Hes going to be a Veena

>Hes going to be a Veena
Explain why you would do this to your XIV waifu

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know who you're talking about, but it's not me.

I want to breed a bun.

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I bet they fuck like jackrabbits. They'll probably pound your pelvis into dust at the speed of light

>making a bootleg Fran cosplay
>not a pale snow bunny

>not having a The Lost husbando

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Why would you want to be a nigger?

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They need to let you queue for Frontlines and Rival Wings at the same time. No one queues for Rival Wings because no one else is queueing for it so you can never get a game and you just waste time you could have spent queueing for Frontlines.

I'm not touching either of the new races. They look awful.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Better physical stats. More desirable to females. Free handouts.

Benchmark leaked.

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Then post it.

>your XIV waifu
She's staying cat.

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>playing anything other than Lalafell
Good goyim.

Anyone else fucking love this miqitten

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anyone got a link to the stream where image takes place?

Boy, I hope her shirt doesn't lose a button. Her breasts would end up flopping out everywhere. Maybe I should put something sticky in there just in case.

I love fucking this miqitten

Tater for life unless they add yukes which are never ever.

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Anyone who's not a pedophile forgot about her in HW.

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I'm going max height so it evens out

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I'm not going to be viera at all. I'm staying a catgirl forever

too cute. I wish we could make miqittens to play as

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>I play roe

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you're not a bear you're just fat

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Who wants to be a cave demon?

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why is every non hyur/elezen player so fucking weird
you guys are weird

based roe

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raiding power rankings

primal > crystal > aether

>playing as a girl

Yeah...last I checked I'm not gay, sorry pal.

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Why would Australians play on gaijin worlds?

I fucking hate this cunt

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EU chad here.



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Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, don't stop KHHHLLLOEEEEEEEEE YEESSSS

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>playing the game at all

Come back when you can play with the alpha JP chads mudslime

Final fantasy bring back beast race chad lion too.

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Yoshi already confirmed that EU is the pretenious artistic Server Group

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whut u lookin at pussy cat?

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No one queues for Rival Wings because it's shit.

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What do, friends?

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and where is this so called leak

I'd show her my weenah

>use it
>sell it
>discard it

>tranny faggots will never know the pleasure of suckling on these fat bara tiddies

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I'm not sure if I should start doing savage in the next raid. I never seem to have enough time to have a steady schedule to actually do things. I as well don't want to be fixed into doing it every week.

Does any FC just do savage content whenever with any of the members and however they progress, the progress. Not really sure if it makes sense.

So since alts are literally nonexistent since progressing the game twice is insane does everyone buy the fantasia for these new races??

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PF is your best bet
Even then, it's extremely time limited before it turns to absolute shit in quality of players.

Alts are for more retainers and autism.

Just do it in PF.
Savage is easy as fuck.

Hm, looks like it's only selling for 14 million right now.


>No mods
No you dont

Salut o/ ^^;

Just pug raids if you don't have a consistent schedule.

I’m about to do Dun Scaith for the 1st time. What am I in for ?

Tbh I think I've spent roughly $80 in total for fantasia from 5 years playing, and even then I think that's a lot. How much have you bought in total?

I don't know, usually leveling parties dies in a week or two and I'd rather have a somewhat set group to do it together with. I guess what Tim asking for is there an FC that says "hey it's [savage night], anyone's welcome to come for this"

Pug it.

Scat's Hatch

none, i just know people do it. I made a catgirl 4 years ago when i started playing and the only thing I changed was my hairstyle once, I have no interest in being a bunny

People tunnel vision on scat and wiping to add

A lot of wiping on the first boss.

Using that free fantasia I still have on becoming either of the new races is an impossible sell for me considering I already have my edgy Warrior of Darkness glamour figured out and the helmet is a pretty important part of it
And also because I already had my perfect character from the get-go, of course.

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chords when?

i have 8 alts at least at 60
the autism is strong

>level 70 and still the only water spell whm has is fluid aura
>shitty ass useless fluid aura
We better get some big dick water in shad I tell you hwat

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No FC worth there salt with a raid group would ever cycle people out.

Not unless you make one but good luck with that. Personal responsibility is limited outside of statics and JP data centres. If you did manage to make one, it'd probably be shit.

You'll get butterflies and you're gonna like it

>only difference is a slightly less white skin
only xivirgins could fall for the viera meme

Well shit I've got 1 guy who only has DRK maxed and no field or trade jobs beyond 20. Grinding and farming is just not in my blood no matter how much I try.

>Tfw I change hairstyle every hour
This game is literally just a convoluted dress up game for me, like second life.

Don't worry user when fluid aura gets pruned you won't have any water spells!

>that image
Fuck off, NuclearShit.

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>Not wanting a visually nice race with no tail and good animations.
Helmets are overrated. Shame that midlanders have bad animations

I'm wondering, is there really FCs out there that actually does stuff with their members? Things like weekly FC meetings or extreme trial nights. FC events and the likes. Everytime I join an FC it always seems like a closed cliques with their discord being filled with "this DPS sucks, this healer sucks, my pussy is dilating" I just want some friends...

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Which server should I play on if I want to semi-hardcore raid?

