Alright hold the fuck up. Yesterday there was a TF2 thread where some weird ass link got posted to some video.
I couldn't open it but anons replied "oh shit so it's true that tf2 isnt getting any more updates"
I call complete bullshit on that but I want to be sure so I'm making this thread. Any real news on the current state of the TF2 team? Anything we know for true about future updates?
Also TF2 thread, post your
>favorite class
>favorite loadout for said class
>favorite game mode
Alright hold the fuck up. Yesterday there was a TF2 thread where some weird ass link got posted to some video
Other urls found in this thread:
The only news that relates to the TF2 team is >VNN
He said that there was 15 people on it a while ago, then recently he said there was only two (but that was around the hawaii vacation)
I doubt they would ever just end TF2, but I definately think updates are going to slow down after they release the heavy update whenever they do
Thanks for the info, user. I'm glad the development isn't dead, because the community certainly isn't.
To answer my own question:
>stock shotgun, stock pistol, gunslinger
alternatively, medic with the usual optimal loadout
>classic minigun, chocolate,fist of steel
>comunnity maps
You're welcome. Also
>rainblower, stock shotgun, third degree
>ctf, I know it's bad but it's simple and addicting
>actually playing heavy
how do you deal with one-shot classes?
Also are you one of those heavy mains who has a medic or two up their asses 24/7 or are you a roaming heavy? If the latter, I'd like some advice m8
based ugleh poster
>Dead ringer, Eternal Reward and L etrangle
>Non turbine/2fort CTF
I even have the Fez
>Dead ringer, Eternal Reward
Did you stop playing a couple years ago? DR is dogshit now, and that knife is absolutely not helping it.
Also DR is a gun-spy watch that goes well with a strong gun, not a utility gun like the etranger
is this bait?
How do I engineer?
It's really easy really first you build ur shits then defend your shits
Once you realize you can't hold anymore then you gtfo of there and repeat
T. Payload player
I refuse to stop using it, I know that it got nerfed into the ground but I just love the idea of the DR and ER
I still top score with it anyway
Build teleporters and upgrade them. A level 1 tele is actually worse than no tele at all because people stand there waiting for 10 seconds.
Build dispensers in key areas ( learn the maps )
Build sentries in key areas ( again, learn the maps )
If you're on defense use the Eureka and then the Jag to prepare everything during the setup phase, after that equip the stock wrench or the Southern Hospitality.
If you're on attack go gunslinger and help your teammates push the frontline by placing your minisentry in good spots that will help achieving that ( again again, learn the maps )
Also get good at aiming the shotgun, that never hurts.
Stock shotgun is best.
>weird ass link
it's just tyler mcnigger saying that "someone reliable" said tf2 was basically abandonned to a skeleton team even skeletoner than we thought it was
it was a .mkv file right?
I reuploaded it
Use stock knife and diamondback instead. They're great with the DR.
Problem is, now with the invisibility 20% damage resistance the stock Invis Watch can be used as a DR as well: they spotted you? Go invisible and run away.
Best loadout for knife-spy is
>invis watch
Best loadout for gun-spy is
>stock knife if you have DR / spycicle if you have invis watch
>DR/invis watch
1. Accept that good sentry spots are extremely rare. Everyone knows how to bust a sentry in the year 2019. You have to cover it with your primary nine times put of ten
2. Move your setup frequently
3. Your aim needs to be at or above the level of a scout
4. Dab on spies
I prefer engie. I am free to play, thought, so I hadn't unlocked all of the weapons. I prefer to be a battle engine with the stock shotie and sometimes the widow maker if shit gets down.
> L'etranger, Big earner/YER, stock watch
>Accept that good sentry spots are extremely rare. Everyone knows how to bust a sentry in the year 2019. You have to cover it with your primary nine times put of ten
not him but this is why I personally always run gunslinger.
If a demo places a couple stickies, your level 3 goes down no problem, but now you need a lot of time to get it back up.
However, if someone destroys your mini you can retreat and drop another one in a nasty place nearby and that'll still get you a couple kills while being a decent enough obstacle for the enemy team to waste their time on
at the end of the day though if you pick soldier/demo/scout instead of engi you're helping your team much more anyways
I feel like my favorite class changes every couple of weeks, right now it's scout though
>stock scattergun, winger, sun on a stick
The extra jump height from winger is seriously amazing, it opens up so many more routes and I can't imagine not using it. Sun is nice, it saves me life occasionally and it's not like I actually use melee on scout
They've been on a skeleton crew of probably about 2 people since the MvM update. Browsing the workshop for shit to put in your lootboxes while browsing reddit for exploits isn't exactly hard.
>Black Box, Conch, Escape Plan
Why is every official tf2 video after the first batch of "Meet The" videos only have the Scout talking?
