About to fire this game up for the first time, anything I should know before jumping in? (Can I play it with kb&m

About to fire this game up for the first time, anything I should know before jumping in? (Can I play it with kb&m.
DD:DA thread

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Follow a missable quest guide. You can get locked out of areas of the game if you miss the sidequest

wolves hunt in packs

It seems all roads lead to Gran Soren...

this take care

Holy boon is pretty much mandatory

Look up Pawn Inclination unless you want your pawn to run around and not attack the enemies.

Yes, kb&m work nicely.
Also, dont fall into min-max trap. Play any vocation you feel is good.
Pawns learn from your actions. For example: if you get drenched and your lantern goes out - switch it off, then back on. Pawn will/should do that afterterwards if one gets drenched. Dont waste curatives on them also - they will consume them to clear effects only to get that effect again.

>pawn creation screen
>breast slider
>ass slider
>find silver mail
>yfw you have too many gibs because everyone uses your pawn and upvotes her

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>Hire a nice looking pawn
>they're fucking retarded, stand around or are an active detriment
>Hire hideous goblin pawn
>springboards me at flying dragons and hydra, kills casters and actually taunts

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also Ive had gabe newell in my party since day one on pc

I turned mine into a healer
protip dont upgrade high anodyne to grand the cast time will fucking kill you if you dont have the right equipment for your pawn

>Make loli pawn in thong
>Get this.

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Don't even upgrade it to high, it heals fine at regular and doesn't take a minute to cast

yeah but theres an easy to find item that reduces cast time by 30%, cant remember what it was tho

learn how to set your inclinations and augments lol

I managed to find an armor set that works for both fashion and utility
>Sultry Pareo
>Silver breastplate
>Red over knee boots
>Heresy Cloak
>Arm whatever

Now I can't really take my eyes off my sorceress pawn.

Love this game. I played the fuck out of it one night that my vision blurred and probably gave me permanent eye damage. Anyways, you should play it blind (lol) besides looking up the quests that have a probability to lock you out of other places/items/events.

>make arisen's name Cassus
>seen as C****s because "ass" is a filtered string
>have to pick nickname from the list
>Cass is one of them

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I actually spent a whole night awake to kill the on-line ur-dragon. Totally worth it.

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Good combo.

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anyone else not find magick archer fun? it just feels kinda lightweight compared to melee/ranger

>have a sorceress
>don't give her the witch hat

Playing as loli is suffering. I decided to try something different this playthrough and made my arisen and pawn loli twins. My legs are too short and I can't carry anything. My pawn keeps dying during the quests where you need to run away from monsters. I eventually decided that we both grew up after slaying the dragon and we are 5'7'' tall Amazons again.

I want to see her twin braids.

I was playing for a few hours today in BBI, I was surprised how engrossing the game play still is even after countless playthroughs. If there's a DD2 I definitely want to see Bitterblack again.

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>play as a near max height and weight warrior
>now its fucking agony trying to carry anything on my other characters because I'm used to the capacity

Anybody else really want a DD rep in the next Capcom Vs game (assuming they make a good one)? I've been really getting into the idea of a Fighter Arisen using the default design from the front of the OG boxart with Ranger/Sorc/Warrior pawns that he calls in as strikers. If they bring back Giants then Daimon also fits perfectly. Him vs PTX-40A from Lost Planet sounds fun as fuck.

Some jewtits art for your thoughts.

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I'm tempted to do 200 levels as a fighter just to try and perfect block everything without having the instakill MK ripostes

such a satisfying mechanic

Warriors get an augment that increases carrying capacity, use that to help mitigate it.

Sinew's a fighter one and leg strength is a strider one but yeah they're useful until you actually want proper ones in the slots

there's also BBI boots that increase carry weight

God Madeleine does something to me. She's such a shameless hussy but I can't stop myself.
You'd have to bring back more and more gold from your adventures to keep her loyal.

I wish I was any good at parries. At this point my MK skills are [Element] Enchanter, the huge Holy AoE, the one that uses darkness to make your blade longer or Demonswrath, Stone Forest or Great Cannon, Sky Rapture, & Ruinous Sigil. I love stacking Ruinous Sigils.