>humans with bunny ears

Most FCs are initially formed by friends who know each other outside the game. Everyone else is just filler. Don't expect to get in the circle of anyone you don't already know.

The more normie the better chance of finding an FC like that.

I have a male character and a female character that's all you need

desu I don't enjoy playing the male character. there's no good glam, everything looks the same on men, and they move shittily and slow.

my static's fc does but they are entry level redditors/ super normies

where you from

I'm going to stick with my catgirl, she's already perfect so no need for any Fantasia

Consider: Will you ever even use it?

You don't need an FC for that. FC is just a formality. I generally find people through discords, before it was guildworks and linkshells. You find people you like to play with, you stay in touch, not the other way around.

What set is that?

I was in a normie FC before where they did pony farming and tried to get people into savage raiding. A few of them cleared o9s but most were really awful so I don't think they would get very far



My suggestion is to get into raiding and find a static. It's the only content where you'll be forced to spend enough time with other people to get to know them. From there, you may be able to discover FCs where you'll be able to do stuff with people.

Probably a few but most are just discordniggers. I gave up and just went solo FC. Patrician choice in ffxiv it seems.

Yeah exactly. What's wrong can't handle it?

I'm not looking to raid so that's fine. However most FCs I join off PF or through friends it's just quiet in there. Doesn't help that I get ghosted whenever I ask what's up

is it possible to find a static without doing the whole stupid "friends" thing and "getting to know each other" IRL? I really don't care about the person playing the character I don't want to know anything about you this is just a game to me period. I'm not looking for friends I just need a group to meet with a couple times a week and prog.

I was in an FC that had a mid tier boomer streamer as leader and we did events all the time. Too bad he started playing Warframe and totally fucking forgot that he didn't give anyone else officer privileges or invite privilege so when he cut playtime down to a few hours of afk "playtime" the FC stagnated and died. Real shame because it was the best time I've had in this game

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destroys the roegadyn population

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What population

you literally need none of all of that
it's mostly a job application process depending on how hardcore you want to play and how good the group is you are applying to

lol no

>people actually care so little about their character that they constantly Fanta to the next "big thing"

Is it mental illness or something? I've played male Wildwood from the start and I have zero desire to play anything else.

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Goddamn what was the point of leaking those instagram pictures if it was delayed.
I swear ever since that big nosed chink started showing his face SE's been sinking faster than a pig in a tar pit.

Well, look. Why would anyone talk to you? You gotta be into something. Raiding, RPing, housing, something.

Honestly I like them more then Roes. Hearing my 30 year old Boomer FC mate get hyped for Ronso was great.

Just being friends isn't good enough?

What's this about?

Wait it was delayed? Why? Whens it coming out now?

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I'll never understand people who constantly fantasia either. I've been playing a female wildwood since August 2013 with absolutely no intention of ever changing.

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roe and hrothgar are going to be femroe levels of extinct by 5.1

fanta blobs are the most unstable persons in the game
it's like those freaks trying to change their bodies constantly thorugh surgery

It's the same mindset as people who name their characters shit like Dick Mcflurry or Sister Fister. They don't know how to get immersed.

>for chris

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That's not being a friend that's being an acquaintance.

I guess not huh. Kinda thought this game would be easier to socialize in but nobody wants to do anything except complain about content or other players.

You have to put more effort then just. "Let's do content" Have you ever thought you might just be a boring person.

i have 3 characters i really like so its hard to settle with just 1

It's a thing with mmos in general. pessimism, people getting old. "negativity is edgy and good" weird devs that run around in circles.. and of course how people just hang around in discords all day instead of playing together. not a xiv thing even if it's blatant but xiv provides a surprisingly large amount of places to chat with filthy randoms.

Rava all the way. Too bad 90% of them will be Veena shits with heterchromia.

Man fuck you. Go eat a dick

*gives their veena a light tan*
heh, i want to see how they will notice now

I can't wait to make my chocolate bunny. I even grinded sohm al for gear so I can go maximum Amazon .

There's literally nothing to do or discuss right now unless it's an active social FC. That and people probably won't bother with you until you're provably not a shitter that will waste their time.

You're only proving my point. You are acting like he epitome of " Oh woe is me why won't anyone talk to me even though I don't engage or put myself out there." Just being in a guild doest entitle you to friends.

its because nobody actually plays this game, its literally just furries, trannies, and ERP's

mooncatgirl here
never gonna stop

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I think you're all getting what I'm trying to ask wrong. I'm asking if there's FCs out there that actively engaged with it's members to do FC events or helping newbies out or hell just talk about something not xiv related.

The fuck are you talking about? I'm engaging. I'm putting myself out there. I get fucking ghosted because I wasn't part of the OG groups. I'll help out in the FC yet I won't even get a thanks or anything.

Still waiting on this.

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Viangaa for 6.0 yoshi.

Will till the Sharlayan expansion

>active social FC
It's what you're looking for and not what you're in.
Literally in the post ffs.

I would like to Rava some Veena.

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I used fantasia 3x to change eye color

I went into the game hoping I could play as Viera. So yes, I'm changing.

I'm going to remain an Elezen, thanks.

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I've been a Lalafell since I started but I changed from a Plainsfolk into a Dunesfolk with my free Fantasia because I like their eyes more and I play casters more often anyways, so may as well take advantage of the higher starting stats.

