Brujah are in. Toreabros next. Malks on suicide watch.
Ventrue best clan.
Lick my boots, commoners.
Shit gameplay incoming.
>muh Carthage
*sacrifices infants to Moloch
Brujah intro vid
LMAO this game is going to be absolute shit
So, just like Bloodlines, no?
bloodlines had so much more to offer
>those early 2000s/late90s vibe
>Malks on suicide watch
So Thursday?
The toreador image might actually be Lasombra
epic, just epic
Where do I spam my VtM: BM2 link to get more blood points? I only have 585 right now.
>Posting this on both VTMB threads
Oof, autism.
>weak ass thinblood represented by WHITE MALE
>physically powerful brujah represented by YAAASSS KWEEN
>the Brujah are jackasses
It’s about right
Thinblood confirmed. Is this the bonus clan? You don't stay a thinblood right? You pick a discipline and then move into another clan or something?
Brujah and Tremere were all but confirmed. 'You will get a very punchy clan and a clan that plays like a spellcaster.' Now Brujah is confirmed.
4 more spots open. 6 core clans remaining. Tremere practically guaranteed. Ventrue, Toreador, Malkavian, Nosferatu, and Gangrel might be in or out.
>Bioshock/Dishonoured powers again
>Fist of Caine (Blood Cost: 2), Potence’s first active power, allows the Brujah to deliver a devastating punch that turns walls into rubble and throws enemies through the air, tearing of limbs and causing collateral damage
>devastating punch that turns walls into rubble
looks weird desu
Will it not play the same as Chivalry?
>This Thinblood discipline allows the vampire to manipulate objects through telekinesis - allowing them to even pull weapons from enemies’ hands.
>• Pull (Blood Cost: 0/1, target dependent) is Mentalism’s first active. It allows the vampire to manipulate inanimate objects from afar - whether that’s an inconvenient obstacle, or the knife in the hands of the NPC bearing down on them. The • • slot upgrades Pull even further.
>• • • Levitate (Blood Cost: 2), the second active power, suspends a living NPC in the air. Its strength can be enhanced with the • • • • and • • • • • slots, until the vampire can levitate everyone and everything in an area, and throw suspended enemies around like ragdolls.
I'm getting Skyrim perk tree flashbacks.
Does the writing in these reveal videos seem a bit underwhelming? Well, as long as it's good in the full game.
Noted brujah intellectual
Is the original writing team back or no?
As boring and basic as clans can get.
Coupled with starting as a thinblood and no gameplay I can feel my expectations sink lower and lower.
Dishonored is cool
Malk is not in at release, the rest have playstyles that would fit good archetypes.
The writing team consists of people with pronouns in their twitter bios
The lead writer is in
No shit that nobody bought it at launch with an ad like that
It's introducing clans from their own perspective, so it's lacking the sick bants you get from the sourcebook and Bloodlines 1.
Also, it's supposed to introduce normies to the personality of the clans, so it makes sense if it's a little more basic.
>Tfw Ventrue
Lmaoing@u subhumans.
>Also, it's supposed to introduce normies to the personality of the clans
Looking forward to the Ventrue one. I bet it will be some variation of I "love being rich and white" or "Fuck brown people and women".
What about mods?
Wow, how revolutionary.
>New Bloodlines is out
>Turns out its absolute shit with +10 DLCs n + 15 cosmetic DLCs
>Oldfags and nufags+shills start spamming threads how good/bad it was
>Literally WoD vs nWoD but vidya
Can't wait
It's 2019. A brown person will represent them.
I asked about it on the stream and got this
>toreadors represented by my gran's living room
sweetie no
no other clan would even consider having a fireplace
Nah, they wouldn’t pass up the chance to make the Ventrue racist rich assholes (which, aside from the racist part, is true to form) and that by necessity means they must be white
Ventrue chads would while fucking toreador women
in that case the pic right to it is lasombra
I was so sure they were gonna ditch nosferatu.
>only two disciplines which also only come with two abilities
Fucking pathetic.
Toreador, Ventrue, and Trememe are the virgin clans. Malks, Nosferatu, Brujahs and Gangrel are the chads of the Vampire world
>laughs in Tzimisce
You get to upgrade them though, in a way it's continuation of the first game's way of dealing with VtM disciplines. Presence & Obfuscate were reduced to single powers both while their P&P counterparts have other powers like the mask of thousand faces so for some it's certainly a upgrade. Imagine Obfuscate giving you both invisibility through mind-trick and mind-trick aka Mask of Thousand Faces. It's not all bad when you think of it and I bet Tremere will get more than two powers under Thaumaturgy discipline.
