim Sweeney

They're still getting paid for the work they put in?
And the boss relied on them to do their jobs right the first time?
And nobody else can do their jobs for them, so if it has to get done again who else can do it?

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Animators don't make the decisions dipshit, they're simply commissioned to work with what they're given.
It's the director and producers that get shit approved and reap the benefits. The fact that fucking hideous Sonic design is where it is now shows you how much the director doesn't give a fuck about Sonic as a franchise or movie and is simply doing this for a cheap paycheck

Sonic was fucked from the start, and no amount of "crunch" is going to fix that.

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Its not going to be 99% wtf? I doubt even now sonic will be in many scenes. Probly a tiny bit over half. I feel most will be robotnik and GUN talking shit.

How fucking far along is this movie in development? It already has tv spots. How can they change the design with so little time left until release? 3d animation, rendering, and shading takes a long time.

stop larping retard

t.minimum wage cuck

>Not VR kit
you failed at your one job Snoy

do you have this but for the animal squrriel?

No one was claiming otherwise. Sorry you got your nuts in a twist over nothing.

I have difficulties believing the redesign will be extensive but I am ignorant on how replacing a CGI model in a movie is like also.

>Complaining about "Mono-eye"
Thats what Sonic fucking LOOKS LIKE, you stupid fuck. Thats like complaining that Mickey's ears are fucking circles

I really hope this is true and that they do go ahead with it.
I remember Yuji Naka responding to the teaser poster a while back and mentioned that he got an insider look into Sonic's render design.
He wasn't happy.
So chances are that this theory might actually have some plausibility

Yeah idk. They'd have to re-render all the scenes they did and stuff. Kinda doubted theyd do this. Maybe they had two designs already

They'll change the face (maybe the shoes too), and recolor the arms/chest. That's it. He'll still have the weird human proportions, so it'll still be freakish looking in the end.

>not even in marios artstyle
Bowsette posters are like rats the swim through shit in a sewer

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>projecting this hard

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Is this the final nail in Sega's grave?

This is most likely. They had a "Finished" Sonic they pushed out for the trailer, and the unfinished one is the one we'll see in the film.

No such thing as bad publicity.
This is a new marketing scheme, in 2019 negative shit gets attention more than ever.

>They're still getting paid for the work they put in?
Unless they delay the movie they'd be getting more work piled onto their current work load on the same deadline. And this movies already far into production, probably around 60-70% done. And even if you don't give a shit about the work load, that's still more money being sunk into production, which NOBODY financially invested in this movie is gonna want.

>And the boss relied on them to do their jobs right the first time?
They did do it right the first time. They did what the head honchos told them to do. The ones who have the final say on the designs are the only ones responsible for what gets put on screen.

Eat shit you autistic fuckhead, everyone here should be celebrating the failure of this fucking movie and the franchise it's linked to.

Now I'll never live in the timeline with an abomination Sonic in his first live-action film.
I would chuckle every time I'm reminded of its existence.
You ruined it. Thanks.


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I still remember when Naka retweeted a tweet about Sonic Fan Remix being much better than Sonic 4.

They'll likely greenlight a design that's just as bad for different reasons. They've already demonstrated that they don't have an actual eye for quality.

clearly there is no god

If you were serious about nofap, you would stay off of Yea Forums.


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What the hell is this gif even?

Did it myself, behold my MSPaint skills

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i am going to erase all human life

Why the fuck didn't they just use a test group to avoid this whole shitshow?

They wouldn't need to transfer anything. Just make an updated base model with adjusted geometry but the same rigging. All you'd have to do is another pass over the shots already completed to see if they break. If they don't, great. Render it.

doesn't major canonically prefer Caucasian shells

Dunkey pointed this out in his "reaction" video, so I can't take full credit here. But he does make a good point.

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Still second best anime to live action adaption

fuck off you are a fucking plague

lurkmoar newfag

keep saying it

Vacate post haste, greenhorn.

>keep saying it

Keep saying what?

>not something easy to run in like yoga pants or a track suit
fucking garbage

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if i touch the ring where her cleavage is, will her dress fall off?

