Have you ever beaten an entire game in one sitting?

Have you ever beaten an entire game in one sitting?

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Now that I think of it, only Super Mario Bros. One

sounds bullshit

Uhm, you can beat SMB 1 in less than 5 minutes so that is NOT an accomplishment, sweaty...

Metal Gear Solid 1. I've played that game in a single sitting twice.


Spec Ops: The Line

Star Fox 64 is the only one I can think of

I played through all of Hotline Miami 2 in one sitting the night it released. That's the only one I can remember right now.

Portal, if that counts.

The first Spyro the Dragon, Medievil, and Dark Souls after playing it a ton of times.

>random drunk guy supposedly only needs a bit more than twice the WR speedrunning time to beat it
ya sure

Most people aren't speed runners and that isn't an accurate representation of average play session.

Plenty of older games that didn't have save points, sure. For newer stuff, I remember doing this with Bayonetta, LocoCycle, and Star Fox 64. I've probably done more than that though.

Yes, a couple of days ago. I didn't feel to good after sitting for nearly 8 hours playing. Made me realise how fucking long the castle section actually is.

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The only one I can think of is Luigi's Mansion. I've gotten close with the RE2 Remake, but I get bored once I get out of the sewers

A few games. HGSS, New Super Mario Bros, Halo 3, Legend of Zelda OOT, and back when WoW BC came out, I started a new character and played till the level cap, which was 70 I believe

Katana Zero and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines in the past week. Both pretty good.

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I finish mgs1 in a sitting twice yearly while getting hammered

bullshit, god I hate faggots that lie over trivial shit

When I first got my PS2 I was too much of a poorfag to get a memory card so I had to beat the games I had and the ones I borrowed really fast.
I beat Black, Call of Duty World at War and Shadow of the Colossus all in one sitting.

No. Closest I've come was Zone of the Enders, which I thought I was like halfway through so I quit for the night. Then I actually was at the end, and beat it like 15-30 min into my next sitting the next day

metal gear solid(ps1)
halo 1
dbz sagas

Nibba REmake 2 can be done in less than 2 hours

i maybe got up to shit or get food but RE2 remake was one continuous conscious experience for me, at least the first playthrough.

Imagine being this shit at an easy game like super mario bros.

Resident Evil 4, Sonic Mania, several MegaMan games

My PC died so all I had was a pstv.

I played through all of persona 4 golden without ever stopping ot do anything else but eat and sleep.

It was a pretty magical 3 day period.

I beat a ton of old games in one sitting on nes, snes, and genesis as a kid.



Wish I could say the same. I got walled pretty hard at Dead Ahead and Caught so it took me 3 days.

>this random guy got drunk at this party I was at
>he sits down in front of this SNES and slurs “watch this” to no one in particular
>sits there for 2 hours not talking to anybody
>randomly throws the controller down and shouts “DATS HOW YURRDURRA” and passes out
>no one pays attention to him
>i think someone pissed on him while he was passed out

RE7 for the "less than 4 hours playthrough" that I managed to take only 2 hours and 5 minutes in one sitting with completely foreign text and audio settings

I've routinely beaten Megaman 9 and Megaman X4 in one sitting. I think I've beaten MediEvil in one sitting once as well. There's also Spirit Camera but the game's almost supposed to be played that way.

Sunset Overdrive when it came to PC for no reason other than having the day off.

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I played through all of MGS 1 on PS1 a day before Twin Snakes came out. Was fucking great.

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Resident Evil 4, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy.
Also played Magicka 2 from start to finish with friend having just a break to eat.

mostly just really short ones like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 (it's really nice to just throw on the TV, sit with some buddies and slam through the game in an evening, takes like 6 hours or so), OutRun (all 5 endings in like half an hour), Sonic 3 (alone, didn't have S&K locked on)

there's probably more, but these are the ones I can say with 100% certainty
almost did Ape Escape like this when my dumb ass didn't have a PS1 memory card on me and I was visiting family (we had a PS2, and a PS2 memcard)

Toy Story 2 and Star command for ps1, I can blow through them in less than 3 hours. Toy Story 2's not that long really, only a couple things can impede you, like the GODDAMN MOUSE ON THE FUCKING CEILING! and Star commands just an on foot racer with it's only difficult level being the one with Wirewolf. either I beat Wirewolf on my first go or my 3 hour play session goes to 6, I suck at that level.

