This game is an insult to true plane games

This game is an insult to true plane games.

>no flightstick favoritism
>story is cringe with anime dialogue
>every mission has its own melodrama orchestral piece that is constantly out of place with the objective
>forced solitary reddit meme
>fictional mockery aircraft that insult you with lasers, railguns and drone attachments
>multiplayer is circlejerking madness with 2 gametypes
>the MC is more of a blank slate than a damn childrens Nintendo game, but everyone in the shitty story rides his dick for some reason
>gameplay is boring
>gigantic unnecessary and laughable superweapons that the game takes way too seriously
>literally no emblem maker and the customization is literally non-existent
>all of the fans are weebs who care about everything but the planes

Worst game of 2019.

Attached: 61-OUZCEnQL.AC_SL1200_.jpg (482x600, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread: flightstick favoritism/

>First person shooter masquerading as a flight simulator
The thing that offends me the most about this game.
Ace Combat is a dishonest series.

Thanks for starting an AC thread, Simfags

Attached: Gm302.jpg (512x384, 101K)

Are you really trying this again you dumb nigger

>play AC
>enjoy it
>play Falcon 4
>enjoy it

Attached: akarin.png (256x256, 114K)

Here you go OP, the thread you made yesterday so you don't need to do this again today like some sort of obsessed weirdo

Seek professional help

I agree it sucks, wasn't worth $60. No content at all.

The anime shit on the planes is the biggest insult to me.

Attached: 1556607798553.png (1800x1013, 2.49M)

Attached: Simfag.png (817x1264, 285K)


I'm glad it makes you seethe.

>The digital deluxe no longer comes with AC5
>not even available seperately
>the only way to track it down is buying the deluxe disc which is pricey as shit

how do i import plane skins?

I'm sure it'll get re-released some day. Maybe PC bros will get it, too.

it already got one on emulators

It's sad that they modeled it on the worst previous AC game (AC5)

I'm not joking though, you should seek medical assistance. You have clearly mental issues but you refuse to address them. It's sad honestly.

What are you talking about? It resembles 04 the most which is my personal favorite, but many consider to be the worst.

it's literally AC4 2.0, if it were like AC5 the missions would be 1000x worse

The biggest problem is that 7 isn't even a good Ace Combat game.
It went through development hell, yes. But that just goes to show that they should have packed it up instead of bumbling through.

Bad games just piss me off. KH3 and Xenoblade 2 are a few to name.

>The biggest problem is that 7 isn't even a good Ace Combat game.
Been an AC fan since I played 04 in 2001. AC7 is great.

Attached: McKinsey.png (184x188, 47K)

>every oldfag


Attached: soy falken.png (1500x1333, 1.87M)

>le solitary man
Fucking newfag redditor meme. DIE.

You get triggered every time I post McKinsey.
I didn't even meme about solitary. That portrait is just a good reaction image.

Attached: count-ace-combat-7-skies-unknown-8.73.jpg (210x240, 6K)

only because it makes you seethe

the scale feels like it shrunk from AC6 though which was a bit of a bummer

you only post him because you like the meme, admit it newfag

Desu AC6 weaker because of that, every mission was literally exactly the same and every enemy could be killed with 1 missile or 2 bullets
Personally I think Zero's system was perfect

Yeah, I see that. The scale is just about what AC4 did, though. Nothing wrong with that.

No, it was an appropriate raised eyebrow expression that was relevant to the thread topic.
Guaranteed I've been here longer than you.

Attached: 09uj8hu9jb4.png (613x512, 490K)

you sound mad as fuck lol

Stop shilling this game you clearly love it

> OP being a complete nigger faggot
Never change Yea Forums

>redditor filename

shut the fuck up
every time a series gets ported to PC you whiny bitches show up. Go back to playing LoL or dota autochess or whatever mindless garbage designed to rape your wallet is hot these days

>Recognizing "Redditor Filenames"
>It's actually just a keymash filename I made for a screenshot I took
Seems like you're an expert on that site, user. Maybe you should head over there.

