Age of the Deep Sea
Dark Souls 4 basically confirmed
Other urls found in this thread:
>dark souls but underwater
Finally. MHW wouldn’t do it, but at least Dark Souls will.
Bloodborne 2
Souls game or anything related is getting pretty boring imo.
i thought that DEEP bullshit would never be explored. im excited.
Demon Souls 2
No more Soulsborne I want armored core!
sekiro 2
yes please
make it multiplat and we're in business
Will it be exclusive?
I dont want this game fuck it
Looks like a digimon
I want a sequel to BB.
The second monster looks like it could be out of blood borne
Dragon Souuls?
Retard lorelet
literally no one asked for this
I want a prequel to BB.
such a shit setting
>Myazaki countlessly confirm that he won't make Dark souls anymore and 3 was the last one
for a bunch of autists, you guys sure don't know what you're talking about
Please be Deep Souls
>yfw light souls
gothic european architecture and van helsing is kino, you tasteless virgin
like a prequel?
Just make Neon Souls already you dumb fucks, give me something pretty to look at, I want something like Transistor's Cloudbank in full 3D.
I did :)
Anyone else think DS3 played too fast? Hated the weapon arts too. Way too anime. Gimme back powerstancing
>only miyazaki can make souls games
>what is dark souls 2
As long as there is demand, publishers will hire From Soft to make Souls or Souls-like games. Just look at Sekiro, which came out after Miyazaki made that claim.
Space Souls
but sekiro is not dark souls
neither is cuckborn
>comparing Sekiro to Dark Souls
god I fucking hate this fanbase
Considering all the sea shit in Ze Old Huunters it's more likely BB concept, doubt it means BB2.
Cyberpunk Souls or bust.
Except Fromsoft is not Miyisaki and they've done a Souls game without him already faggot. Retard.
Because Sekiro isn't a Souls game?
He has been abundantly clear in multiple interviews that he is finished with the series. Autists just keep trying to read between the lines for some contrived confirmation.
>it's just evil AI shenanigans in the "dark" webs
bloodborne.same world, several hundred years apart
Fucking retarded faggot
Only soibois likes Bloodborne.
No, it is a souls game.
>stat levelling
>stamina management
>weapon variety
Sekiro isn't a souls game, it's a souls-like.
he's the president of from soft
only soibois like dark souls
What would be really cool is if it’s a new ip that isn’t just a copy paste of a souls game with even few rpg elements. Mathewmatosis was right, the combat isn’t great so why do we keep getting shitty slow action games? Sekiro was just a really slow ninja gaiden with a hookshot. They should have just made a ninja stealth game rather than yet another souls game with paper thin stealth mechanics.
Looks like shit like the rest of the series. Play a man's game like the Witcher instead
Dark Souls 2 2
Suddenly all the ocean shit in DaS3 makes more sense to the overall lore rather than being vague Lovecraft references
Sorry I don't play games made for babbies.
Post yfw it's a playstation exclusive
the witcher 3 is a shitty movie game
He said he was done with Dark Souls specifically. Not "Souls-like" as a genre. Guess he wanted avoid the games to become a soulless yearly relwase.
The only thing connecting Souls and BB are similarities in gameplay. Aside from that, they have nothing to do with each other.
the seething will be a sight to see. remember all the hatred for BB before it released? it'll be worse this time.
Fuck that, wheres my Echo Night Souls, theyre from the same devs
>mfw 3rd game took place in fucking space
It's gonna come to PC as Epic store exclusive
I would be annoyed, even though I own a PS4. Why anybody would want games to be exclusive is something I'll never understand. It's like people being proud of being in an abusive relationship
>Post yfw your spous hits you when he drank
Deep Souls™
>lead character designer for Bloodborne
He didn't tho. He said he liked the medieval fantasy setting and wanted to make more games that have that setting.
>From never done a Souls desert, underwater or space game
>this will be all 3
>going from a deserted land literally in the desert, into the deep sea and then being elevated into space to face the comic horrors on their plane
Literally Mommy Kosm
BB 2 dammit
Sequels are trash. Would rather get a new game.
bb is hard compared to souls
the dark souls setting has ran its course i hope it isnt that shit
sounds kino.
FROM never disappoints.
Bloodborne wouldn't even exist if sony didn't fund it
Consume my anal discharge
daily reminder that FROM had a 3 game contract with Sony. I guarantee one of their next projects will be a PS5 exclusive launch title.
When's Carnival Souls?
And the whole RR Martin thing?
>FromSoftware is working on its next project in collaboration with the Game of Thrones’ George RR Martin
>and will be published by Bandai Namco.
Aannnnnd I'm out. That was pretty easy. They managed to make me not give a single fuck about whatever it is they are doing. Well done.
If you're still supporting Bandai you hate videogames.
yep probably unused concept art from bloodborne
Mayan/Egyption souls. Or high fantasy gaelic style game. Only acceptable FROM futures
This looks more like Bloodborne, not sure how the dragon fits in
Of which there was a TON.
Fuck this shit.
Rumors. These are rumors.
I don't care, I'd prefer it to be on PC too. I accept that it's PS4 exclusive because of that reason, doesn't mean I WANT games to be exclusive before they're even released and such details are still unknown.
Man I hope some of that concept art gets used for something.
Think of all the creepy shit they’d design
DeS/DaS are two of my all time favourites but soulsborne games are way overdone. There's no mystery or obtuseness to their design, they're just run of the mill action games. I hope the genre goes quiet for 5-10 years and comes back with something significant to show.
Do you think they'll double down on making there games shallow action games with less mechanics than the last? Or will they come back to their pre-BB roots when Souls was actually good?
>Defending rumors.
It's your time, piss it away however you like. Just don't beg others to play fantasy with you. I won't support these cancerous lechers.
BB is literally the best game though
Is this a real quote? Pretty based if real
zero chance of a bloodborne 2
I just stated that these were baseless rumors.
negative IQ post
>These illustrations by Ryo Fujimaki seem to be reinterpretations of a dragon and a mermaid. Ryo showed off these images at the event for educational purposes, to teach how to create new creatures and more.
