God, what an awful artstyle.
God, what an awful artstyle
Other urls found in this thread:
the game will be fucking nice
you know the artstyle is only going to be like that for like the first level of the game, after they enter the woods its just going to be that creepy oney 3d model artstyle for the rest of the game
>thread deleted
Reminder that sleepycast is Yea Forums approved.
6/8 is at least
i hope zack voices the witch with his weird goblin voice
didn't chris shit on other 2.5D games before? Why is he making one
fucking this, zack NEEDS to voiceact for this
As long as Chris doesn't say anything left-leaning between now and release, it'll be a day one buy for me.
>caring about politics in vidya
Chris used to shit on doing lets plays
>no gameplay
a horrible trailer
If there was no eceleb attached to this, not one person would say that trailer looked good, in any respect, or have faith that there is a great game on the way.
Retarded kids are hyped for one thing only: baby talk and le funneh noises an sayin de wurds wrong hehe
yeah hehe
>buying youtuber games
>buying games from people with absolute shit taste in games
if theres no beef boy ill riot
>awful artstyle
>doesnt know who Oney is
Hoping we get a new one since Cory and Jeff are in town. Shame about Niall though.
none of what you described was in the trailer
ill buy it if its fun you fucking autist
>guy builds an audience
>tells his fans "here's a game I'm making I think you'll like it"
good for him. he's surrounded by enough talented people that it should turn out well, and even if it doesn't, hopefully he'll learn and improve.
>it's not awful because it's by an eceleb I like
Let me guess, it's """ironically""" bad?
I fucking hate how many youtubers do intentionally low effort shit while shitting on everyone else. They know they can't do better, so they make their own thing "bad on purpose" even though they could TOTALLY do better if they wanted to... but effort is sooo cringey amirite?
Based optimistic user
im surprised you havent broken your legs jumping to so many conclusions you cum-gargling sperglord
It has no soul
I sure can't wait for every punchline to be a gross detailed face or pronouncing words like a retard on purpose.
I’m saving judgement for when I see actual gameplay, but it interested me because I’ve enjoyed the creators previous stuff like HellBenders and Leo and Satan, not because of the creator himself.
eh he's not really wrong
red letter media are guilty of the same thing
dingdong and julian at least seem to want to make something genuinely good and not "lol it's shit on purpose" but their time and money management is terrible
it isn't surprising that chris is doing a "it's bad ironically" look because that's been all he's ever done. oneyplays itself, and his parody cartoons, are all low effort but still have that big ego under them that suggests he's much hotter shit than his output is
you can't just keep putting out trash and keep making people think you're secretly incredibly good, you're just holding your ace in the hole until... sometime in the future
I guess it's easy to fool kids into thinking you're cool like this, but no adults fall for it. which is probably why adult swim weren't interested in him.
So is Corey right? Does Sonic Adventure 2 take place in a scifi setting?
Trigger Treat won't be ready by Halloween 2019, bet on it.
I thought it was supposed to be clay then I realized it's just ugly
well duh
I would be surprised if it was out by halloween 2020
I will happily buy any of their games once they're out but anyone giving them money on patreon, monthly, is an absolute fucking dunce
>dingdong and julian at least seem to want to make something genuinely good
And they have nothing to show for it.
what the fuck are you talking about, adult swim's empire was built on "it's intentionally shitty, so that makes it funny!"
Wow what the fuck.
Might as well just call it Zoomer: The Game.
This is a good breakdown of what is shit about people like Oney, but I doubt his fanboys will ever listen
didn't Ding Dong have to do a lot of emergency e-begging streams on twitch to pay their taxes?
I think you're jelly
Wait, is it not supposed to look like clay?
and yet chris still wasn't good enough
oh well, thankfully there are millions of autistic children online who will slurp up his shit
btw remember to buy these EXCLUSIVE tshirts and pins LIMITED STOCK LIMITED TIME ONLY
Amazing you were able to type this perched up on your armchair. A
Nope, it doesn't have the iconic clay textures like thumbprints or clumping
Oney's humor has devolved into le funny voices and nothing else. Disappointing.
am I wrong, though?
if you think I am, let me know why
I'd take 5 seasons of Hellbenders over one episode of that piece of shit 12 oz Mouse
>it's another "youtuber tries to make a video game" episode
no but this one is definitely gonna be good, right?
