
>Jeff constantly shitting on let's players during SleepyCast, and expressing such vile disgust at the thought of even being one.

>SleepyCabin let's play w/ JEFF!!!!!

What happened, bros?

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He's still best boy.

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Seems he enjoys spending time with and helping out his friends.

Well obviously he was shitting on something he never tried and his only reference point at surface level was boring schlubs filling dead air in slow hide-and-seek games.

It's an inevitably

jeff still has loads more integrity than Arin, though

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Sounds like a sellout faggot like most of these sorts of people

literally who

If he’s dropped both the furfags I might actually watch him. Has he?

bring zach on with corey so we can have some real sleepykino

>Corey is back to his old autistic spaz self and not boring like the Shantae videos


>pewdiepie is way more based than egoraptor now
What a reversal

They're gone until they need money again

Thank God they're replaying SA2 without Matt ruining the let's play

yeah dingdong and julian left and he's currently doing/has been doing a bunch of stuff with sleepycabin members


yea, they're gone now.

i liked matt. ryan is a fag though.

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

Literally the opposite.

*screeches at you*

>not a furfag too

this but, and i cannot stress this enough, unironically

>If he’s dropped both the furfags I might actually watch him. Has he?
Yep, thank god. Julian and Ding Dong are gone for good, hopefully.

That's his one good gag, everything else is him just talking incessantly and hoping something funny comes out.

how the fuck did we get here?

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This is the best lost episode followed by Niall's tinder update

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Arin will never let Matt/Ryan collaborate with Chris now that Egofag is a corporate shill. They even released an official compilation of Arin talking about Wendy's.

Mighty Morphing Shitty Jobs is easily the best

He’s an autist but I don’t think he’s a furry

Jeff, Cory, and Stamper were based af

He said on sleepycabin before that he likes furry porn, but I don't think he dresses up or anything