>Several former Sony employees have come to talk about the company. These employees asked to remain anonymous.
>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment," said one employee. "Despite what they tell you, they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion. They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender."
>Another employee states that Sony has extremely bad crunch times. "They force us to work nearly every waking hour for balance changes and mobile games," she says. "You had almost zero free time."
>With multiple video game companies under fire, there has been a new movement for unionization. The developers we interviewed are a part of this movement.
this is why I support Sony
[crying nintendbro wojak]
nobody cares
What did they expect working for a Japanese company?
>Sony copies Nintendo innovations
>Sony shitposters copy Nintendo threads
Great source there bud
>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment,"
Holy fuck absolutely based.
you made this same thread today with nintendo, fuck off
Hahaha, mad Nincel projecting.
this is nonsensical unsourced bullshit, but I believe it.
no ape escape 4
Well as soon as the stop their censorship bull shit, I'll support them again. Pretty based of them to force trannies to their assigned gender
Nice try fellow gaffer.
fuck. now I HAVE to buy a PS5. maybe 2.
I don’t have the picture so just imagine it
>You don’t even deserve a star because you didn’t try hard enough so here’s a square
>Nintendo sends trannies to the oven
>Sony announces the same thing a month later
Meanwhile, irl...
>they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion
No shit. It's a marketing tool like Valentines Day.
>They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender
Fucking bigoted FUCKS
>Several former posters have come to talk about the OP. These posters asked to remain anonymous.
>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment," said one poster. "Despite what they tell you, they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion. They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender."
>Another poster states that OP has extremely bad crunch times. "They force us to work nearly every waking hour for balance changes and mobile games," she says. "You had almost zero free time."
>With multiple video game boards under fire, there has been a new movement for unionization. The posters we interviewed are a part of this movement.
So transophobic is a thing now ? Are we supposed to think that trannies aren't mentally ill ?
Ok, Sony are based. I'm preordering the PS5 asap.
Funny how this stuff about crunch times, long hours, and poor pay have been known for years but no one gave a shit until trannies started adding lefty politics about misogyny and trans hate speech into it
>Sony copying Nintendo YET AGAIN
when are these dumb unionists gonna learn that they'll just hire people other than them
Is neogaf even alive anymore? After all the sjw left to resetera thought Gaf was a ghost town now.
>With multiple video game companies under fire, there has been a new movement for unionization.
th-thanks sony
>They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender
Sony is so unoriginal that even their shills have to rip off shitposts.
>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment," said one employee. "Despite what they tell you, they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion. They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender."
see they've been trying for years but now they got lefty "journalists" and media on their side
Either way its their fault for falling for the recruiter's sweet talking about following your dreams even if it means low pay and being led on into thinking you'll get a stable career in the company, and as long as there's naive entitled college grads then the cycle will continue.
>They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender.
I wonder what japs think of our tranny problem
I kind of wish this whole "Gender Neutral" bathroom thing would take off, so women could get offended en masse about using the bathroom in front of men and this whole stupid thing would be over.
>let me copy your homework
>>Sony IMPROVES Nintendo innovations
>>Sony shitposters IMPROVE Nintendo threads
Sony's audience will based off memes.
Nintendo thread
>+300 replies supporting and cheering for the big N
Sony thread
>barely 30 replies shitting on Sony
just emulate ps2 bro
>>assigned gender
I know this is an old as dirt term, but somehow seeing it again is giving me a severe case of mindfuckery.
It's like they know their bullshit isn't true to life, so using the "wrong" bathroom breaks their immersion. Their delusion is so meta it's breaking its own logic.
this doesn't help you. it only proves that this place is nintendogaf
Yes. Because mental illness is supposed to be treated by mental health methods, not chopping your dick off and intaking estrogen.
If they can convince people that their bodies are the issue, not their minds, then they can excuse a 5 year old going on HRT and push for other gay shit.
>"You had almost zero free time."
