This game holds up surprisingly well for a 22 years old game. Did you enjoy it? When was the last time you played it?
Final fantasy 7 FF7
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>This game holds up surprisingly well for a 22 years old game
True works of art don't get bad with the age.
FF7 especially is still very accessible, and atmospheric as hell.
>Did you enjoy it?
I sure did.
>when was the last time you played it?
You know what holds up well? Chrono Trigger.
I really liked the intro but everything after midgar was lame and I gave up after Cid joined
Well, it peaked in Midgar for sure, but the rest wasn't bad.
I've had this game on Steam for a few years now and everytime I try to play it I just lose interest around the time you get to the sewers. Should I power through it or is it something you had to have played back in the day to appreciate?
Don't be a faggot for starters.
Cloud was a good character that got ruined after every spinoff flanderized his character into a depressed emo boy
based and makopilled
Just started it recently, what the fuck is this horrible battle system? The wait mode isn't even any better than the default mode. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? I hated it in Chrono Trigger and I hate it here.
Man I thought I was the only one who hated those battle systems
Trust us, you're not the only faggot here.
I can't imagine why anyone would like it. At best it's a hindrance when you're just sitting there waiting out your timer and at worst it's extremely frantic and doesn't give you time to think about what you're doing. It's the worst shit ever.
>The wait mode isn't even any better
Why the fuck would the wait mode be better than active? The game's built around the latter.
I played the game for the 1st time in 2012 or so, and I fucking loved it.
Sewers? That's like less than 1/5th into the first disc alone!
>at worst it's extremely frantic and doesn't give you time to think about what you're doing
git gud, ATB is not for smolbrains
Because active is fucking incomprehensible and annoying and doesn't let you think about your actions like a turn based game should? Fucking duh?
You can't think under pressure? Are you a woman?
I think you mean ATB is not for people with taste. It's absolutely horrendous.
Which is weird because Cloud was never really depressed. He was the epitome of "fake it til you make it" with his pretend confidence and a little crazy from PTSD and Jenova cells but I don't recall him being a sadsack, and I played the shit out of FF7 when it came out.
>like a turn based game should
it's not turn-based though. It's ATB.
The Wait moodo is literal EZ mode for the ADHD casuals.
That's the point? What fun is there in enemies that wait for you to make your move when each character you have has at least a few counters for every situation?
Think quickly brainlet
Or use the fucking pause button if you need to weigh out the difficult choice of "should I attack or heal"
I've never played FF7, my favourite Final Fantasy is FF8.
I think there's some good graphic mods or upscaled textures, I might play it one day.
>Actual critcism
>"Git gud"
Grow up, it's shit and full on turn based combat flows more naturally without the awkward waits in between turns.
Played it recently for the first time on my Switch, game is actual trash.
It's fucking trash once you leave Midgar.
active lets you hold onto on a character's turn if you know you'll need them for something in the next 10 seconds
What was it like seeing the FF7 intro play right after the burning Smash logo in the Wii U days? I felt as if I was in another dimension, like everything in the universe stopped making any sense. Time froze around me
The only other time I felt that way was in KH3 when i was expecting a cozy Toy Story intro cutscene and got greeted with fucking Verum Rex
In both cases it was kino
>active is fucking incomprehensible
Holy shit how is it humanly possible to be that brainlet?
>bar full
>do thing
>hindrance when waiting out the timer
Waiting for the 5 seconds timer? But wait I thought you didn't have time to think, so the timers would be already complete by the time you're done thinking.
But anyway, set battle speed to max, there, even less waiting.
>doesn't give you time to think about what you're doing
And wait mode does exactly that, so that you can take five minutes choosing between attack and attack. Yet you don't like it either.
dude probably haphazardly scatters every piece of materia he has on all the characters so he has to hunt and peck to remember which dude can cast bolt
Bought on Xbone. Irritated that they added boosts and assists at the push of a button to bring in the zoomers... I refuse to use them, not even to fast forward KotR. I was 14 when it came out, so I was very hesitant to play again, thinking back at all the stupid shit I liked unironically as a kid. A few cringey moments, but FF7 captivated me all over again. I forgot 95% of the game, so it was like playing again for the first time.