He busted them out for a teaching event, it's probably left over models.
Is FROMsoft going to ever make a game that isn't just a darksouls clone ever again?
How many of these games are they going to pump out before people get tired of them?
It will be a bloodborne spinoff. Will take place in the alien homeworld.
they are literally the best games made this decade
Why is there a bunch of sculpting tools and clay on the table?
Don't tell me the madman sculpts the models by hand and then draw the concept based on that
>going from a deserted land literally in the desert, into the deep sea and then being elevated into space to face the comic horrors on their plane
>shin high poison swamps that fuck with your movement in all of them
demons souls 2
They are literally the same game
The guy obviously sculpts, but they decided to also slap down an ink drawing in for the photo.
>Dark Souls 4 basically confirmed
Sure thing, buddy. Keep getting your hopes up over the littlest of rumors.
Dark Souls 2 2: Scholar of the Second Sin
that was the second game? fuckign lol they're really scamming Sony
Sekiro dlc is next in line 100%. Sorry you couldn't get past genichiro, soulsbabs. The souls series is over anyway
There are no dragons in the BB universe.
shut the fuck up retard
Underwater horror is some of the best horror. I'd like them to do some BB shit with this setting
Retarded faggot
>it says literally "these arts are not related to fromsoftware products"
>EOP cant use even google translations
>Works have nothing to do with From Software products
They'd say it to avoid speculation and false expectations
while this is true it's also the hardest setting to add good or even decent gameplay too
Unless Sony can chough up more money for a publishing deal than fromsoft will potentially earn on a cross platform release, there's no way in hell that will happen.
Sekiro sold 2 million copies in 10 days, they're not going back to Sony, that's for sure.
>Muh bluhborn!
They showed off the first piece of art from Sekiro this way with the same disclaimer.
>Retconn soul level
>Add new zones in between the map so geography isn't fucked
>Revamp the bosses
>Slap some shit from the unused content
>Maybe anew zone
That would be unironically based
>Dark Souls is very successful.
>They'll make it whether he wants to or not
I cant get past the "fedora tipping, dual weilding m'lady psssh nothing personal kid" character designs.
This denial is straight unhealthy, Smash rumor faggotry runs rampant again.
What? I want more from an IP of a great game.
Didn't we already go through this?
Have sex.
>Deep Sea
Jesus fuck just having to dive into the lake after seeing that goofy ass carp in Sekiro almost gave me an anxiety attack and now this?
get some taste
user, Sony and FromSoft have been working together for literal DECADES, even Miyazaki stated that they have good business relationships, if you think they would ditch Sony you are retarded
Clomp'n around in a Bioshock like suit doing melee fights with underwater spookies could be pretty cool.
sekiro is fucking tenchu faggot
>No Miyazaki
Yeah that's gonna be a no from me dawg. I don't need another super linear meme game
Get medicated memebrain
No. No more. Enough of this shit. BB and Sekiro were acceptable because they deviated from the archetype enough to feel distinct but Dark Souls needs to fucking stop.
At least it's not generic nippon or outright ripping off of berserk's art direction.
>they're not going back to Sony, that's for sure.
That would imply they ever left.
Fromsoft has dealt almost exclusively with Sony for their entire existence.
>At least it's not generic
have you even seen a vampire film in the last 25 years or so?
>DS3 is Miyazaki beating you over the head to let the series go
>nothing needs to have a million sequels
>people still asking for BB2/more dark souls
Your wish comes true user but ...... It's a straightforward action game focused on PvP and little to no exploration. Microtransactions include armor based on your favorite youtubers and fornite style dances. FromSoftware has also partnered with Gamer Of The Year Ninja and has included him into the story seamlessly.
it's clearly bloodborne 2
dark souls is multiplatform forever now
>similarities in gameplay
You know that's the main criteria for defining genres, right? Setting, name, aesthetics don't count.
A sci-fi fps is still an fps, just like a ww2 fps is an fps.
Get your eyes checked.
So did Square and Nintendo.
From Software is a one trick pony and it's getting old by now.
MechaSouls is the most patrician hope.
Have you read berserk or were you around during the samurai craze in the ps2 era?
>all these retards wanting sequels to standalone IPs
It's like you never remembered DaS2 and DaS3.
yes it would, from would have just looked for another publisher, sony didn't commission a grimdark victorian lovecraft game, they commissioned a game from miyazaki, he would have made that game with a different publisher if it weren't for sony, especially after the sales of the first 2 dark souls.
Zoom zoom
I'd rather eat shit, thanks.
Draw -> Sculpt -> 3D Modeling program
Yeah,but that was because Nintendo were being retards with the whole cartridge thing and Squares games were too powerful for them
I am not claiming Sekiro is a unique setting, the japs have had a hard on for everything samurai since the Meiji Restoration.
But claiming Bloodborne is a unique setting is also pretty daft.
>Underwater Souls
Games I will never ever complete
Fishing Hamlet 2 confirmed. Will we get a teaser character in the sekiro dlc?
That actually sounds neat. I want more "historical" fantasy games but I dislike how the genre is so fixated on medieval Europe, in terms of geography, architecture, mythology, weaponry, etc. Ancient Greece is filled with all kinds of mythology to borrow from and ancient Rome has plenty of material as well. Arabia, India, China and South America also have potential. I think a desert or a jungle setting would be cool.
Follow the reply chain, retard. I never stated BB's aesthetic was unique. It's just relatively underused but looks great.
I've never really been into mecha, but I feel pretty confident that I'd change my mind for this. Especially if the level of customizing is really deep. I'm talking multiple pieces per limb, etc. REAL fashion souls. None of this "hands, legs, chest, head" shit.
literally everyone asked for it, and we got it
it's called Dark Souls 2
Age of the Deep foretold by Aldrich basically refers to all of mankind's civilisation and triumphs amounting up and grotesquely becoming nothing but sludge and dregs everywhere the eye can see.