>not using No carry weight mod

>Forgot to do the stalking Julien quest
>Jew told me a knight comes to meet her every night
>Laughed and said she's glad to see me jealous

10/10 would romance her again.

*exclusively hires hot white female pawns (unless its a brown elf)*
*uses makers finger to kill grigori*
*places portycrystals near the watergods altar, Hillfigure Knoll, the great wall, shadow fort, witchwood, bloodwater beach and bluemoon tower*

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>not exclusively playing on PS3 for the Beserk sword and then not using it because you dont have the money then half the fucking quests are against skeletons and then it isnt strong enough

Not one in the healing spring to get all the free spring water?

The HUD is cluttered by default, go into the options and turn off Pawn subtitles and displayed controls.

Does makers finger give you the clear skies glitch?
also did anybody know where bloodwater beach was without using a wiki?

In the southwest most part of the map. You need to cross the battlefield I think.

I stumbled upon it randomly while exploring

Damn i forgot about that one
Basically place portycristals in places for the escort quests and key plot quests

>clear sky glitch
no, at least i dont think so (ps4)
Yeah the first time i wondered there with fournival i got bodied by a wyvern

>that room in BBI with the 2 thunder wyverns and the drake on hard mode
to this day i have never once cleared that room

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Is Seism is the worst of the "big cast time, big damage" spells?

>tfw still a shitter
The first fucking area after the first shortcut was a bitch for me. I kept getting a Death spawn on the bridge with the zombies + banshee and he kept killing at least one of my pawns. The giant skellies weren't hard but I had a couple bad runs because my shield was too weak to block them and they would occasionally knock me or my pawns out the window to our deaths. I ventured to the spire instead of the door right after that because I wanted to pick up any shit there and I would constantly lose to the Eliminator because I guess I can mash my left stick enough to escape his stomp and again my shield couldn't block him.

Granted this is my first run at BBI on NG+ and I'm at Lv.65, using MK despite spending my first run as Warrior and NG+ as Assassin.

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How is this game storywise?

Thinking of finally doing a duo Fighter run. What's the bulkiest looking armor I can deck my giant pawn out in? I want Eliminators to run scared when they seem him coming.

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At first it seems generic but serviceable (generic in the classic western fantasy way, not the modern hollyjew/jew york safe and SJW generic)
But later on shit gets real in unexpected ways

Yeah, it's kind of fun to make an earthquake tho.

Im partial towards chimeric because those pauldrons are just god-tier

Opening is pretty neat, with your village being attacked by the Dragon and you becoming Arisen. The main game is pretty standard. Do shit for the duke, deal with a cult, etc. Endgame and postgame do some VERY interesting things worth not spoiling though, but it's more unique world-building than compelling characters.

The only characters in the game I'd consider particularly interesting outside of design/voice are Mercedes, Julien, Grigori, and Daimon.

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Chimaeric looks pretty sick. Gryphic is also nice if you want your pawn to be different.

>tfw my pawn isn't a loli but still gets decent RC
Aw I'm so happy.

>"What's this?"
>"What's what"
>"What, you said we were going on a quest!"
>"I didn't say you should go as a Warrior!"
>"And what, my erstwhile friend, is wrong with a Warrior"
>"Do I really have to spell it out George?"
>"Well whatever is wrong, it's better than what you got going."
>"Yeah, I mean, a Sorcerer, who does that?"
>"Quite a few people actually"
>"(Snorts) People, huh? And what do people who pick Sorcerer do when the run into a Golem, huh?"
>"The chances of that are slim to none!"
>"It can happen Jerry!"
>"Alright, alright! Well suppose we do run into a Golem, how are you going to help?"
>"What do you mean?"
>"Well you only really have three skills at a time, you're incredibly slow, and you have difficulty dealing with climbing."
>"...I never thought of it that way...Jerry...Jerry, what do I do!?"
>"Just calm down George, just calm down! Listen, we may not even run into a Golem! And besides, Kramer's joining us, whatever he'll be I'm sure it could help if we happen to run into one."
>Kramer levitates in, Staff in hand
>"Alright boys, you ready to--Say George, I like your style, it's hard to get that Warrior look without actually being a Warrior."

