Do “extinct” video games exist? As in games that have absolutely no possible way of ever being played anymore?

Do “extinct” video games exist? As in games that have absolutely no possible way of ever being played anymore?

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Other urls found in this thread:;_2008)

Not really since PC has had emulation for everything from NES up

I haven't seen a tamagotchi in a while

Some "always online" game that need to constantly connect to the company's servers in order to work.

Do defunct mmos count?


I suppose so

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mostly just dead online games. maybe some old Satellaview games.

What about 1st and 2nd generation consoles before the NES?


anything that has ever had a physical cart release has been (or will be, in the case of more recent systems) emulated.

I'm sure there are plenty of early DOS/Windows era games with limited releases that nobody thought to preserve. And there are still undumped games for more obscure systems.

maybe in a "you don't know what you don't know" context in which literally nobody knows of or remembers a particular piece of shovelware, but any game that anyone has heard of or remembers is definitely still around in some way.

Probably tons of Flash based games that were taken down from websites over the years. I know you can't play the original gToons card game and a few other games that were on Cartoon Network's original Cartoon Orbit page anymore as they required server connections.

Sailor Moon Drops

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The only one I can think of is Polybius

It has to exist in the first place to be extinct

You can find it on the dark web I wouldn't recommend it though.

I wonder if that Super Mario Bros. 3 prototype id software made way back in the day still exists. I like to think Carmack or Romero have a copy somewhere.

Mobile games that require online sign-in's i assume. Shit like that vampire game by square enix on mobile, tekken revolution on psn, and other shit.

Well it depends. A lot of games aren't legally available. But most people have no qualms pirating old stuff that isn't sold anymore.

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I'm not sure I'd count cancelled, unreleased, prototype, or generally unfinished projects among the "extinct"

Accursed Farms AKA Ross Scott has several videos about extinct games. Most are kind of shitty online-ish games.

Star citizen

I somehow doubt that every game ever released has been converted into a rom

Then don't count them. That's not the only things on that list

Star Wars Galaxy

Yes, and the Jurassic Park equivalent for games is someone making custom server software from re'eng online games to revive them like the Resident Evil Outbreak guys.

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a few, yea

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never existed


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>Family Guy online
>April to Jan


>The Culling 2
What the fuck? It wasn't even a month what happened there?

Does Well of Souls still exist?

I can't watch that overdramatic boomer

Well there are a few arcade games that have a suicide battery in them. Once the power goes, so does the ROM.
But their are ways of saving them. But it is quite possible that a few have gone dead.


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>battlefield heroes
fuuuuuuuuuck why did i have to think about this again

Consoles are obsolete.

Probably a last-second cash in to save the studio that failed miserably.

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Shit I hadn't even considered arcade vidya. Plenty of those that have some kind of custom controller things / cabinets / stuff. If those no longer exist, the game's pretty unplayable even if you do have the rom.


Phantasy star online. Xbox version. Need a gamertag to even play offline And unless you kept your Xbox for 15 years with all that info saved on it, you can't play it.

You can never, ever play Battle Position anymore. The only surviving evidence of this game is this shitty youtube video that does not do justice to how fun the game is:

Yaris arcade game Xbox 360. No longer on the store so unless you have an Xbox 360 with that game still on there you will never find it.

I like physical copies.

Any game that requires online components to function will eventually goes extinct.
Beyond that, there's a handful of very old games that absolutely no one can find a copy of, nor find a ROM dump for.

Tons of them. For example, think of all the doujin games that maybe 3 people in total bought. And I don't mean porn games, I mean the japanese indie games.

N-GAGE emulator?

There's plenty of old MS-DOS games out there that have been lost to time I'm sure.

My favourite almost-example of that is Bip Bop III, featured on Ross's Game Dungeon. A game so obscure that there was literally NOTHING on the internet even just acknowledging its existence, not a single thing, it was only known by Ross because it's advertised in the much more popular Bip Bop II.
The dev managed to find an old floppy disk which miraculously still worked, and now it exists several decades after it went extinct.

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Honestly I still don't know why there aren't a bunch of projects to take old builds from defunct/shut down MMOs, repackage them as singleplayer grindfests with a few AI/NPC "party" members, all of the game's old quests and events, and market it as "(Game) OFFline" and sell it for a bundle of cash. All you'd need to even do at that point is put in some basic P2P server hosting feature and you can pretty much capitalize on dated nostalgia with virtually zero resources to manage and 100% of the content for fans to consume.