Tony Hawk Underground

shit ton of FMV's

Dead Rising 1
7 Day Survivor

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Game has to be at least 6 hours long to count so no.

105%'ed Crash Bandicoot 3 one day when I was sick from school.
Also had a time in my life where I would play through Kirby's Dream Land on my Gameboy whenever I knew I had to wait 15-20min for something.

DKC 3 isn't hard speedrun wise if you do go for bonus.

The actual big boy is DKC, due to some necessary and frame perfect trick you need for WR. Current WR got every one of them except Kremtut. , so it's really close to the best possible time a human can get.

Fatal fucking Labyrinth.

What a nightmare.

don't go* for bonuses.

Also the first 2 worlds have a warp in every stage so ez pz

Maybe hes retarded and it took him over 12 hours.

>telling stories about yourself that you cant remember

I feel him. Dong Cunt 2 is my comfort game. I can basically clear it without looking now. I use it to test upscaling and input lag because I'm so intimately familiar.

I'm glad they put the token cheat in so I can jump straight to the hard levels.

Pokemon Snap

I once pulled a Rich Evans and beat Dead rising from level 1 in one run.

It wasn't that hard and you don't get anything out of it, but I still take a modicum of pride in that,

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Many, many NES, Genesis, and SNES games expected you to beat them in a single sitting.

Sure. There were lots of NES games in particular that didn't have a save function.

Alan wake and sword of berserk guts n rage

Mass Effect
MGS 1-3
Crash Bandicoot
EU4 and CK2
Probably hundreds more.
When I was in Highschool I didn't have any friends so I would just play vidya all weekend non stop.
I would even cut time out of sleep on school nights to where I only got around 5 hours of sleep a night. I will probably die in my 40s because of it.

Saya no uta.

If you managed to rescue all the survivors too, then that's something to be proud of in one run, because what a fucking nightmare.

7 day survivor made me want to blow my brains out

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I get up to piss at least, but I've probably done it at least once or twice, yeah.

No honestly. Not that I can recall. Maybe if its like a short flash game or something. Maybe Cave Story, but I doubt it

Theater buzz light-year game was so awesome when I was little, but for the life of I could never beat wirewolf. That stage was horseshit.

I got most of them

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I got to the last boss of Streets of Rage with a chum the a few months ago on my old megadrive
good fun

DKC in one hour and 25 minutes

Good shit, fellow RLM poster

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DMC 5, I had been avoiding Yea Forums for weeks so as not to get spoiled, I played it the whole way through before passing out and waking up to look at all the shitposting here

REmake and RE0.

re4, 5 and heavy rain
im not proud of that last one

Fable 1(what a fucking weekend that was)
smb 1, 2, 3 and NSMB 1
banjo kazooie

Earthbound zero and wario ware smooth moves come to mind. I'm not even super into nintendo or anything. Wario ware on wii is one of the best drinking games of all time hands down.

yeah if you count the regular levels in super meat boy

I‘ve beaten Starfox Assault in one sitting. I thought you can unlock different routes / endings like in 64. I was dissapointed.

Aliens Colonial Marines, co-op, hardest difficulty. Was horribly disappointing. at one point a single xeno actually bugged out and started doing hit and run attacks, killing 3 of us in a corridor.

Same too. I had a rom collection and saw the name not knowing what it was and just decide to play it the way through.

Klonoa, but it's short as hell so it's not an impressive feat

I wish Katana Zero was longer.

i will probably pass out from playing bannerlord too much if i ever get to play it desu

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yeah but not in this decade

Turtles in Time

Interesting question, because it really makes me think about whether I’ve ever done it or not. Obviously short, run-based games like Binding of Isaac don’t count, so it took me a really long time to think about even one game, but then I remembered that I cooped Castle Crashers in one go with a friend when it came out on Xbox 360. It’s not exactly a long game, so it really doesn’t approach the marathons listed in this thread, but it really is the only game I’ve finished in one sitting that doesn’t involve repeated short runs.

Somehow I initially thought that I would have done more of those, but can’t think of anything else.

I got really sick while I was visiting my father when I was young. He had my stepmother at the time buy me whichever game I wanted from Walmart. That game was Pokemon Snap and I beat in one sitting while dealing with a massive fever and vomiting and shitting.

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I've played a lot of games over the course of a whole day in one sitting. Obviously some are too long unless you're replaying and speeding through or something. Years ago I would rent gameboy games and be super disappointed when I'd beat something in like 4-5 hours. That's why shit like Pokemon, Dragon warrior monsters, or any game with a lot of content were a big deal for me.