Any porn of the mom yet?
you can already play this game
it's called heart of darkness and it's actually good while I have some doubts about "BOWLBO"
Have sex.
God you sound like the people you so desperately hate.
Even if it isn't people here will say it is because for some reason Oney has this free pass to churn out endless shit that ex-Sleepycabin fans who simply cannot let go insist on gobbling up year after year
Were you around for new grounds? Do you have any developers that you like in general? It looks silly. That’s the fucking point candyass.
Actually, it DOES have soul, but if it gets a remake or sequel, THAT won’t have soul.
The Sleepycabin guys all started on Newgrounds. That's where I know them from, as animators, voice actors, etc. Don't give Chris the same label as an ocean of talentless hacks.
>it's shit on purpose!
are there any content creators today who aren't actually terrified of looking like they've really tried hard and did something earnestly?
12 oz Mouse was kino
Unfortunately for you, grown up decided otherwise.
I know, it's a shame 12 year olds on youtube don't get to decide who makes tv shows.
hard work, passion and honesty is like kryptonite to zoomers who live only for irony
Chris is right leaning
go back
So that’s a no to actually going to new grounds then. Thanks for proving my point candyass. Fucking retard rudypoo.
And that's why I am going to buy his game on day one. As long as he doesn't betray us between now and then.
Its not like he got famous for tik tok or something, the dude has been doing animation, voice acting and music for nearly a decade now
>doesn't provide evidence for this statement
>he doesn’t know.
What happened to Niall? What's Stamper doing?
Guys I hate to say it but Zach and Michael Cusack are cute and very funny!
what is this from?
It's not 2,5d tho, it looks like DKC
I'm hype for their show, I love them both as creators.
You would still buy this game if Chris started spouting SJW shit? Honestly?
I would also like to know this
Niall’s moved back to Ireland for the foreseeable future due to a lack of money. Stamper is on Twitter for most of his day and has moved to Texas to live with his sister.
Reminder if nightmare cops isn’t finished this year Jeff will be killing himself.
If there was no eceleb there would be no expectation or end product from this at all. even now I suspect nothing will come of it before eoy 2020
Over a hundred hours of a podcast should be enough evidence, but whatever
Left leaning people treat right leaning people like they are monsters so I don't blame right wingers for adapting to the shit world we live in and returning the favor. Sad but true
Exactly. Chris is /ourguy/ and I'll buy his game day 1 as long as he doesn't fuck that up.
That Image reminded me this
where is this from?
What is it, some kinda platformer? yawn...
Adult swim development stream.
Zach is the only one with genuine prospects but he seems to be afraid of being deemed a sellout. He should dump the newgrounds deadweight and accept they're mostly fuckups and failures and will never amount to anything beyond impressing their circlejerk fanbase who will love anything they do no matter what. He could do so much better.
Or more unfunny nigger live action shit like Nigger Squad
Yeah Zack is making the right moves at the moment and could potentially become the most successful one of the bunch. But Chris is doing very well for himself right now. If you can buy a $7,000 camera and afford to live in a house in Burbank at the same time, you’re doing something right.
>them trying to hold back laughing at that one autist's 7 season pitch to Adult Swim that looked like some garbage a Steven Universe fan would make
>them going on stream after the Adult Swim stream and them dancing around the fact that they thought it was garbage
Kek that was brilliant. Luckily they're smarter than Sam Hyde was and probably won't get World Peace'd although I think they'd have the potential.
But hey, Adult Swim has a genuine piece of shit like Dan Harmon still employed so I guess anything is possible now.
I have the link silly as I was the one who posted the GIF, but that could be useful to others who asked for it.
>holding back
so when is Stamper going to get shot?
I love how they're dying while the Adult Swim dude who looks completely soulless is just scrolling around.
Zach definitely knows what he’s doing when trying to look appealing to adult swim. Purged his entire twitter history, deleted a lot of his older cartoons and posts on the newgrounds BBS.
What even happened to all the newgrounds guys? Corey, Stamper, Jeff, Zack, Oney, ect. They all said that they're still creators on Sleepycabin but NONE of them actually put out any content anymore.