It would be extremely embarrassing

I'm not offended by it or anything, It's actually kinda funny.

Why does he have to look like a real animal instead of a catoon character?
Never in all of cinema has it worked.
Just make him look like he does in the games, worked for Pikachu theu jist slapped a fur texture on him

I spent 3 minutes in photoshop and made a much better robotnic. Not just visually, but personality wise too. If you think about it, it all works. All he needs is a deeper voice and robots as his minions.

Attached: Despicable-Me-Full-Movie-Screencaps-despicable-me-28511632-1706-922.jpg (853x461, 81K)

>Dunkey pointed this out in his "reaction" video, so I can't take full credit here
Who the fuck cares? It's not an original point anyway.

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Keep saying it


I bet you they knew whatever they came up with would be met with negativity so they already animated most scenes multiple times with different designs/models

Implying they wouldn't be worked to death otherwise.

>Keep saying it

What? That you are some sort of mental midget? I don't understand this meme, if it is a meme.

>sonic movie should have been cg all along

Wow, no shit?

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It's liek all the other retarded comebacks people have been using lately that mean nothing.

keep saying it


>should have been cg
Not at all my point. I'm saying ace ventura shouldn't be robotnic. I'm saying they should have gotten an actor that can do the personality of the guy from despicable me.

I can't wait for you to get your first job, retard-kun. It's gonna be amazing to watch you crash and burn.

found the angry shitter who can't believe other people have job security

>keep saying it

Dunkey. There you go, I said it again.

Pokemon worked with its realistic design so why the outrage over sonic?

>>waaah I dont wanna work extra overtime paid hours
this person is 13 and has never worked a job before. That or they were born into a silver spoon family

they should have just stuck mike pollock into a costume and get on with their day

Sonic does look weird in this movie, but I think the one thing that would have probably made it better is a backstory on how Sonic came to be rather than he's just here running around out of nowhere.

Link, because holy shit that's based.

I hated it, but now I don't want them to change it. That "iconic" scene where he fucking goes "meow?" felt specifically engineered to induce a vomit reaction. Make it worse, at least.

I'm 35 and have been employed for almost 20 fucking years. I'm genuinely confused as to how you think this goes down.
So what, the Sonic model just stays complete shit because the animators don't wanna do it again?

pretty sure the leaked script says he's from mobius

Because the Pokemon actually look like their respective pokemon, just with realistic fur. Sonic looks like a midget in a fursuit. Every single design choice that makes Sonic has been ignored in this movie. One eye divided by the eybrows? Gone. Gloves? Gone. Lean or original stocky built? Gone. Big shoes with socks? Gone.
I'm surprised they even bothered to keep him blue.

Because the Pokenon didnt change their shape
This Sonic in this movie is esentially a new character since it uses a design no where near the original

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sonic litterly looks like a small man in a fursuit

i liked it a lot, the action scenes are really well done

the dumb alien face is ignorable after a while

You have no idea how any of this works if you think it's not.

Yes, you are right in that there's many variables. However the work required to do changes to a model that are likely to be mostly superficial (as in, very little would get in the way of the skeleton) is in itself superficial compared to having to reshoot scenes all together.
There's also the fact that usually there's a lot of different models of the same object for different purposes, so they'll probably have to update those too. Also a few tweaks with the animation in very specific moments where a camera angle might need to be adjusted, or the objects position because it may now be clipping through another object etc. But yea, if they wanted to do something like make his teeth smoother, it can literally be as simple as replacing the teeth of the model once and then rendering it again.

I'm positive any competent studio renders assets individually and recomposes them in post, so they'll likely only have to render certain assets and scenes as opposed to the whole movie, which also saves times.

The variables that can make this both simpler and more complex go on and on.

What if instead of minions, he had an army of Silver Sonics, not the serious one from Sonic 2, but these cute ones from Triple Trouble. Could've given the movie a unique look while being true to source material.

Attached: Silver_Sonic.png (859x859, 793K)

>Sonic the Hedgehog by hotdiggedydemon
Heh not bad.