Think Ringed City's dreg heap but absolutely everywhere in sludge and filth.
No other publisher would give him basically unlimited budget and a reign to do what he wanted you moron. Bamco literally only wanted Dark Souls sequels.
Pleaze let it be set entirely underwater
Ecco Defender of the Future was the last game that let me play an "Underwater Society/Eldritch Sea Horror" Simulator.
More like
Will Miyazaki ever make another exploration based game like BB and DS1.
AC and Chromehounds were all about customization, some would say to a fault.
again, after the sales of dark souls 1 and 2, he could have easily found publishers to let him do whatever the fuck he wants, and he did, sony was that publisher, if they didn't do it, he would have found someone else, just as easily.
cuckiro? more like seKINO
All the more reason to hope for a new one.
Wasn't there a rumor that From wanted to make an open-world game? Perhaps Sekiro was warmup for more open areas and freedom of movement.
don't compare bb's world design to ds1, the gate to old yahrnam and the forest going back to the clinic is literally the only interconnectivity bb had, it's flat and horizontal af, google dark souls 1 map and look at the images and you'll see how leagues it is better than bb.
The deep is more like underwater with dregs flying around
soma-souls confirmed miziyaki did it again wau best waifu
fuck off newfag
What is this proving?
Other than your homosexuality, of course.
>What is this proving?
>Other than your homosexuality, of course.
>citing metacritic
>Sekiro had higher scores vs. many games
Why are you such a fuck-up, user?
It proves Sekiro is one of the lowest user-scoring fromsoft games.
>Deep Sea
>it's a carnivorous plant
And there I thought fags were more perspicacious...
Yeah sure, that's why Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro have a soundtrack recorded by a live orchestra, they clearly had as much budget as Bloodborne. Sony also had the resources to help them with their own studio, no other publisher would do this. You're a moron.
>he judges with journo scores
found the NPC resetera tranny.
>Fromsoft didn't exist until Demon's Souls
>scored lower than DS2
jesus christ didn't know sekiro was this much of a flop.
Please enlighten us then, what is a good setting so I can pretend that I have superior taste too and laugh at you?
african dawn of man setting
It's the game they're making with Game Of Thrones creator
>nearly identical gameplay
>same director and studio
>"b-but the stories aren't connected so it has literally nothing to do with eachother!!"
>deep sea game
>grrm is a big lovecraft fan
sounds maybe promising
I'm scared of the water
A haunted gay bath house where you're a poor 20 something year old twink trying not to get raped to death by aids infested 40 year old demon bears.
Poise will be very important.
Whatever it is, it will be shit. The series has only been getting worse with each release. The only exception being Dark Souls 1.
My first thought as well
>game is about euron greyjoy finding cthulhu
thalassophobia is a bitch
But that was supposed to be open world.
>open world underwater Lovecraftian action RPG with politics in it
>You know that's the main criteria for defining genres, right?
Yes, genres. Similar gameplay is not what dictates which games are in what series.
imagine not owning a ps4 just to play kinoborne
Yer mom's vag was a shit setting.
>wanting a shit sequel to a mediocre game
fromsoft personal submarine / spacecraft game when? I never knew I wanted this
New thread new shit opinion, eh aztecfag?
Then don't play it. They're the only games that feel the way they do and I like them.
I just want to play a from soft game without shit graphics on my PC
Can't wait until journos cry about how too hard it is then get btfo again.
Such a cute picture of my wife!
You're retarded, if they're making Dark Souls 4 that means Miyazaki is doing something else.
>in the books: badass warlock that sailed around the world including old Valyria
>in the show: lol finger in bum funny man xD
I'll never not be mad at how they butchered this character
I like him in the series, the way he assaulted the sandniggers boat was great
Doubtful. The more action-oriented the games became, the better they have sold, and FROM has continued to grow in esteem and popularity. I wouldn't expect anything like Demons' Souls or King's Field to come out of the company ever again.
>Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.
so fucking good
>These scores good but those scores bad
Fix your life
From Software makes Monster Hunter World: 2
Book Euron would not give a fuck about fighting for some roastie queen
I'd play this
It'd be nice to see a Monster Hunter game with good combat.
>not Kos
>Why anybody would want games to be exclusive is something I'll never understand
It reaffirms my choice of console. I suffered as a playstation Fanboy during the PS2 and PS3 days. All my friends would play is Halo and Gears. Now they've switched to my side and are now PS4 only. I've stuck by my side and it's payed off with good games.
Pic related is you.
kill yourself
Why are exclusives bad when PlayStation does it? You never see journalist or e-celebs say this with Nintendo.
No one wanted MHW to do that, because underwater shit generally isn't fun to play.
The dragon one is literally Ancient Dragon from DS3 and the other one seems like a scrapped BB concept for Kos tbqhwyaf.
OP sucks penises for fun
It was fun in 3U
Oh boy now I get to hit the Roll button again to solve all my problems. How thrilling.
t. PC virgin still assblasted he got the shitty version of bloodborne (DaS3)
Dark Souls combat is literally just a dumbed down version of MH. It'd be boring as hell.
monster hunter is boring and autistic
>Miyazaki agreed. The Dark Souls director said the creation of a world and the levels can affect the story, so it often doesn’t make sense to start from there. He believes that gameplay is the soul of a game. Once that’s in place, he can form a story that fits and augments the experience. That process then influences the story, which also influences the gameplay. “You’re playing with clay and it slowly comes into focus,” Miyazaki explained.
>The FromSoftware boss was quick to point out, however, that this isn’t the only way to see game design. He’d love to create a game one day where story is the focal point, much like Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2, which he specifically namechecked. Miyazaki also said he needs to get better at communicating the story of his games to the team, who often don’t understand the overall plot of the games they’re working on.
Based Miyazaki going full force with the story, Soulscomfykino incoming.
same could be said about DS and BB to be honest
>medieval dark fantasy
>cosmic horror
>Japanese folklore
>abyssal horror
From is a Kino developer. We’ll get confirmation in Sekiros dlc on what to expect. If they have a sea theme expect terror from the deep.