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I try to "one sitting" every game I play. because if I don't I end up not playing it again for a long time.

Binary Domain last year
Was recovering from the removal of all my wisdom teeth
Masterpiece, fucked that chink robot thot

God of War 3

Nu- Tomb Raider
played it the whole day and it was Ramadan aka fasting so i got jackshit to do or want to do

Samurai Western on PS2.
I don't know why, it's not even good.

bioshock infinite

What should I fap to, Anons?

I know right, even now that i'm older going as fast as I can, I can just barely scrap by that level.

Tomb raider remake

Every Army of Two. Every Gears of War. Every SNES Contra. Smas TV. Return of Double Dragon. Ninja Warriors. Mostly SNES beat em ups, actually. Alan Wake with all the DLC. RE0-5 yearly. GUN. Hybrid Heaven.

i finished sekiro in one sitting while on a 3 day long amphetamine binge

I've beaten Megaman X in one sitting multiple times.
Also beat DMC1 in one day but it was 2 sittings really.

Final Fight 3. I'm too old to remember anything else.

super mario bros
super mario world
the legend of kage
starfox 64
strikers 1945
p much any arcade game
star wars: jedi power battles
dead space
and probably a shitton more that i cant remember right now

DMC 5. Had something to eat at some point but I finished the game in just under 10 hours of the midnight release.

Yes I’ve ran through RE2/PE2/DC1/2 in one sitting I got down to an hour and 20 something minutes for PE2 I think maybe 1 1/2

I think the last one I did in one sitting was NES Castlevania, a month after he was revealed for Smash. Took me a couple of hours but beat it on the same day.

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Sometimes i do MM4 runs, Haven't submitted anything tho.

Practically once every summer for the last 10ish years.

Fucking love Metroid.

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Anyone who owned a Sega Genesis would have had to, since the games for that console never really supported saves.

I recall having to beat Zone of the Enders in one sitting because it wouldn't save. I dunno what was wrong with it, but no matter how many times I saved, the game said there was nothing on the memory card. Luckily, it was a very short game.

I love how mudslimes fast but dont do shit with it
Just another thing to complain about

There's a couple I've done if you count new game plus runs. I just beat Splatterhouse 2010 on brutal mode in one sitting, but that was after I was already fully upgraded and ran past enemies I didn't need to fight and spammed the strongest attack most of the game.

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This. Also Legend of Zelda, despite it actually having a save feature.

When katamari damacy dropped on steam I played it from start to finish in one sitting and haven't touched it since.

Boulder Dash, only because my game was fucked up and I couldn’t save

>Genesis didn't support saves
I though Sonic 3 & Knuckles had save files?

Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, yeah. And Star Fox 64 but that barely even counts.

When my brother died, I 100% Banjo-Kazooie in one sitting.

if anything, it gives us reason to be a lazy bum throughout the day

Oh, really? I thought that was something added to the PC version or something. I never really owned Sonic 3 for the Genesis. Still, the majority of the games I owned didn't support saves. Sonic 1 and 2, Vector Man, Lion King, Aladdin, Jurassic Park, etc., etc., none of them supported saves.

That reminds me, I used to have one of those 100 in 1 carts for Game Boy and along those games, it also had Oracle of Ages and Seasons but since it didn't have internal battery, it wouldn't save, so daily I'd try to beat the game in one go. I think I went as far as the seventh dungeon in Ages until I got stuck.

my second play of neptunia mkii was a 38 hour session

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Yeah I know man.
I had a whole family of mudslimes who did this. They’d claim Ramanland and then not work cuz muh faith and do nothing.
Good thing I am a Buddhist and I fast meditate and exercise for self-improvement.
I mean all faiths are useless if you don’t do anything with it and just say so you shit and don’t like Christians and Lent or Jews and Heaven on Earth.

diablo 2

I'm sure the genesis suported cart saving, It's just that the arcadey style of most of its games didn't require a save battery. But imagine if a game like Phantasy Star II didn't have save files.

Never been truly drunk before but once with my sister after each having a drink went to my room, turned on the computer and played some shitty game we picked at random from start to finish on Steam, it was around 21 and we finished at about 6:50, man, good times, I want to do it again but I just don't have the strength anymore. Blood Knights is a really good game btw

What was that like

Longest was probably kingdom hearts 2 on release. Had all my food and snacks and a piss bottle. Took a couple immodiums so that I wouldn't have to shit as well. Was a good time.