What sewers? I know the game by heart and I can't think of any sewers. There's that section after Don Corneo mansion that's kinda sewery, but that's TWO (2) fucking screens. Literally takes 10 whole seconds.
ATB is the proper evolution of turn based you dipshit. Stop being slow.
my best guess was the 2nd bombing mission when you have to fuck around in the subway system for a little bit
Would it help you to know, that the sewers last for two screens? Unless you mean the ones in the Sector 5 reactor blowup mission, which aren't really sewers? That would be 6 screens, if you go the right way.
>>bar full
>>do thing
Okay, just ignore the fact that there is no indication of when enemies are going to attack. There is no flow, it's fucking chaos.
He's probably referring to the sewers right after infiltrating Don's place. Which is super short, to say the least.
Jesus Christ dude.
Because they have their own ATB gauges ticking in the background. In fact, turning the battle speed up to the highest increases your ATB gain but also boosts the enemy's as well. If you're playing on Active and getting swamped by enemies attacking over and over, you're a slow picker, go for Wait as it actually pauses enemy ATB while you're trying to select something. Somewhat. I think it has to be a sub menu like magic or items, I can't remember how Wait works on a per-game basis.
Everyone's clocks are turning, so you don't dilly-dally with your shit.
The enemies have bars, just like you. You can very much guess when they are going to attack. But I don't see how that would influence your actions. You don't counter or block, there's no need for timed actions.
If that's such a problem, you can just wait for the enemy to attack, and select your action immediatly after. You can even skip character turns so that you always keep your healer ready to heal immediatly after an attack, while still attacking with the others.
Which is why the most acclaimed JRPGs of the time like Persona and Etrian still stick with traditonal turn based combat huh?
ATB is garbage at best
>Persona and Etrian are more acclaimed than FF7
The sewers dont make me lose interest, I just always seem to lose it around that point, does the game get better soon after the Mansion stuff or will i just now like it if I didn't like the stuff before it?
Meant to say 'current' time, as in the more popular JRPG's to come out recently
Currently playing through it right now. It’s my first final fantasy and jrpg. I’m at the shinra building to rescue aerith. I’m enjoying it so far.
Sometimes I remember a bit of music or a scene from this game and it's like I travel back in time to when I was a kid first playing. Can't even describe how awesome I thought this game was and how much I just wanted to live in that world shit as it was.
I wanna go back bros ;_;
Why does it matter to you whether a game is turn-based, action or what? Why can't you just enjoy a game for what it is instead of "well yeah but why are these games so popular at doing this differently"
>ATB is the proper evolution of turn based you dipshit.
No, turn based is fine on its own and has no need for evolution. ATB is a garbage relic from an era where people didn't understand how to/weren't able to make action RPGs. It's neither action or turn based and it sucks.
No, that's because Square-Enix holds the copyright to ATB, so only people like the Indivisible creators use it, because they're ignorant of the fact (or, being from the United States, it doesn't apply to them.).
>Why does it matter if you don't like the combat system of an RPG
Are you serious? I get the impression that you didn't follow the thread, the guy was saying it was the evolution, and I pointed out that most JRPGs today don't use it. Practice reading comprehension
A couple of months ago with the New Threat mod. It was great except for the inevitable lategame balance issues.
It gets much better. So far you've just been doing a few "character intro" stuff. You haven't even seen any main villains. The real game begins when you leave Midgar.
It will still be more of the same though. But the whole Don Corneo crossdressing segment is pretty boring, and not at all representative of the rest of the story.
Never in my life would I think Id ever hear ATB is garbage due to( well... what it amounts to) "Its tooo haaaaaaaaard x(. Its tooo chaotic! )x.".
Jesus, is your name Dana? You sound like my fucking wife. She loves Persona and Ifinally got her to play FF7 today which she was complaing about.
I'm sure nobody would want to use it even if it was fair use.
A friend gifted me this game for iPhone. Is it worth playing on mobile? I’ve never played FF7.
If you didn't like neither the zaniness of Wall Market/Aerith, the seriousness of the first reactor or the comfiness of Sector 7's people, setting and conversations, then I would say there's merely a 20% chance of you ending up liking VII. What FFs did you like? It would make it easier to answer.
It's not hard, it's fucking annoying. Sorry not everyone likes your pointlessly clunky badly aged battle system.