Own a PS4 Pro but I'm not paying for the scam that is PS+. So I'd be annoyed if it had online features.
>monster appears
>your character is so in awe with the creature that he falls to the ground for 2 seconds
>monster roars
>your character cover his ears with fear for 5 seconds
>monster does a stomp
>your character stumbles for 10 seconds
>monster hits you
>literally get stunned for 15 seconds
>monster does special attack
>literally go unconscious for 30 seconds
MH combat, everyone. I like MH btw but the game really should benefit from less combat interruptions.
srry user but as someone who's a huge bb fan, bb is not very hard
The "deep" is probably something similar to the last part of Bloodborne's DLC, linking both games to the same universe.
Demon's Souls - Great
Dark Souls - Good
Dark Souls 2 - Shit
Bloodborne - Great
Dark Souls 3 - Good
Sekiro - Shit
??? - Great
I'm ready for it.
Am I the only one that thinks 3D asset viewing is comfy? Maybe I should take up sculpting myself
Somebody is shit at Sekiro
No one that has finished 3 Soulsborne games before will have any trouble with Sekiro.
Learn to dodge and block, you can roll through roars, tackle through them, block them, use an armor skill, use a felyne food buff, there are many options. If you're getting stunned then stop getting hit, literally unironically gitgud.
Sekiro is the only good game in the entire series cuck.
Except Demons Souls is utter trash and Sekiro is amazing
Thats just a downright lie. I'll never forget how fucking bootyblasted Yea Forums was the release week of Sekiro. It was like the entire board became DSP for a week.
Could you give an example of the type of stuff you wanna see? I'm curious.
Same thing happened with Bloodborne, in fact I think that game started the "literally impossible" thing. It's just that those games had more publicity and attracted people who hadn't played Souls before.
>not an HD/60fps remaster with another DLC and improvements to the base game
I did not find sekiro any harder than the previous souls games and bloodborne. Same shit happened with the Taurus Demon cope threads when DaS1 got the PC port. What the fuck is wrong with Yea Forums? Casual shitters all over the shop.
Sekiro is great though. You're spot on otherwise.
taurus demon is the hardest boss in dark souls
i think we had enough with 16fps combat user
>another potential wasted on 16fps
i fucking god hope not
Demon's Souls - Good
Dark Souls - Great
Dark Souls 2 - Good
Bloodborne - Good
Dark Souls 3 - Great
Sekiro - Masterpiece
??? - ???
I'm HR 110 on MHW, I know how to play the game, even if you try to roll through things the i-frames in MH-games are terrible, not every weapon has block, the Earplug and knockback reduction armor skills are very rare, and are level 3 I think which makes it very hard to fit in a build, food buffs aren't guaranteed and wear off during the hunt.
It's just something that I do not like about MH. I absolutely love the combat, that's why I want to be able to play it all the time instead of getting interrupted. That's pretty much the whole reason I main CB so I can use guard points to keep the flow of the combat going.
are we getting a 3rd reply?
Latest version runs at 30fps pretty consistently
>Classic Dragon and Cthulu shit
What if it's a Dark Souls x Bloodborne crossover?
>Dark Souls 2 - Good
>Sekiro - Masterpiece
how much is fs paying you
BB had great aesthetic but seeing action on low framrate really set the game's full potential
god tier: BB=DaS1>DeS
contractual obligation tier: DaS2>DaS3
haven't played sekiro yet
DS1 > BB > DeS > DS3 = Sekiro >>> DS2
You're a dumbass then, one of the perks of exclusives is the higher level of polish because devs only need to make it work for one platform.
>Sekiro - Masterpiece
it's literally the Dark Souls 2 of Soulsborne games
>has everything but the RPG elements of a soulsgame
sure buddy it is not a soulsgame
Sekiro > DeS > DaS > Das 3> Das2 > BB
>t. filtered
i bet you gave up on DaS 2 as well you scrub kek
but DeS is the only game in the series that's easier than 2
>If it happens to be Bloodborne 2, we hope that it arrives on PC and Microsoft’s Xbox One, unlike the first installment which was exclusive to Sony’s PlayStation 4.
faggot journo doesn't even know that a BB title on any other platform is impossible as it's owned by sony.
And it's been a critical and financial success 6/6 times. Maybe after another 6 times, people will stop buying the same game.
>a BB title on any other platform is impossible as it's owned by sony
>he doesn't know
user, I...
>This tired shitty strawman
Every time. Maybe I just played it through, saw what there was to see, and made my own judgement without riding a corporate cock.
>BB last
Based. BB is overrated as fuck.
Not good. Underwater levels suck, just like sewer levels.
Anything with a different aesthetic to the standard medieval European setting and hopefully something that utilizes the unique history of the region in question. I haven't played Sekiro but from what I've seen it includes a lot of historical Japanese architecture, costumes and weapons mixed in with the local myths in the form of some yokai. The atmosphere and the general aesthetic are also clearly Japanese. A game set in ancient Greece could move away from killing wolves and goblins in the meadows, caves and castles to something like the Odyssey where you can sail a ship in the Mediterranean and encounter the local fauna like harpies, sirens, cyclops, centaurs or maybe stuff like Medusa, Pegasus, Scylla, the Hydra, the titans, etc. Hell you could even throw in places like Mount Olympus or Atlantis in there. The Middle East has some pretty interesting stuff as well but most of the things I know about come from One Thousand and One Nights, like Sinbad or Aladdin or things like the Djinn. Instead of traveling on horseback and exploring boring caves you could travel the desert on a magic flying carpet and explore ancient pyramids that are just barely jutting out of the sand and filled with traps and curses. A desert would be a pretty interesting concept in and of itself if sandstorms, quicksand, mirages and so forth actually posed some kind of a danger to the player. I could see all the weird Incan and Aztec stuff also making for a good setting, especially since you don't usually see fantasy games set in the jungle.