I had the master system and i remember some of the arcady games had password saves and that was a pretty big deal at the time. I think the first game i had that saved properly was Ys pic related and there is no way i could of completed this in a single sitting.

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Sonic Forces and I'm still mad.

Stayed up all night to beat Saints Row 3 when I first got it, up til 6 AM, it was aight, but fuck, was I tired. Probably wouldn’t do it again.

Did this same thing for megaman 2, but which is considerably easier if you cheese the game with metal man

Halo 3 with some random guys for the coop vid masters

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES
I do it every year, shit's great

Metal Gear Rising
Fable The Lost Chapters

Metroid Prime 1 and 2


I streamed the entirety of Metroid: Other M the very first time I played it for a charity several years ago. It took me 9 hours. I think part of me died that day.

Devil May Cry 5

Many nes games I had as a kid.
>Mega Man 2-5
>Mario 1 and 3
>Kabuki Quantum Fighter

On pc
>Diablo 2
>Titan Quest
>Deus Ex
>Heretic 2

very few Genesis games had save files

I do some Pokemon Speedruns

Uncharted 2.

Loved it.

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I don't have speedrun tier times on them, but I'm pretty good at Quake 2, Dark Souls, MGS2 and MGS3.

>Spider Man 2 for GC
>Smugglers run
>All MegaMan x games minus 7
>Goof troop
>Top gear
>MegaMan legends 1&2
>Many more

Need for Speed Carbon
Sonic Mania
Sonic Adventure
all very short games

Gears of War 3. Got it late in the night and finished it. Only reason I did was because the very next day we were leaving on a trip and I didn't want to get spoiled on anything.

super mario world
sonic 1 and 2 on master system
final fight 3

I beat Pro Skater 3 every day after school for a month.

bunch of ps2 games when i had no memory card, if i couldnt finish the game in one sitting i would try again the next day since i had no way to save progress

Metal Gear Solid 1. I didnt have a memory card.

Battlefront 2005 campaign

Gunstar Heroes

I bought it for my best friend's birthday, had no idea what it was but he was a Sega guy.

We holed up in his basement and played it all night until we beat it. It was fantastic.

>funny OP

I beat MGS4 in one sitting on release day. Honestly not sure how I did it, because I remember it taking a bit over 30 hours. Must have been the teenage stamina.

Done it for a number of the Halo games, and some others, that's about it.

Off the top of my head (not counting retro games): Ys Oath/Origin, Hollow Knight steel soul, and Sonic Adventure 2 all emblems.

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Aria of Sorrow I think. Just really had the itch after playing SoTN

this one time I got super drunk and got 22 headshots in a row playing cod mw2.

Remake 2, i think i did SOTN too but i don't remember

Good shit user.

I've beaten Zelda 2, Kirby's Adventure, Famicom Kid Dracula, and a good number of beat em ups in one sitting. I can probably remember more if I cared enough.


super mario world, a link to the past, evo search for eden, Magicka, Actraiser, Actraiser 2, Megaman x, megaman x2, megaman x3
probably some nes games like megaman nes but not sure
oh yeah and portal

dragon ball z sagas, and i felt nothing.

Wario World

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how do you know he's sweaty user

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I tried to do a no save, one sitting playthrough of REmake when I was younger. Got my head taken off by a hunter rounding a corner underground. Haven't touched it since.

Halo reach Laso, day before halo 4 came out. I wish I had known

Why is he sweating?

oh sweet jesus I hope you didn't 100% it

Tomb Raider reboot game 1. Beat it in about 6 hours

I did, it was a blast. took around 5 1/2 hours

Pretty sure you mean sweat jesus user kun

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I liked the game too it's just getting everything was a bit of a hassle for me.
Fuck Shivering Mountains.

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Starfox 64
Halo 2
Megaman 2, once a year every year for the last 16 years.

I beat Nier in one sitting. Not sure how I did it, or why I did it.

Rise of Nightmares.

Several times, but they're usually arcade shmups meant to go for 25-35 minutes a run. As in full console game, SOTN. Last Halloween I beat it 200.6% in roughly 5 hours

Loads you fucking plebs. On my second runs of games I speed through them faster than light.
Probably the longest I did in one sitting was Red Dead Redemption. I've also completed Infamous 2 three times in one sitting, after which I started almost hallucinating from sleep deprivation, kept seeing shit in the sides of my vision.


but Beanstalk way and Red Breif J's were based asf

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Why do you like the taste of penis so much?