Go back to DCS faggot.

Someone who knows english and japanese should list the difference in mission dialogue.

Mad as fuck lmao

Stop trying to escape, you got outted as a filthy redditor already.

And apparently a retard as well, since you don't need to "keymash" anything, either the image itself will get a filename from the place you downloaded it from, or your computer will do it on it's own. I know, many people have no idea of this super-duper secret feature of the os, but trust me, it's there.

You first solitary weebo

Attached: 1556607534829.jpg (1600x896, 292K)

I took the screenshot using Gyazo and mashed out a new filename since I don't like the overly long filenames that website uses.
>You got outed as a filthy redditor already
>While reddit spacing

Nah. I have no interest going there. You know tons about it though. What's it like?

F-117 is shit and I replay mission 12 constabtly so that I get to shoot that piece of shit down

>reddit spacing
wasn't a thing until r/T_D niggers shat this place up.

>had to explain to a coworker that I'd rather play an arcade flight game than play DCS because that shit was already our job.

Attached: Snapchat-2042901090.jpg (1384x2688, 577K)

It sure wasn't. At least you're admitting it, though.

Attached: 8978675768798.gif (498x372, 2.02M)

Why the fuck has nobody made iM@S skins for AC7 yet?

Because they're making better skins

Attached: 49-1556284804-561213047.jpg (2560x1440, 1.94M)

6s missions were too big, they just threw shit on the screen for the hell of it

No, I'm saying the buzzword didn't exist and people didn't give shit.

>post YFW you're a DCS chad and not a ass combat virgin

Attached: ufkmepte1ru01.jpg (1024x1024, 54K)


The game is on sale now on steam, is it worth buying now or waiting for a bigger sale a few months later?

It's worth it.

Because anime is cringe and garbage.


What 'true plane games'? Those ripoff dlc-simulators or the 5000 year old games that you have to mod because no one cares about you as an audience?

At 40 bucks it's a safe purchase, unless you want to wait for all the dlc to come out first

>NPC wojak face instead of a real reaction image

Depends, user. Consult this image if it seems like your kind of game. I'd say it's good, though.

Attached: 1550290335294.png (1805x550, 242K)

Just don't buy it. Fantards will tell you this is the best game ever though. Listen to newcomers of the series like me.

fuck off ass combat weeb

"Reddit spacing" does not exist, believing it does just signals you as a newfag retard.

Attached: 1412135340341.jpg (638x479, 42K)

keep cope and seeth ass combat weeb

everyone knows you're a true chad once you pay $10 for a .PNG minimap

Attached: DCS-NS-430-Navigation-System-700x1000.jpg (700x1000, 316K)

I really enjoyed AC7. Glad they kept the formula the same. I'm hoping for VR content in the future for PC.

>all you have in your life is videogames
>you hate them

The way you argue really reminds me of my friend who has aspergers

good to know that you like to eat shit ass combat weeb

It didn't for a while, user. People kept double spacing as a way to divide proper thoughts and chunks of texts that were usually tl;dr material, anyway. It wasn't until 2016 that people hopped on and started spacing out their posts like this. It got linked to reddit muscle memory and the rest is history.

I hope so too. That VR shit is great and I want PC bros to enjoy it, too.

Everyone knows you're a true virign once you pay 30 dollars for a season pass to """""""""fly"" a toys-r-us laser ship.

Depends how much you want to play it, I was very happy with it at 60$, but it's still a single player focused game so you might as well wait unless you really want to play it now.