Hate to break it to you, but sleepycabin as a project has been dead for at least a good three years.
cory and jeff are working on a game called nightmare cops
I think oney does some music for it while also working on his own game
stamper is a fucking mess and I'm surprised he's still alive, apparently he's now iving with his sister which may or may not help him get his life back on track
I have no idea what ricepirate and niall are up to, never really cared about the chink and I don't even know what niall even did aside from some audio/video editing
Which is why I'm asking. Literally every Newgrounds vet has like zero presence anymore. It's like the entire culture died
I unironically think that witch is an awesome looking villain. Witches are underused.
Oney is apolitical as fuck so you won’t need to worry
>stamper is a fucking mess and I'm surprised he's still alive, apparently he's now iving with his sister which may or may not help him get his life back on track
Were did you hear that? I can't even find anything for Stamper. His youtube has been dead for years and his twitter got banned
Blame Youtube killing the animation scene.
He's got a new twitter. His twitters get banned every other week and he just makes new ones.
Last post I saw from his most recent one he had a black eye so obviously shit is still iffy for him.
>mfw saying the name out loud
Why the fuck is this baby talk nonsense so funny?
Chris was a liberal, then a hardcore libertarian after the 2016 elections which he seemed to ease up on when it made other people (Matt and Ryan) noticeably uncomfortable during OneyPlays when he brought up shit like Brianna Wu's Adam's apple and why communism is shit. Politics have nothing to do with animation or vidya so why does it matter?
If there's three threads then I guess people do care
Imagine if you went into the forest and this big, imposing witch talked at you with the voice of a severely congested Jewish man in his late 60s
Simply put newgrounds/internet animation doesn’t pay the bills. You probably already know but animation takes a hell of a long time and they just don’t have that time.
Most of them are almost 30 years old and have other things to worry about like careers. Making free internet animations that take hundreds of hours to make while being paid less than minimum wage is probably at the back of their minds right now. On the bright side Harry Partridge is becoming semi consistent now.
>Corey is still a virgin that lives at home
>Stamper is probably an alcoholic who is crashing on his sisters couch
>Zack is on his knees being a good little Adult Swim cocksucker out of sheer desperation for work
>Oney sold his soul for Lets Play autismbux
>Hotdiggetydemon had to put his cat down and move back in with mommy
>In fact a ton of youtube animators lost their homes once the algorithm raped their income
Feels fucking good. I told you all that stupid ass internet videos weren't a permanent source of income. And just like that the entire community flatlined
It's a shame Harry is genuinely unfunny and bad at writing/jokes. His art and animation are good but he's just not funny.
Art is a hard life.
i hope there's a tiny dancing mouse in the game
It's not really low effort though, it's just made to be mildly grotesque. Looks a lot like the kind of claymation and puppet shows from the eastern bloc that was passed around between European government networks from the 1960s up until like mid-90s.
But Cory lives with his girlfriend and works at newgrounds.
Chris is a nice Irish boy who only hates the british and enjoys saying the Nigger-word
chris raygun is retarded
Matt ironically said "Fuck capitalism" on OneyPlays, so are we sure he didn't double back?
dude constantly looks like he's between puberty and adulthood
They grew up into adults who live on their own and need money to survive, and thus need full-time employment. YouTube, the largest viewing platform available, changed its monetization rules a few years back in a way that animation is no longer profitable since monetization is now based upon upload frequency, video length, and how much of the video is watched. Animation is typically 24 frames per second, and requires coloring, backgrounds, sound effects, music, timing, voice work, etc. 10 seconds is 240 frames. 15 minutes, the "perfect video time", is 21,600 frames. While not all of them are key frames that need to be uniquely drawn, many of them are at least in-betweens which do need to be drawn if you want the animation to look natural. And these are all individual people. Get like 30 people and give them a few months of full time animation work in a room together and they could maybe manage it, but it's unlikely they'd be compensated enough by YouTube for all that time and work and they'd all end up homeless.
There's a reason they don't work together anymore, and I think Matt and Ryan even apologised for the jokes they made while working with Chris. E-celeb drama. I think it's during a Banjo Kazooie episode where Chris starts talking about how capitalism sucks but it's still better than the other options, and Ding Dong and Julian have to kind of simmer him down and change the subject.
But Chris has several British friends and has talked about visiting Britain many times.
Are you honestly telling me you would buy this game if Chris started saying liberal shit?
I don't buy games, I just pirate them unless I really enjoy them, then I buy them after I pirate them regardless of the political opinions of whoever makes them. Thing is, I am smarter than basically everyone else, so their "opinions" don't matter in the slightest to me since it's like listening to babies screech and babble about things they don't fully understand.