Is his voice actor the only one available anymore?
we're still getting the heavy update right bros..
He's the easiest to get, along with Spy. It's worth noting that all of the voice actors is still around (they still did voices for the new taunts and competitive voicelines back in MyM and Jungle Inferno), it's just that they're difficult to all get together into a room to record a new short or whatever
The other VA's are too expensive, too old, or can't even VA because of their union
Your teleporter is the most important building, getting your team right back to the frontline is insanely strong, nothing pisses me off more than an engi that doesn't build one. Try to keep your dispenser as far forward as you can so your team can easily use it without it getting blown up.
I don't care what the metafaggotry is, i just use what I find fun, using the DR/LE/ER was fun in 2010/2011, and is still fun today, you just need to compensate with skill
I still change to other Loadout if the other team has really good players
Yeah but that's exactly it right there, fun gimmicks stop working against good players.
I myself get zero satisfaction from doing something that would never work against a good player, so I'm sorta tier whorish like that.
shoot rocket at feet
>play turbine
>exist in middle
>jump onto battlements and kill everything
I change to other team when my team sucks or I leave the game
>Brass Beast, Shotgun, Gloves of Running Urgently
I'd wish they would give the slightest buff to the brass. It's not in a "slippery slope" since literally everything about it is a downside except for the 20% damage bonus, but I like having lots of hp and doing lots of damage so I use it
Wut? That mutated bread story had the Engie, Spy, Soldier and Medic with custom lines. Demoman was just shouting WOOOOO and stuff, he was clearly gone.
This is for all my sniper bros out here.
>T. Payload player
w-what's "special" with Payload players?
just download mathacks and a aimbot while your at it if you're going to do this shit. oh, don't forget to make spydecloak.wav 1000db
[obligatory post bitching about random crits]
>how do you deal with one-shot classes?
Turn around and stay under cover. Don’t be the dummy that gets hit because you weren’t aware
>one-shot classes
Check around you and pay attention to sight lines. Positioning is vital.
There is nothing better than getting MVP using subtier weapons to assert domince over the meta using faggots that don't leave their comfort zone
Why do you faggots cry about not getting updates? This game has 10 years worth of extra content.
>stock, stock, disciplinary
>I don't think I have one
Don't blame the player, blame the game.
I don't use it myself, I play better off instinct than from actually seeing the head.
Build a gun.
A man of culture
Except the last 5 years have been utter trash, I just stopped playing as soon as those CSGO skins came around.
>just dont get backstabbed bro
>just dont enter the sniper sightline bro
please, heavies have to stare at their target for a while and that's when good spies attack
how do we buff heavy bros
sniper /bdemoman (can't decide)
bazaar, darwin shield, kukri / loose cannon, tide turner, half zatoichi
What the fuck do you even want more of?
Most payload engineers are braindead NPC's that either immediately build on last or try to hold the same area for too long while they unga wrench their sentry without setting up the other buildings.
>my trash loadout where none of the weapons work off of each other works against F2P brazilians and that makes me feel good
ok bud, more power to you
just saying if you fight regularly against good players you cannot get away with a shitty loadout
sidegrades that give you different playstyles.
mostly for the heavy because he's a boring and 1 dimensional class, and pretty much every other class has more variety that completely changes how the class plays depending on your loadout. heavy is always the same.
NOT that. I just ruined it for some reason. Maybe because it became all about glitter and not the skill of using an item.
Is not like I can control who I play against since community server are pretty much dead, so meta shit or not is the same
I swear you find the weirdest types of creatures in TF2.
There's always these engineers that make a huge nest in the Intel room or in the last point and just stand there for 20 minutes straight, only to get wiped out as soon as the enemy gets there.
It's surreal to look at.
>theyre bots
No dude every time I've seen it happen I checked their profiles, and only a few were private. The rest were legit
>just dont get backstabbed bro
>just dont enter the sniper sightline bro
This is correct. Git gud
>they're all next to each other
If I saw this in my intel room I'd switch teams just to stickybomb that shit up
>was watching the stream
>at the end people are spamming endlessly for him to yell "trans rights"
>getting annoying as fuck
>to fuck with the annoying trannys i type "trans women aren't women gamers rise up"
>literally the next day my account was permabanned
they also have an asexual pride flag now what the fuck.
and the heavy update and comic are not being worked on and never will be.
well they are retarded in every game
Doing those things help but as I said there are moments where you have to 100% rely on your team killing that spy or distracting that sniper before they get you. It's completely outside of your control and that's one of the many reasons why Heavy is the worst class
Vintage rubber glove hat.
Flare gun
I protect engineer from everything.
My potato turned crystal.
>bro maximize your spy efficiency
nigger if you don't care about fun just play sniper, he's a better spy. or can you not aim?