>spending 4 bucks every 2 or 3 months is mental illness
calm down elezincel don't shoot up the thread

someone explain why people keep doing weird shit for earthquake in o9s.. DABC, ABCD, why the fuck can't everyone just do CABD which is the standard? it makes no sense to just do these random shits for no reason.

Augmented Lost Allagan Helm of Healing, dyed ink blue
Augmented Rathalos Mail, dyed ink blue
Bonewicca Soother's Gauntlets (undyable, so they dictated the colour of the other pieces, pretty much)
Hakama #55
Augmented Rathalos Greaves, again dyed ink blue
Also Book of Diamonds as the weapon glam but books are all kinda samey

I used maybe like 10 fantas on skin color

>understanding pug strats
>putting effort into understanding pug strats

why would it matter
just stand on the person you need to and get hit by stuff if you are dps

How's life like having more money than brain cells?

Not my fault the game lighting is shit

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The monster hunter set using an alexander helm I think.

Viera are trash and people who want them in the game are trash.

No, you're just shit at using the character creator

You in NA?

Saturday 8pm EST for Aether, Primal and Crystal

Those pug strats are probably better than whatever garbage your group came up with

>t. Brumeciafag

absolutely disgusting

Doesn't matter, I never need to pug and they make tons of retarded decisions on planning and execution anyway.
I can push risky strats for minor gains because everybody is competent.


>Start in 3.0
>Decide to play a fem Xaela WHM since I never played female character or any healer in a mmo
>Can't get into my character at all, she looks cute and nice but I feel like I have no connection to her
>Use one of my 2 free Fantasia and turn male roe
>Never changed since then

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>I can push risky strats for minor gains
Western mentality in a nutshell.



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i got all achivements years ago
stormbabies are really pathetic

got my coat, fuck everyone else.

nice shoop

>People keep mispronouncing "Helion"
Come on guys, they gave the reasoning for the name right there, it's obvious how to say it.

I just know my static and what they're capable of. I can use that in planning and prog to our advantage. Stay mad, stay bad.

This is totally fine, using one Fanta because you didn't bond with your character and sticking with your new choice is perfectly acceptable. If you didn't get buy a lore appropriate name-change you're a bitch-ass nigga, though.

Not really, but ok retard

camp bluefrog
allagan tombstone
scat hatch
dune skaith
cayt sith
koo chewlain

How are people saying it that you have a problem with?

>took 10 fantas to get a skin colour right
>not shit
pick one

There's no way people can't pronounce tomestone right

How do I git gud at PVP? specifically frontlines

>having to live with the reality that you were not molested by a sexy milf, Thirsty for shota
I'm glad I'm not immortal, living forever like that would be fucking hell

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i assume "heelion instead of he-lion"

whatever bud nobody gives a fuck about gaelic shit

you play machinist

pick one

How is RDM in pvp?

Because I want to be a big dicked bunny slut to procreate with other no dicked bunny sluts

Probably Hell-Eon instead of Heel-Eon

I was thinking hellion since that's, you know, an actual word. Without seeing the lore explanation, which is stupid and reads like an attempt to justify a dumb Japanese pronunciation, I wouldn't think to say it the way they apparently intend.
Heelion is correct, by the way.

not enough burst to matter and melee combo puts you in high risk to get bursted yourself

>game is basically free right now
>still need 5 golden feathers to get twintania mount
Can I recruit a friend myself and then pay one month sub to get the remaining feathers?

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the only caster worth playing is BLM

hrothgay is the correct pronunciation for both clans



kill yourself faggot

Khloe a best

too static and slow to get reliably kills for battle fever

My Roe name is "Akam Mizuna", which kinda sound like "Aka/Red" and "Mizu/Water" and in my headcanon, he originated from Hingashi.
So technically, it respect the naming convention.

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I beg to differ.

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In PvP, it is.
AM travel, chase with Bliz/Fire swapping and big burst when you can turret (which is ridiculously often in anything other than 4v4), Heal with Convert, sleep bursting healers.
What's not to like?

Not worth it, melee combo is too risky. Play BRD or MCH. Get easy kills and damage.

how active is US server in the morning?
I'm in GMT+8 so evening for me is morning for EST, i'm afraid that's there no one to play with

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Bitch you are probably human skinned you can't understand

>dude i steamrolled once

>He’s playing as a female when he has a choice to be male

Fucking trannies mang

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A bit more than once.

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>burst on tap to snipe first few to fever and then snowball as you murder them on sight
It's a regular occurrence.

pls use my recruitment code friends.



What problems are you having with it?

>I was thinking hellion since that's, you know, an actual word
It's a play on words. You look at it and think hellion, but then see it's he-lion (male lion), and then there's the lore explanation.

Fuck your sleep and cast.

You'll hear the voice actors call them hell-ions and then you'll rage at the UK.

Depends what you want to do.

>Look ma, I said it again!

Bitch, I'm green.

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What are the odds they'll even voice the name? I think the only race name that's actually been voiced is Miqo'te, and that didn't happen until 3.5.


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N-Normal stuffs like trial and raiding?

It's deader than ded friend.