>Mask of a Thousand Faces: Change your appearance and mannerisms to mimic someone else
Having 2 + your initial Thinblood discipline is gay though, I hope modders will come up with a fix soon.
I want a ghoul or a childe to call me master
So as of now, no definite answer but since it’s unreal engine 4 I doubt it.
What's up with UE4 that makes it harder for modding?
only ventrue is the incel clan, seeing its popularity on here
>Buys your shithole you call home while stealing your girl with superior aryan genetics
Very low chance of actual mod tools since Ep*c doesn't like it or something. Don't worry we'll still get the model swaps and incredibly shitty nude mods that pc players drool over though.
We’ve had just about every clan show up in these threads which means they’re pretty much all incels
Can’t gell honestly, the field might be hardcoded as opposed to CryEngine where you can mod everything without modding tools. UE4 is a meme anyway.
Yes having 3 combat branches each with 2 active abilities with forms that upgrade them past simple number percentages sure is better than what was in the first bloodlines. Seethe harder nostalgiafag.
Dude nosferatu is literally the incel clan, to the extent where their belief that ugly people can only get laid by deceit is incarnated as the cleopatras.
Clans in Bloodlines 1 had 7-9 different active abilities, Bloodlines 2 will have 6 according to the information provided so far.
>their belief that ugly people can only get laid by deceit is incarnated as the cleopatras
What? Cleopatras is about humbling the arrogant and teaching a lesson to the ones who use their looks to coast through life. Also jealousy. Shitloads of jealousy.
The embrace represents lust, and they often use the thousand masks to lure their preys, sure is scrapping the bottom of the barrel but won't stop me from believing so.
>The closest to human, to the player character, is a white man
>The angry, stupid and violent monster is a black woman
>hooligans in fucking Seattle
Which mod with new clans for Bloodlines is the best, or at the very least acceptable?
I see Clan Quest, The Final Nights and Antitribu.
Assuming your 6 number is correct, including the 3 thinblood abilities, Bloodlines 2 would have 9 different disciplines, each with 2 active abilities that can be upgraded with changed and amplified effects, which comes out to 18 activatable abilities.
>its a shitty dishonored clone with vampires sprinkled in
yawn, next
That ability is probably Potence's Earthshock, not levitate.
You can choose only 1 of the thinblood disciplines, read the page again. Every discipline has 2 abilities, so you have 2 thinblood abilities and 4 clan abilities, making it 6.
>drinks from Venus
Kinda crazy how UT3 is moddable af
you must mean toreador
Brujah had only 3 active abilities, it was only a matter of progression. 4 if you include blood buff, 5 if you include bloodheal via most mods.
Toreador had Presence, Auspex and Celerity, which only have one active power. Same story as Brujah. I'm not in favour of scrapping the 3rd discipline from each but the overall workings of it are good, not simply a matter of +1/+2/+3 etc.
>The Brujah have never been a large part of the Seattle Kindred community, but when they do show up to a party, they make their presence known immediately
Clan Quest doesn't introduce any new clans, but instead adds new quests to existing ones along with an entire Sabbat questline. Not a bad way to play vanilla clans. The Final Nights is also pretty good and I like certain gameplay changes that they have made, such as brandishing any weapon in public places is a criminal violation. Inspection isn't also useless for items straight up don't spawn if your Inspection isn't high enough.
Antitribu is meh for the most part, wouldn't really bother with it.
I don't see the player smashing the ground.
Oh sorry I was readng your math wrong, I thought you meant between all the clans.
Final Nights is buggy as fuck though.
Don't be an idiot, okay?
>drink from Angloniggers
shut the fuck up faggot
>Nos and Tremere returning
malks are always on suicide watch
Hmmm. I never really counted active abilities before. Let's see. Tremere would have the most at 12 because they have two casting disciplines and 1 buffing. Brujah and Toreador have the least at 4 since they're all about buffs. Nosferatu, Gangrel, Malkavian and Ventrue all have one "caster" discipline and two buffing disciplines so they have 8 actives.
Certain disciplines definitely have more than one power like Dominate or Thaumaturgy. We haven't seen those yet and I believe those disciplines will have more than two powers, otherwise it'd be boring. But I'm liking what they've done with Celerity & Potence, even though they scrapped a discipline entirely from each clan.
So what third discipline is every clan losing?