Go ahead and emulate 4, 5 and 0 if you havent played them though.

t. Someone's who has actually played

Attached: 20190224_140919.jpg (2880x2160, 1.69M)

This game is an insult to true driving games

>no wheel support
>unrealistic tracks with things flying in the air and magic shit everywhere
>no car damage, you just spin in a circle when hit or nudged to the side when bumped into
>when you drive off of a cliff a magical cloud person picks you up for free with no damage, anyone would die if they fell off of a cliff
>no campaign mode where you can pick your sponsors and build your racing empire from the ground up
>driving is boring, no tuning or tinkering with your car
>items like shells and banana peels can damage cars???
>handling is unrealistic garbage and drifting can somehow make you go faster

Worst game of 2017

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Attached: Rage-Header.jpg (1280x720, 72K)


>tfw enjoy both AC and sims and get to watch the dcstard having his daily mental breakdown because of a series he doesn't play

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Attached: 2019-05-02_1718.png (1920x942, 651K)

>Early Access

Attached: 1541075651782.jpg (257x207, 24K)

But Mario Kart is a kids game and doesn't take itself seriously. AC genuinely believes the war messages its trying to convey in the story.



DCS is unironically as arcadey as Ace Combat
BMS is the only true combat flight sim
>Dynamic campaigns
>Base Falcon is still more detailed than any other DCS module
>Lots of other planes to fly that are free and don't cost 30-80 dollars
>Carrier ops since 10 years ago
>Can be a commander and coordinate everything like a strategy game
>Can even act as an AWACS
>Free maps
>Proper ATC
>Actual IFF modeling
>Actual missile modeling
>No fly-by-magic AI, unlike DCS
>Tons of other little features and nuances not present in DCS, like actual model visibility scaling and NVGs
And it's a one-time payment of 5 fucking dollars
DCS is a scam

Attached: 1556586882300.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

I'll let this speak for itself.

Attached: shit combat 7.png (846x408, 71K)

>inb4 DCS barry finds a DCS equivalent of bloodybizkitz

Because it's true

Now let's take "Muh HOTAS" out of the equation

Attached: 14209.png (653x135, 10K)

All you're telling me is that PC gamers are whiny asperger-ridden manchildren

Attached: pc gamers.png (637x382, 34K)

>every single negative user review is "muh flight stick"
really makes you think

>based on 69 critics
sex number, get it? ;)

Attached: le may may face.gif (255x255, 546K)

Oh hey, I didn't even notice the overwhelming difference in numbers regarding critic reviews, too.
Thanks for pointing that out.

>having a series you don't play living in your head rent free
Imagine being this pathetic

You're welcome!

This silences the DCScammer

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It fucking failed in sales.

Attached: sales_still_not_published.png (1043x44, 8K)

this is why I preordered it on ps4 even though I wanted the PC version

Does this series get doc missions? I felt like I was just getting into it and then it ended.
I vote that the mission where you blow up oil trucks as the worst mission in the game.

How much does it cost in DCS to buy a plane?

AC7 getting a PC port was a mistake

Your tears are delicious, simfag.

nobody plays flight sims


Attached: 1522201804169.jpg (599x398, 55K)

Defend this trash.

Attached: 1556435890722.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Based. I might check this out

>It fucking failed in sales because Wikipedia doesn't have the full sales figures yet, like with most games released in Q1 of 2019
What a fucking cope lol

Attached: AC7 Sales.png (814x714, 111K)

Yeah, I think so too. The manchild presence is strongest on PC. We can't have nice things because our vocal idiots refuse to enjoy anything they don't feel nostalgia for.

It was the best selling game in the series

I want DCS niggers to fuck off and die

Attached: [DCS] Panicked Viggens hit Soviet landing.webm (870x490, 2.74M)

Nobody plays Shit Combat.

lol, isn't your simshit fucking subscription based?
Is there anything more cucked than fucking paying to pretend to do something other people are paid to do?

>Ace Combat is a dishonest series
It absolutely isn't. You got it assuming it was something it wasn't because you did no research.