>10 fantas later
>settles on vomit as the perfect color
Bravo, lizard.

t. ranny


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Only alive through DF. Savage and EX PF are dead until prime time. Hell, everything is dead in PF until peak hours after the DC expansion.

I'm not the 'tard that spent 10 fanta

It's not he-lion though. It's helio as in heliocentric.

That bad huh, damn

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Leave the Gareleans to her

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Roegadyn and Au Ra have also been said.

Is it exclusive to Palace? I've done a LOT of Heavens but haven't seen one.

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If you can't see the play on words, you're an idiot.
When? I thought they'd only been said by Koji on livestreams.

It literally tells you that's what the reference is.

Hancock says them in reference to Gosetsu and Yugiri in early Stormblood.

Dodo's from HoH, Black Pegasus is from Palace.

drops from platinum bags

Dodo is HoH

>scholars came to call them 'Helions" after observing how the people's lives all but revolved about their queen's needs, as planets circle the sun.

*for her

I understand what the actual meaning is you stupid fucks. Do you actually not understand what a play on words is?

>paying rent for a virtual house

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>15 bucks for base game and HW
Should I get it? I don't how to do the twitch thing

>Platnum bags

Well that explains it, thanks. Come to think of it I haven't tried either set of high floors.

Evidently you don't if you think that very clear instruction is a play on words that doesn't even make sense.

>camping for days next to a virtual land plot with a script on trying to quickly outbid other scripters due to an RNG system implemented so you never know when that plot is available to buy

yoshi-p more like yoshi-peepee

>he plays as a male when female characters are 1000% better in every way in this game and all the glamour in the game is literally designed specifically for female characters

Take your meds.

does it come with the free month sub? if so then yes because it's like getting the game for free since the sub is $15 a month

because for some fucking reason there is not a single dedicated australian/oceanic server.
the ping is fucking miserable no matter where you go for us spiders.

>a male-only race of lions having a name that looks like he-lion is totally a coincidence

>Silicone nuts thinks anyone that thinks his plastic cock and balls are disgusting is a tranny.


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>look better
>have better animations
>have more and better glamour options
the devs obviously want you to play a female character so quit being a wanna-be macho faggot and make a cute catgirl already.

the only world beating jp in terms of clears is an NA one, anything else EU cuck?

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The gaelics do and learning to pronounce their fucked up names at least is a good in if you want to fuck qt red heads

>a male-only race of lions
>all Hrothgar are lion-based

If you do the teach thing you can get HW for free now.

They're not male-only though and don't all look like lions, and that doesn't change the fact that the word's derivation is made perfectly clear and isn't a play on words.

>have better animations
I would pay out to have my fem highlander use the male's WAR idle stance. Even potatoes get it. It's not fair.

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Is this the power of burger education?

maybe the fact that an eu group got world second for ucob while na trannies let pet die to not accomplish anything

>RMT faggots just burn a few million gil on a small plot so they can use the move function to bypass all this shit
Not really the "fair" they'd hoped for when they implemented this random timer bullshit.

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I hope you love *clenches fist* Highlander.

>need to take a shit in the middle of frontline
>check every min or so
>lala standing next to me
>murder him before he can do anything
>back to shitting

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They're male-only for players and they're all large cats. Yoshi-P also wore a lion shirt for their reveal. You niggers have to be this obtuse on purpose.

You should have spent 10 fantas too

>greylet literally paying for parses
if you see this faggot, be sure to call him out

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Yoshida has literally said they'll have a wolf and ronso head.


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Pick something less stupid to bait about.

>get offa mah swamp!

Ronso are large cats you fucking tard, and where is that wolf head? Why did he wear a fucking LION shirt?

Do people expect to not get caught, cause god damn, ANYONE will tell you that looks sus as fuck

lmao it's echo nobody cares

i found this always so pathetic
like, you can easily see how the pad him exclusively, nobody that raids will take those logs seriously

Nobody's stopping you explaining how the explicit instruction about the origin of the word should be ignored.

world first is tranny shit, try again next time ESL

That's what makes it worse.
Someone PAID for echo parses.
Seriously, let that sink in.

That's the IN-UNIVERSE lore origin, not the fucking dev origin you god damn retard.

world first was jp
but i guess you want to imply jp like na is full of raid trannies you obsess so much about

>faggots actually think they're getting the wolf head

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That's not an answer. Again, nobody's stopping you. Go ahead and give us your argument.

>he doesn't have series of mirrors set up so he can keep playing on the toilet

>copy paste lupin head

I'm not saying the lore explanation should be ignored you fucking idiot. I'm saying it's meant to be both, with the similarity to 'he-lion' being a fucking dev joke. Holy shit.

Can't I've got a phat god given 8 incher between my legs that hasn't been destroyed by some singapore surgeon shoving plastic goo into it.

You wanna play this game again you autistic baranigger?

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But your entire premise is that the instruction on what the word is should be ignored. Now go ahead. Give us your reason. Claiming it's a joke, so you must have evidence of that.

>tfw you're one of those RMT faggots who uses bought gil to buy empty crap plots in ul'dah then relocates to beautiful plots in gridania

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embarassing how bad the Yea Forums threads are during na time
might as well go to /vg/ for more shitposting and insulting

>88% balance uptime
holy fuck

Why isn't the same 'word play' present across languages?
Because they're all Helios based you fucking mongoloid

>But your entire premise is that the instruction on what the word is should be ignored
No it isn't, I never said anything like that at all. You're insane.