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silent hill 2

1v100 on Xbox 360
Shit was kino as fuck with friends and probably the best use of the Xbox avatars

Club Penguin
Club Penguin Island
Toon Town
Lego Universe
Lego Minifigures Online


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god it was so good. I'll never forget it launching on xbla

>Do “extinct” video games exist? As in games that have absolutely no possible way of ever being played anymore?
Depends what your definition is. There are games like Darkspore which are impossible to play now or dead MMOs which have no private servers available. There are most certainly games from the early days of PC gaming which were lost. That also bring up the question of what games do you consider? There were tons of homebrew amateur games made in the 70's-80's that were just copied and passed around to friends on floppy disks. Video games are a bit of a different story compared to something like the movie industry. Digital storage was available throughout much of the life of the games industry. Where as with movies for decades film reels were the main storage media and many movies have been lost over the through the years due to fires, degraded material and other factors.

>Alex Jones is what happens when they overuse the deneuralyzer
it all makes perfect sense now

Adventure Time Battle Party

I'm sure you can find copies somewhere, but the SMASH+GRAB developers went under and the game was pulled from steam and presumably the servers are kill.

>even the company's website is down
Serves them right for killing Project M.

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It even has "Ext" in it's name

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Expect to see a lot more of these if this gamestreaming shit ever gets popularized

some pre-smartphone mobile games

I think Scrambled Eve (Orange Juice) is pretty much nonexistent at this point.
At most, people know it existed and the waruda loli was the final boss.

If I had mad funds I would legit start a conservatory for videogames and various art, ancient reaction images and variout images would be there for all to behold.

Except frogshit and wojaks, those would be erased from history as the shitstains they are.

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physical fags be like

Starcraft Ghost?

There are a few here and there. City of Heroes has been going on for a while thanks to a community on reddit

Fusion Fall and ToonTown both got revived as well

A lot of Argentine shovelware based on stuff like Yo Matías, Valentina, Gaturro by PC3 Programs. PC3 left the business years ago. Several DIV-based freeware games. Also, G-TOK. It got bundled with a Billiken Compu issue. I lost the disk and couldn't find it anywhere

So PS4 and Xbox Ones library in 10 years?

Yes. But online games, usually the versions killed off by patches and discontinued games. For example, all the MOBA clones that came out and died are mostly gone from existence

pic related is an extinct game. I mean, maybe it's possible someone has the source somewhere like the xbox kid's father, but it's doubtful.

There are some online games that have been revived, such as Age of Empires Online. Someone managed to get the original .exe and create their own servers for the game. Wish this was more common.

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by design.

opps wrong picture

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As a matter of fact, i think it was like, Skate 3? Or something?

But anyway, the disc itself only had part of the tutorial on it, the rest of the actual game you downloaded when you started it up, and assuming the servers are down, there's no way to play it if you don't have it installed already

Lots of super early arcade games are lost.

legit extinct. might not have been any good.

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There are plenty of single player games on PS4.
Why anyone would want to socialize playing videogames and with GAMERS of all people...

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>wrong picture
Has anyone done this and accidentally posted a pic of themselves yet?

>Fuck up The Culling
>Battle Royale becomes popular quite a while after its release, however the game was in a sorry state by that time
>Attempt to cash in on the craze by making an absolutely shitty sequel (that by the way, did not match the tone or aesthetic of the first game, shit looked like fucking stolen Unity assets mashed together)
>They realize they fucked up every single step of the wat, there was a time when The Culling was very good and would have merged into the BR craze naturally and with actual potential to compete
>They go back to Culling 1.0 and try amd start over
>Good gesture, game is now in a state predating its shitting of the bed
>However, too little too fucking late, game had already long been abandoned by the meat of the playerbase
>Neither game being sold on Steam anymore

Fear Combat was my fav online shooter back then. It secretly was a Kung Fu game.

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ace of spades is dead? i wasn't even aware.

damn I liked this game.

Definitely. Lesser known MMORPGs that never took off are essentially extinct. They could be revived, but I doubt anybody ever will.