Completed it in 40 minutes.

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>zoomers don't know there were tons of games that had no save or passwords

Gunstar Heroes, regularly

It's not beating a game but kinda related, I had a WoW friend who once played three days straight. At first I couldn't believe it but a bunch of people confirmed that he continued playing while some of us went to sleep and others jumped in for over 2 nights.
Mad man.

are all of you faggots too young for pre - N64?

Often, current games are just not that long in general and can be finished in about 8 hours, including side stuff.

I beat Bioshock: Infinite in one sitting. I regret it.

Silent hill origins on psp emulator, it was quite entertaining

Sonic 2, because I had no choice

Dead Rising 2 I lost the cool ass looking pen they gave you if pre ordered too

A few games:

Devil May Cry 1-5 (Not 2)
Zelda (LttP, MM, OoT, Zelda 1 and 2)
Mario 64
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
Every single hand-held Pokemon game up to BW2 (stopped playing afterwards)
Bayonetta 1 and 2
Final Fantasy 8 and Crystal Chronicles
Most Resident Evils (I don't like 6.)
Chrono Trigger 100% (I've learned how to speedrun this game a bit, 2 hours behind WR so its not too serious).

And many more I've forgotten about. Usually when I get a new game I wait until the weekend and beat it in one sitting. If I can't, I beat it then replay it with the knowledge I've gained in order to do so. After I beat a game in one sitting I declare it dead and stop touching it afterwards until I get bored or if the game has multiple difficulties. This list is assuming max difficulty on all the games btw (FF8 I play at minimum level but that's more like easy mode).

I also excluded Fighting games which is my favorite genre, because their story modes are bad and easy or easy but full of cutscenes.

pic related

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>got super drunk
Stupid fucking trend. Alcohol is a depressant, if you get super drunk then sit still in front of a screen you just get tired and go to sleep.
I can understand getting stoned and zoning out while playing a game but "super drunk is bullshit"
also usually done by americans because drinking is still enough of a novelty to them in their early twenties to boast about on social media inb4 obsessed

Turok 2 on N64 due to not having a memory card for saving

sweaty is the correct way to say sweetie over at tumblr

No shit, but I'm not a speed runner

MGS4 and I fell asleep during the final cutscene

frequently when i was younger. during the gamecube/ps2 days. many games could be completed in like 6-10 hours. that being said many games had a lot of replay value in the form of difficulties that change ai/enemy layouts, secrets and challanges. i remember renting that arabian nights styled sonic wii game from a blockbuster and then completing it in like 4 hours but then went back the next day to find all the secret shit i missed and get all collectibles.

make healthy life decisions and catch up on some sleep user

Metal Gear Solid 4. I was about to go to college and I knew I didn't have enough money for a PS3. So I went to Blockbuster and rented the game, then went to a local rental place that rented PS3s and rented that at $40 a night (wtf). I sat down and beat that shit in 18 hours.

I did that but I was sober, it took 4 hours, and it was shovel knight

You say 5 hours of sleep like it's something shocking. I live fine with 0,5 - 3 hours a night.

You could have just bought a movie instead, a lot cheaper.

Beat Tales of Vesperia in a little under 4 hours just to prove a point to some faggot

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kirby squeak squad. you can 100% it in like 3 hours with very little effort.
i wish i asked for a different game that christmas

Does getting 100% on a characters career in SSX Tricky count? I did that with Pysmon.

Squeak squad was strange, it was both bad and good at the same time

you're posting on Yea Forums, you're not fine

No joke - Dark Souls. I played the game two times for a few hours before getting stuck and ragequitting, and then a few months later, on the third playthrough it clicked. Oh boy did it click. I've been up for 45 hours playing it nonstop, start to end. This is why the "muh sekiro needs ez mode" seems so obscene to me. If dark souls had easy mode, I would've just turned it on and then never really loved the game. Would've just been a mediocre arpg.

This, the other night I got really drunk at my friends' house and proceeded to destroy the game up until Isle 3 because I had to go home and get to bed.

>Wow you're a huge faggot, user
That's a weird thing for a lesbian to say.