You should show me it user.

Attached: 1553787657468.jpg (664x501, 141K)

Can't even do that in high population servers.

That's the power of two ASTs

more like ohshit benchmark delayed

You did though. Your entire tantrum is about how we shouldn't say the word the way the lore tell us to say it. Present your evidence.

I'm not into dudes.

>redoing facial expressions, animations, textures, customizable features
>copy paste
this is yoshi p we're talking about he'll say it's going to be added later on and then hope you forget about

run off ESL EU tranny

>max height
>still tiny as fuck
>character looks decent but as soon as light falls on face it looks like dog shit
>horrible tail clipping, older gear literally worse than miqote, further proving the huyr reskin meme
>full face helm never ever
I've been playing the same character for a few years now but it's getting to the point where I make alts so I can have what I don't have on my main because I'm literally too autistic to use a fantasia.

Attached: 1539474480035.jpg (550x584, 146K)

Again, I never said that at fucking all. Point to any of my posts that said that. My entire fucking point rests on you noticing both meanings of the word.

i'd need a lot of mirrors since it's not even on the same floor

Why would you pay for parses. First off the parses would mean nothing to you personally because you didn't actually accomplish anything. Second you can't use them to get into a top tier group because everyone will know right away that you're actually a shitter even if they didn't see your parses for what they are before letting you try out for them. What benefit does one get from paying for parses?

rent free

Bullshit. You just want to rub your nylons together and play with your sissy stick while uwuing all of the place so you can feel like the little girl.

So present your evidence that this is intentional and not just you asserting something.

you impress the shitters at your skill level that can't read logs

And? You don't have to see me if you don't want to.

>Playing a tranny lizard
You only have yourself to blame.

Nigger, fuck off. A male-only raise of lions having a name that looks like 'he-lion' is not an accident.

the second part is what shitters fail to see, everyone knows a good group looks for people with high purples

The second meaning which is incorrect because they're not all male and not all lions?

Absolutely OBSESSED.

So why doesn't it apply to all languages but Helios does?

why do you have this saved

Don't you know Japanese people always design puns that work only in English?

Again, they're male-only for players and they're all large cats, clearly the devs associate them with lions because Yoshida wore a fucking lion shirt to reveal them.

I guess they have the pay to win mind? Only they're not winning because parses means fuck all especially if you don't raid.
This is even worse than buying clears for titles/gear/mounts.

>implying there isn’t viable and aesthetic clothing options for males
>playing anything other than your birth gender


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>huyr reskin meme
Modding proved it wasn't a meme a long time ago
Only male roe and lalas have unique models

So why is Helios the root word in all cases?

I'm agreeing with you, idiot.

Because other languages don't have the capability to make a joke like that with any words related to sun? Nigger they had to go and reach with the fucking Sharlayans giving them that name just so they could have an excuse to use a Greek root word.

You're a trapfag or something right? I'm a nigger, not your type.

Because I have a Deeper connection to Ivalice and its races then Eorzea.

Attached: ivalicealliance_1.png (350x180, 76K)

Oh yeah. You got me, nevermind.

Your performance art is really starting to deteriorate.

You could apply it to german and french no problem but they didn't.

>Not going Rava to be closer to the Viera that appear in the Ivalice games.

>Even traps hate niggers


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A the icing on the cake. Where female au ra's being called trannies from the very start when they were added?

Attached: 1527299654016.png (448x499, 210K)

RIP nigcels
I guess you can do some blackedposting to cheer you up

>Where female au ra's being called trannies from the very start when they were added?
No, trannies didn't start playing Au Ra until Stormblood.

Hate is a strong word. I'm not interested in most people outside my own ethnicity sexually.

Not the same guy but plucking a random image from google to make a point for 1 post is a thing.

why the fuck does maelstrom always win??

This is why WoW is better. Every single high-end mythic raiding guild I joined were open and inclusive. I've made ~14 friends/acquaintances in my current guild. I tried FFXIV 2 years ago and it was all cliques and passive people.


Attached: shock.gif (267x200, 1.59M)

Imagine your race being so disgusting even thirsty traps wouldn't wanna have sex with you.

Attached: khloe bunny.png (1858x1075, 1.9M)

absolutely based

Attached: ffxiv_05012019_185125_672.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

I got my 960 today and the game really does look great in dx11.

>Pray lend me your ear. I've a riddle for you.
>What doth account for 13, but also 52?
How did Koji get away with it?

Attached: 1532285127212.jpg (960x540, 38K)

What? I have a 970 and can barely run at maximum, what's the rest of your specs?
I was about to drop 1k on new parts I hope it's not just my computer being fucky lately.

I was commenting it looks great from my old gpu 275.

post shadowbringers leaks

Attached: 1497284602123.gif (536x440, 156K)

Alisae looks sad

Attached: FFXIV_Titania_Render.png (1585x1285, 1.62M)

BLM loses flare

Love me Aymeric.
Love me Alphinaud.
Love me Estinien.
Love me Haurchefant.
Love me Urianger.
Love me Raubahn.
Love me Fray.
Love me Sigurd.
Love me X'rhun Tia.
Love me progressive gay Highlander tank x Miqo'te lancer tornberry couple.
Love me Gauis.
Love me Pippin.
Love me Zenos.
Love me Thancred.
'ate Mhiggers.
Simple as.