That's for what they're getting paid


You're a big hedgehog

>it's true
what the actual fuck

It's hybrid FMV with CG, you can't just change out the model you absolute fucking retard. Actors wouldn't be looking at or speaking to the right points on the screen and any scenes where they directly interact or touch would have to be shot again. You are fucking stupid.

There was no reason to make this live action.
No good Sonic game or product featured humans

You have no idea what you're talking about. You just inadvertently admitted that you have never worked on a major production or that you are generally inexperienced or incompetent at your job. I can only imagine you work small solo jobs, (likely freelance) and you probably use your own personal computer to do it from home; in which case, yes, it would be a pain in the ass.

>what you want to me to fix my fuckup thats unbelievable im deeply offended

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>sonic litterly looks like a small man in a fursuit

Yeah, he basically has a motion capture body. Which should come as no surprise, as they probably mo-capped Sonic for the majority of his scenes. Which is obviously why they chose the body type that they did for the film.


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Not really. There's a famous scene in Roger Rabbit where Bob Hoskins looked a bit further up than what he was supposed to. Instead of reshooting the scene, they just had Roger stand against a wall on his toes, correcting the line of sight. A bit of editing and animation can compensate just about anything.

You guys realize this is probably as easy as swapping out the models and making very few tweaks to adjust Sonics feet touching the ground and when he interacts with things.

Other than that, it's just copy and paste job over the old model and delete the old one. They just reuse the same animations with the same skeleton

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found the economically illiterate parasite

Sonic Jam has humans In one of the videos it had and its kino.

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>voice actor
>"""""close enough"""""
nigga wut

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Help fellow autist anons in this thread learn how to call out their boss for being an obvious retard without getting fired. I'm sure all of you are competent enough to demonstrate those skills in the real world.

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the problem is not literally the skeleton not working, it's it *not working properly*. You *could* staple any model to it but it's sized and rigged to make *that abomonation* look good. Means you have to remake or retool the skel for every animated frame of this disaster.

What is this Mickey Mouse shit?


don't overtime hours cost more money fkn anyway?

>No good Sonic game or product featured humans

But... Eggman/ Robotnik is a human, and he was part of the series since day one.

Are you fucking retarded?
It depends on the changes you moron.
Here's an example.

They changed some of the textures, fur, perhaps how the eyes look (less human, more like the cartoon), teeth etc.

Everything else, which is the actual proportion and shape of the model, remains the fucking same.

He could look COMPLETELY different, as long as proportions and orientations/positions remain the same (which they should unless the model change somehow demanded different proportions/orientation) then they would not have to reshoot anything.

If there's a scene where sonic holds someones hand and their eyes follow each other, they could completely change everything about how the model looks and as long as the hands proportion and model remain the same, and sonic's eyes remain in the same position, then the scene would still match.

The changes they make will likely be very superficial, as there's not much wrong with sonics design (in terms of the size and proportions), it's the details (fur, teeth, eyes, colors) that matter.

A small amount of experience with 3D animation and you would know this. You can swap anything on a model and so long as proportions and shapes are the same, animation wise NOTHING is changed.

That is 2D hand drawn animation, a whole different monster with different advantages/disadvantages. It does not compare, not that your point was wrong.

Changing a character in 2D animation literally means redrawing EVERYTHING about that character. And god forbid it calls for a change in size and shape.

To save time they'll only change small things that don't require much changes in animation. Making the eyes larger won't be an issue as long as the iris stays around the same place, assuming there's scenes where that eye contact is necessary, if they add gloves that would be the biggest time sink to make sure it doesn't clip everywhere. Changing the teeth is an easy fix, same for getting rid of those creepy lips. Likely make him leaner to tone down the human like features. But everything else is likely kept the same. Same height, same spines, same shoe size, etc.

It's not like they had to reanimate the scene though. Not redesign the character and reanimate every scene in the movie

There's a video online of him filming his girlfriend getting fucked by another guy. Dunkey fans are in full damage control.

