bout to start this garbage Yea Forums, never played any dmc games before so no idea whats about to happen. I don't want tips or anything I just want to know going forward should I use a k+m or controller?
Bout to start this garbage Yea Forums, never played any dmc games before so no idea whats about to happen...
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alright, thanks my man
Did this really shock anyboduy?
Does anyone genuinely give a shit about story in a devil may cry?
I cared about dmc3's story. It was simple but it DID make me care about the characters.
the characters are fun don't really care about the story
>Does anyone genuinely give a shit about story in a devil may cry
you'd be surprised.
Controller, all DMC's were designed around it after all
And please for the love of God learns how to exceed I hate it when newfags don't use it
If he never played DMC before he won't know who the fuck Vergil is retard.
Fuck no nobody cares about the story, that's the point
Speak for yourselves. If people didn't care about the story then they wouldn't have released 2 manga volumes, comics, an anime, 6 novels, and netflix show coming soon. And the weekly/Monthly Manga series about V running right now
Yes, playing on keyboard is actually a lot better.
And remember, if you beat the game on demon hunter difficulty you haven't fully experienced the game.
DMD difficulty demands you to use all game mechanics to beat enemies and bosses.
I went through the game on DH an it was meh as fuck but now on DMD it's totally differemt game, a lot better, bossfight in episode 12 is so fucking good i'm fighting with him everyday
Well I gave up for now, maybe I'll come back to it but this game is kinda fucking retarded
I seriously hope the people who love this game aren't the ones who shit on randy pitchford.
DMCfags are retarded and think this shit has a good story.
how does it not have a good story?
controller, and replay the game till you beat it on DMD
What's wrong, did something wrong happened?
Everything about the game so far just rubbed me the wrong way. I pirated it for this reason, because I wasn't sure if I would be able to push through the cringe for potentially good combat. I'll try it again to see if the combat gets good but 10 minutes of cheese was enough for today
>Well I gave up for now, maybe I'll come back to it
it's been 30 min lol
did you actually play any or did you just make this thread to falseflag?
Did you stop at mission 1? And what was so cringy about it? It seemed like a pretty shounen tier beginning nothing to be discussed it by. But did you really stop playing the game for it's story?
Controller but the k+m support for this game is fantastic too
The thing that got me into DMC was the lore back in 2005 on DMC3, get fucked
imagine being triggered by the word BADASS
probably a falseflag, there's alot of threads baiting KHfags too
i think he's back
>Yes, playing on keyboard is actually a lot better.
Is this bait?
not him but the keyboard and mouse support in this game is really good, i just play on controller because i'm already used to it
You can't even run around properly in an action game with WASD. I remember in the late 90s playing games like Mario 64 and Conker's Bad Fur Day on a KB/M with an emulator. It was fucking HORRIBLE. Some games are designed for a gamepad.
I just wanna say you're a fucking shitter OP
At least play 4
I played 1-3 and 4 for the first time a month ago to know what the fuck is happening in 5 and to really get to know the characters and appreciate the better gameplay