Attached: aymeric ahem.png (828x812, 2.58M)

Attached: 1554224833134.jpg (3240x2430, 3.35M)

>get alot of FC invites daily
>finally accept one that seemed ok
>its dead as fuck

What do I do now? Should i wait it out until the expansion? Are FCs more active in discords these days?

You saying you wouldn't let godfey gao smash?

Attached: 6f7db3fb53480c117a5b4d877beab037.jpg (400x490, 33K)

Discord killed most FC chats

Not from the very start. But by mid HW everyone pretty much agreed that was the case.

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Raubahn and X'rhun are Mhiggers though

>genuinely shitposting about Ronso pre-JP
>Still can't believe they did it.
My only gripe is that they look like they're neglecting everything from the shoulders down, especially the feet. I'm hoping that the pasted-on-Roe look was placeholder. It isn't.

Attached: KrSZnFp.jpg (826x1200, 281K)

the barachads keep winning

Gonna make a Rava. Brown girls = Literally better looking than blacks and niggers. Reason: Brown is NOT black or nigeroid, it never has been, it never will be, and it will never be recognized as such.

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I want a big roe to ravage my lala hole.

would take them too much effort to make good ronso

Never doubt the innovations that come out from the need for sex, one day.

Ala Mhigans and Mhiggers are two separate things user.

>my dear wol, did you ever notice how lalafells own most of the wealth of eorzea despite being such a small part of the population?
how could yoshi greenlight this?

Attached: 1549239691185.jpg (946x496, 113K)

Why are people bringing up 3D shit to 2D discussion?

Surprisingly accurate.

Loading this game up for the first time in years, should I stay on Cactuar or just restart elsewhere?

I'm not wrong.

>Be nigger
>Have huge dick
>Nobody wants it

At least suicide's always an option user.

Attached: E2Q0jND.jpg (442x176, 46K)

>everybody always mention the evil mhigans like Ilberd
>nobody ever mentions the good ones like the absolute bro from the 1-50 carpenter questline

They better not be taking my fucking Goobbue sneezes out

Ilberd did nothing wrong.

>taking out water dish

Attached: forced50percent.png (592x218, 23K)

beastmaster mains BTFO

I don't know who that is but he's not bad looking. It'd depend on his personality.

They won't, it's fake and gay. They're still tied to the Beast Tribe quests so there's no reason to remove them from the skill list. Might make one or two universal icon buttons for mounts in general though.

Guy in armor is like
>I came here to fuck bitches.


Why aren't there any hardcore raids that emphasize the need for emotional intelligence? baka...

Kind of hard to tell. Does it matter anyway?

Any girl I've ran into who is hardcore tends to be a total bitch and crazy. They are lying through their teeth and the same goes for all the HC gyus jumping on this.

can i pay the monthly fee with steambucks?

Do we know if level boosts are getting upped to 70 with 5.0? Considering buying one now but its kind of a waste if I can just start one at 70.

Limsa chat is weird

user I play a Lalafell, why would she be my waifu? I just want to watch a badass midget shooting gods in the face in a Final Fantasy setting.

Attached: 68965004_p0.jpg (600x840, 425K)

Only if you initially purchased it on Steam.

>do leveling for hw relic step
>war main but meant to go as pld to work towards pld tank mount, haven't actually played war since I started a couple months ago
>was war on accident, got great gubal lieberry
>tfw going back to warrior after 250ish runs of bullshit as pld
>tfw even lvl 60 war is 100x more fun than lvl 70 pld
>tfw can't go back to my boy war until I get the drk mount

Attached: 1515384278194.jpg (641x641, 73K)

So damn cute

>IRL friend resubs
>is online every time I get home from work
>always wants to run content
leave me the fuck alone I just want to idle in Limsa while browsing Yea Forums and Yea Forums like I normally do

Attached: 1551041407324.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

let's hope not

Why doesn't XIV let me use any piece of gear for any class/job?

Even a clunky ass game thats also made by the japanese like XI lets me do that.

aw shit
suppose its a good thing im still checking my options

because the lore team likes to adhere to arbitrary rules about what class can wear what while simultaneously breaking the rules every patch

Yoshi's excuse is that he wants jobs to have an 'identity' but the mog station outfits and slutglams expose that line for bullshit like all his other excuses. The real reason is probably spaghetti code.

Go back to XI.


Because the devs are stupid. Glamour respecting class logic went out the window years ago, but they insist on dumb things like crafter AF.

What kind of autism do you have?

There are various other downsides to buying on Steam if I remember right. Expansions never go on sale, I believe they said that if you buy through Steam you're going to have to start authentication your login through Steam somehow in a few months, which sounds like it could cause login issues while Steam is down. If you buy expansions at launch though, the former isn't much of a concern though.