They want each clan to be as "unique" as possible so I bet they'll remove some of those common ones. Brujah & Toreador both have Presence & Celerity, having removed Presence from Brujah they'll most likely remove Celerity from Toreador. Tremere & Ventrue both have Dominate, Tremere will probably lose Dominate.
Malkavians have Dominate now too considering Dementation is being consolidated into Dominate
They wouldn’t remove Dominate from Ventrue but would Malkavians lose their only (now admittedly tangentially) crazy discipline?
>tfw didn't touch dominate on my Tremere playthrough
Pretty hard to decide.
For Ventrue I'd bet they'll remove Presence because otherwise Fortitude is either not in the game or Gangrel take another slot. And Dominate + Fortitude is kind of what makes Ventrue the Ventrue. As Tung said, they can take the fire.
Toreador either lose Celerity or Auspex, my bet would be Auspex because no only Brujah have Celerity besides them.
If Nos are in they'll either lose Potence or Animalism, bet would be on Potence.
Malkavians would either lose Obfuscate or Dominate, can't imagine taking away Auspex.
Tremere will either lose Auspex or Dominate
I didn't even use anything but magic bolt.
>here's your senior writer bro
didnt malks reaquire dementation just recently?
You're an idiot if you actually think that's levitate. It looks nothing like telekinesis. It's clearly a shock wave. Just because the camera fades to black and doesn't look at the ground doesn't mean it's not Earthshock. It makes far more sense that they would show a Brujah ability with the reveal. Just admit you're wrong, you don't have any fucking argument.
Yes but I thought V5 got rid of Dementation (or rather consolidated it into Domination)
Not sure what that means for the actual table top RPG but at least gameplay-wise it kinda makes sense considering Dementation worked pretty much the same as Domination
They were very simple in tabletop as well from what I've read
man i hope this doesn't suck ass
Maybe at the lower levels but I thought I was reading in one of the editions that Dementation had abilities such as you could deny the existence of say a gun or a knife or a door and for the Malkavian who used the ability, it actually wouldn’t exist
Can’t remember if that was a high level ability (that the players likely would never reach) or if its in an old edition that was long since removed tho
nice nose job Cara
feels it'd be literally this really
vtmb2 will be exactly the jump ss2 had with bioshock
Tremere or bust. Nosferatu are alright too. Are we only getting 5 clans?
We’re supposedly getting 7, although only 5 will be in at launch
I'm actually playing through The Final Nights right now. It's pretty okay. The OC characters have terrible voice acting and they replaced the soundtrack so you can't dance to I S O L A T E D anymore, but I'm having fun fucking with the new clans.
Just remember if you go Salubri take Missionary of Burden because you're going to be getting the shit kicked out of you
Good to know, thanks anonymous
I kinda like their OST choice. I love Isolated like the every other person out there but having something different on your 23rd playthrough is nice for a change.
Why does he wear the gloves?
I wonder, if I showed her my throbbing hard cock would she salivate or denounce me? I'm black btw, I have immunity to SJW outrage
>and they replaced the soundtrack so you can't dance to I S O L A T E D anymore
It was a Dementation level 8 discipline.
So only learnable by 5th generation and lower.
Also I disagree that Dementation was similiar to Dominate in the tabletop, it had way less useful applications and it was very easy to see that it was originally developed as a Sabbat Discipline because causing Havoc is the one thing it was great at.
The new Dementation ability is actually insanely useful in social situations.
>fingerless gloves
Because he actually is a VtM vampire
He's a ghoul that never left the early 2000's.
I want to cuddle with damsel
I was talking about the video game, when I said gameplay-wise. Basically I was saying, “I don’t know if this is a significant change for the RPG but at least for the video game, they were very similar”
I should have clarified that better
Based, she was at least the 10th best girl.
How does the new Dementation ability work?
I want to cuddle with Heather
Can Heather not be a sex slave? Ghouls like Knox and Mercurio are independent but the few times I let Heather stay she always turns into a sex slave and loses all of her original personality
I want to cuddle with the voerman sisters and help them over their trauma
What original personality? She’s dying on a table when you first meet her
I don't care what anyone says, I liked Heather and hope we have another ghoul in the new game.
Ghouls are problematic, user
So are big titty vampire mommies but they had one in the trailer.
How so? She served her purpose well
I want to cuddle with venus
There better be bust & ass sliders in the game like Dragon's Dogma or I'll riot.