Fucking RIP Rusty Hearts and RIP Nosgoth

Scott Pilgrim and PT

This is the price you pay for becoming attached to material objects. Though even I am not immune from developing these attachments, as I am human like the rest of you. I travel frequently for work and I picked a mug to accompany me specifically because I knew I would not care of this mug shattered in my travels as I figured would occur.

Except it has been two years and a million miles and now the mug that I cared so little for has become important to me. All it took was time and proximity to me.

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Piracy keeps them alive.

I unironically have done that a few months back

When in high school taking a class on Flash about 13 years ago, me and a friend made this pretty fun game that we played together. It was basically a clone of Spaced Penguin, but combined with Worms. You'd take turns launching asteroids at your enemies planet and your score would go up the longer it orbits before it hit. It was extremely crude, but still a blast. Anyway, we never bothered to upload it anywhere and all copies have been lost since then. It is officially extinct.

Tony Hawk's Proskater 5

I have seen it a couple of times. They either quickly delete it or fully embrace it.

Absolutely. Donkey Kong 3 was released exclusively on early-eightees Japanese computers to a limited release. Only recently did a large fan project cover enough ground to find a copy and dump it.
If so much effort is needed to get a Nintendo game dumped, I imagine there are plenty more which may never find themselves played again.
Also, the 70s spewed out literally 1000s of games a year. Dog food companies even produced their own games.

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Panzer Dragoon Orta and the other still Xbox exclusives, once all the Xbox hardware inevitably dies.

>Also, the 70s spewed out literally 1000s of games a year.
We aren't in a better state today. Look at and Steam.

>Well there are a few arcade games that have a suicide battery in them. Once the power goes, so does the ROM.

Interesting. Tell me more.

There's apparently a lot of missing PC-98 games. The Game Preservation Society estimates about 20% to 30% are lost. Read "The Untold History of Japanese Video Game Developers" for the interview.

Some interesting tidbits:
1. GPS estimates about 75,000 games have been released in Japan since the 1970s, not counting doujin games.
2. In the 1970s, games were released as code in magazines that you typed yourself, and some issues can not be (or have not yet) been found.
3. "When you are looking for, say PC-88 games online, you'll find only images of floppy disks, but half of thegames released for this computer are tapes. Where are the tapes now? Where? Nowhere!"
4. He gives an example of the game DIOS released on CD. They know it exists because there were ads for it, but they can't find the CD version anywhere.

20 to 30 percent games released in Japan overall, 20 to 30 percent of PC-98 games.


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What a sad attempt this was. It’s entirely different thing to mod a game to be better, than to make a new game that is able to stand on its own legs, and the poor fools really didn’t seem to catch that memo.

how did this game die? there were tournaments of it, it had a fanbase and money behind it


>A supplementary Console FPS to a PC Excel simulator
what the absolute fuck was CCP thinking.

Ah yeah, that was probably it

Several of those games are still playable, for example BattleForge

pretty sure a friend of mine still has a copy installed onto his ps4

Fun fact, a silent patch was sent out that literally disabled PT and stopped it from working on your system. Better hope your PS4 wasn't connected to the internet

>tfw i bought this because i wanted to play again
I am an absolute brainlet


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Remember boys and girls. This is why it's important to completely dust your game room at least once a month, and make sure your wiring is neat and organized, that all your stuff is properly aurge protectected and grounded, and that you don't clutter one area with too much shit.

>Laughing emoji

Whats that?
And every PS4 is connected to the internet, titman.

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fucking seriously? let me ask him


Man I would gladly pay shekels for a PROPER single player Maple Story or FlyFF.

And then your stupid gf forgets to turn off the stove

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She didn't forget to turn off the stove. She juat wanted his Diablo III cake to feel more authentic.

>someone found this funny

There’s a single guy working on making a private server, but I doubt it will ever happen. He’s essentially building the game from the ground up. SOE should just leak the source code.

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>absolutely no possible way of ever being played anymore?
this is only possible if people forget how to program or some shit.

>Rusty Hearts
>could have been a DMC-lite mixed with Castlevania
>tomboy witch tits
>can play as a surfer dudebro who fistacuffs with a magic gauntlet
>good music
>gets killed off within the first year of release due to the devs abandoning the game to make yet another cash grab tab combat mmorpg

I honestly think this is what started my undying hate for Koreans at that time.

i have one.

you can still pirate this game.