That's the joke

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I'm actually considering doing a drunk run of Shovel Knight because King Knight got delayed, I feel like it's one of those games that becomes easier if you keep playing it

I just recently beat DKC1 in 3 hours, I didn't die once until I got to some level in the 4th world

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i think i beat dark souls in like a 6 hour run in the backwoods of vermont before

Mostly as a teenager back in the 90's. Summer and weekends a good friend and myself would come up with bullshit challenges for various console games ran on native systems or emulators depending on the challenge. The standing rule was always no sleep and game sessions didn't begin until 11 or 12 usually. Most were beating games in one sitting and some repeats with special restrictions. The best of them in memory being getting my friend to beat super metroid completely out of sequence. I let him get a small way into brinstar then sent him back to to wrecked ship. Had to be on an emulator to even attempt. One particular part was a jump to get to the wrecked ship that had to be perfectly timed to approach without the proper power up. It took him 20 minutes just to pull the jump off. By the time he hit the boss it took another hour of agony as everything had to go perfect with next to no health and we thought we didn't even have enough missiles to finish it. Then into maridia and back into brinstar having to backtrack again. Probably took 7 or 8 hours and was a blast.

Prolly more but games that comes to mind:
DMC 1, 4, 5 and DmC
RE 1, 2(remake), 4, 5, 6 and 7
Zelda OoT, MM (with a friend), ww
Digimon World
Dark Souls 1 and 3
Fear 2 and 3
Pokemon yellow, ruby, bw2, xy, sun
Dead space 1 and 3
Half life 1, 2
Portal 2
Shadow of the colossus
tales of zestiria (newgame+)
ratchet and clank 1, 2, 3
megaman x8
Almost did ff13-2 and nier automata (all endings) but passed out near the end~

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Wario Ware Gold
It can hardly be called a game though, I regret paying 35 bucks for this

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is rich evans good at dead rising or something?

Just beat Aladdin for the SNES yesterday. Also beat KH2 during a marathon with my cousin years ago

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I've beaten Dark Souls 3 in one sitting a few times, about 2 hours 30 min for a playthrough, and without DLC or optional stuff I could probably get it down below 1:30.

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>implying you can beat MMOs

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I beat Kid Icarus Uprising over the course of a 14 hour car trip with my family

Only walking sims. Oxenfree and What Remains of Edith Finch.

beat the oblivion in one sitting. most of the side quests too. i was hospitalized for like two days. i might do it again.

DLC and sequel soon

Yes, but not recently. When I was a kid I would regularly run through Super Mario Bros in like 20 minutes or something like that, I knew a bunch of secrets/shortcuts which basically skipped most of the game.

Did FFT in a single 2 and a half day binge when it first came out.

My brother actually did something very similar to this only it was a run of SWAT KATZ on the SNES.
He passed out with his face in the toilet as he was barfing after doing a celebration lap around the house.

He also spiked my controller into the sink.

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>Life is tumblr
>MGS 1-2-3-4
>RE 1-2-3-4
>Parasite eve 2
>Nier Automata
>Time Splitters 2
>TR legend-anniversary
>The Last of US
In one sitting some of them several times , im currently trying to get better at RE2 remake Hardcore speedrunning.

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I remember marathoning Advance Wars DoR back when the 3ds first released. I've probably done other ones more recent but the DoR playthrough is at the top of my memory because it's still my secondlongest average playtime on the 3DS activity log with 18 hours in one session.

When my grandmother and grandfather died within like a month of each other and I didn't go in uni because they recommended me not too, I just sat there and played pso2 for like nearly two days without sleeping, eating or using the bathroom according to my roommates

Don't know how I didnt die desu

I wish I could do that. I get to the 2nd cave and lose all interest

BioShock Infinite

It was the first video game I'd played in about 10 years, barring a MW2 phase in my teens

I've done this for several of the Resident Evil games, since that's how you unlock stuff.
One night many years ago I decided to stay up all night, so I played Sands of Time all the way through.
When Portal 2 came out I immediately played it from start to finish. I think I only paused once or twice to eat a sandwich. It was a fantastic experience.

I can beat pokemon ruby/sapphire in a few hours if I use an emulator and hold down the spacebar to speed it up

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First and Third Halo, GOW 1 and 2, and the LoTR the Twin Towers for the Xbox. I went with normal for both halos and Casual for Gears and whatever the mid difficulty for the LoTR games was.

You don't need to be a speedrunner to do it. I have a 2 hour run that wasn't hard to do. Just know where to go and don't waste time or do needless backtracks.