Is everyone here retarded? This is personal zbrush models done for a panel a fromsoft artist participated in, like a class. He made a couple of them on stage.
Jesus Christ.
>Dark Souls is pretty much dead
>Sekiro turns out to be garbage
Only way From can salvage this is if they make Bloodborne 2(with a PC version obviously), or a new Armored Core.
Not everybody obsessively follows random members of a game dev team through every little aspect of their daily lives. Most of the people in the thread don't even really give a shit about OP, but rather are just shitposting rankings or making up wishlists for future FROM games.
tl;dr stop being autistic.
It's been posted in at least 2 different threads today already.
>Dark Souls that takes place during Age of Dark.
Always been kinda curious what it would be like, we only get small glimpses of what it would be like in Souls 1 DLC and some specific areas. Will they hire any exterior matte painters at all or will it just be pitch black everywhere outside?
>deep sea
>it's definitely dark souls guys
What does that have to do with anything? Separate threads at different times doesn't guarantee anybody in this one to have been in them.
wasn't bloodborne ending all a dream?
No, you wake up to a dilapidated Yharnam. "Waking up" is you just coming back down to the Waking World.
you just know
Dreams are physical planes of existence you enter through the consciousness. Read some lovecraft, my man.
>everyone wanting an underwater souls game
>when there has never been a game with good underwater controls.
Demon's Souls - Good
Dark Souls - Good
Dark Souls 2 - Bad
Bloodborne - Great
Dark Souls 3 - Bad
Sekiro - Haven't played it lol
Have you played MH3U? It's not perfect but it's pretty fun. If they ever bring back underwater in a future MH game I hope they put in the work to improve it so water can stay this time.
I'd prefer Bloodborne II over Dark Souls IIII Tbh
Just recently Sekiro's aquatic gameplay was pretty sold. There's also Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze for another example of GOOD water levels.
Fromsoft are never doing another bloodborne. They make too much money doing multiplat. Its either a new IP or Dark Souls 4
One Thousand and One Nights Souls would be based as all hell
I'm not too familiar with From but the fact that they were willing to (seemingly) abandon their most successful franchise suggests they may not be that hung up on the money, as long as they make a profit anyway.
>Age of the Deep Sea
I hope it is
>game finally set in the age of Dark
>but because of all the built up trash and dregs and whatever that section of the lore said we get the Deep Sea and it's fucked
just give me some legit deep ones, some angler fish monsters, a whole lot of weird pregnancy shit like bloodborne and I'm sold
Are you retarded? It doesn't even take 2 seconds to google. The Bloodborne IP is owned by Sony like the Demon's Souls IP
Epic Games bought BB, DBH, HH and the ellen page game
Listen, cheng. They only picked up the two movie memes you listed, not bloodborne.
>implying i even have ebin store installed on my pc
i just want them to buy that shit so i can torrent it
I could unironically play souls game forever as long as they keep making them. Never get tired of them.
you mean like Bloodborne's high level 12 fps finish?
Can't say much because of NDA, but Fromsoft and Bandai Namco are at it again. That's all I'll throw out there.
>it's good it's a Sony Exclusive
>it's good that microsoft lost every one of it's exclusives
you people are such hypocrites it's phenomenal. Exclusive games should be 10 years in the past but Sony faggots keep making sure it's reality. Fuck you.
I don't think Miyazaki really digs the space/futuristic aesthetics. A deep sea terror game would fit his themes better.
By looking at this thread they still haven’t gotten over it
>By looking at this thread they still haven’t gotten over it
>sony exclusive goooood
>any other company exclusive baaaad
From employee here.
From isn't going to work with Bandai after Dark Souls 2 & 3.
His ass
Don't tell anyone about this, but I work for From and apparently they're making MGR 2.
>post yfw it's Nintendo Switch exclusive
Your heads would explode. We wouldn't be hearing the end of your whining until the next consoles release. Holy shit please make this happen.
>I want it to be ps4 exclusive to justify my shitty purchase
Good, Bandai is fucking shit, incredible that Activision did better work.
Already exists.
>worked on Dark Souls Remastered after DS3
Well done on outing yourself as a liar.
Not that guy, just want to say that food only wears off if you cart.
Who do I believe?
That was outsourced to a different studio. Qcube or something. They did Vesperia Definitive too
hey kid...
>remember all the hatred for BB before it released?
I wasn't on Yea Forums at the time so no.
H-how many man hours go into designing, drafting, modeling and texturing something like that?
You should have your answer for sure in about less than two years.
The switch was made for shitty last gen ports and bing bing wahoo, so not going to happen nintendiaper
>It reaffirms my choice of console
Yes because because everyone was like you and owned only one console.
Literally "I suffered as a jew/black and want reparation".
Pic is definitely you.
From still dealt with Banco for the duration of the project mate and even got slightly berated for their lack of competence. These guys are nightmare fuel for publishers.
Underwater was pure agony in MH3U and you shitposters arent going to change that
is this game going to feel really unfinished like all the others?
You fucking wish it will be any different.
Will we finally get jumping? And not just the running/sprinting jump?
>Inb4 jumping with heavy armor is retarded
Bitch you're carrying extremely heavy armors and weapons that literally weigh IRL tons, fuck yeah there should be jumping.
They made it work great.
>video game developer probably working on a new video game
>devs that can't finish their games works with author that can't finish his book.
Like pottery
jumping has been in the series since DS1 ;)
Dreams are essentially ethereal places. You manifest in the real world for most of the game. It's pretty obvious when you enter a dream since they are planes above typical reality.
That's what those idiots kept saying when Sekiro got its trailer. Prepare to be disappointed, again.
Did you not change the swimming controls? The default swimming controls were shit but there was an alternate control scheme which made it actually bearable. It was fine under that scenario.
Miyazaki can't do sequels.
Even underwater, they'll never finish that shapeshifting blob boss fight.
I bet that if this was legitimate, it wouldn't be called Dark Souls 4 and would only have allegories to the trilogy.