"how are people gonna know you're a white mage if you're not dressed like a white mage?" -Yoshida, Naoki

>tfw no rabbit gf(bf)

>tfw your lala is cuter than yoshi's

I used phanta ONCE and it was to change the face slightly because I wanted my qt to smile more

I wear the same shit
based 12 years old retard

its luv

We can't even get along with each other, and you want to introduce fantasy races?

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Wait, you play XIV specifically to AFK? Why?

Attached: 1491659894425.jpg (198x198, 8K)

What's the worst that could happen?

You don't pay my sub

Why not being immortal ? Then the chances that this opportunity occurs can only increase. Don't loose hope my famanon

oh, I can think of a few things.

Attached: --original-drawn-by-ze-sawakihein--9bb8c223939cf00ab21fab0f4a4f5aaf.jpg (600x675, 157K)

>Paying for a sub based game only to not play it

fuck yoshi. i can think of much more important fixes the game needs but allowing you to glamour anything seems like something even people who are completely blind to the games problems would still want.

hello yoshi

Either way they still give npc's the wrong gear for their jobs
Like this squadron recruit. uses a drg mask, DoW chest/legs and BLM pvp gear as a arcanist

Attached: raelthota.jpg (960x514, 85K)

huge cunts?

Which server is good to play on?


That’s just their civilian clothes. They change gear to the appropriate class past a certain level.

a preferred server if you can

Any not in the Crystal data center.

I played a catgirl at launch because it was the best option with the lack of Viera. I fantasiaed when the Aura released because I wanted Viera and showing support to a new race I felt would be the best way to guarantee a future release of Viera. I am going to switch to Viera because I have been waiting patiently for my character to be available to be played for over 5 years now.

Of course no Crystal, that I do know.

Anyone got a link to leaked benchmark? I uninstalled after a run and forgot to use the character creation

>Spider Lily from garo is exclusive for healers

Attached: 1532126547980.jpg (1200x1047, 133K)

It didn’t get leaked. You probably had a hyper realistic dream of you running it or something.

I really enjoyed Stormblood.

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Yoshi's lala is ugly though


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What part of it? Story, dungeons, raids, sidestories?
If you say MSQ you are a faggot.

>can't use these as /micon anymore
god this game has changed

>White Vieras

>female character interacts with you in Limsa
>immediately imagine it's a cute neet girl and picture your life together

Attached: 1551569609532.png (200x194, 21K)

unironically the latter is true tho

Ala Mhigo side of the story was pretty week but Zenos, Suyu and Fordola were great characters. Doma side of SB was really great, and I enjoyed just about all of it.

Attached: cats.png (500x667, 334K)

Did someone hurt you today, user?

>great characters
Zenos is just a fighting autist and Yotsuyu only exists as a vehicle for Gosetsu's growth. Moeshit lovers are fucking mentally ill.

>Bad character

Attached: download (1).jpg (190x266, 7K)

She is. You like her because 'MUH STEPPY MOMMY' and because you're a fucking retard who thinks being raped makes her a deep character. She's a garbage character whose only merit is that she exists as a vehicle for a far superior character's growth.

no, a bunch of shitty e-girls on twitter are throwing a fit that they arent being included into the HC raiding scene only because they are female, and refuse to even consider the possibility that maybe they are just bad at the game and need to get better. People are actually defending them and starting a misogyny witchhunt too. This game and community are dead.

a simple character =\= a bad character

>3/8 in static are women, heal/cast/melee
>only the healer is a problem
>the only problem they have is confidence and second guessing
>kick shitters over the years
>find out they're always orbiters too, every time


So it's nothing

The people defending them are deleting their discords messages as we speak.

>male character sends you flirty emotes/tells
you guys DO know catgirl players aren't catgirls irl right???

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Stop giving them attention

Faggot. MSQ is by far the weakest part of Stormblood to me, especially after 4.0, majority of everything else is just playing it safe on what didn't cause a shitstorm in HW so it just feels like copypasta with new coat of paint in many cases (especially true for gatherers and crafters). 8man savage story was whatever, the fights themselves were overall good but evidently approached to be as safe as possible because they know XIV can't survive another Gordias/Midas situation.


What's the point of BLU?

allied seals

Join small FC's anything with over 30 members is a circlejerk.

>especially true for gatherers and crafters
Anything was better than favors and weekly scrip caps, that shit was absurd and I sincerely hope whichever intern came up with it got buried somewhere

To keep one dev busy on something piss easy while pleasing a shitload of braindead sheep and ignoring the negative feedback it creates. Ignoring feedback is hardly anything new anyway unless it's bitch tears from warrior and scholar mains.

The Omega story was pretty good. At the very least it was a thousand times better than Alexander’s.

Which subspecies likes to breed with Highlander men?

so yoshi doesnt have to listen to players beg to add blue mage anymore

It's the trannies.


>At the very least it was a thousand times better than Alexander’s.

Even if the armour is largely not to my taste, I might get some of the weapons off of Gold Saucer before they disappear.

>At the very least it was a thousand times better than Alexander’s.
Titan fetch quests were better than that crap.

male roe/miqote

Only the generic ones. Unique recruits like her keep the same outfit.

Seekers of the Sun Miqo'te prostitute themselves in Ala Mhigo.

Is there anything in this game for headwear that is like a small crown? All the crowns I got from achievements sadly cover up my hair and cat ears so they won't do.