>Everything else, which is the actual proportion and shape of the model, remains the fucking same.
That's not what's being posted about here. That's exactly what I said they would do.
Read, it isn't hard

There's many ways to get around paying overtime in fields that aren't manual labor (and even those have their loopholes) and you best believe every company exploits any angle they can get a hold of.

>It's just like modding a video game

>liking a movie that was highly enjoyed by audiences

How do you fix Sonic's eyes and mouth within six months?

True but the point is, even if they have to scrap the animation for one scene to correct a specific eye contact, all they need is to be a bit creative in finding a solution. If they were to change his height to be smaller and there was a scene that no longer works because of that, a simple solution is to have him stand up on an object. Small things like that don't need any real setup and the audience won't even think twice, same way the audience didn't think twice when Roger stood against a wall to fix a mistake.

>you can't just change out the model you absolute fucking retard. Actors wouldn't be looking at or speaking to the right points on the screen
Unless they're going to make sonic taller/shorter/ and his body parts bigger/smaller/rotated differently, then your point does not stand.
I'm saying, they likely wont do any of those type of changes, because they don't really need to. Unless that's the consensus? Is there something wrong with his proportions and not simply the details of his exterior?

Literally read the post you JUST fucking replied to
You think I'm arguing something I'm not

>2 sets of ears
ou ad ne ob

millions and millions of dollars poured into cgi

Point is, it's time and money that would be a massive headache even for films that had people involved that actually gave a shit.

>search for this
>get videos of girls being fucked by actual donkeys
Fuck, I think I'm in some watchlist now.

Uhh sauce?

post links

Fite me bro

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Absolutely worth a watch. It's a good, fun action film that respects its source material unlike most of the other anime/manga adaptations Hollywood has shat out over the years and isn't a political soapbox or agenda pusher. Go see it.

How about he just have something more than the generic Sonic 2006-style mechs and vehicles? Where's the Eggmobile? The Egg Driller? Big Arm? Egg Viper? Egg Dragoon?

Stop posting and LURK more.

No m8, it's not the same in 3D animation.
2D animation, yea, you can get lucky in certain scenes and solve it with creativity.
3D animation, changed the height of the model? EVERY SCENE WITH THAT CHARACTER IS FUCKED. Everything falls apart, objects clip, the skeleton will distort and warp to compensate for the different proportion (which means different faces on the mesh), god help you if you used multiple models because they all need to be updated and redone as well. It's not just that the scenes might wont make as much sense, it'll be a glitchy ugly mess, you couldn't possible hide it. The bigger the change the worse the clean up.

Most jobs have "Crunch time". It's not inhuman working conditions, it's normal.

This isn't an animation masterpiece. I doubt Sonic is even present for most of it. All these movies like Smurfs, Woody Woodpecker, Hop, Yogi Bear, etc, they all spend most of their time on the humans, not only because it's a formula script that doesn't require any real knowledge on the property, but also because it saves on animation.
Most of these movies don't even have the actors in the same shot as the animation, exactly so that they can easily redo shit without having to pay the actors to come back.

>durrrr mono eye is bad and unreali

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Then you are doing a terrible job at making yourself clear user. Because based on what you typed I can't imagine how I'm the one confused.

If video game movies had a better history of actually being good, or hell even just decent id believe you.

You are doing a terrible job of reading.

lol dude, you obviously have no experience with animation.
Animation is not simple, and is incredibly labor heavy and time sinking.
Even more so when you have to try to blend CGI with live action footage.
Even the shittiest 3D animated movie, would make your head explode with how much effort it takes to make it.

Go ahead and try it. Then weep when you realized how you spent an entire month working your fingers to the bone to get at best 30 seconds of something with decent animation.

That is why the majority of animation that isn't done by some big shot studio with a MASSIVE budget looks cheap. It's not that the animators are lazy or uninspired, it's usually the result of all the shortcuts people make to try and get things out faster because it really is a fucking RIDICULOUS amount of work to make animation. You have no idea how animation is held back because if we only cared for quality, it would take AGES for anything animated to come out.

I can't fucking imagine the crunch time hours. It's not even only the fucking animators but everyone else on the pipeline, I feel for the studio.