*tips fedora*
Considering who made it, that's the point.
Wrong. I miss the bizarre bullshit renaissance we had in the 90s and this game reeks of good influence.
I can't stand those two faggots anymore, their podcasts are just becoming them retreading over the same topics while awkwardly segueing into their sponsors. And their two homeless friends are constantly being featured while adding literally nothing of note.
That has more the do with Arin being a control freak
They're just Game Grumps lite.
Man has a business to run and that business already made a name for itself with Dream Daddy.
My point is that Arin forced Matt and Ryan to leave oneyplays after the Dream Daddy thing
They're still making content with Ding Dong, so I doubt it was the Dream Daddy thing.
Reading this thread I legitimately thought that CWC was doing the concept art and story for a game until I clicked the link
There are several public instances of Chris demonstrating real genuine talent across his entire career of being a professional retard.
Your words are absolutely that of someone who knows nothing about him and has only seen the trash he uses to fund what wants to do.
I just had a flashback to Vexx, Gex and that one puzzle game where you were on alien planets and could die violently where the game over screen for being blown up was your shoes with bones sticking out of it.
Their entire audience has recently become composed of 14-17 year old teenage girls who write gay fanfiction (the Game Grumps demographic) so to appeal to them they've toned down a lot. It's a shame, really, if you recall Matt actively fighting against this type of fanbase with his 2016 "If you have a Youtuber as your profile picture change it" tweet that caused them all to attack him. Now they all love him and SuperMega's started to conform to PC like Game Grumps did. It's tragic. Ryan's still kino though
Can I hear this somewhere?
Please show us some of Oney's professional work, user.
You won't, but you'll still insist you're right, for some reason.
A lot of people don't like Mick and/or Niall and I guess the eighth person is >shad
Go watch any video with Psychicpebbles in it. He sounds like a goblin 24/7
Captain Dickhead
why don't people like mick?
captain dickhead is the best sleepycast member
fuck that guy
Are you aware of the phrase "be the bigger man"?
>the developer of a game's previous work matters
Because he is not le funni man
yeah exactly, I want to buy bowlbo because all of oney's previous videogames were so good
The only thing bad is that he didn't lean into a clay look more rather opting for a semi rubbery look.
fit, wel- dressed Zach does not match his voice at all.
I miss nerdy, dressed-like-an-autist Zach
i like that he looks like a pussy slayer
I'm sure the game will be great but I sure hope Chris doesn't have any input on the actual game design
He's only fit when he's actually going to the gym instead of isolating himself at home like a hermit to draw cartoons
could unironically make a better game in Dreams
I’ll be the bigger man and not buy the game if that’s what you mean
Seething numale double digit IQ incels
Based & Blackpilled Intelligent Chad
You know, he does actually look the way one would expect.
I hope he does just so you can sperg out.
that witch looks fucking cool. Everything else makes me want to vomit
>Quest for Bing Bing
The appeal of the title becomes clear when you say it out loud.
I don’t get it
It is le funni sounds
>not liking 12oz Mouse
the sign of a brainlet
I’m having Deja Vu
something tells me you're the butthurt faggot that used to make those psychicpebbles hate threads on Yea Forums
you just sound like an angry little boy that's upset these other dudes get to be retarded and make money off it
cope harder and have sex unironically loser
even if all we did was link his animation, music and 3D artchannel you would still act like a faggot and say it doesn't count
kill yourself
you sound obsessed
>If there wasn't something to make this game stand out (i.e. the people involved) it wouldn't stand out from the multitude of other indie games currently in development
Wow, color me shocked.
Whats they're problem?
Nothing, they're just cynical and unsentimental.
basically became sellouts because they're too spineless to let go of the Game Grumps money train and actually go off on their own
makes me wonder how much Arin is even paying them that they're willing to just go along with getting bullied by teenagers into being PC
>bro they have a shit taste in games, why aren’t they playing weeb dating simulator #2,453?
I bet the game will be decent at best but that creepy gross art style is super offputting.
This post reeks of extreme jealousy.
Heart of Darkness doesn't run consistently in emulators and could really use a modern release it will probably never get.
Maybe people want another similar game to it? Doesn't hurt to have a few more like it out there.
Shut the fuck up, tranny.
According to Oney, the game's much more speed and momentum based as opposed to Heart of Darkness' core gameplay. I expect something like a less bloody Super Meat Boy.
