*ruins your game*

*ruins your game*

Attached: Doom-Lost-soul-video-game-h3.jpg (725x239, 35K)

Worse than hitscanners.

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They're fine on their own. Fuck the Pain Elementals though.


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>Yea Forums tells you brutal doom is shit
>it's the most fun I've had with a shooter in ages
Why did you lie to me?

Attached: 1549187138959.jpg (1280x720, 198K)

>that thing that shits these things out until you kill it

play demonstelle

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It's seriously better than any modern fps

>enemies are either too big or have their radius fucked
>weapon/enemy balanced feels so randomzied you can't tell if the mod casualizes or makes doom harder
>7 rockets only can kill a cybie
>atrocious hud, even compared to someone's really basic ass mod
>blood has different resolution than doom's art style

HUD looks normal to me. All of these complaints sound like the nit pickiest BS I've ever seen. Especially when it's this fun.

Attached: 1535320694724.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)

You are like a little baby. Watch this.

Attached: Sentry_Drone.png (212x156, 17K)

i meant how the grenade icon is on the border of the hud and how a certain ammo counter is set above the "arms" section with a different hud
sgtmark should have settled for a more structured hud with its own elements or anything than simply throwing stuff at it
it's not the worst mod ever but at the same time it has lower standards than most doom mods and isn't the legend most people make it sound like
if doom modding were some sort of medium, then bd is on that marvel cinematic universe/fortnite section of being its equivalent of market soda
and grezzo due is salo

this or high noon drifter
or smooth doom

But its fun

Both this one and that severed ghost rider head are piss easy if you aren't an utter zoomer idiot with down syndrome, literally the easiest enemies even on hardest difficulty, you just have to know how to deal with them.

>smooth doom

GMOTA update when?

Sentry Drones are just not fun to deal with, it's not a matter of difficulty.

Debatable. Personally I love to make 'em spot me only to close the door between them and me and hear the explosion on the other side. Literally killing a bunch of enemies without wasting neither a single health point nor any ammo whatsoever

just get right up in their face and chainsaw them dude

Attached: 1553373372232.webm (640x360, 1.77M)


You will leave it the moment you take a look at one of the better gameplay wads and add ketchup to it if you really like painting walls red