Fuck consolewars, fuck politics, lets have a motherfucking monster hunter thread

fuck consolewars, fuck politics, lets have a motherfucking monster hunter thread

>hopes for iceborne?
>potential switch game?
>monsters you want back?
>rad weapon concepts?

and most importantly,
>why are longsword and dual blades users so braindead?

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user, you're trying to talk about Monster Hunter, there's guaranteed to be consolewars involved

try making some bait or inflammatory remarks in your next op instead of trying to talk about videogames

but i just want to talk about videos games!
this is the video games board!
we used to do this all the time

sorry user, this is Yea Forums after 2016 and MHW, get a time machine and try again

>hopes for iceborne?
More content that isn't strictly arch tempered shit
>potential switch game?
Not a world port. Maybe a spin off.
>monsters you want back?
Every iteration of nargacuga
>rad weapon concepts?
I'm am creatively handicapped.

if only

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>why are longsword and dual blades users so braindead?
Because those weapons are used by people who play team games as a sole player and are incapable of working with people.

I still would like to see these concepts made into actual weapons

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I guess
>rad weapon concepts?
A Crescent moon blade that can be thrown and Manually pulled back or otherwise comes back on it's own as a boomerang. Maybe use the manual pull back to pull yourself too the monster if it connects.

this is really cool but i would feel super bad seeing my dog bro get fireballed

>you're trying to talk about Monster Hunter, there's guaranteed to be consolewars involved
I miss when this wasn't the case.

its a shame too, MH threads were some of the comfiest on the whole board
i guess now everything has to be about leftists or basedboys or whatever the fuck r/thedonald rejects like to talk about

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Why can't we have an estoc? That would make an amazing weapon.

oh shit yeah actually
thrusting weapons in general that arent lances would be great overall

>Unga bunga
>Me hammerfag
>KO stinky monster, run up and start Big Bang combo on head
>Naruto running behind me like a faggot
>Fucking Naruto ruins my combo
>Golf swing Naruto into space any time he gets close to me for the rest of the quest
>Point emote is "ARR! The head is mine!"
>Me hammerfag

for me its usually
>beat kushala or teostra or whatever to shit, about to place bombs and stuff
>the rest of the team place their bombs with me, get into the perfect position for a true charge
>xxShadowWolfBladeHunterxx the dual blades main casually runs up and lightly taps the bombs with his fat rolls
>monster wakes up and he immediately carts
>cant get the head break in time so no horns

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>hopes for iceborne?
Honestly just more stuff, monster and maybe something new gameplay related
>potential switch game?
Highly doubt it would run the game and if it does, I doubt it will run above 25 fps
>monsters you want back?
Anything is fine by me as long is not another fucking rathalos
>why are longsword and dual blades users so braindead?
A good longsword user is literally cheating since they have permanent temporal mantle if they are good, or how huge DPS you can do with elemental duals , but of course the weapons sadly gets used by mostly retards.

isn't that shit already in game? In xx or some other one?

Frontier has magnet spikes, but it's more of a crescent scythe with a weird attract/repel mechanic that flings you around than a boomerang, you don't even throw it

Tri, Freedom Unite, and Portable Third are peak Monster Hunter.

That seems relay nice idea on paper.
Can't imagine it ingame without glithes and lots of bugs

This seems like it would be pretty easy considering there's already monster on monster interaction. Only issue is balancing and that it's basically such a minor component to the game while at the same time potentially game changing that it scares off old MH players.

>hopes for iceborne?
Don't really have one beyond the basic "more monsters please".
>potential switch game?
For it to come out on other platforms too. I've got nothing against the Switch but I don't own one because I'm not spending my dollary doos on it for one game.
>monsters you want back?
Lagiacrus. And a big pile of others.

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