>tfw my pawn is a loli but not dressed like a slut so I rarely get any RC

Might go with Chimeric. Wish the Bronze Armor set was better stat-wise.

I put the trophy jacket on my strider pawn and she immediately gets more rentals. I guess that's a clear indication that she is doing BBI.

pedos lie about their pawns getting hired so much

Hard mode or no? Also mystic knight or magic archer?

>first character is warrior
>dead city 2.0 has 4 living armors, 2 superwyverns, 6 Eliminators

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Both vocations are amazing. I personally play sorcerer first then switch to MA for augments and stats. Or play warrior first then switch to MK. MA gives you more mobility options and MK can perfect block attacks.

Does my heart good to see people still picking up DD.

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first run on normal, ng+ on hard

Can I make a character in this game who shoots lightning out of their sword?

No, but it can be enchanted with lightning for a bit.

Mystic Knights can enchant their own weapons with an element and then some of their Sword skills take on that element (on top of your normal attacks doing so). You can create a floating turret that shoots magic bullets every time you strike it and a large magical AoE trap that can be electrified. No direct lightning from your blade though.

Am I the only one playing two accounts simultaneously so that I get RCs and the party setup I want?

French Caska likes whine

Check the archive for user's updated Pawn Manager mod. You can edit your party to your heart's content.

It's the only way to have multiple saves at once.

what about Pawn Manager mod on nexus

>cant romance pawn
Well I guess I will settle for the witch then.

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>tfw missed Lost and Found quest
welp mommy big tiddy gf it is

An user updated it, but I can't remember what exactly they changed. I'm sure that one works fine.

Dragon Doggy 2 when?

Tis weak to fire

Why does it feel like high gicel does more damage when it's half charged?


How easy is it to pair up with people in DDO? Could I find a random or two to run the game with, or is the English speaking population too low?

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Some times you just get lucky and gicel hit the right spot multiple times. Other times it may miss.

I do. Whether they use Arisen or Shegoat or whoever. Just throw some references in there.

Mine gets hired decently when I made her a Warrior for laughs.

Don't play games which are based on jewish comedy.

>tfw want to dress my mainC like a slut but my autism doesnt let me leave any armor/clothing slots without something in them

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Some of the armors only cover waist area and expose chest. For example, cursed king belt, sultry or summery pareos and chest guard.

Where the fuck is Barroch? He's not where I first met him, and he's not at the first shortcut. I need to buy some fucking BBI-grade curatives and Rarefy some of my shit. Doesn't help that the first BBI weapon I got was a fucking staff.

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It's time to defeat your autism with more autism!

Realistically it's too hot to wear a lot of armor in Gransys' climate!

Goblins ill like fire

Try exit and come back to the shortcut area. He spawns randomly.

Drop the game, it's an absolutely painfully bad experience. I'd sooner play a fucking Ubisoft game

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I just tried like 5 times and nothing. I haven't seen him since I first discovered the first shortcut.

Play a good one like From Dust.

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I just high-maelstromed the shit out of dark bishop on my first try. My friend’s strider drew all the aggro and my pawn synced spell with me. I love them.


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While Barroch is only intermittently found at the shortcuts, he can always be found at the Warrior's Respite and the Arisen's Refuge. Don't forget to grab your throwblasts while at the Respite.

Easy or normal for a first playthrough?

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Normal is already easy.
It's unfortunate that the game doesn't have a proper hard mode, just "let's inflate enemy damage and stagger resistance, lol"


a lot of anons playing dragons dogma for the first time today

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Kill me, Pete.

Let it die!!!


When you min/max it it is a literally unstoppable rape machine in BBI


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Yeah but I'm talking normal game, it's probably got quicker to kill times than other classes but just spamming tenfold and whatever the multiple targets one is got boring real quick
Hell warrior only has normals and the 3 skills and I found it more dynamic to play

Maybe I'll try just daggers only or something

Any tip to make the final hole less grindy and boring?

>the final hole

This isn't golf!

>the final hole

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>the final hole

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Their kind are weak to fire and ice alike, Arisen!