Games antagonist pretty much wins, forms a kingdom, and has a tax policy

>games antagonist pretty much wins, forms a kingdom, and has a tax policy

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new chapter is cool, not surprised to see all the faggots on Yea Forums hating on it

I always thought Griffen was a faggot who just wants Gut's dick in his guts

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Those are your gay thoughts being projected.

>Old men sitting in a boardroom discussing building an orphanage
Real riveting content Miura

>game goes to shit after a great beginning because the creator stopped caring

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the art is still kino. you piece of shit cock sucking cum guzzling balls licking piss drinking shit eating man titties having faggots just love complaining

It's further insight into Griffith's character and his scheming. And his """relationship""" with Charlotte.

Would you like some tea?

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oh dang, the art on the left looks more detailed and stylized. art on the right looks generic, like any other mainstream anime nowadays.

All of that still looks ten times better than most of the regular manga/anime out there right now

He did make everyone looks real ugly recently. Must have overdosed on Idolmaster.

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arigato user-san

>Since the thread still not deleted yet

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Schierke's "evil" counterpart.
I think Sonia and Mule are good characters. We see Griffith from their more grounded perspective, since a lot of his scheming and inner-thoughts need to be hidden from us.

Miura just wanted to draw more cute girls.

Absolute brainlet

whoa future sight so cool.. nah she's actually related to skull knight

To make funny faces

Lord griff could murder a child and defecate on his corpse and Charlotte would still open her legs for him.