I can't aim or I would absolutely play sniper over spy. Just speaking for myself though, obviously.
based and fuckspypilled
>favorite class
>fave loadout
stock launcher
reserve shooter / gunbutts
pain train / market gardener
>fave gamemode
>tfw you die so many times that the heat and pressure turns the carbon of the potato into diamond
>if you don't care about fun
those loadouts he posted are fun as fuck though?
>No scorch shot to protect engis from stickies
Well duh. TEAM fort
>I have fun playing this way
>wtf play this other way for efficiency
kill yourself
DR + YER is retarded
>he can't finish jump_sync
If it's the most fun choice for him what's the problem?
You join a game and see this on your team. What do you do?
what a weird reason to delete a post
>it's a "faggot posts his #removerandomcrits bind every time he gets hit by one"
the hell's your problem? now people can't criticize what others do?
captain whiteknight over here, go jump off a cliff
I said jump squared but I posted jump sync
now jump sync is hard but hopefully not hard enough to demotivate newer jumpers
all the people ITT including me deserved to be called noobs tho, you shouldnt have removed that part
Friendly reminder to show ZERO mercy to any and all friendlies that cross your path.
You can criticize what others do, and I'm criticizing you for being a faggot who tries to force his playstyle on others
>kill a friendly
>he says "wtf i thought bronies were nice :(((("
Im not the original guy, read the reply chain again
It's just vnn tyler saying it is dead. No cp here.
Engie had a different va from his normal one
>alternatively, medic with the usual optimal loadout
what would that be, please?
I feel that mocking people wasn't really all that encouraging. The reversed psychology rarely works with these kind of things.
I want to offer all the help I can, whether it is by pointing at resources, motivating newer players, or helping people that are struggling by giving direct advice.
Crossbow, medigun, ubersaw.
You can change the medigun to kritz or quickfix if you like, but proper uber is generally preferable
Are rocketjump maps that big among the community?
I didn't know, user. And I've been playing this game since 2011 though with a long pause from some months after MannCo dropped to this year
>Play heavy with boxing gloves, sandwich and tomislav
>Go around with the sandwich in hand
>Someone on the other team comes to get health
>Swap to gloves and kill him
>Swap to the tomislav and kill everything in sight with my 5s of free crits
Eventually people will stop trusting friendlies
Well should I sell my tf2 items now. My backpack is worth 8 usd.
Jumping in general tends to be it's own community, you can just go into a jump sv and your thing.
>he doesn't play Soldier
The game's balanced around him, so you may as well get a feel for what it's like to play the game the way it's intended.
What would the Heavy update be called?
Yes, just like we're still getting Episode 3
>"He sold? Pawmp eet."
Delete soldier
I'm going to main Medic!!!
>Crusader's Crossbow, Medigun, Amputator
What Direct Hit was removed but every other soldier primary inherited its stats on top of the already existing ones?
worth the weight
What are you talking about, user?
soldier got new lines in his tank taunt
*what if
>Are rocketjump maps that big among the community?
Well, not completely. There are a lot of rocketjumping servers, but most of them run jump_academy (which is pretty much one of the simplest maps possible). There quite a few servers dedicated to running more enthusiast tier maps, and even hardcore maps, but those aren't too populated (In europe at least).
The enthusiast jumping community isn't quite big, let's just say that you tend to come across the same names a lot.
The main "hub" for motivated jumpers is , basically it hosts a bunch of good servers and they register all sorts of game demos, which is nice.
So to cut short : many tried, few stayed.
You should look up to TF2rjWeekly's 6th "beginnings" competition, it's basically made to motivate newer players to get into jumping. You can look up the last competition on their channel, it's pretty dope.
'Kept You Weight-ing, Huh?'
>what if one of the best classes in the game got a huge buff?
how about no?
>tf2 thread
>nobody posts old but gold gmod vids
cause we're actually talking about the games update and news faggot.
>games update and news
>final tf2 update
>they give buffs to everything
how do you react?
This is our new map. Say something nice about it.
I'm going to Place a dispenser here.
>Why can’t I go lone wolf in a team game?!
My all time fav game is almost dead... And it makes me sad...
>stock rl, reserve shooter, market gardener
>badwater, upward, hoodoo, 5george, snakewater and gullywash
I'm surprised people still actually play it after collectively fucked up the value of every item, making them all worthless pixels on a screen. That's when I stopped playing and that was in 2014 I think.
user they were always worthless pixels. Speculative spending is the killer of currency
I would never waste time on such a shitty map concept in the first place.
>Stock, Reserve Shooter (yes, even post-nerf), Anything
Or you could just run short circuit.
Sounds great for MvM. Not so much the rest of the game.
What the fuck is wrong with the misc part of Casual mode. Whenever I click on all maps, I get matched into some of the misc maps and the server is full of sniperaimbots.