Stubb's the Zombie.
Look it up


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he just told me that was a rumor and it still works
user have you been mislead

Ah fuck, why'd you have to remind me.

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You know a game I really miss?

It was the dumbest, most Chinese mmo shooter ever that mixed everything from regular PVP, horde survival mode, left 4 dead style maps, CS Zombies style game modes, CoD zombies style modes... and they didn’t give a shit about copyright. It had very obvious Contra rip-off music, Street Fighter costumes and I’m pretty sure the models weren’t all theirs either.

Great game lost to time.

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Yes, a decade later and I'm still mad.

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The game is always online and the EA servers shut down. You can pirate the client but you can't do jack shit with it because 90% of the game was server side

There's plenty of freeware and indie shit forever lost to time

Looks like it got culled too

They just started reselling them again in retro fashion.

>The only Shumup-MMO ive seen in the past 10 years.
>They tried to bring is back once
>Failed again
>Forgotten to the few who put a shit load of time into it.
Fishing was the shit, PVP was good, overall level were hard. This game was actually skill based even though it had a stamina system.

There's quite a few arcade games that only had a few cabinets made and are now lost to time.

Oh yeah there were also Naruto, King of Fighters and Batman outfit. They really didn’t give a fuck. It was called Hazard Ops in Europe.

A shame it was a F2P game. I’d love it to just have this stuff be unlockable by playing.

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>Culling II lasted less than a month
>They are giving up on the Original entierly in little over a literal fortnight.

What a shame, Not really though.

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i'm a big project M guy but icons was not good
it needed a lot of work done to get it anywhere close, honestly
there was not a huge fanbase and there were a few side events at smash events
also, very few PM team members worked on it

PT once the last PS4's that still have it die.

At some point in the future, Guitar Hero controllers will be impossible to find.

It's already been dumped and decrypted.

Let me ask, if you guys had a collection this big and it all burned down, what would you do? Would you just put a bullet through your skull and end it after losing your entire world?

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If it's a rumor that would be great to hear but i never encountered any opposition to it before

I found one Private server and it is abandoned save for 2 people currently. So yeah, still dead.

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The alternate characters were cool too

I liked Leila, playing a dual-wielding vampire loli was awesoke and really, other games just dont offer that. Also the story was interesting and i wanted to see where it would go

If you’re gonna count cancelled games then there are literally thousands of early builds for projects and pitches that you’ll never even see

They’ll just rerelease it with the game built into the controller

Most of us don't have pictures of ourselves. My greatest fear has always been screwing up a screencap and showing my real life work which would cause a shitstorm especially here on Yea Forums. So far that hasn't happened yet.

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Aww man this game was fucking sick, Ramkangs wwa

>There will never be another game where on of the stats is straight up just abpercent chance to transform into a random boss
>Could do it in PvP too

The original Sonic 1 concept from the Tokyo Toy Show

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Back when grandma was alive we would visit her and mom would let us play games on her tv (she had directv) the directv games channel is now gone and so are those games

Yes, there are games which have been totally lost. There will be more in the decades to come, because so many of today's games have DRM.

These aren’t completed games if you count all this shit as “lost” then we’ve lost literally countless alpha and concept builds of games that never went beyond that point. There are dozens of these things competing for publishers attention, we never even see 90% of them.

Yes. Years ago there were Toonami flash games online. Nowadays you can find them all for download except one, Trapped in Hyperspace, which is basically lost to time.

It would prolly disillusion me about material goods and prioritize archiving digital copies of games I actually cared about playing. I imagine it would actually feel quite liberating to be "freed" of such a large collection.

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Many digital only games that for whatever reason aren't sold or available anymore like Scott pilgrim or P.T. for example exist only on hard drives of those customers. As those systems and hard drives slowly die, those games die with them. In a decade or two will be tons of digital only games that legit don't exisst anymore.

Oh and already almost all the SNES online weird Japan only titles. Like the two extra Zelda games for example

All those flash games in the future, unless thousands of them are converted

Reminder that this list is going to fucktuple in size if Stream Gaming ever takes off.