If you're going to defend the combat system you should at least open by not using a strawman, people ITT have complained that it doesn't flow well and leaves empty time where nothing awkwardly happens. Do you even understand the discussion being had?
ATB as implemented in VII is shit because the animations are so long that speed becomes pointless.
>all the people who thought the beginning of the FF7 intro with the starry night sky in cloud's reveal trailer was going to be wolf
How shameful
3 to 5 sec of waiting ruins the game?
I have some news for you. You are me.
summoning is bullshit, the animations take too long
It's ATB, aka garbage.
The only thing that system promotes is spamming attack and oversimplifying an already simple battle design.
Then again, you don't play FF games for the gameplay to begin with.
3-5 seconds of waiting while nothing happens for every single turn for every single encounter for an entire game adds up. Have you tried playing FF9?
There's no empty time. Animations take longer than the time it takes to fill your gauge. You even can (and should) increase the speed of battle. It flows perfectly well.
It is just somewhat useless, since as the animations take so long, the actions become queued while you wait, essentialy making the game turn-based.
Where in my post did I say that it ruined the game? Are strawmans all this board has taught you to do?
Is FF7 cyberpunk?
No. Its aesthetics center around trains and huge pipes. It's dieselpunk.
More than Mario, but less than Shadowrun
Quick, what is your favorite enemy design?
out of this world 3D graphics for 1996
cloud's character may have gone to shit in advent children, but what do you guys think of the costume?
I love the PS1 aesthetic
Still love it.
Played it right when it rereleased on Switch, maxed out Cloud, Tifa and Barret.
Honestly once AI upscaling for textures is finalized and they're cleaned up, the game can still look great today. We just need modders to collaborate and get a set of character models that match the FF7 style and don't stick out like a sore thumb in texturing. But it still wouldn't be PS1 FF7, and until the modding finally makes something look consistently decent, I can't really play any version but the original in native resolution just because having these popeye gourad-shading models look cleaner than pixelated backgrounds looks awful.
Same reason why I stick to the PS1 versions of Resident Evil games.
should've sticked with the purples
Meh. The original gives Cloud a sense of rugged self-made and lightly armored warrior. AC outfit just looks like a fashion show and with stupid belts and zippers.
Huh, I thought they were doing that only for 8 and 9. Any pics of 7? Also it's sadly just the backgrounds, not the 3D models and battles
It's uninspired shit. Purple and yellow are compliments.
Yesterday. The age really shows and I don't mean the just graphics, clunky movement even with analog movement, the many many invisible walls and it often not recognizing inputs outside of battle. Lets talk about the graphics the prerendered backgrounds are still extremely low resolution and flat. The world is too flat, because it lacks a clear dimensions when it comes to depth and space it makes navigating is extremely difficult sometimes, Why can't I walk there? on separate level that looks like its on the same level. They still haven't fixed the hitboxes for shitty ass motorcycle minigame.
I played it last year for the first time. It took some time to get used to models (I was horrified at Aerith's field model dress at first), but it didn't detract from expirience. Great game.
It's literally imposible for remake to not lose the charm of the original. Hoping it atleast can stand as a good game on it's own, but my expectations are extremly low
>22 years old game
Speaking of character, it's one reason I dread the remake. A lot of Cloud's flippancy and cockiness were apparently part of the localization at work, same with Barret being a cursing Mr. T knockoff. The old gameplay trailer doesn't mean a thing anymore for whatever state the game's in nowadays, but if they stick hard to the jap characterization like they did with the Compendium shit, i'm gonna fucking hate Cloud in the remake. sorry for bringing up the remake in a classic thread
There's three major HD upscale mods I know of so far.
Unfortunately they all seem to be the same general idea, kind of a "pick your poison" kind of thing because multiple people are jumping onto the same bandwagon their own way.
whoops, make that four*
somehow i forgot I typed three since posting the links scrolled it up
He's a cocky jackass for the majority of the game, and he becomes "himself" he's just a goofball dork
Last time I touched FF7 was like two years ago now.
It's not bad. It's a really bog standard JRPG with a really cool opening section.
The worst thing I have to say about it is regarding the visuals, especially the ugly overworld models (which still look more distinct than FF8's "realistic" overworld models).