>games update and news
There's news besides Tyler baiting people for views?
>such a shitty map concept
you havent seen nothing yet
That happened to me the other day but on a Dustbowl pub, found out after it's a bot testing server someone's co-opted
Grenade Launcher, Jumper, Eyelander
>every soldier primary has a -70% explosion radius
finally a crocket won't clear the point/cart
Stock becomes the Direct Hit
Liberty Launcher becomes a rail gun
Black Box becomes 0% equip rate
Beggars becomes useless
Cowmangler becomes even more fun
Airstrike becomes more fun
but you can so your point is invalid
>using nolem's TAS
whats the fucking point then
original, gunboats, market gardener
> Scattergun( BFB pre second nerf), Pistol, Holy Mackerel
> 5 CP
Yes I know I'm a terrible person
Imagine if they fucked up the Heavy Update so hard that Heavy comes the strongest class, while still being the easiest to play and still the tankiest thing in the game. It would be like playing Overwatch.
>Iron Curtain, Sandvich, Fists of Steel
Considering the Pyro update introduced 3 trash weapons and buffed the Heavy more than it did the Pyro, I'm not expecting that to happen.
>Phlog Jetpack Neon annihilator
>Any mode where I can terrorize snipers and unsuspecting medics
>Mostly stock, if I find a competent med, boston basher
>5cp, Payload, and not really A/D, but Gravelpit.
>rocket launcher/blackbox/original, gunboats, escape plan/whip
>escape a fight with low health
>see friendly heavy
>crouch and pretend to be friendly
>he gives me his sandvich
>"Thanks, Soldier!"
>"Many thanks!"
>kill him
Based and redpilled. Though I try to kill them in creative ways.
But the pyro update made pyros flames liquid magma. It got so bad that they had to nerf it later down the line
I kinda miss the ol' days of super short "x is y" and "I am x" gmod vids.
Not too old, but still gold:
>Stock shotgun
>Stock pistol
>Stock wrench/Gunslinger
>Determination the likes of which can only be attained through unrelenting southern hospitality
>Stock Flamethrower
>Stock Shotgun
>The anger of a thousand misgendered trannies
>Also CTF
I'm awfully agressive while still hanging near my buildings/other Engineer's buildings.
I protect them like fucking children
>crusader's crossbow, medigun, ubersaw
I've only ever used the medic since I started the game and had so much fun that I've never cared to play the others.
There are legit runs out there, use Google, autismo.
this guy shows up in your game
what do?
>be in quiet area of the map
>hear spy footsteps
>echolocate his ass and one-two airshot him while cloaked
>he calls hacks
Listen to him, the music's kinda nice. If someone starts a votekick, I'd vote no.
How the hell does it affect the gameplay?
>have a burning flames tosslecap that my friend gifted me on christmas of 2010
>can't play scout anymore because it's too painful to look at now that he's dead
I haven't logged a single hour on Scout since 2013
I miss him
uh but unusuals and strange shit are still extremely pricey
The worst part about it is that people would shit on you for wearing it anyway, because of the whole "scunt" thing.
What'd he die of?
sell it nigger.
then give me the keys
>playing heavy
>hear dead ringer decloak
>hear footsteps
>1 fucking 80 degree turn around
>blast the spy back to the stone age
>the whole "scunt" thing.
the what
Wear it and carry on his legacy.
I only just started playing since I recently got in to PC gaming. Is there a good beginners guide anywhere? Shit like the weapon unlocks appear to me random, and craftings explanation is beyond my tiny brain.
Tosslecap and some other cosmetics are infamous to a lot of people for being the average tryhard scout's favorite cosmetics. They label those who wear them as scunts.
Weapon unlocks and crafting are all additional fluff that you should ignore until you've gotten a decent grip on everyone's stock loadouts.
Actually important things to figure out early on are config, custom hud and a bunch of settings that are superior to default.
Are there any pre-2013 weapons you've never once used?
I'm clocking in at 4k hours and never once used Liberty Launcher or Soda Pooper.
I've never used the market gardener
>bitch-ass spy cloaks himself
>aim towards the path he's obviously retreating on
>unload all of my ammo
>he dies and calls hax
Fucking Spy mains
Reminder that you will never get
>the last TF2 comic
>the Heavy update
>back all that time and effort you wasted chasing fucking video game hat market trends
I've never used the razorback
I never used medic until I had 500h
cozy camper
>damn dag nabit faggit
Whoa, I know Engineer's from the South but does he really have to be so insensitive to queers?
>stock scorch shot powerjack
There is nothing funnier than killing 2+ enemies with reflected rocket
>Yea Forums makes a tf2 map
>it turns out as expected
This map has more soul then anything put out in TF2 in the last 10 years
it's no mandrill maze