This is true for pretty much every technology/media company. Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft all have "anonymous former employees" letting out their work conditions are total crap
>yet another GAMES COMPANY BAD!!! thread >trannies and industry dead weights are in this exact moment shilling for a gay space communism "union" for game devs.
stop falling for the bait
Well technically yes, this board is for video games, not gay wannabe movies.
Based on how I've seen how non-Nintendo threads are carried out compared to Nintendo threads, good riddance.
I'm pretty much pure PC these days, but if this is true I guess I'm getting a PS5
>this board is for video games
If you wanna discuss kiddie casual normie Nintendo then reddit is that way
i-is that aloy a boy?
a-asking for a friend who thinks he might be gay btw
>non nintendo threads are shit
is that an edit or does she actually look like a gobin in the game
If they don't like it they can quit.
I hate my job too, but instead of suffering I'm going to quit. It's really not hard
The first point is fake right
>extremely homophobic and transphobic environment,"
Well I wish they were open about it.
It unironically is. It's now just another tentacle of the globalist left, existing for no reason other than to push "social justice."
these things are wrong because they're practically saying that being gay means being 300% sexual
THOSE are the real degenerates
It's an edit by Sony. The real actress doesn't look that bad irl.
Stop shitting up our boards.
based sony
>Supporters of LGBT on the outside for good boy points are actually homophobic slave drivers on their actual offices
Color me surprised. Always remember: Corporations are not your friend.
it's a discord trannie false flagging desu
thread is fake
I can't wait for kotaku to make an article out of this.
Screen cap this post.
No you can stay mad though.
its fake, shit for brains
>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment," said one employee. "Despite what they tell you, they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion.
wtf i love sony now
this is OP's source >
You faggots will believe any copypasta as long as it involves the LGBTQWTFBBQ can't you just fucking clown Trannies like normal people
Oh yeah, because those similar to the 50+ people in this thread are making Yea Forums so bad.
yeah, meanwhile...
>thread that's literally a copypasta
>thinking this thread deserves more respect than fucking phone posters
You fell for it mate, just accept the board was already shit, and that posting in a copypasta thread is literally worse than a phone poster
Based. Sony always wins!
I still don't understand how it is possible for bisexual to exist in that list given that there are supposedly more than two genders
Opinion discarded. Even more so when there is a high chance it is actually a he based off the transphobic crying
Doesn't the + represent "other sexualities not listed"? Surely that includes everybody including heterosexuals?
Im getting deja vu, fucking psychology students torturing these n33ts for their data
SJWS believe there are infinite genders but only two sexes, hence the name bisexual. The truth is there are only two genders, but, you know that, right, user?
How is he the perv?
>>>"It was an extremely homophobic and transphobic environment," said one employee. "Despite what they tell you, they hate LGBTQ+ with a passion. They force trans folk to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender."
people who virtue signal about tolerance are the most hateful people, don't ever forget it.
this is simply mindbreak. lack of females has forced them to seek femininity in themselves
Transgender got taken off the mental illness list awhile ago. Bout the same time they added excessive gaming or some shit relating
>Cut content
>Still offend the people for whom you cut and censored content
I thought it'd take at least a few years, but they're reaping what they've sown early.
Bisexuals only like two genders. Lesbians and gays only like one gender each. Them liking a set number of genders doesn't mean those are the only genders
Kek smash threads are a fucking mess you hypocrite
then why are trans and queer on that list if its about who you like?
I only like women and I still don't understand how it's possible for men to exist.
>this exact same thread but with Nintendo like 30 minutes ago
Really make you think.
Gender identity counts, I guess. It's more or less the freak club. I don't know what the fuck queer is though LOL shits probably not real either
I had no idea Sony was so fucking based.
"Almost zero free time" at your job where you're on the clock and expected to work.
Fucking millennials.
I'll believe this when they move back to Japan, till then, Sony is dead to me.
Gender means nothing if it's not tied to sex. Transgenderism is just special snowflake shit for tumblrites and fetishists.