Oh definitely, favors and the scrips shit caused a massive shitstorm they removed it (took way too long) and the system they put in place at the end is basiccally what we have now. Watch them fuck it all up again in Shadowbringers with Ishgard though.
Being better than Alexander story isn't exactly a high bar to pass.

post more
don't call the police

Healing magic is water magic :^)

fuck these whores, where are the dark skin viera?

The kicker was the starting weekly limit of 300 while everything had similar costs to tomestones. Completely forgetting that they upped that cap back with Mythology Tomestones.
They've been better about those sorts of disconnects in their dev cycles since.

There's a quest in the Fringes where a soldier describes Cure as feeling like a refreshing breeze at his back.

Speaking of crafting and shit, how come we can't change m'naago's outfit?

So the combat adjustments are coming this month? As in the TP removal and such?

Attached: 1522873316949.jpg (419x508, 62K)

Attached: khloe crossed.png (1118x892, 922K)

she's probably in the future story and they don't want bikini mnaago representing Ala Mhigo

Fray also casts a water-aspected healing spell and it's called Aqua Vitae, so Cure isn't water-aspected.


Try next month when [early access drops.

June 28th.

Next PLL is combat and larger system changes

SCH and WHM heals are actually mainly wind aspect. The exceptions are Tetragrammaton, Benediction, Excog and Lustrate. AST heals except Essential Dignity and Earthly Star seem lightning based. Oddly enough ES is water based going by the casting visual.

combat adjustments will be done on xpac release. we'll learn what they are at some point this month

fucking WHEN

Thats the only thing Ive been waiting for, how the fuck do we know absolutely nothing about the gameplay changes with 2 months until the expansion?

Fluid Aura is getting cut, and water spells are getting added to Geomancer eventually enjoy :^)

my 10 year old wife

Literally as late as possible because they are so far behind on development in 5.0 nothing is finished yet.

24th, should be shortly after the media tour where we'll get half baked bits of info (in case the tour and date change due to Golden Week)

Waiting for this expac to come out feels like watching a car crash in slow motion.

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They retconned her to 13

Mateus or Balmung Yea Forums? You have to choose one.

The uninstall wizard.

>tfw my first character was on balmung and I can't be bothered to move


It really does. Everything about the leadup for information to 5.0 is the complete opposite to Stormblood. By this time for Stormblood we already had the benchmark, more information on various systems, forum posts giving sneak peaks of new abilities for all of the jobs, etc.

For 5.0 we literally have NOTHING.

male roe/hrothgar

>Limited race
>Limited jobs
>Reused tech demo
>Reused Job aesthetic
>No day and night cycle until you advance in the story(for all we know could be patch 5.3)
>Tetsuya nomura putting his dick in anything

This is where XIV dies.

People really believe that the new town is literally reused assets from the old tech demo huh. After they showed the step by step development at fanfest.


Relax, fag. Breathe, and dilate. It's just not out yet due to the era change in japan. It's a big deal, gaijin.

Tfw no eyepatch and stache combo ingame

>>Limited race
Aren't you mad
>>Limited jobs
Limited job
>>Reused tech demo
A revisited concept, it's not exactly the same and assests are new
>>Reused Job aesthetic
The fuck are you talking about
>>No day and night cycle until you advance in the story(for all we know could be patch 5.3)
My nigga, we've already seen glimpses of the new zones with regular lighting. Watch the Viera and Gunbreaker trailers
>>Tetsuya nomura putting his dick in anything
It's not like he's in charge of the story
>This is where XIV dies.
You faggots have saying this for years

>Could have gotten a BRAND NEW HIGH FANTASY TOWN.
>Get a scale down low poly version of a tech demo from like 8 years ago.

Why are your standards so low you monumental faggot?

Attached: 50e3e0ff9ddf1d2a4ef697b34b4423cd.png (569x418, 34K)

>Hit 47 as DRK
>highest level dungeon to grind is Aurum Vale

Attached: wojack behlit.webm (350x344, 2.38M)

Holy fuck Xande was a goddamn madman. I really need to watch these cutscenes again to see how they match up with the lore book.

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>aren't you mad
No but you sure as hell are tranny.

Attached: trhgrzh.jpg (225x225, 12K)



That's all you can say, that's all you can say

You're not making a very strong case that he's the upset individual here.

whats with all the tranny shit in this games community? was thinking of playing but not sure if i want to be around a bunch of estrogen drinking men

Amon was the true madman. Can't blame Xande for his mind being fucked after being dead for thousands of years and then brought back to life.
>Scylla was a senator who thought Amon was a creep but she volunteered to help bring Xande back so he just fused her with a bunch of dogs to get revenge for her bullying

Retard, did you even read my post?

Even if they did actually copy-paste the tech demo town, it would still be brand-new for everyone since it never got into the actual game.

blame anime. although the amount of trannies that play is very exaggerated.

Based allagan nazis

Everyone. Don't listen to the mhigger meme, that's just seething trannies.
>Every fantasy race wants to fuck humans because they are the best
>Choice between manlets or chads
Highlanders and elezen are the chads of XIV and don't believe anything else. Male cats are literal cucks and baracats are literal orbiters unless you're playing Lost.

What? Corpses can't use magic, fool.