It's Slashy Souls 2
pls no9
>BB great
>DaS3 bad
DaS3 is just BB except with enemies that are actually fun to fight.
Sure, if you enjoy R1 spamming every enemy to death.
>Wanting more soulless rehashes
What compels people to defend DS2/3, seriously?
oh boy, more souls shit. the formula definitely wasn't tired by 3
Hilarious that you somehow think that doesn't also apply to BB. The basic enemies were always jokes in Souls games anyways. You could always cheese them using some stupid method. The boss fights were always where the combat in these games shined. And DaS3 actually has good boss fights whereas BB has shit bosses besides the handful of good ones in the DLC.
>Hilarious that you somehow think that doesn't also apply to BB.
It doesn't.
>I don't need another super linear meme game
But that's literally Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, and Sekiro
>he says this as he puts das above des
switch des with das then you can make that claim, and it would be correct as well
So your argument against his claim is to post a webm of enemies that easily get r1 spammed?
>good bosses
where does this meme come from? ignoring the awful gimmick bosses, the bosses in das3 have like 6 moves max and their health pools are non-existent. The only good bosses are gael and midir. Frieda is cool in a vacuum but is rehashed from multiple previous bosses
>Dodges a total of three times while spamming R1
The webm proves his point.
That guy can't even bother cropping the bait image he keeps shitposting; don't dignify it with a reply.
not that user but ds3 bosses are the best in the series tho, but i do think Bloodborne's are better still.
>Good boss
that half of DS1 should be bigger than DeS or BB since it's better than both
After all these year the PC butt still hurts!
I like BB more than Souls but I know what you mean and this is why I wear the Yahar'gul set.
the first half of das is largely rehashed from des so I don't think so
very interested
Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Dancer, Dragonslayer, Champion Gundyr, Prince Lothric, Nameless King and Soul of Cinder are all high quality bosses. You regularly see them in peoples favorite boss fights in the series lists. Nothing in BB's base game besides maybe Gerhman compares to any of these. BB is still a great game because it makes up for its lackluster combat in other ways like its setting, atmosphere and lore, but DaS3's gameplay experience is far superior.
Dark Souls' world design alone sets it above every other game in the series.
I must've missed where DeS had a huge interconnected world.
>Abyss Watchers
Stopped reading here.
This. They're too afraid to stray from the core souls design, sekiro proved it
>Abyss Watchers
epitome of non-existent health pool
the only boss in the series that becomes weaker in the second half
flails around wasting your time, you have to be retarded to get hit
completely unremarkable, I think you put this here to fluff your list
non-existent health pool
this ones actually decent, I forgot about it. I don't like how telegraphed everything it though
>nameless king
the battle is against the camera
>soul of cinder
joke first phase + gwin rehash
It was fun in theory.
In practice it was a horrible mess. I still get bad shivers when I think of Abyssal Lagi
Sekiro plays nothing like a Souls game, though.
>Abyss Watchers
>Good fight
Backstab, the fight lmao
The only good thing is the boss's theme
Not that guy. I don't think the Abyss Watchers are great but you posting a webm of some level 150 character minmaxed BKGS build to do several thousand damage a hit in NG+ doesn't prove any points.
Underwater combat has never ever been fun in any game ever.
>only boss in the series that becomes weaker in the second half
inter-connectivity doesn't change the fact that burg/parish and depths/blightown are rehashed from demon's. Sen's is literally unused content from DeS which was supposed to be part of the 6th archstone. painted world was designed to be a DeS level.
>but DaS3's gameplay experience is far superior.
LOL no, even if you think boss battles are the best everything else gameplaywise is worse than BB. level design is a joke, arguably even worse than 2 which was cobbled up in a year, enemies all feel the same similar (but not as bad) as 2, the weapon/spell balance is horrid even after multiple patches, invasions are hardcore stacked against the invader with the exception of the aldrich faithful covenant, and the game is filled with shitty swamps
phase 2 is easier in a vacuum, but considered you get conditioned so much in phase 1 and phase 2 is built around it it's just as hard. It's not like pontiff whose second phase just telegraphs everything 2 seconds in advanced
Why do all you niggers have to make every FromSoft thread into an aspergers fueled ranking war? Fucking hell this was supposed to be about future game speculation.
>burg/parish and depths/blightown are rehashed from demon's.
>Sen's is literally unused content from DeS which was supposed to be part of the 6th archstone. painted world was designed to be a DeS level.
Even assuming this is true, it's irrelevant.
>hurrr its DS4
>art made by BB lead character designer
>deep sea undertones, reminiscent of the Old Hunters DLC
>monster is similar to Kos
You fags will never cease to make me laugh with your inability to guess correctly. Its BB2. Screencap this.
I wish we could have fun threads for this series again. All the ones I see now just end up just like this, everyone trying to convince everyone else that the game they like is actually shit. What's the point?
>Identical gameplay
So you haven't played it then
Because zoomers, who had Dark Souls 3 as their first Souls game, still defend the atrocity known as Dark Souls 3.
Did you miss the word "nearly" illiterate-kun?
Welcome to Yea Forums. Every thread is like this, every day, and somehow autismos never get bored of it.
Good job proving you're another shitposter for the pile
You can cheese any boss in the series if you know how. Its fun that the game allows you to do this if you want. You going to try to pretend that none of the bosses in BB are easily cheesed now? Gascoigne is often heralded as being one of the better bosses in BB yet he is easily melted by simply parrying him. The timing isnt even hard and you are never in any risk. You essentially just skip his fight if you make use of a basic game mechanic. This isn't even mentioning the music box.
>if a boss has a low health pool its shit
Yeah not going to bother taking this post seriously.
>enemies all feel the same similar
Again, why do people pretend this doesn't also apply to BB? The enemies all feel similar in BB because they are almost all easily R1 spammed to death. I never once felt threatened by any of the enemy types save for the DLC enemies. Even in DaS3 the knight enemies at Lothric were more intimidating than any of the basic enemy types in BB, and those enemies are at the start of the fucking game. The few enemies that can't be R1 spammed are either easily parried or open themselves up for an easy visceral like the kidnappers.