>can't defend DCS so I'll hit em with another whataboutism

Attached: mW6orFj.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)

What do you do when you want to fly something that isn't an F-16

lmao you got btfo so much you're relying on B-B-BUT THE SALES
show me the sales of your fucking autism sims lol

If you had bothered to do literally any research whatsoever you would have known exactly what AC is, you have no one to blame but yourself

>only way to start AC threads is by baiting
>AC having a local autist in general
This board should be sterilized flightstick favoritism/

Attached: 147286359389.jpg (514x796, 158K)

Wait till you see the f-
Oh no no no

Attached: 302.png (931x414, 318K)

Listen tourist, we've talked about and enjoyed the ace combat series here for forever. How about you grow up a tiny bit and just admit the game wasn't for you and move on. Hardcore fans were pretty pleased with 7 for the most part.

>that all-time peak
oh no indeed

You select another plane (that's free)
And you fly it

Attached: 1503527018103.webm (780x420, 2.77M)

It is fucking hilarious that simfags are crying about AC in this thread.

>The Virgin DCS
>The Chad Ace

jeeeesus christ

>Ace Combat 7
no game breaking bugs
everything works all the time
game is fun

every other patch breaks the game in new and retarded ways (Giving AIM-7s AIM-120 seekers or just making them ctd the game)
Snails pace development buy buy our $40 asset packs goy!
Inconsistent quality of modules due to no direction and 3rd parties
NOTHING TO DO besides singleplayer missions that official patches break every 2 weeks or cancer multiplayer servers full of retards who think they're smart because they play DCS

>all-time peak
>even the 24 hour peak is lower
>DCS is always online, so this is literally the whole playerbase
lmao you REALLY should look at what you screencap before you post it

user, I was making fun of DCS.
You Belkan

That's not a Hornet, that's an F-16 dressed up as a hornet. So BMS just has every other plane using the same avionics as the F-16?

And you say this is more detailed than DCS? that seems dishonest user

I don't even get it. This is on a level of comparing Forza to fucking Burnout. They're completely different

And if you don't like it, why bother spamming it 24/7 about a niche series? that's not even good enough to bait successfully

Attached: 1526947487062.jpg (500x703, 29K)

At least DCS fans are more dedicated, your arcade trash has only been out for four months and it's almost dead.

I love sims and I only come to these threads to shit on simfags.

I fucking hate the flight sim communtiy

Stop shilling your console trash movie. No one cares about your shitcombat.

simfags are nothing if not massive autists

there's a reason the sim general died off while Ace Combat general still striving

Autism never works

the logic of autistic people is very strange at times, it's best not to indulge them and engage in the first place

Simfags on maximum damage control


Still has more people on it

The real reason it died off it that a couple of dedicated shitposters made it unbearable to discuss anything in, so we all moved to discord but now never play ops.

Flight sims are a scam

Shut the fuck up you Ass Combat kiddie.

>watch this trailer
>ah, yes, this is a simulator...

The only dishonest one here is you you giant disingenuous fag

Attached: r6ge67d4omt21.png (544x544, 465K)

You literally don't have anything else to play lol, also, you probably want to justify the thousands of dollars of DLC you've bought.

I thought you guys stopped biting this? Why the sudden urge to reply old bait?

Attached: 1447036613020.jpg (418x398, 16K)

its fun

>DCS fans are more dedicated

Attached: Playtime.png (1126x364, 430K)

Do us all a favour and fuck off back to hoggit or the 104th or whatever shithole you wank off about your virtual planes at.

I bet you don't even know how to use all the navaids in the plane

Attached: [DCS] Baited.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

>his game doesn't have a kick ass soundtrack

Every DCS plane uses spreadsheet flight models and avionics
Try flying a Mig-29, then a Viggen, in DCS. They are literally flying on different planar models
In BMS, the F-16 is the "base", but that only means every plane flies with the same rule set. And avionics for 3rd party planes got a massive update in 3.34
Maybe you should consider playing BMS before you talk about it, since it is fucking free

you sim dad's are pathetic, this is what V2 was for

The steam metrics are useless for DCS anyway desu, he's baiting terribly but the vast majority of DCS players don't use the steam client

DCS World has a few free planes people probably try out then dont play when they realise the game requires effort

>no gameplay, just a movie
>literally nothing is there to break so no bugs
>mindnumbingly boring press x to win garbage with cringe "plot" for weeb incels

>shitload of stuff, with single plane having more features than entire shitcombat series
>hardcore gameplay that rewards your for learning new things and getting good
>can do absolutely anything with any missions in the editor because it's a pure simulation with zero scripted garbage

Shitcombat plebs just can't admit that they are console babies and can't play actual games that require some skill.

