>decide to play a horror game
>load it up
>hear a noise
How the fuck do you do this shit I fucking aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH
Decide to play a horror game
Other urls found in this thread:
>writing this post
>hear a noise
I kn
What game were you playing? honestly just keep playing despite the stress and fear, that's the whole point. It's not for everyone
psx doom
>launch horror game
>task manager opens and closes for a split second
>Play SS1 earlier this year
>Not scared as it's fucking Atari 2600 graphics and bleeps and bloops
>Get immersion later on
>Get scared as I approach a door and LOUD ANGRY ROBOT NOISES start playing
>playing horror game
>escape button does nothing
>alt + f4 does nothing
user, I...
fuck you, early console fps' are scary
>game isn't supposed to be scary
>something surprises you in a way that makes you have a small spaz out
>play outlast
>boring piece of shit, turned me off from horror games
>eventually try afraid of monsters
>played for like an hour and too terrified to continue
how does a shitty half life 1 mod do horror better than an actual game
>Have ID card as part of the HUD
Did I really need to know who I was at all times?
It is said that worse or more primitive graphics are better suited for horror.
>the game is mostly not scary
>the endings are nightmare inducing
wtf the fuck is this
Critical Depth for PSX
Soviet ending
but it's not just that, outlast is just jumpscares every 2 seconds and you almost never run out of batteries too, while in afraid of monsters it's much darker and your flashlight sucks and monsters just run at you like sonic out of nowhere with their heads shaking all over the place
>that guy who plays a horror game with all the lights on and the volume turned down and then says the game isn't spooky
So, despite the fact that in AoM you heve weapons, you still are vulnerable, while in Outlast you are far too resourceful
yeah pretty much
i played amnesia too and i liked the concept of a horror game with no way to defend yourself, but now after playing aom a bit i realize those are pretty much walking sims with some puzzles and you have to hide from time to time
I will check this out, surprised I've never seen it b4
If only that helped.
Is Prey 2017 considered "scary"
I would consider it, but then again, I'm this guy:
>play horror game
>comfy and not scared
>play horror game in VR
>can only play for 5-10 minutes before freaking out like a bitch
neat, I've heard of this game but never gave it a try, and I like deep sea games
System shock 2 does that to me
SS2 isn't even scary
>play horror game
>no problem
>play horror game while on heroin
>legitimately terrified, constantly abuse power button
Props to you. I don't know how you could handle that piss poor control scheme. Even the "new updated" one. Tried it and couldn't bear it. SS2 has a pretty sweet start though. I really liked that they masked your stat upgrades behind minor story choices.
I dunno what it is, something about the atmosphere at the beginning does it for me. I've never gotten far enough in to understand how shit works enough to feel comfortable.
ACTUALLY that's not horror, that's just cheap jumpscares (I'm not afraid of them!)
TRUE HORROR is deep.... It give you a nervous feeling... THAT'S truly scary!
What does this post has to do with anything?