May 2019... I am... Forgotten

May 2019... I am... Forgotten

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Other urls found in this thread:


How many times have you made the same thread already?
If its so dead why can't you stop talking about it?

you just had this thread, Barry:

>If its so dead why can't you stop talking about it?
Barry mad that people like this game. See for him shitposting and falseflagging

apparently not

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Was literally playing this last night

>Best selling game of the year
>Critical mode came out a few days ago
>More DLC announced at E3
>Releasing in September
>It's not going to be the only one, and you know it

It won't be forgotten in a while, accept it Barry

There were like five threads alone yesterday. Fuck off

I'm so happy this game released, not because I like Kingdom Hearts, but because I won't hear you fucking retards moan for Kingdom Hearts 3 for years again.

is my filter for retarded forgotten posts not working right now?

unironically kill yourself op
its what your parents would've wanted too

>KH3 will get all of its DLC while FFXV will forever be an unfinished pile of trash

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>Can only use the No Attractions skill in Critical mode

Shitty game is shitty.

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It's sad that the only excuse Osakafags have for KH3 being shit is that another game is worse.

it was finished when it launched, everything since is supplementary
must be cozy on that cock


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Just play Critical then scrub

Convinced myself to buy game saying

>It's the conclusion of a trilogy , I'm sure they will work hard to really make it good.

Holy Shit , mistakes were made.

Proud would be the perfect difficulty without attractions. Critical mode is full of bullshit.

I will forever fucking hate what Barry has turned discussion of this series into. Now threads are full of fucking counter shills who do nothing but praise KH3 and ignore all of its flaws just because Barry is a fucking retard who can't contain his autism and they feel they have to preemptively defend against it.

>I am bad at the game
Just get better then

Even without attractions, Proud is still too easy.

>Just get better then
I'm not autistic enough to bother. I got the platinum, I'm done.

Who is Barry? Is he XV-kun?

Yes. Bazztek, Barry and XV-kun. Are the same person.

Fuck off with this falseflagging Barry shit already you autistic fuck.
You've been doing this since before the game even launched you retarded shill.

>he fell for the KH3 meme

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>Kingdom hearts
>[Loud sustained yawning fills the room]

Why are KH girls so much lower quality than Pokegirls? There's not a single character on the sheer level of sexy as Lusamine.

Why is it only this website that turns into a cesspool when kh3 is mentioned?
Every other site will just say
>this was great
>I liked this world the best
>the ending sucked etc
But here it's always mindless shit flinging. I don't get why some people literally can't accept that a 30hr jrpg with lots of different worlds and flashy combat is liked by people. You guys act like it's an unplayable buggy mess with how angry you get.

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Because those people are casual fucking retards that jumped on the Disney hype train while I loved the series from the beginning and guess who Nomura fucking catered 3 to?

I just googled that and checked the twitter. FFXV banner and location is Australia. I'm in tears.

Can you have shittier taste?

You're free to go back to normalfag.

Both. Every character got some sort of conclusion and the keyblade graveyard was nothing but fanservice specifically for fans.

Barry had been banned from every single site except Twitter and Yea Forums (although he really just ban evades here).

Take it easy, incel. At least they know how to like something.

Probably because Pokegirls don't really need to be too special to be memorable. You can just have a swimmer who decided to run a gym be a named character and that's it.

In comparison, KH wants all of its females to be special characters with special backstories and special powers and then winds up using all of them poorly.

Unless you mean design, in which case it's probably Nomura's design sense.

I was actually playing critical last night, I think it's the best version yet.

>new additions to blocking that reward timing
>ability that replaces attractions with more form changes, wish this was in every difficulty though
>can transfer keyblades from a completed save

It's pretty great.

Kill yourself reddit piece of shit.

What thought you died with XV barry.

Can we finally agree that the first Kingdom Hearts is absolutely terrible?

Yea Forums hates everything and actively hopes that new games will fail miserably like TORtanic.


>he calls that rushed garbage fanservice
Shoo shoo casual.

It's million times better than 3 and it's the second best of the series after 2FM

You're triggered, sweetie.

Fuck off, Barry.

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We cannot, you just have shit taste.

Pokemon didn't take as many fujopills as KH.

>Camera is absoute horseshit and not even Remix could fix it
>A.I. makes your party members useless or a bother
>The fucking Ariel world
>Tarzan's world is empty and a chore to navigate
>The final boss has SIX phases, and you have to FLY on three of them, and you can't save or buy items
>Flying sucks
>Story is barely a thing

It sucks, senpai.


Haven't played KH after the first. Does the new one come with a neat booklet that's absent in 99% of nu-games?
Pic related, one of the end pages to my KH1 booklet.