Better than Ass Combat low IQ loser.

>being completely BTFO all over the thread
>m-muh kiddie shit

ace combat 7 has the best OST of the past decade prove me wrong

I'm sorry. I thought we were talking about playerbases and sales.
If you keep moving goalposts like this, people are gonna stop taking you serious-snrk HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Depends. When did zero come out?

I do play BMS, I just think it's funny that people hold it to some sort of gold standard while ignoring it's flaws. For simulating stuff that's not the F-16 DCS is better, for helos DCS is better.

But if I wanted to hop in a jet and actually have something interesting to do I pick BMS because DCS means I have to either make the mission or bear with assholes online.

The avionics package for the F-16 in BMS isn't even coherent to a single real life production block of any F-16 made, it's a frankenstein jumble of software packages.


Simfags picked a weird hill to die on this time.

>true plane games
Do those even exist anymore?
t. played Jane's Fighters Anthology about a decade ago (though I was too young to understand it)

that was my point lol, zero is still the king

>made an Ace Combat thread today
>7 replies only
>some faggot posting 5 month old copypasta
>160+ replies

Attached: 1329853124114.png (240x249, 121K)

Ah, then yes.

>zero is probably 13 years old
Jesus fucking christ im getting so old.

Why would I want the mission editor, it's no fucking fun flying missions when you're the one who's placed all the units so nothing can surprise you

Autism makes you do strange things

>>mindnumbingly boring press x to win garbage with cringe "plot" for weeb incels

Fucking this. Listen to this absolute dogshit dialogue. I'd bully the fuck out of anyone who spoke to me like these peices of shit in real life.

Despite being a great soundtrack, Zero is my least favorite AC OST besides AH and 1.

Because Yea Forums hates shitcombat and shitcombat fags are the worst fucking fanbase ever. Not surprising that shicombat hate thread have more replies.

That's a fair assessment

> I'd bully the fuck out of anyone who spoke to me like these peices of shit in real life.

>DCS faggots shit talking Ace Combat
>"""HARDCORE""" DCS Scene that desperately wants to be like Ace Combat

couldn't make this shit up

>I'd bully the fuck out of anyone who spoke to me like these peices of shit in real life.
No you wouldn't, you pussy ass beta male. Anybody who says they'd bully someone on the internet is someone who got bullied themselves, guaranteed. Also
>So obsessed that he pulls up a video, TIMESTAMPED, to prove a point
Fucking genius.

Nah, we really don't. You're just baiting and getting BTFO anyway

But clearly people do like AC, since this entire thread is just people making fun of you


but nobody's agreeing with you? also you can stop samefagging. Here's how for newfags ITT
>go to Yea Forums X settings
>go to monitoring
>turn on Mark New IP

Attached: 1529351353388.png (383x412, 232K)

>I'd bully the fuck out of anyone

Attached: 1555529176928.jpg (697x620, 56K)

Hello ACBarry

>some faggot
>not plural

Attached: 1486368252802.jpg (252x240, 34K)

>"DCS is so grear"
>don't play it and just cry like a bitch nigger all day long on Yea Forums because AC exists
Really makes one think'

Based simfags making threads for us for free.

Attached: 1549287015015.png (1250x1250, 387K)

Yeah, thanks. No I can see that there is a single shitcombat samefag on damange control all over the thread. So pathetic, lmao.

There's nothing do do in DCS user. Even the most hardcore players just do meta shitter PvP pretending to be Ace Combat pilots

One is a videogame, the other is a fantasy for glasses wearing chubby manlets who desperately want to be fighter pilots but are too genetically trash to be one.