Persona 5 for me

the only one that comes to my mind is portal 2 on release day
i got home and played the game for about 7 hrs acording to steam

Does the Endless Setlist/Bladder of Steel in Rock Band 2 count?

Fighting Force on ps1.

>fake shit i made up for internet points: the post

what was your final playtime?

Most Megaman games, Hollow Knight, and Punch Out a few times each. I just did Return of the Obra Dinn and Katana Zero in the same day.

>Sonic Adventure 2 all emblems



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>I once pulled a Rich Evans and beat Dead rising from level 1 in one run.

My friend brought over Mario Odyssey a few days after it came out, and I played through the entire game in about 7 hours. I think I got around 500 moons. Even he was impressed at how fast I was going through it (he already beat the game so I wasn't ruining anything for him)

many but the first one that comes to mind is Sonic R which i love to 100% every once in a while, takes about 30 mins

I can't remember, I think it was over 50 but under 100. This was at least 3 years ago.

I've been thinking about having another go at it, there's a few social links I barely got into.

Yeah, RE2Remake has become my favourite non-fighting game.

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some kirby games, both pacman games from the ps1 and crash ctr

Dark Souls 2 avoiding most optional areas and using the most OP weapon (Grand Lance)

>make game an hour long and bundle it with a movie, sell it on blu-ray for the price of a movie
>release game digitally with no movie, $40

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Pretty much every 2D Mega Man and Classicvania.

Ratchet: Deadlocked, it was pretty short and easy though.

Plenty of times but its usually old, shitty snes/dos games or shovelware. Friends and i have bet money against it each other to do things like "beat Polar Express for GCN in under 2 hours" or "ill give you five bucks if you can beat rugrats: studio tour on ps1"
Its pretty fun, the longest i ever played straight was 14 hours straight to beat Lawnmower Man on snes

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I beat Digimon World 2 in 1 sitting. I think my final time was 32-33 hours and something.

Only one I can think of recently is RE2.

You just need something else to do during it. Run around and grab all the items you'll need for survival and then take them all into the theater where you won't get attacked or anything then use an online timer or something to keep track of when you need to eat and then just browse the internet or watch tv or something. I just played through Penumbra Black Plague.

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Vanilla doujins

Mega Man X, LttP, OoT, Demon's Souls

Last week I was suffering from insomnia and decided it would be a great idea to beat the entirety of Mega Man 10 in one drug fueled 2 1/2 hour session.

A lot, yeah. Plenty of my favorites offered no other option before savestates happened. If you mean marathonning it the first time I played it, TMNT2: The Arcade Game, Ghost Trick and Shovel Knight. Awesome times.

I literally could not stop playing Shovel Knight when I first got it and beat it all in one sitting too. Fucking gem of a game.


Dota 2

>7 Day Survivor
RIP my 1st and second 360

Mostly games from my childhood. Spyro, Resident Evil, Luigi's Mansion, and more recently RE2make and DMC5

Wait. That's not how you're supposed to play dead rising?
I picked up the PC version when it came out and binged the game for like one sitting. Hardest part was that clown fucker, but God damn did he drop soem sweet weapons. I saved all but 4 or 5 of the survivors too. Due to conflict of time with the story shit.

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metal gear solid 3

i remember it was like noon when when i started and then it got dark and then light out again and started to get dark again. i wasnt even tired i felt like i should lay down for a bit

Super Mario Odyssey

REmake 2
Well, one route at least

When he and bald guy used to play video games on stream, rich did a full run of it and got all survivers in one sitting
He spitted the final boss to death

>mfw when I was in highschool I used to constantly beat games in one sitting
>fast forward 10 years and the first game I did it to since was La-mulana
>literally sat there for 40 hours
>I was a NEET at the time
>when La Mulana 2 came out I tried to do it again, but had to work a shift inbetween but then it was a long weekend and I stayed up late to beat it. 6 hours first time then 20 the 2nd sitting

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Yes. Most games nowadays are piss easy 4 hour long piles of shit.

La Mulana 2 was so disappointing. Like half the game was "find password on slab -> go to correct room -> use password"
so lame. fuck mantras

fastest donkey kong country speedrun is like 45 minutes, so it's quite doable

I remember going through the whole thing in one day. It was so fucking good.

Mgs3 as well.
>When morning comes I watch the boss cutscene of her dying

MegaMan X on gamecube.
Never played classic MegaMan games so I loved it

>Tfw pirated the game
>Loved it so much that I bought it.

