Set just a decade after the events of skyrim

>set just a decade after the events of skyrim
>the empire barely defeated the stormcloaks in a drawn out conflict that sucked up men & resources
>Hammerfell is still independent but politically divided, the empire is holding itself together by a thread
>The Dominion has been rebuilding it's forces unopposed, thanks to the empire being distracted
>The Dominion has since gained morrowind as a protectorate, which was barely capable of being called a country at the time of skyrim
>Seeing the weakness and having mankind surrounded, the dominion is launching a full scale invasion from all sides to crush the world of men, with the player seeing the events as they happen in Hammerfell
>shout system will be carried into the next game via Redguard anime sword abilities
>wild card event gets thrown into the mix... dwemer and their robo demi-god return or some shit, and they're somehow no longer it's skin because REASONS.

There's your Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell setting bro

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redguard aren't human tho, checkmate

*screaming in dwemeris*

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I'd enjoy seeing the dwemers full blown autism instead of just glimpses of it

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Does this mean the dwarves are gonna BTFO the piss-skins with God?

>Bethesda will keep the settlement shit except you get to run "refugee camps" or something but it's the same thing
>Maybe force you to collect stone and wood like it's fucking Minecraft
>Dragons probably return and you get some sort of ability or item to summon them like you could summon vertibirds in FO4
>Hopefully some sort of fast travel alternative to the major cities
>Hopefully cool sandstorms
>Hopefully some sort of survival mode, although I don't like the one in FO4
>Final battle will be like 10 v 10
>Almost certainly will feature all the daedric shrines and all the usual guilds, will be able to become the master of all of them (again)
>They'll drag out gamebryo's dry, dessicated corpse and somehow get it to "work"

Could go anywhere with the turboautist dwemer

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A decade between ES games is way too short. Even in RL it is more than 10 years before the new game ffs. Make it 100 years and the Aldmeri are finally crumbling. You will probably play the leader of the first successful revolt which takes place in Hammerfell. If Bethesda has some common sense they will re-introduce old skills like mysticism and alteration spells and stuff.

Am I the only one that really likes the map? It looks natural and promises to be an interesting landscape with diverse settings.

The dominion vs empire storyline was very blatantly left as unfinished business at the end of skyrim. Too many things adding up, potentially losing skyrim, emperor possibly assassinated, the Thalmor causing division where they can. Its a lot of build up and paints a picture of the empire being close to collapse, I don't think they're just gonna skip over this.

I'd be surprised if it's not directly continued in someway (at least in the background) in TES VI. If they do continue it, like the OP I could imagine there being less of a time skip between games than they normally do in TES.

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>skills replaced with perk trees
>will probably have settlement building
>3 cities
>5 copypaste villages
>5,000 generated caves
>1,000 forts
>3 factions (thieves, mages, fighters)
>3 voice actors

The Thalmor plotline will be resolved between games off-screen, like how the war happens between Oblivion and Skyrim.

I don't care where it takes place I just want an Elder Scrolls game that isn't running on an engine from 1999

Ye, like Todd is going to dabble in large battles again like the Civil War in Skyrim. Their engine cannot support anything resembling a large scale battle. If they try to insert a war, it will be a catastrophe.

This. They’ll commission a few more paperbacks that in no way connect 5’s story to 6 and only make the dedicated lore fans even pissier.

>Snow Nigger actions have put the very existence of man in danger
Fuck nords, their women belong to big redguard cock

>>set just a decade after the events of skyrim
>>the empire barely defeated the stormcloaks in a drawn out conflict that sucked up men & resources
No reason to confirm or deny this. They'll just say things in the North have settled down thanks to the actions of the Dragonborn, who has since vanished.
>>Hammerfell is still independent but politically divided, the empire is holding itself together by a thread
>>The Dominion has been rebuilding it's forces unopposed, thanks to the empire being distracted
This is meaningless. Elves suck at breeding and are extremely concerned with genetic purity, killing children who do not meet standards. Even with a hundred years of total peace, the Thalmor wouldn't match up to population output of an unstable Cyrodil
>>The Dominion has since gained morrowind as a protectorate, which was barely capable of being called a country at the time of skyrim
Would never happen. Not only is Summerset to far away to enforce such an agreement, the Dunmer would never accept defacto submission to any state willingly, especially the High Elves. Morrowind is firmly in the hands of the Redoran Council
>>Seeing the weakness and having mankind surrounded, the dominion is launching a full scale invasion from all sides to crush the world of men, with the player seeing the events as they happen in Hammerfell
No reason to go for a full out invasion, it can just be the Third War of Stros M'kai.
>>shout system will be carried into the next game via Redguard anime sword abilities
This will definitely happen
>>wild card event gets thrown into the mix... dwemer and their robo demi-god return or some shit, and they're somehow no longer it's skin because REASONS.
Wrong. Orichalc Tower will appear off the coast accompanied by Sinistral Elves, who will declare a Jihad of vengeance against the Redguards. Lore focus will be developing the nature of the previous Kalpas and further developing the consequences of Alduin's absence as the World Eater.

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Why do they have beard braids like Babylonians?

>Numidium retroactively deletes the Altmer like in c0da
>Dwemer replace them as a playable race

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Imperials put the empire in danger when they allowed the Dominion to bend the empire over a barrel in the treaty.

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>further developing the consequences of Alduin's absence as the World Eater.

Call me a lorelet, but was is the ES universe fucked because it doesnt have Alduin as a reset button?

If the Kalpa never ends, everyone will likely realize they're in a dream. Alduin is/was the failsafe to prevent that from happening.

Also there's a giant robot coming to buttfuck Nirn at the end of the fifth era or something idk.

The longer the world goes without a reset, the easier it is to confuse the Dreamer and exhausts the Aedra. This Increases the frequency of Dragon Breaks, Mantlings, and individuals capable of CHIM, Amaranth, or Zero Summers showing up, who cause their own problems.

The truth is, we don't really know. We can just make some educated assumptions, like others have mentioned more time for beings to achieve chim or dream breaking events etc.

Kinda like a program becoming glitches overtime because of too many changes.

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