If I were rich enough to have collected all that shit without going broke then I could probably afford to start rebuilding my collection. If my soul were really crushed and I no longer had an interest in buying physical games, then I would just build a nice emulation machine to replace it — emulators for every console, all the ROMs I can find, a nice front-end GUI like Launchbox or whatever — and just recreate my collection digitally.

This doesn't really apply to me though, because, although I do have some physical copies of old games (e.g. NES), I only started buying shitloads of games after PC gaming went digital.

No, you just move on with life, but become occasionally sad when someone brings it up.
I lost a few thousand comic books in a similar way.

The post is about actually lost for real, not just titles that aren't legally available.


PS4 Main Menu
Select a game
Press Options
Select View Update History
Try not to cry.

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People have gotten a hold of those Satellaview games over the years and turned them into repros on cartridge. Let’s hope the same happens for Scott Pilgrim and Outrun Online Arcade.

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I feel like a faggot for being sad over this, but I get like it with anything.
When a music shop is destroyed or VHS tapes get crushed.
Someone worked on making the content on those things, whilst others worked making the physical content, just for it to be destroyed and never seen or used again.
Pretty sad.
Feel bad for that guy in OP to.

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Darkspore is a perfect example of this.
Game is completely unplayable due to removed servers, but you can still buy its disc.

>Scott pilgrim or P.T. for example exist only on hard drives of those customers. In a decade or two will be tons of digital only games that legit don't exisst anymore.
Fortunately piracy and emulators exist, so this isn't true.

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Like M.A.G and Chromehounds

I don't have nearly as many games as this nerd but I wanna minimize the risk of this happening to me. So what do I do?

I’d rather that someone found a way to put the game on a disc so it can be played on original hardware.

Well now, if the game is "extinct" then it not longer exists, doesn't it?

That dirty-looking long-haired boomer on YouTube has a few videos on the subject.

Nigga wat. You can install games on a hacked 360's HDD, you don't need discs.

Yeah, there's plenty of games that came from the third world that are lost forever but no one really knows about them so it's not really a loss.

it's not always so simple. the client contains the assets, but the server contains the actual gameplay. if the server gets taken down and nobody did any extensive packet logging, or the code never gets leaked, then you can't ever rebuild the game as it was


Yeah, every dead MMORPG.

there is a comunity now building the base game from scratch, I think they got working versions already.

Living in a home you own (thus no apartment neighbor passing out drunk with a cigarette lighting the building on fire)
Regular maintenance of power connections to said game room.
Storing games in a gun safe.

Every single update in that menu will vanish just like the digital games. If they had to fix anything after shipping the physical media you're fucked.

MMOs with no private servers. Online games in general that don't have their server files released to the public.

It's a shame because I'd play a private server version of Radical Heights if it did exist.

That's vaporware. Not real.

>If those no longer exist, the game's pretty unplayable even if you do have the rom.
Things like custom controllers can surely be remade without much trouble, even for hobbyists, unless it's some incredibly complex system of course.

I see
I have a similar fear but with downloadable content
Although i am a physicalfag for that very reason, some times i just cant get the dlc in any disc form (bloodborne and its dlc for example, does come in a disc) or is extremeley expensive to do so (like nioh, the japanese version with the dlc was expensive as fuck, so i bit the bullet and bought the dlc)
Updates dont keep me awake at night so much, because most games that i play dont have game breaking issues on day 1, except for the first tomb raider on ps4, which has a savedata-corrupting error unpatched to this day.
I guess some games with 30+ gb patches that completely change the game might be a problem like FFXV, but i havent played it yet so i cant comment

Not 100% complete, but FW archives are pretty extensive.

Those are game patches. not firmware.

Prototype, but only because it can't be persuaded to run on any modern systems.

>Yo Matías
Absolutamente nada de valor se perdió.

So we didn't get 100 Bullets, but we got 10,000 Bullets?

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You’re talking about Ura Zelda which was essentially just a rom hack of ALTP

No, they're firmware updates.

Fuck you
fucking uberent.
did planetary annihilation even sell more than like 10k copies?

The update history menu is game patches. Firmware is not the same thing.