Buncha lazy liberal arts majors have to face the fact that they're growing up, and kiddy cartoons aren't profitable or enriching. It leaves them soulless and penniless.
Well, he still says faggot on a regular basis on his LP channel and still gets liberals in a fucking tizzy from time to time on Twitter, so I think you're good in that regard. Chris does not, has never, and likely will never conform to whatever is considered politically correct at the time.
>post video games
every time
Chris likes momentum and crazy physics in games, so if that translates to his game, then I'm thinking I'll be able to have fun with it.
God it hurts to think back to when sleepycast was a weekly thing, I took it for granted so much. I think we must be due another one in a few months at least I hope.
One good thing has already come out of it
toby fox did the same thing when undertale became an overnight success. smart move honestly
>People are excited for a game being made by someone with a certain reputation behind them compared to if a literal no one came out and said they were making a game
Gee I wonder why.
This though. Oney is friends with so many goddamn artists, voice actors, etc. from his years of building up an audience as an animator that this game should turn out decent at worst.
>muh horseshoe theory
>They're not liberal, they're being forced to be liberal
It's honestly pathetic how you people think. They're "PC" (which is a very loose term by the way) because they have political beliefs that swing the way and because they choose to be.
Yeah it really is. I never went through his newgrounds forum posts, but they’ve mentioned a few times that it’s great Tom Fulp can obliterate any trace of select posts if you ask him.
what is this from
Okay. How many good programmers and game designers? Yeah...that's what I though you little zoomer shit.
Can I help you at all? Was you looking for anything in particular?
nah I'm fine.
Okay, enjoy the rest of your day.
if Oney wasn't attached to this it wouldn't look anything like it does.
Your argument doesn't really work when the eceleb is famous for being an artist
He's subbed to metokur so I doubt that would happen.
Do people not like psychicpebbles? He's always seemed like the most respectable member of the sleepycabin crew but admittedly I don't know that much about him.
I really hate his voice and his stupid gremlin voice that he always falls back on.
Probably not related to the hate threads, but on a sleepycast episode they talked about groups of people who looked down on them/hated them because they were using animation to make silly skits and not high brow makes you think calarts tier stuff.
I've noticed that a lot of people take issue with him impersonating their orange-daddy.
>get shot
He'll shoot himself first.
well technically when you shoot yourself you're still getting shot
He is not
He said he knows Trump won't get elected and Zach is a democrat
I forgot what episode of sleepycast but whichever one was around the election
>Zach is a Democrat
He more than likely voted Trump. Saying "Trump won't win" doesn't make you left leaning whatsoever.
Go watch the many episodes of Oneyplays where they shit on leftists and make fun of the type of people who order onions in everything.
They make fun of everyone
How do the words "I am a democrat" not make you left leaning?
based and redpilled
You clearly haven't seen literally any stream before the election where Zach would regularly shit on Hillary, defend Trump, and always claim that Trump beat her in debates.
>alright, someone punch this guys lights out
>People not realizing that this is a copy paste from other threads
>People unironically thinking it's not bait
Just because hillary is an idiot doesn't make him rightward leaning
>Saying the n word and being sjw makes you "alt right" by most modern definitions
>This doesn't means his right winged though
Didn’t he say both candidates were jokes but trump was less of a joke?
Well clearly he is to agree with Trump on many things. Doesn't exactly mean he's right leaning nor left leaning. Zach and Chris are easily moderates, even if Zach is a registered Democrat (Which is smart to do if you want to vote in primaries.)
I have no idea the specifics. I just remember him shitting on twitter retards for being completely delirious about Trump. I know he was a Bernie supporter but I'm pretty sure he said he was insanely skeptical about it after the primaries were over.
Matt is a backstabbing faggot who whined about how edgy Oneyplays was after leaving the show so he could keep sucking GG cock
I get the impression that Matt thinks he's smarter than he actually is. At least Chris just makes stupid jokes when he talks about politics.
Source? I’ve seen people mention this a few times but never any evidence. Genuinely interested since it’s very weird that they cut contact completely.
>Hates edgy stuff
>Sucks Gamergate cock
Game Grumps you goof
I have no idea why it's such a big deal, his greatest contribution to oneyplays was the tiny hitler argument and screeching like a banshee which got old after the second time. 95% of the time when those two faggots were there I just wished they fucked off. The original rugrats playthrough is peak oneyplays anyway.