Rankfags are worse than the blacked threads. Yup. Thats you
This boss trashes every DaS3 boss, and he's not even the best boss in the game.
>breaks lockon every other attack
Yeah hes trash alright
Kay that explains it
>blightown isn't rehashed from valley of defilement
gonna love to see the argument on this one
bloodborne's enemies are far more varied due to the nature of the game's setting, 3 has man in suit syndrome but not as bad as 2
>The enemies all feel similar in BB because they are almost all easily R1 spammed to death
this applies to every souls game, it only feels more spammy in BB because you're not hiding behind a shield
Stealth games don't sell well enough to justify modern AAA budgets.
I really struggled with him first playthrough until I figured out I could destroy his sword after he planted it. And on every playthrough after that I didn't even need to because he dies too fast.
Getting gud is kinda gay.
god BBfags are so fucking stupid. Nobody likes this guy and now they're going to pretend hes some sort of god-tier boss when their game is put under scrutiny. Pathetic.
fanbase got too big
If it really is BB2 and a console exclusive I will shitpost every thread and make actual discussion impossible here. I will write a bot similar to the Guild Wars 2 general.
Variety in visuals mean nothing when gameplay-wise the same strategy can be used to beat them. I don't give a fuck if I'm killing a wolf as opposed to an alien if both are easily destroyed by spamming R1.
>this applies to every souls game,
No, it really doesn't.
>it only feels more spammy in BB because you're not hiding behind a shield
You realize that you can two-hand weapons in the other games, correct?
DaS3 is BB, but a shitty realisation of it.
>retarded rolls instead of quicksteps to match the pacing of enemy aggression
>enemies behave almost exactly like BB enemies
>same combat and copious amount of useless weapons
>poise doesn't even exist despite it being a stat
>ditches powerstancing for useless weapon arts, pales in comparison to the depth of trick weapons
>miracles and sorceries nerfed to shit
>DUDE REMEMBER? moments out the ass and terrible handling of fanservice
>shittier individual level design and less shortcuts
>way too many bonfires, and retarded bonfire placement
>shittiest lore in the entire series, with nothing of substance added to DaS1's world
>half the world is just gothic architecture that was already better realised in BB
>ear bleeding Yukashit OST
>easiest in the series
All it has for it is the PvP, and even then, DaS2's was way better. It's a soulless cashgrab, nothing more.
>we will NEVER go back to Demon's Souls threads when Project Dark was announced
Didn't the developers say that the Dark Souls series has ended anyway?
OnlyAfro was uploading Dark Souls videos prior to He's Back.
The enemies in BB weren't aggressive though, thats the problem.
This, I don't think I'll ever understand how and why people can defend Dark Souls 3. It's Ubisoft-tier rehash.
This post is shit and you're an actual faggot.
PC was a mistake
They never should have been given the game.
In fact PC Dark Souls is what really kickstarted the cancerous behavior and culture of PCsharts that we've been dealing with ever since.
lol KYS faggot
stay mad neet cuck
BB has an ear bleeding OST as well, they haven't had a good one since DaS2.
Objectively false. The BB's OST is the best in the series.
I'm the biggest souls fan in this thread and the last thing I want is dark souls 1.3.
>no Armored Core
Bigger retard
A little retarded
>BB has an ear bleeding OST
It has the best video game OST of all time.
Shut up retard.
that sounds pretty comfy aside from the micro transactions, BB was too dark and dreary
Can you post a good song from it? I only remember really loud interchangeable boss themes with choirs screaming.
>centipede infested monks
>giant rape gorillas
>barf dragons
>kabuki fish people
>muh buddha
>generic nippon
Yea Forums doesn't know what "generic" means
Thanks for this post,
you made me happy today user
Mergo's Lullaby
Hunter's Dream
Hail the Nightmare
There's plenty.
>I only remember really loud interchangeable boss themes with choirs screaming.
Good and unique don't mean the same thing.
>really loud interchangeable boss themes
Actually, BB has the most variety to its OST, unlike everything in DaS2, 3, and Sekiro's. Not only that, but it is objectively better.
all of my yes
seething uncultured faggot
Joke post, but Cleric Beast is unironically one my favorite songs in Bloodborne, though.
kek that's a new one
make sure to report pokemon threads to send them back to /vp/ as well
fuck orphan man
took me nearly 50 tries
I don't think you know what this word means.
is there any definition of what a Soul game is?
is bloodborne a souls game?
is sekiro a souls game?
>is bloodborne a souls game?
>is sekiro a souls game?
It is, better than yuka's garbage soundtracks. Stop being so deluded, you contrarian retard.
>literally R1 spammed the whole webm
You are one dumb asshole. Also whoever is playing in this webm is an absolute lock-on shitter.
>It is
I still don't get how people don't see the connection with the "deep sea" thing and the abyss. I mean the abyss basically means deep sea(not the only meaning though). Since the "deep sea" thing was seen in a dream, it is obvious that is in an imperfect representation of the real thing aka the abyss. People seem to focus on a stupid bloodborne connection than this. It could even be a translation mistake.
Fuck off, Bombercuck.
Listen yourself. There's a discernable difference in quality between BB's OST and anything from DaS2 and 3.
>Ask for proof
>Reply with an opinion
Thanks for proving my point.
Holy fuck. The entire OST in DaS2 and 3 is literally pic related recorded in a broom closet, you moron. Go and listen.
>sun souls
>cyberpunk setting
I've heard all the soundtracks. You still don't know what the word objectively means, though.
Why Soulsautists so retarded? New From IP literally every time was a good thing, while DS2/DS3 is pure shit with no good features.
>Dark Souls 3 is absolute dogshi-
Wow, DS3 made bosses!
WOOOOOOOAH, so innovative.
Sounds like someone got filtered by Gundyr.