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there are shitty people who hoard a game and won't dump the files to share and preserve it

The entire 8th generation is already forgettable, wouldn't hurt to make it even more forgotten when next gen hits.

if streamed games become the norm, literally every single AAA game will be completely unsalvageable unless the dev is "nice enough" to also sell the game instead of just renting it
imagine Netflix for games, except you can't even record your screen to 'copy' the game like you can do for movies and series

Such a shame, it deserved better

>Project Spark on there, even though you can still play it and share levels on PC and Xbox One through file/partition sharing

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Hello, fellow Argie. Still is undocumented history of the Argentine video game industry.


Kids Next Door had an MMO at one point as part of an on-air promotion stunt. It was released and shut down in 2005 and 1.4 million people registered to play it.

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some zenonia games and other mobile games are lost right

It'd be funny if somebody tried to make sort of a Boogie El Aceitoso beat 'em up of sorts.

I fucking hated this show it’s so fucking stupid

Dark Spore Fromm EA

Can still play orta ON an xbox, just no emu.
But will people care about post 5th gen systems in 30 years or 50?

I mean no. At a certain point you realize how pointless most material things are. I'd probably just take the insurance money, rebuy the consoles, buy flashcarts and modchips, and then go on with my life.
You can't pirate hardware, but you can pirate software.

So, online games aside, is there any such case of some kind of decently known forever lost game? Whether it be pirating or physical copies, it's impossible to access?

t. adult

You made me remind of that Metegol tie-in.

FEAR Combat still works. You just need to get the community run version.

Probably Marble Man.

1. The open beta was buggy and unpolished, giving bad first impressions.
2. The open beta already had MTX, giving everyone a sour taste and further driving those bad impressions all the way into the ground
3. The open beta was quite region-specific and most of the world didn't get to play it.

The guy is getting a fortune from the insurance company, assuming he plays his cards right.

All he has to do is look up the prices on ebay of every single game, and the insurance company will pay it all out, assuming the description is detailed, no questions asked.

His room isn't Ground Zero. It can be rebuilt in its entirety within a year.

Scott Pilgrim, the game?

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Funnily enough the worst game ever is now worth something because all of the copies of the game were destroyed or dumped in a desert and buried.

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>Yea Forums always hated this shit since release
>gets delisted
>suddenly religiously defended
It's like what happened with GTA:4

Attached: 1525154430253.png (599x500, 744K)

collectors won't dump it
supposedly a guy is gonna rip it but seems like he's hoarding it


Oh yeah, I forgot that coined the "Hipster Bullshit" meme for a good year or two or whenever the board got tired of using it, seeing as most became what they hated anyway.

Wish this was released somehow
A couple other Cartoon Network games are still gone

I always loved the game. Me and my cousin beat the game when we were younger so I have great memories of it

Kingdom Hearts V-Cast.
Only the first chapter has been dumped, the remaining 3 are totally lost, but even so there's no way to pirate it on an old phone or any emulators that will run it.

Attached: YrQOBCv.jpg (568x660, 58K)

i've seen emulators that are 1:1

>30 systems

Attached: 1552141504312.png (662x478, 22K)

Probably some super old Commodore games and shit with limited runs.

there are sites dedicated to preserving that sort of shit. it was a half decade ago but i was linked to a site that had every obscure flash tie in i could throw at it


Attached: jkl.png (285x364, 57K)


Ah shit, I meant Steel Battalion.

This is the only known Beavis and Butt-Head arcade left, and the owner refuses to dump its ROM.

Attached: Beavis_and_Butthead_arcade.jpg (600x960, 126K)

You're an idiot. There's enough E.T. carts in the wild still that it used to be one of the popular carts to get gutted for repro cartridges along with Pac-Man and Combat.

Tamagotchis. Phone games. Old or obscure flash games.


Link or you're full of shit.

Hey that's Galloping Ghost.

Magnetic supports aren't immortal user. You're fighting a battle you can't win. Get rid of your materialism for your sake.

Attached: 16yearoldboys.jpg (500x436, 65K)

a private server is up user

So just how much trouble would someone get in for stealing that? Is it more valuable than another arcade cabinet or would it be punished the same as if you stole some other shitty arcade game?

I think there were some Satellaview games that were lost to time.

Someone's working on it.

>that time when an user had the full build of the bionicles game that was lost
>and he released it
>seeing that page on Lost Media turning from lost to found

Attached: 1542316184762.jpg (619x517, 50K)

There are some old lost arcade cabnients, unless some collector has them but then we have to wait till they die before they will see the light of day.