FUCK the last part of ACZero is hard

Attached: 1549923388185.png (800x678, 1.01M)

>>turn on Mark New IP
I didn't know about this. Thanks, buddy.

Attached: 1544158994649.png (371x532, 281K)

>DCS fags say they have a hardcore sim
>Most prolific DCS players are a big gang of retards led by ball cancer man with blue hair

>The avionics package for the F-16 in BMS isn't even coherent to a single real life production block of any F-16 made, it's a frankenstein jumble of software packages.
This is just disingenuous if you think DCS is better in this regard.
More than half of the planes in DCS are unfinished messes, look at VEAO's planes, look at nu-Leatherneck, the Mirage still has a broken flight model even if it's not in "early access", Heatblur is really the only dev you can trust and their planes still cost an arm and a leg
DCS embodies the worst aspects of the software industry, and people hide behind the "muh study sim, muh niche" card all the time, when BMS proves that completely wrong. BMS is not perfect but at least it's not a scam

This guy is fucking hilarious. Thank you for this unexpected joy.

Attached: 1.7T.jpg (1182x966, 436K)

Except the whole thread is shitting on ace combat series.

You're the most tasteless person on Yea Forums right now, and that's saying a lot.

Shit Combat faggots don't realize just how fucking absurd the dialogue is. At least one of them died and it was the annoying punk rocker with the faggot VA.

You mean console movie?

>my unrealistic garbage is needlessly obtuse so its better
you know sims are probably LESS realistic than ace combat, right?

>Liking weeb shit is taste

Attached: 1488506432133.png (1159x811, 1.31M)


>Moving the goalposts
VEAO is gone, so is their "Plane"
Leatherneck is a joke but their MiG 21 is still one of the better planes in the sim,
Only the Mirage and the Harrier has gripes but at least in DCS they're different planes and not just "F-16 in a Mirage body" or "F-16 in a Viggen body"

It feels like ass to fly anything but the F-16 in BMS

Anime website.
It's incredibly obvious your a post-2016fag.

No, videogame, you posturing beta cuck.

Post underrated AC tracks

Attached: Buddy.png (952x776, 57K)

Is there someone trying to be the Barry of Ace Combat series?

oh I'm sorry I thought I was on Yea Forums - VIDEO GAMES not Yea Forums - ANIME AND MANGA

Seethe and cope westcuck.

Attached: 1532303836130.png (1554x422, 86K)

>200 replies
>53 posters

Attached: 1555335106309.jpg (207x236, 11K)

Yes, we're discussing a videogame, feel free to stop pissing in your own mouth anytime.

kys weebo

Nah, its just being tilted and embarrassing himself. Barry is a smarter shitposter.

The OP is trying to pretend he has people on his side so he has to post a lot.

It's an anime movie, you aren't kidding anyone.

>Pride selves on being realistic
>Absolute horse shit comms
>Non-existent tactics
>following missile cameras
>harriers conducting strikes 100 feet off the deck with unguided rockets

I'd expect more from UPT students on their first sims.

Attached: 1555771324355.jpg (473x587, 57K)

Consolefag desperation is amazing. Yep, you'll get your exclusives back any moment now.

>gets publically deleted countless times and outed samefagging to the point he got two rangebans and a perma
Yeah nah

I heard the VR content was coming out next year and will be the same as the PSVR content.

ace combat posters goback2reddit

>*pisses in own mouth*

Barry is talented at getting attention, this is just some assmad weirdo.

Yeah, the PSVR stuff is a timed exclusive, but I still want MORE of it. That shit is awesome.

Name one good thing Ace Combat does better thing an existing series.



Ths, fuck DCSfag

You can't even write in English properly you subhuman retard

I agree

Pretty much

Keep seething AC7-kun

Attached: 1549157958289.png (458x418, 308K)

Gameplay, story, music, missions, graphics, controls, accessibility, difficulty, content, enemy design, world design, lore, weather, tunnels, anime.
Nothing Else Comes Close
You little faggot ;^)

Attached: gsdx_20190503002216.png (1920x1344, 1.22M)

Making you seethe

Is this like monster hunter when a thread is started with the most obvious bait shitpost?