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Again, it's still extra time and money spent on this movie, and let's not kid ourselves, NO ONE involves gives even the slightest shit about making a quality product so long as they break even. Chances are they aren't spending that much money on it in the first place.


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No need to. There's no way in hell they're putting anymore effort into this than they already have. If anybody gave enough of a shit to spend any extra time and money on this movie they wouldn't have put that abomination on screen in the first place.

So the point being that it not being an animation masterpiece is irrelevant, even for something that has HALF the quality of this movie, it would be a massive blow to have to re-do scenes due to a complete overhaul character redesign.

Japanese media is sacred. Every time these piece of shit nigger westerners get their filthy nigger fucking hands on it, they fucking senselessly ruin it. At least they listened to all the feedback and are aware the design is dog shit. I hope that made those fucking idiots feel ashamed of themselves. I'm betting the new design will be slightly better, but still dog shit. They should just cancel the movie honestly. I don't care for liking it for the "memes". This just serves as more taint for the series' reputation.

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I mean, westerners made Mania, and that was great. Honestly the fact that they are actually changing it is admirable.

Who's that girl

>We had since the very first promotional materials released and people started complaining even before seeing the full design to take feedback and rethink the design but only now do we think to change it
Yeah I'm honestly not fucking buying this story. Either this is a stunt or literally the dumbest fucking studio on the planet

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Say it already damn it.

Mania is overrated, it wasn't that great. Also the fact that the current design they showed which is an utter abomination shows how talentless and uninspired cocksuckers they are.

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>Mania is overrated
Go away Boom/Forces fan.

It actually looks decent in this picture but the mouth and teeth look fucking stupid

>no fangs
step up nigga

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>Japanese media is sacred. Every time these piece of shit nigger westerners get their filthy nigger fucking hands on it, they fucking senselessly ruin it.
You're acting as if Japan gives a single shit about Sonic. Besides, most of the shit this franchise has gone through was because of Sega of Japan's stupidity.

Considering I'm an animator, I know. Maybe the jab at not being an animation masterpiece was unnecessary but I know how these types of movies work. All that extra work that comes from having real life interact with animation is cut to its bare minimum, usually just what you see in the trailers. That's where the biggest time sink will be, depending on how drastic the changes are, which they won't be. They'll just change the face to not make it as horrifying.
Directors for these movies know their animation budget isn't the best so they'll just have live action and animation in different shots. You know one of the reasons why these movies like to have the human character drive while the animated character is to the side? Because the actor isn't meant to look at them. The actor can focus on the "road" while the character sits and talks.

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Oh fuck, I want the entire movie to be like this.

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You understand that there isn't a big computer at the theater rendering the graphics in real time right? It's not a fucking videogame.

Boom is dog shit and another example of westerners ruining shit

I think Occam's Razor applies here.

He's right you know. Corporations have gotten a lot smarter. Playing 4d public relations chess is commonplace by now

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But the movie comes out in November. How are they gonna redo everything? Why didn't they do screen testing for this shit to avoid this crunch time now

do you have a single fact to back that up?

that video has been debunked multiple times dude

Because it's just a marketing ploy.

Yeah pretty much this. Maxes whole style is based on his cartoony expressive faces so it works pretty well.

Have sex

To parrot what a lot of people have already said this thread; there’s no feasible way they could actually do a major redesign without a frankly disgusting amount of work, and even THEN there would have to be at least some reshoots for the actors themselves.

It reminds me of how in Who Framed Roger Rabbit when one of the actors did the shot looking at the wrong spot in the scene, specifically he was looking at “Roger” as if the rabbit was 6 ft/2 m tall instead of half that. The animators got clever and had the rabbit make a goofy pose so it still fit in the scene. Now imagine this same issue but with every single scene where Sonic and a character are looking at each other in the same shot. If you had any redesign that even slightly altered where Sonics head lined up in the shot, actors will be staring at his forehead/neck (or at worst staring blankly into space). This means they’ll want to keep the same proportions, which means they’ll keep the same body/head type.