You have no standards.
As long as it's nothing like DaS2, I'll at least play it.
>Preset attack animation that doesn't actually target the player, just continuously faces towards them and hopes they get hit
A masterpiece of action gaming
But I literally called Bloodborne's OST the best OST of all time, right here .
Yes, I also hate fluid combat in a real time combat action rpg. It should focus on choppy backstabs and hiding behind shields while spamming magic.
>Character movements are slow
>Character attacks are slow
>Character moves slow
>Bosses and enemies move around like they are in Bloodborne
DS3 has an identity crisis
Zoomer spotted.
Shoulda been around for the thread yesterday, plenty of fags arguing dumbass theories and one user dumped each page from pic related, comfy shit. Though, I could just be tuning out the cancer, ya kinda have to these days.
Then stop playing them. You're the same kind of retard that watches the latest capeshit movie every release and complain they're getting out when you can just steer clear of that shit.
>definition of what a Soul game
not officially, but there are some standard Souls mechanic that most people/gamedev think a Souls game must have
>level up consume an increasing X amount of exp based on your level for each leveling point spent
>drops exp on death, you can pick it up at death location
>inter-connected world, shortcut opened later can lead to visited location
>checkpoint/respawn spot aka bonfire
>1 save slot and progress is saved at any time you do anything, dying doesn't reset your progress (open a chest and die and the chest will stay opened by the time you get back). This also means your progress are locked and you can't "load an old save". This also includes your inventory, used consumables are permanently gone
>set amount of a main healing item aka estus flask
That's all I can think of right now. Most Souls-clone game is usually a combination of these things
>is bloodborne a souls game?
hell yeah
>is sekiro a souls game?
From said they tried to not make another souls game and lots of people don't consider it as a souls game but it definitely is a fucking Souls game. It still has way to many old Souls mechanics
>I liked DaS2
Oh no, it's retarded!
>inter-connected world
Only the first Dark Souls has this, though.
>Dark Souls 2 is legitimately one of the worst games ever mad-
Sounds like they just ripped off the Dororo anime to me.
>prosthetic limb sword wielder
>cheats death
>kills giant centipede monsters
>has a little kid companion
>doesn't speak much
>has a really cool old guy bro who is a beast with a sword
>walks a path that can turn him into a wrathful demon if he isn't careful
>Buddha statues and protections everywhere
How can it not be generic if it just ripped off an airing anime entirely?
>If I abruptly end my post that means my opinion is rig-
The surge?
Nobody said it was you fucking moron. It's just the worst Souls game, whether you want to admit it or not.
That looks fucking good and like it has the same passion as BB.
Save us Fromsoftware!
>the worst Souls game
Please no. Open world is a terrible fucking meme.
Yup, even worse than that one. By a wide margin. Nice try tho.
holy shit please give me a souls game where the enemies are angels instead of demons like bayonetta
>t. had Dark Souls 3 as his first Souls game
Every souls games are like this
>still no armored core 6
I blame delusional casuals for this souls trash overstaying it's welcome for so long
>Linear World
>Casual-Friendly invasion system
>Teleportation from the start
>Lack of stamina management
Blatantly wrong
>No weapon degradation
It was an unneeded mechanic anyways
Shit one at that, also DS2 to a T
>External hub
Demon's Souls
Nothing solidifies are argument like a novel of opinions that sounds like it was written by a child alongside grammatical errors
Demon's Souls, actually, played Dark Souls day 1. Keep swinging, you'll hit one eventually, faggot.
Anyone who wants AC6 clearly did not play ACV.
>Character attacks are slow
But they're not?
You're probably in your early 20's and think you're older than most people here.
might as well say From should've stopped making souls games after ds2
>6 Souls games
>25 Armored Core games
Get that dick out of your mouth for a second
The darksouls of water
>Miyazaki deep sea horror game
jesus christ i can only imagine, it'd be amazing but fucking terrifying
>a single webm of a single move that moves your hitbox
Well I guess that erases all the webms of fucked up hitboxes and enemy tracking.
Use anything other than a straight sword
DaS isn't what people mean when they talk about open worlds. By your logic, Nier Automata is an open world rpg.
>DS2 does each thing significantly worse or on the same level as DS3
>heh, i bet you didn't know that's a logical fallacy, kid...........
Shut the fuck up, DS2 is garbage and you bringing up fallacies like it means something just makes you look like a dumbass
What the fuck is that?
What absolute fucking retarded wrote that?
That's been patch out.
wow so impressive now consistently parry his second phase
Nier is open world, the open world is also FFXV-tier with tons of invisible walls and quest markers for everything, but it is open world.
Dark Souls is a good example of an open world game done right, Nier is an example of an open world game done poorly.
Sony owns the Bloodborne brand, so the chances are thin. Miyazaki doesn't want to make one platform exclusive games anymore.
>Miyazaki doesn't want to make one platform exclusive games anymore.
>didn't answer the question
>post is completely fucking retarded
I don't know what else I expected.
Even Platinum called it an open world game. Cope harder.
>Are they retarded?
>No, the person who wrote that is correct.
As long as Fromsoft keeps the quality/passion I could play these forever. Carefully traveling around in these beautiful environments with morbid themes and great combat is always a treat. I prefer they stick with multiple armor and weapons to find through the game instead of the Sekiro route though. Sekiro was really lacking in that usual Souls experience.
Because Miyazaki has never said anything to that effect. Plus, he still owes Sony one more game.
>He went on to say that it would be incorrect to label either Nier Automata or its precedessor Nier as an “open-world” game
Now here's an actual source. I can't wait to see your backpedaling and mental gymnastics. Remember, you're objectively wrong and completely fucking retarded.
Not him, but open world is more or less a buzzword that lost meaning throughout the years. Shenmue is now supposedly an "open world" too.
Yeah,because Sony is the one that invented and the only one that only continues doing exclusives games.
The fact that Microsoft are the PC guys hasabsolutely nothing to do with their games being on PC.
Go hang yourself