Attached: 190.jpg (1024x578, 199K)

No since the OP in these MH threads don't continue shitposting. AC is too niche to sustain threads even with bait

Still surprised that there still exists a general and isn't cancer yet

green box to red box aimbot and shoot
cringe, all I want to do now is beat up the characters
melodrama piece #3021383592
fly to that one """"TGT"" and shoot him with one of your 200+ missiles
UE4 is trash
no flightstick support, instant 1/10
you die after taking like, 20 missiles
10 hour long cringefest story
>enemy design
well, you're fighting already existing planes... so original
retarded cringefest
still not realistic
in every game like it even matters
fuck anime and fuck you

Anything is worth the opportunity to laugh at sim fags.

Attached: 20190129_171711.jpg (2880x2160, 2.17M)

You are so fucking mad, lol. Go dance with the angels.

I skipped AC for years thinking it was going to be a boring ass flight sim.
God damn, I made such a mistake. AC is actually fun.

You're supposed to be listing other series that do these things better, you seething idiot. So mad you can't even follow your own premise.

Simfags have unironically ruined racing as a genre.

Why would you even play a kiddie mario game in the first place when realism is better.

>he's back

Attached: IMG_0284.png (227x283, 87K)

ac games have been around since psx and they've always sucked dick. it's not like you haven't had time to learn about this fact.

AC7 is fucking great fuck off

I'm not a console loser and it was shilled nonstop on Yea Forums before release so I gave it a go.

it doesn't require a console to find information out about games.

Make sure you at least play the PS2 games because literally everything from AC2/3/4/5/0 is in this game

>durhhhhh u need 2 reserch a game too enjoy it
Oh, you're one of those retards

>reading comprehension
Oh, you’re one of those retards

Everytime a niche console game gets an official PC port all the PCtards fucking ruin it. Literally the exact same thing that happened to dark souls

>Jump into the latest installment for a long running series
>Actually too retarded to find anything out about before jumping dick first into it

I hate this industry so much.

>I just buy games without thinking because people are talking about them

81 LASM???

That mission was great fuck off

hypothetically if you were 18+ and you'd buy a car. would you buy a car randomly, not even knowing what you'll get? that's right, you're an giant gay larper, go kys.


What? What was unrealistic about it

think you mean they've always been fucking good, stupid faggot

If you couldn't gather yet the anime skin planes are basically gag planes with stats and armaments to match.

More realistic than DCS.

>Why would you even play a kiddie mario game in the first place when realism is better.
You reek of poorfag, go get yourself a real sports car and take it to the track you autistic loser.

>literally shitty elevator music

>the gag is that it has the best mobility in the game and insane ammo so it beats every other plane in mp
>pretty funny huh

Attached: afuu.jpg (819x460, 69K)

Why would even post the shittiest hangar music? oh right because you didn't even get that far into the game

Ace Combat never balanced PvP well so it's not like it matters

original miki > awakened miki
If she just kept her usual hair it would have been fine and dandy

t. botswanan villager who has never been in an elevator or heard music before
i get why you hate ace combat now, the planes violate your simplistic understanding of the world, well guess what, the white man can fly, nigger

Ah I see the mods aren't doing their fucking jobs again.

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Fuck white people, I hope white genocide is actually real


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>Let me just throw money at things I don't understand or have any knowledge about
>How did this not work out for me? Where did my dollarydoos go?
I know you're just baiting, but I'll play along. You seem to be enjoying making a spectacle of yourself.


But it's not a "true plane game", rather a fun arcade flight game.
So how can it be an insult to "true plain gaymes"?

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>true plain gaymes

>Fanfuckers buy the game multiple times to manipulate the score

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You are a legit fucking schizo. Holy fuck.