>Buy VTMB years ago
>Never play it
>Hear a sequel is in the works
>Finally play VTMB
>Play as a cute female brujah naively going through the world and punching things really hard when needed
>Align with Anarchs
>End up being unable to beat ming xiao because all I could do was punching
>Start another character, a male Ventrue
>Decide to do the exact opposite and align with LaCroix
>Absolutely shit on Ming Xiao with my superior firepower
>mfw the LaCroix ending
Si Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?
absolute madman
are brujah sjws? all i'm hearing is they are basically antifa and shit like that. true or just /pol/ being /pol/?
they're supposed to be anti-authority types, rebels and punks
i guess that was cooler back in the 90s
do bloodline games have nudity in them? they should have if they want to compete with cdpr
cyberpunk 2077 is going to have some top tier waifus i hope this game will too
>Brujah are in.
I can't wait
I really want Yukie to appear in the sequel.
Why tf is the third guy without shoes
Here's a gathering of some anarch group in Copenhagen, take it as you like. That being said your clan doesn't make you a certain type of person automatically, maybe you're more inclined towards a certain direction. There are still loyal Brujah to Camarilla for example, called Hellenes. And the corebook mentions /pol/ Brujah, even namedrops them as
>Common perception place punks, gang-members, maladjusted immigrants rejected by the society that should protect them, and placard-carrying and Molotov wielding rioters among the Brujah. While the clan definitely includes substantial numbers of vocal and
visible outsiders, their desire for rebellion reaches as deep as the fraudster ripping off his own company, the lawyer representing the poor pro bono, the neo-Nazi claiming to be “alt-right,” and the basement-dweller downloading thousands of movies illegally for redistribution on streaming sites.
>expecting anything good in 2019
>and expecting it from paradox
Are you guys delusional?
I wouldn't call it delusional, desperate maybe. I'm just craving for a new WoD game.
>Common perception place punks, gang-members, maladjusted immigrants rejected by the society that should protect them, and placard-carrying and Molotov wielding rioters among the Brujah. While the clan definitely includes substantial numbers of vocal and
visible outsiders, their desire for rebellion reaches as deep as the fraudster ripping off his own company, the lawyer representing the poor pro bono, the neo-Nazi claiming to be “alt-right,” and the basement-dweller downloading thousands of movies illegally for redistribution on streaming sites.
that sounds so cringe, how are you supposed to take brujah seriously?
Already imagining the tiddies.
You don't. They're jokes. Same with the Anarchs. Even the VtMB ones were a bunch of retards.
She would be pretty mature now, might be cool.
>that sounds so cringe, how are you supposed to take brujah seriously?
You don't. They keep crying about muh Carthage, how it was a perfect free state where kine and kindred lived in peace but in truth they were sacrificing babies to Moloch, a devil worshipping 4th gen Baali methuselah.
I ain’t convinced she won’t get the Elizabeth-Bioshock Infinite treatment before release. Here’s to hoping I’m wrong tho
It’s like mind control which is just an SJW hop, skip and a jump away from slavery
Dominate is literally mind control.
>The Brujah can be passionate fighters but also critical thinkers; the clan activists are often very different from the clan theorists. On many occasions, the latter are Embraced from former gender studies or sociology students, those who have survived near-death experiences, and people who have in other ways suffered and endured great personal loss. The philosophical Brujah, known as Hellenes, believe the best method of dismantling the establishment is to understand the social and cultural systems that allow it to exist in the first place.
Gotta give it due to Hellenes though for sticking with Camarilla. I used to agree with Jack saying it serving duttering dusty oldfarts but with the second inquisition taking place, it's more important than ever. Inquisition only got the wind of two Camarilla Elysiums, whereas most other factions got purged entirely. Though the latter is due to Camarilla tipping those places to SI, which is what made Brujah rebel against the Camarilla.
What clan that wasn't playable in BL1 do you think has the highest chance of making it in?
Gonna get comfy in my Camarilla-backed haven tbqh
Yeah but it isn’t permanent, at least not in-game
I’m not going to argue it’s good but I’d never argue the vampires are the good guys to begin with
Assamites and Lasombra because of their new Camarilla affiliation
Brujah is literally the most uninteresting clan in the setting.
>Malks on suicide watch.
As if they'd gut the best clan from the first game in terms of writing.
Exactly, beautiful monsters, besides the skidmarks.
Which one of those is malk then?
Just like Bloodlines, or any games with special abilities, for that matter. What a stupid attempt at criticism.
