D-D-Don't post spoilers!

>D-D-Don't post spoilers!
Fuck you.

I'll post whatever the fuck I want. I'm not tiptoeing around for some strangers sake. Especially years down the line when you had forever to play the fucking game, fuck you.

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Ruining endgame for bugmen redditors was funny as fuck. Imagine caring so much about that hollywood drivel that you actually break down because of spoilers.

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I agree with that sentiment. I had lots of things spoiled for me, but I still enjoyed the game/series/movie/whatever in question. People are just dramaqueens.


Imagine not understanding the enjoyment born from real time surprise.

Those plots have been known for twenty years, all capeshit movies are the same.

The Never Ending Story ends at the end of the movie

Romeo and Juliet both die. Yea Forums BTFO


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King Koopa is the boss in Super Mario Bros.

you were the player all along

one of my friends broke into an autistic rage when he got the FO4 ending spoiled by that Donald Trump headline image.

Man, the guy hates Trump.

Your lack of empathy is why you dont have any friends and are so lonely


Nah, it's everyone else's fault they don't like it when he calls everyone he knows a faggot or nigger and calls every subject outside his favorites retarded. If they can't handle it, they don't deserve him. Right?

Nah fuck you

haha Darth Vader is Lukes dad haha

>Your lack of empathy is why you dont have any friends
I know

>and are so lonely
Try again

99.999999999999999999% of people you meet in life will be boring as shit and will find you boring too. I'd rather save myself a lot of time and just not bother.

knowing the state of this shithole I wouldn't be surprised if they start banning or deleting spoilers, this site is fucking dead

Based. Don't let the big man put you down.

>didn't get spoiled
>endgame ruined itself

how do they fuck up a movie like that?

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Damn, that looks really cozy.

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