I feel so blessed to not know who the fuck this e-celeb faggot is and to never have watched even one of their videos.
I think it was in one of their podcasts
imagine going in a thread about a thing you don't like just to tell people you're happy you don't like the thing
>DingDong being clearly annoyed by Matt's 10,000th time doing the Obama impression
That was so based.
>literally bing bing wahoo
thanks for telling us
You're cancerous reddit faggots who like cancerous reddit shit, so I felt you needed to know.
I judge games based on the content not the creator.
Nobuhiro Watsuki was a literal pedophile caught with actual child porn but I still like his stories.
Wow, you're pretty cool user!
>I felt you needed to know that I don't know anything about what you're talking about
the thing you like is also reddit and cancer
>but still have that big ego under them that suggests he's much hotter shit than his output is
every single time I have seen someone claim this about someone, it is projection from insecurity about themselves, imagining based on nothing that someone must have a big ego
Found it after a bit of digging around. Keep in mind that this was also around the time that they both unfollowed Chris on Twitter and GG in general was trying to distance themselves from the channel
Links to what you're talking about pls
I love stop motion but it's hard to find good stop motion on YouTube that isn't Play-Doh shit meant for little kids
>Rugrats is peak Oneyplays
>Not the Crash trilogy
That was pretty good as well but I have a soft spot for the original sleepycast autismos.
It’s hard to listen to these guys, feels like they’re constantly walking on egg shells trying so hard to not offend anyone.
>it’s another they talk about a story that’s already been in a sleepycast episode
Absolute shit taste.
Where's the fackin timestamp silly.
All he did was say that he didn't see himself having that style of edgy humor any more
They talk about it for like 15 minutes straight starting at the beginning. If you want where they specifically name drop Oneyplays though, 11:55-ish
Nevermind, foynd the timestamp- it's around the 10 minute mark, holy shit these guys are spineless faggots now. At the max they made le funni Hitler jokes or said faggot and yet they're acting like they hatecrimed their tranny viewers.
Way to out yourself, tardo
That Chris, Lyle, Zach dynamic didn't last as long as they planned for it to. They obviously planned for it to last, judging by the new banner Chris made for their Youtube channel and all. Honestly it's the best the channel had ever been. Ding Dong was okay most the time, however weird he was, but Julian is absolutely fucking insufferable in my opinion and I despise the way most of the fans pin him as "cute" when in reality he's an uninteresting, greasy, smelly, gay Mexican. Good riddance. Mick and Tomar are alright.
it's nice to see Cory and Jeff on for once though.
>the far left is all of the left
You don't have to be on the right to make fun of the left. And vice versa.
>one minute i'm napping on the couch, and the next minute i'm across the room and waking up in a pool of blood with a split eyebrow, a split lip, and the back of my head split
No this is the future you chose see.
>every recent cartoon with calarts style
Hardly ANYONE actually holds these "leftist" beliefs. They put on the persona for ad's, because who runs most ad's? It starts with a "J" and ends with a "ew".
>as far as i can tell, i accidentally tripped on something, and erased my memory of the last 30 minutes
yeah ok
at this rate this fucker will be dead before the year ends
Looks like 1 of the retard wojaks
Case in point, guess what ad I got for this Super Mega podcast? The fuckin impeach Trump bullshit ad, of course.
This. When you exaggerate shit to such a degree and the actual source gets posted, it only makes everyone who is saying anything remotely similar look retarded. They even repeatedly say
>What we said on Oneyplays we feel stupid about
Which is what just about everyone on Sleepycabin and Oneyplays says about anything they've said or done just the day before.
>wild 9
I thought I was the only person who played that
He said that edgy humor and the channel in general was "embarrassing". Yikes was their exact wording
Imagine liking Mick and Lyle and hating Julien. They all fall into the same unfunny faggot category.
Ideal set up should be Chris Zack and I guess tomar since Cory is rarely available
If it's a good game who gives a shit
I fucking love Zach's Trump impression, it's hilarious. He captures the nuance and the cadence of Trump perfectly, and it's not every dipshit impersonation of "I HAVE SMALL HANDS AND IM A RUSSIAN TRAITOR, I HATE MEXICANS"
I sincerely hope he gets the help he needs.
hi dingdong
Doesn't really matter if he quits the meth at this point, his brain is fried.
Why do you care?