I would guess nos/ventrue/brujah/malk would be basically guaranteed.
in LARP my Torie was mindfucked by a Ventrue to kill someone and then had my memory rewrote so I thought that I killed a child.
Are you fucking stupid? The first game's disciplines were filled with these types of powers
>less than a year from release date
>only in pre-alpha
It's marketing speak, my dude.
this can be appiled to literally every game you brainlet
wooow i have to press buttons to make the character do things? shit game
Terms like alpha and beta have lost all technical meaning and are basically just marketing terms now.
And pic related is another set of Anarchs, another featured set was literal frat boys and another the literal Cainite Heresy. The whole point of the movement is that they aren't unified and are full of retards,people that want to be left alone, idealists and blood thirsty maniacs half a step removed from the Sabbat
Not him but it wouldn’t surprise me to find they won’t be one of the five playable at launch
Yeah I was hoping they'd make them more mechanically interesting than just hitting things, but that's their whole gimmick I guess
Am I the only one noticing the complete absence of art style or "charm" in its writing? How many of the original games writers are returning for this game? I get the lead writer is back (he won't be enough) but who else?
The more I see the less hyped I feel. A game like this would have been perfect for an art style similar to Dishonored imo
Not a damn clue. I just know that paradox likes money, and malkavians bring money wherever they go. Imagine the backlash if they announced that malks weren't going to be included. Would you even buy the game for that second playthrough?
Is charm the new soul?
First i've seen it used or used it myself. It's the only word I felt described what I feel the game is lacking in all of the trailers/pre alpha footage i've seen.
Looks generic as fuck and that's impressive considering how unique the WoD world is.
>Am I the only one noticing the complete absence of art style or "charm" in its writing?
We have seen none of the writing besides what the marketers have wrote.
>Malk is not in at release
Cool, guess I can wait until it's on sale
>Looks generic as fuck and that's impressive considering how unique the WoD world is.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The WoD is literally just our world but shittier in every regard.
We haven't even seen any proper gameplay videos, save for two 5 seconds long isolated sneak peeks.
Have they said when they're going to do an actual gameplay reveal?
Could easily be a free dlc
>there are actually and unironically people who go anything but Tremere
E3 makes the most sense, but no they haven't said.
>there are people that like the Tremere
They got hit the hardest by Inquisition, the entire council of seven got blown to pieces in Vienna. That's what you get from putting all your eggs in one basket and pissing off Assamites.
Why would you assume that you don't get clan specific disciplines?
Yeah I’ll echo the ‘what writing?’ sentiment
We have nothing but the main plot. And the main plot of the first wasn’t anything amazing either
>There are people that don't exclusively pick Toreador
Peak ugliness.
gangrel next or i riot
Tremere + Guns is best. Fuck shitty melee gameplay, bullets and magic blap blap
>not picking Nosferatu
Pretty boys pretending not to be monsters everyone
Main story is still Mitsoda, thankfully
It's hilarious, ain't it?
boring clan for boring people
Are you implying that Paradox can't publish good games?
Which clan used guns the best? I like that one.
devious Assamites
I don't follow the deepest lore, what has Venture been up to lately? I chose them in the first game cause I like being talky, but not being a manwhore.
It's strange how you can tell someone is a Chad based on their opinion of the Toreador
Yeah I was referring to that part. That's what you get for casting a blood curse on an entire warrior sect.
>Due to their inherent clan weakness, Assamites grow darker with age.
how did they get away with this?
>council of seven
>The council of seven led by Saulot imposter
Tremere himself tipped off the council. Resurgence soon, neonate.
They're trying to manage Camarilla so it's business as usual, but rather hard as of lately with the Second Inquisition and the Gehenna War in the middle east. They'll most likely have fortitude and dominate in the game but don't know exactly how they'll play right now.
Didn't this get retconned
Not as much retconned as they have 2 or different curses layered on top of each other supressing the previous ones
>free dlc
>paradox interactive
Pick one. I love me some paradox games, but they are some of the worst offenders when it comes to $200 "optional" content.
Hope we get more caste/catacomb/monastery missions
Also would be neat if we run into more serial killer on side missions like Gemble
They did say that future clans would be added as free dlc. What the means or if they're lying, I'll leave up to you
>blood moon for $21,90
Based paradox
Then again, they do do free content updates alongside DLC releases, and the worst DLC spam has happened with GSG games with lifespans of over five years. IIRC games like Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny got ~two paid story DLCs and some negligible digital goodies, which is going to be the case here judging from the preorders.
Damn these high wages.