Why do boomers love such an outdated combat system?
Turned Based Combat
In some cases it leaves a lot of room for strategic gameplay rather than a reaction based action style. It's fun to come up with cool class combinations with lots of different attacks, like in etrian odyssey. Action games dont really have this strategic depth
Why do OP's suck cocks?
Way to chill out while playing your game
It lets me play casually without adrenaline pumping and making my hands sweat.
why do zoomers prefer holding o to win? is it because they're casuals?
Because not everyone has the same idea of fun.
Try to play a tabletop in real time and find out
because of date combat systems have more flaws
turn based is only good if it's got a good bit of strategy built in
srpgs and megaten are best
>"why do you like stinky diarrhea"
>"ppl has different tastes u bigot!"
It's not so much that I "prefer" it but that I am okay with it, turn-based has its niche, and there are things it provides that real-time action does not provide. Just because someone managed to make a massage chair it does not mean all chairs should have that feature, the same thing with ARPG, sometimes I am just not in the mood for floaty-ass reflex based combat.
Why do you like acting like a retard, user?
I don't think OP has enough patience or attention span for that, not enough pretty graphics and explosions.
>Le diarrhea argument
You were that sort of kid who disassembled burgers if they had veggies, were you not?
I'm a 28 year old boomer and Dragon Quest XI really killed any lingering attachment I might have had to turn based combat. It's an archaic that, 99% of the time, adds absolutely nothing to the game.
I'm not sure I understand. Care to explain to this retard?
Is there a name for the dragon quest style of combat specifically? Seems wrong to lump stuff like civilization into the same category.
Actually that is a good point, JRPG turn based combat is shitty and archaic because it doesn't add any real strategy to the game.
Turn based in other genres is completely fine.
Not quite, that also refers to stuff like Tales and Final Fantasy Tactics
Turn based is still fine, but it needs another element or twist to be entertaining
personally i like a turn based deckbuilder
>DQ will keep making mad for the next 30 years over literally nothing, as anyone who dislikes what it offers can just buy the other 99.99% of games which don't do it.
I just want to have ONE (1) option of a game that has simple turn-based combat, for fuck sake, so many action RPGs on the market and you people spend more time seething at turn-based than playing those games.
What's different about this one? From what I hear you level up your weapons and learn new moves when attacking, but that doesn't make 'mash A to win' any more interesting. And I hear it doesn't have dungeons, so how does the game flow? Is it just a series of boss fights or something?
>Play through all the SNES RPGs on an emulator in the early 00s
>Really enjoy all of them
>Try to play remakes and shit on modern systems
>Can't fucking stand how slow they are because I have no fast-forward
I thought these games were my favorite games of all time. But I can't even summon the motivation to finish FFVI without using an emulator.
So you have autism, is what you're saying.
>What's different about this one?
I haven't played that one since its not in english but its a saga game. They are really open ended and imo the only jrpgs that actually try to do things differently. I did two playthroughs of minstrel song and took a break during the 3rd run. In every run the game had entirely new game mechanics pop up that i didn't even know about.
You know on second thought I don't think I can explain them very well. Maybe someone else will its too much for me.
That doesn't mean you hate turn based games, it means you hate slow games
It's enjoyable and relaxing.
Those games are called "light rpg" for a reason. Personally I find the gimped exploration and movement to be a greater issue, since most RPGs are about an adventure of some kind.
Here's a better question: What do zoomers play video games for? Is it because they enjoy games, or becausr everyone around them was doing it?
Players don't actually like turn-based combat. If they did, most JRPG players wouldn't be so fucking bad at /tg/ shit.
These people like their vidya being glorified Saturday Morning Cartoons. and turn-based combat facilitated that in the 90s
jrpg player here, I like turn based combat even though I suck at it