I almost did Alpha Protocol in one sitting. I went to sleep, and immediately starting playing it when I woke up.
Fuck me that game was good.

the only game i've beat in one sitting is sonic forces because i don't have the attention span to sit down over 3 hours
also goddamn what a waste of money sonic forces was

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Several. A bunch of Genesis and SNES games that didn't have passwords, mostly. Like Super Godzilla.

I was dead broke at the time and a friend bought it for me. Fuckin' love that dude nohomo.

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I had a fucking blast user. LM2 was pretty fun even if some of the puzzles were not as cryptic as the original. The platforming and action were much tighter and the mini bosses were much more fun. Also the music was so fucking good I had it in my ears for like 2 months at work. This was my favorite track. youtu.be/rXe-Dc5UFk0

My only complaint about La Mulana 2 is that I wanted more. But honestly, even if they doubled the content I still wouldn't be content since the game was literally one of the best I've played in 30 years. (Jesus fuck I have been playing vidya for 30 years.)

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Every November 16th.
Half-Life 2

>Two Towers

Back in my day, that was the only way to beat them.

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You're married and have kids right?


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Probably but I can't remember. So probably not. I did watch all of serial experiments lain in one night though, hell of a trip.

Prince of Persia: Two Thrones.
Got it as a christmas gift when I was a teenager and beat it right there while stuffing candy in my face, and ended up being super disappointed.

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I beat runescape in one sitting.


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Sonic Generations and Portal 2.

Not very long games but yeah.

I like 100%ing tony hawk 2 once a year

ive probably beaten at least 20 games in 1 sitting. can easily beat 2 in under an hour, maybe 3

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I hope it gets reworked some like La Mulana 1 did, some of the later bosses were a bit easy although I got extremely lucky on that golem boss and 1 cycled him without moving.
La Mulana is still the coolest shit.

my brother and i used to beat Streets of Rage2 with the mania mode cheat on every night before bed. were some kino times. hes in prison now

mirrors edge and most of the other laughably short trash that was released around that era

no one gonna say anything about that watermark?

Bioshock, Hotline Miami, Starfox 64, Portal, Portal 2 and Tony Hawk's Underground.

ME was plenty long for what it was, considering half your time is spent staring at fucking pipes.

Yea Forums is reddit

Didn't even look at the image.

everything up until the final level played like a tutorial level. i thought "finally, game is starting" and surprise its the last level because its ea

Most Super Nintendo and Genesis beat'em alls.

I enjoyed catalyst a lot more, it definitely was more 'casual' but it also didn't feel as clunky. the only part about the sequel i didn't like was how disjointed the open world map was.

Considering the amount of indie games with 1-2 hours of playtime, this is not a hard thing to do. For example, I beat Epitasis today, took me 1½ hours.

Just say nigga, you sound retarded.

My brother beat Run Saber in about 18-20minutes in one sitting and not dying once. Just ran and sabered.
Blew my little kid mind. Then we played co-op and he started to talk to me about Metal Slug and Super Mario RPG which he wanted to show me next.

thanks so much bro i miss you

I don't start a new game on REmake 2 anymore unless I intend on finishing it that session. Doesn't even take a couple hours if you know what you're doing.

>using warp pipes

Mortal Kombat 9 comes to mind

I beat Dark Souls 1 in 1 sitting.

Probably not as impressive as everyone else, but I finished Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs in one day twice. Did most of the sidequests on my first playthrough.

No More Heroes 2. What a shit game.

Wait, why is beating a game in one setting such a big deal? I mean, that's exactly what you had to do with most games back in the day. Don't tell me you faggots beat Super Mario Bros. / Shinobi / Sonic 2/ whatever using save states

I meant sitting*

Portal 2
Orange box was the only game I had on Xbox so I played the games a million times. So one night I'm at a sleepover and my friend had it
>tfw I stayed up the whole night playing while everyone else was sleeping and beat portal 2 in one night

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The average Yea Forumsfag grew up with PS1/N64

Played through Super Mario Bros 3 with a friend while drunk.

Go to bed Steve

I remember beating Dawn of War 2: Retribution SM campaign in a single afternoon. First thing I did when I got home from school it was also my birthday too.

Portal 2, the night it came out, after working on the ARG for hours. It was amazing and I cried.

This is part 3 and the end. Just look for part 1 and 2 if yah need to.