Didn't it go on sale and have a bunch of normal people, ie. not retarded simfags buy it

That's right, me and my team of antifa supersoldiers are buying 100 copies of ace combat 7 each every time you post.

post yfw you get a full game, campiagn, multiplayer, and ace combat 5 for 40$

now post yfw you have to spend 40$ on a SINGLE plane in dcs world, 180$ on a flight stick, and have to literally read 150 page manuals on how to fly a plane, learn how to fly it, then spend another 30-40$ on mission packs to do something else other than just aimlessly fly around in circles

I've honestly never heard of a more justifiable thing to pirate. How the fuck do they justify those prices?

All simulators are like that outside the shitty meme ones.


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I have never seen someone being absolutely mad about AC before the PC release of 7 and I'm sure the simfag wasn't around for the console release or any other AC games

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Shit man, you're still doing this?

It's expensive but fuck it's fun

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You can't even pirate DCS, its always online f2p 'game as a service' trash made by RUSSIANS. You literally give your credit card details to RUSSIANS, the fucking parasites of the internet. Even if the company is legit (lol) they'll still get fucking hacked, or maybe dimitri decides he needs more money to get fucked up on alcoholic shower gel (this is a thing there) and he decides to clear the bank account of a filthy amerykanski?

Attached: dcs devs.jpg (1023x575, 62K)

Say goodbye to your steam account, 'leagle'

>14 more missiles
So he didn't play the game? You can't kill Mihaly just activate his retreat earlier if you hit him more.

If there's one thing I love about Ace Combat it's that you simply can't dog on it. No matter how many threads like this one are made, they always fill up with the fans. I love Ace Combat.


Attached: ac7 rosa cossette d'elise.png (1202x1080, 1.59M)

lmao her dog is fucking dead

>What was his name again?

Attached: ace combat QAAM.jpg (500x786, 29K)

>they always fill up with the fans. I love Ace Combat.

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>>they always fill up with the fans. I love Ace Combat.

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That thing was fucking hilarious to fly

the typical >the game is to hard for me so I'm gonna go complain at Yea Forums.

Examples please. That missile count make my dick hard

>we get Ace Combat shitposting threads now
Just ignore it.

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The 0 stability meant you could basically fly sideways or almost hover in place

So which sister was the one that was all excited about seeing Trigger during the night mission? It was the one that shot the drone information yeah?

Man that would have been useful in Ac7 mission 12.

Attached: Fe2l.png (556x871, 165K)

Is this like that Dragon's Dogma pasta?

>I kid you not! You can do *Arcadey thing* in an arcade game!

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>aci screenshot
>ac6 stats
The fuck is going on here?

Attached: l4zWq.png (875x757, 198K)

Man, great game. DLC when?

Later this month

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>assault horizon was better in every category

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>Spend half an hour readying for takeoff
>15 minutes stuck waiting for clearance from the 12 year old Serbian who's in charge of ATC
>Fly straight for 10 minutes, make a 20 degree turn
>Fly straight for 7 minutes, make a 12 degree turn
>Fly straight for another 14 minutes
>Turn on weapons
>Can't see the target because it's so far away but computer tells you to push the button to fire
>Fire one whole missile
>Turn around, fly for another 30 minutes back to base
>ATC's mom called him for dinner so land anyway without clearance
>Crash into a hot air balloon (callsign "Air Force One") doing mach 3

Whoa, why would anyone want to play weeb trash like Ace Combat when you could be having INTENSE simulationist experiences like this?!

>Assault Horizon was better in every category

Attached: 1555551653896.jpg (481x751, 87K)

>got called out for reposting his shit review 1000 times so he has to scrap the bottom of the barrel some more

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>your plane game bad
>my plane game good

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Attached: Fr4Ti.png (934x1628, 394K)

Ace combat was always an arcade action game.
Crying about it not being a realistic simulation is like crying over how burnout games are not realistic driving simulations.
The series never claimed to be a Simulator.

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