Annoying waifufags put me off buying this game

>annoying waifufags put me off buying this game
>decide to pick it up cheap on a whim
>it's actually fun
Shame that a charming game has been ruined by such an irritating fanbase

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I'm a GRfag that hats Kat waifu'ers as well.
Raven tho

How does a fanbase ruin a game? GR is fun as fuck no matter what the fanbase is like.

>allowing other people to dictate how you feel towards things

Shame you get so offput by fanbases
Maybe you'll learn to find value in things if you stopped getting bent over small shit and people you have no actual connection to

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>How does a fanbase ruin a game?
I suppose an online game can become toxic but otherwise OP is just a faggot who can't deal with the freedom of expression.

When you come to a place with rampant entropy as the internet, you can't blame it for being as wild as it is, you're the fucker who decided to consume it.
If anyones to blame, its yourself.
Learn and do better, fuckface.

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>annoying waifufags
>irritating fanbase
Nice buzzwords
You're the one getting triggered over them
Anything you could enjoy in life is getting dictated by these people

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You have to ignore waifufags.

Every time I look at Kat all I can think about is the posts of the annoying Katfags and their posts. It's like a little niggling voice in my ear.

Oh my god, We get it WE GET IT, you're a faggot with no confidence in the things you like.
Everything you ever try to enjoy has to be a "Guilty pleasure"

Just fuck off already, nobody cares if you can't commit to liking something you actually find value in.

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>Everything you ever try to enjoy has to be a "Guilty pleasure"
When did I say that? There are plenty of games I openly love. I'm openly enjoying Gravity Rush. The Katfags are annoying degenerates though.

>Openly complaining about the internet even though he himself has subjected himself to it

If anyone is the degenerate its you, fucker.
The katfags love their waifu
You're constantly complaining about the fact you ever had to see them when you agreed to put yourself in the vicinity of them by coming to the fucking internet

Nobody is to blame but yourself, you fragile shitlord
Fuck off and don't come back until you grow a spine.

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>a couple threads on v from time to time are a big enough of a fanbase to trigger user's contrarian butthole

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same thing kinda happened to me with this gold week sale
now shes my waifu
the soundtrack is pretty great too, which is rare now-a-days

>The katfags love their waifu
Cringe. It's one thing to fap over a vidya character, it's another to form an obsession. It's literal degeneracy.
>tells others to grow a spine
>while getting visibly asshurt

For an entire week during the server shutdown there was constant spamming. Threads were also a lot more frequent prior to that event.

>Claiming user is asshurt while he is literally asshurt about people obsessing over something they find value and purpose in and can't deal with that, nor can he enjoy a product because of his association to the people who find value in said product.

Again grow a spine.

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Back to your containment board you go.

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Hilarious you place your tastes and standards over other peoples when you're so meager and fleeting with your own interests.

Simply liking Kat and enjoying the character triggers you, You're nothing compared to an obsessive. They at least love what they love with all their body and soul. Truely confident, charismatic and wholeheartedly based people they are, unlike you.

>ruined by such an irritating fanbase
Stop dilating and die from a massive infection.

I hate Katfags as well despite loving GR, but this thread is fucking pathetic.
KYS, all of you.

>getting mad because people like cute girls
Just go on back to plebbit already.

All Katniggers deserve the bullet. GR 2 was really good though, GR 1 not so much.

nobody to blame but yourself

well this thread just proves waifufags are obnoxious schizos lol.

imagine being so shallow that you disregard whole franchises because of how others behave without even trying the franchise yourself first. these are the posters on Yea Forums who judge (and shitpost about) games, series and genres without even knowing what the FUCK they're talking about. Heh.

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>Shame that a charming game has been ruined by such an irritating fanbase
Gravity Rush haves the best fanbase ever

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this is me but with Undertale instead

better be careful with your words user. many waifuhaters become waifufags

only takes one game

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>I care about the ficticious subject of masturbation of a whole fanbase
>no, you are the degenerate!

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the obvious gravity gimmick is the only interesting thing in that "franchise". also nigger just close your eyes and don't care about some sort of fanbase.