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2FMfags are the meleefags of Kingdom Hearts.

Critical is based but I don't really feel like playing all the way through again so soon
hopefully the dlc is good

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Nah, fix your brain.

Have sex

>location is Australia
the world just made a little more sense.

>Camera is absoute horseshit and not even Remix could fix it
PS4 version actually made it worse.
AI of party members is shit in all KH games. At least you could somewhat control in KH1 by using triangle on a targeted enemy for them to go attack them or stay put.
Atlantica is much better than Pirates world in 3.
Tarzan's world is not as empty as shit like Arendelle.
The final boss is Kino unlike Xehanort.
Flying is actually better than in KH3.
It's the only game in the series with a story that's coherent and not too retarded. The only game that actually incorporates the Disney Villains well instead of Maleficent just showing up for some random throwaway filler segments like in 2 and 3(especially the latter).

for being forgotten you sure get a lot of threads, kh3

Wasn't he hurting his entire Critical Stream because he wouldn't use the cooking mechanics?

>FFXV was finished when it launched

Even the developers don't agree with you.

ACfag copycat shitposting. You needn't ask because whenever it comes up you'll get a copy paste about how it's always "The KHfags" shitting up their own threads and never this "Boogieman" that's mentioned. Same Webms, same images and filenames, lurk the threads if you haven't, you'll see the pattern soon enough.

To be fair Nomura also admitted KH3 was unfinished too. Obviously not on purpose like XV, but still.

The cooking mechanic IS stupid.
He didn't even die that much in Crit, he got bored with the game and didn't even finish it.
It looked like he wasn't even trying that hard too.

Links are still broken as fuck and Osaka still has no clue on how to balance a game.
Instead of just nerfing the fire spell for example they just made you have less now magic is mostly useless but Links are still broken so it doesn't matter too much in the end.
Guess they were too lazy to rebalance the game for Crit.

>Only platinum is FFXV
>Didn't buy the DLCs
>Hasn't touched any other games besides XV to any real extent.

It's quite sad to think that after he finished that he dedicated his life to Browsing twitter for any posts about XV yelling into an echo chamber when not on Yea Forums.

>H-He wasn't trying!

DSP E-Celeb shills, everyone.

>Obviously not on purpose like XV
This is extremely dumb.
That game was in development for more than 10 years before coming out and even had a title change. It wasn't done on purpose, it was done because they already lost too much money on the damn thing to begin with so they had to recoup it.

Nomura is largely at fault for this. It's his fault that the based Tokyo Team got broken up now and we will never see a KH game like the first 2 again.

>it was done because they already lost too much money on the damn thing to begin with so they had to recoup it.
Yes... so they cut out pieces and sold them too you separately... on purpose.

He was using the same tactics over and over after a while and pretty much just grinding through it to just get it done with.
The ensemble fights bored him so much he couldn't be bothered to finish it.

Heck he died to Aqua multiple times because of the Keyblade Cinematic leaving you vulnerable/taking the camera away from you(which is dumb design by Osaka) and he didn't realize it until someone pointed it out to him.
It was obvious he didn't even care.

what? i thought this autists was on a personal crusade only against dmc

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You could make that argument about most Kingdom Hearts games with their Final Mixes too.

It's dumb to say that KH3 being unfinished wasn't on purpose when they stripped all of the Final World out of the game and then say XV was.
Either they're both unfinished on purpose or they aren't.

My take is that neither of them started development with the intention of developing finished games but Nomura being so incompetent forced them to go down that road twice.

Platinum'd and forgotten.

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>only against dmc
no, pretty much anything resembling an action game gets his attention, and he falseflags back and forth to hell and back to stir up shit.

I'm more willing to bet that KH3's problem was genuine poor planning and incompetence than spite. Unless of course that sleeping world shit is true, in which case yes, it means Nomura sold an unsatisfying, incomplete game on purpose specifically to pull a Shamylan with the DLC/FM.

damn, that's really pathetic. hope someone finds out where he lives and how he looks like so i can hire a hitman and put a end to his misery

melbourne apparently lol
still amazes me that moot wasn't even remotely joking when he said most of the shitposting is just austrailians.

Pretty fucking awful he's covered so many bases it's impossible to filter him without breaking half the goddamn board. I miss when tripfags made themselves easy to ignore.

Actually form changes are less frequent in Crit because they increased how long it takes to build up SCs. Bizkit047 noted it here:

They made it 3 combos instead of 2, big whoop.

At the start of this video you can see it taking 5 combos to build up a formchange.

Meow Wow and Simba definitely carried me through Critical. Probably shouldn't have tried the Wisdom choices.

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no one outside of Yea Forums even knows about this game

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