It's got that "SGI look" a bit too hard too, but some sections are fairly nicely rendered.
The heavy use of gouraud shading sure as shit holds up better than chunky, warpy PS1 textures, too.
In-battle runs like ass, but it doesn't look ugly.
ATB is a half-assed attempt to add intensity to selecting items from a menu.
It's just not that good. 90% of the time, it just slows down combat.
Although ATB is retarded, I'm still impressed that you've managed to miss the point entirely somehow.
All of the relevant patents would have expired as of now.
In themes, it's pretty cyberpunk. A fucking electric company that's effectively its own god damn nation is really, really cyberpunk.
The aesthetic isn't quite futuristic enough, though.
Some looks great, but those fucking giant HD field models holy shit. How can I put my hopes on people so oblivious to taste and cohesion.
Pic related, what a HD model should look like
I'd rather just have models on par with the final Sephiroth battle and FF8 levels of texturing than go with an HD midget like that.
>90% of the time, it just slows down combat.
How can it slow down time? It's literally just turn-based, except your can imput your next turn during the current animation. It speeds things up a LOT.
I like how the game had a more modern setting like it actually took place in the 90's with all the cars and planes and shit with giant dragons and other creatures just fucking around the countryside.
The Gold Saucer was fun shit. Had a nice Dave & Busters feel to it.
>git gud, ATB is not for smolbrains
ATB is nothing more than a bastardization of turn-based combat, by adding a real-time element that means you can get attacked during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system. This artificial time pressure also means the optimal strategy in 99.9% of battles is to mindlessly mash the (auto-)attack button as fast as possible before enemies can get any hits in.
It's also incredibly slow. In a normal turn-based game, you input your commands and they are executed. But in an ATB game, you first have to wait for the characters' ATB bars to slowly fill before you can input commands, and after they are executed, you have to wait again for them to fill before you can input new commands, over and over.
It was a nice frankenstein blend of seemingly futuristic, then-contemporary, and fantasy setups, really. No game has even been able to do what VII does in that style, which helps it stick out. I'd say even CC and DoC both missed the mark in that regard, only mixing fantasy and sci-fi together.
>How can it slow down time? It's literally just turn-based, except your can imput your next turn during the current animation. It speeds things up a LOT.
Why are people still spreading this false narrative? ATB is SLOWER because you have to wait for bars to fill before you can do anything.
To illustrate, let's compare FF4, an ATB game, to Fallout, a regular turn-based game:
Here is a random encounter in FF4
Here is a random encounter in Fallout
Despite your characters being massively overpowered, the random encounter in FF4 takes longer to complete than the random encounter in Fallout, which involves more than TWENTY combatants and which has a tactical combat system wheerein characters can move around. And Fallout's combat system isn't even particularly fast, it's just that ATB is incredibly slow.
>because you have to wait for bars to fill before you can do anything.
Set the battle speed to max.
A bar will fill by the time anyone's done an action.
Why do I feel like I've seen this post before?
It's literally copy pasta
Best FF villain theme prove me wrong
>This game holds up surprisingly well for a 22 years old game.
>invisible random encounters
>no voice acting whatsoever (characters don't even grunt when taking damage)
>extremely primitive polygonal models (even by the standards of the time)
>environments are just static 2d backdrops, there's no real sense of exploration
>atrocious localization
In many ways, it was already behind the times when it came out.
there you go
>kompresses your path
>Did you enjoy it?
>When was the last time you played it?
Probably about two years ago
>#Final fantasy 7 #FF7
Nigger what are you doing, this isn't tw*tter
I submit, it is indeed quicker when NPCs that don't need to walk, aim, reload or use a mouse are playing instead of you
There are no hashtags there what the fuck are you talking about
Be honest how many of you found him without a guide?
I did when I was 12
But only because I ran around lost in that piece of shit of a glacier for 3 hours
Those aren't comparable encounters at all and the FF4 player is playing like an idiot on top of that. A comparable encounter and player skill level would be fighting a dozen Wanamingos in FO2 or fighting an Enclave patrol with a player who fucked up their build.
>We just need modders to collaborate and get a set of character models that match the FF7 style and don't stick out like a sore thumb in texturing.
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