And frankly I’m convinced they’ll fuck up the redesign more than the original

>damaging first impression on a click bait esque marketing ploy
a bit risky don't ya think?

>Mania is overrated

Attached: 1556851980167.jpg (960x960, 43K)

>Mania is overrated, it wasn't that great.
The only possible competition was made decades ago.

Its ugly, yes, but you can't deny that normalfags are blowing it up to severe proportions

Making a live-action Sonic movie was already a big risk. What did they have to lose? They show something nightmarishly awful so that their "improvement" looks that much better, and they can play the "we listened to fan criticism" card to boot.

Attached: 1553006018039.jpg (1073x1053, 358K)

>Mania is overrated, it wasn't that great
It was still better than anything Japan put out Sonic-wise for over a decade beforehand, which is the point.

I'm a little upset that they're changing the design because I want this film to be an absolute dumpster fire. I was an extra during a vital scene of the movie and I hope to god I make the final cut.

seems more trouble than it's worth but I guess it blew up with the bad publicity which still helps them no?

>this is what 16 year olds think is funny now

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you'd better post it later, user

Or they do what people with higher than room temperature IQ do and make a good product. Seems to work for some people but what do I know.

Something being for kids isn't a carte blanche to half-ass it.

>I was an extra during a vital scene of the movie
I don't believe you

Kids don't even know who the fuck Sonic is.

people shouldn't pay to see this movie

but i know this movie will end up a box office success, so just like the emoji movie, we are fucked.

>Here's your children's lunch.

Attached: BB89C90D-49A8-414E-86BF-2B1B16DE73D3.jpg (512x384, 74K)

sonic boom is pretty much the only sonic relevant media kids most likely got introduced to but hell if that's enough.

No it isn't you fucking retarded delusional idiot

But that isn't sonic.

This is not bullshit, and I believe it.

Well? What did Sega of Japan put out for Sonic from 2007 to 2017 that was better than Mania?

>monoeye is good

Why would I lie to you? They filmed it in my hometown.

Conspiracy Theory:

They already had a good Sonic design.
They already finished the movie with this good Sonic design.

Made a poster and short trailer with the bad Sonic talk to generate talk and controversy.
Said they'd fix the bad design to then please everyone and further generate talk.

Prove me wrong.

Honestly, this looks fucking amazing. But Sonichu needs a detective hat! Movie needs to be called Detective Sonichu!

Attached: 1537407491890.jpg (600x480, 68K)

>6 month long crunch
Does she even know what crunch is?

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I'm sure whatever low key job you have works great for heart-to-hearts with the bosses, but that's not the norm for large media projects. Unless you're some star stud, they'll direct you to the door for blasphemy against their vision, the test audience, the company suits, or whoever else the fuck greenlighted that shit.

It's an 80-power Dark-type move

and a chance to cringe right because I just did

It just comes down to how the redesign looks. If it ends up looking completely different (face, proportions, everything), then it was likely planned all along. If we just end up with an altered face and some recolored bits, then they probably did rush to fix it to the amount their remaining time and budget would allow in order to save face.

Attached: 1540723476872.gif (200x212, 1.82M)


is genius...

Are you people really so sensitive and thin-skinned you cringe at everything?

>Conspiracy Theory:
>They already had a good Sonic design.
>They already finished the movie with this good Sonic design.
>Made a poster and short trailer with the bad Sonic talk to generate talk and controversy.
>Said they'd fix the bad design to then please everyone and further generate talk.
>Prove me wrong.

I don;t think this was a conspiracy of any kind. Keep in mind, the original images for Sonic leaked through some kind of marketing agency. I doubt the people at Paramount would have wasted money on setting up a "It looks bad" publicity stunt on a fan base they don't really know anything about. I think this was a genuine fuck up.

Do you people seriously find this post to be smart in any way? There's no way hollywood marketers would make a high risk maneuver like this just to sell better a fucking Sonic the hedgehog movie. This makes absolutely no sense especially when you think about the costs of properly animating a cgi hedgehog and the fact that most of the stuff we've seen from the trailer has been full of extremely safe and dumb humour in typical hollywood fashion

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