The devs spent the money on software licenses and offices in the bay area of California instead on improving and creating content for the game.
The game died forever after the company ran out of money because they made obligatory to connect to their servers (which were NA only) in order to start the game.
The beta was really bad, with ugly models (who were copies of smash characters) and unoriginal stages, so the few players they had left the game with the time.

Attached: 1548271983517.webm (640x480, 2.75M)

creepypasta worthy

Attached: 1552663656750.png (646x756, 506K)

Lots of flip phone era cell phone games and old pc shovelware games.

Thanks Ross Game Dungeon

25 free cd games from the 90s. that disk had some obscure shit in addition to samples like doom, heretic, and descent;

i remember making a character for this, anything else in the game was basically unusable due to lag and poor programming

He looks like a pretty serious collector. Sure, the insurance company will replace what it can (because he'd be retarded as a collector that big not to be insured), but that doesn't always help when things can't be replaced, they're prized possessions, etc

Theft is based on fair market value. So theoretically, yes, an extremely rare item is a worse crime than a less rare one, but it depends on how much work the ADA wants to put in. They're not likely to care about you as a thief of 'rare game consoles' versus a regular thief of the same caliber because to prosecute you to the fullest extent they'd have to pay for a rare games person to testify and odds are good both they and your court appointed defense attorney have no idea what's going on.
t. lawyer

I'm still mad at what happened to The Culling

Attached: 1554569631231.jpg (693x490, 75K)

There's an old flash game called Supermonk NG on Newgrounds which was an edgy clone of another flash game that was a simple platformer where you play as a monk and jump around Chinaland except in the NG version you have a machine gun and shoot people. Some flash update broke it probably more than 15 years ago and it quickly got blammed off of Newgrounds and I was never able to find it again.

1 vs 100 for the Xbox probably would count

Reminder that Flash will die by 2020.

No Fancy Pants Adventures.
No Arachnophilia.
No Cartoon Network flash games.
No Bow Man.
No Neopets flash games.
No Line Rider.
No N.
No Dino Run.
No Bloons.
No Grow Cube.

My childhood is going to die right before my eyes.

Attached: 1540102474994.png (1105x515, 790K)

Yeah, there are games that never left production stages and then had the data discarded. There are likely thousands of games people have created over the years privately, never published them and eventually lost their copies and backups. I could make one right now and then delete all data related to it and that'd be +1 to the list

Just wait. All the games around right now that require you to connect to the company's servers just to play the single player campaign will be plastic garbage in 15-20 years.

you can run flash files outside a browser

Standalone SWF players exist, so even if every flash game becomes unplayable in a browser anything that people can download can last indefinitely.

Talking about Flash games, how can I download 99 Rooms?

Dunno. Do none of the normal website download methods work?

No, basically because has 100 SWF, one for each room and other for the intro.

What if I want Swedish boy, but Norwegian food?


You don't need mad funds to make a gallery of vintage images. Hosting for a website is like 15 bucks, nigga.

Attached: Memeopoly.jpg (1000x1000, 298K)


Well I don't really collect but if I were to amass such a collection, first I would build an underground, climate-controlled, and watertight, concrete bunker, in a non-seismic zone.

A fire or tornado could destroy my home but at least my vidya would be safe. Only a nuclear war would threaten it, but hey, I'd be dead by then anyways.

>Only a nuclear war would threaten it, but hey, I'd be dead by then anyways.
Maybe you can rent a storage room at NORAD's mountain bunker.

>So PS4
The best games on PS4 are literally single player only. What are you smoking?

Ironically it's mostly newer games that are dead, online only shit. Even ANCIENT shit like Atari and Vectrex had roms dumped to the internet and will be usable forever.

When they werent trying to make awful pop culture references (like that entire star wars episode that didnt even try to hide that it was literally a 1 to 1 remake of the first movie) it was pretty decent. The problem is that most episodes were just pop culture references so a good 70% of the show was trash.

Not entirely extinct but fable 3 was pulled from steam a long time ago. The best part is nobody seemed to notice because this game is trash.

Attached: fable 3.jpg (355x355, 30K)

oh shit i might have to lose a few nights to this
good thing finals are over

Attached: hmmm.png (965x880, 118K)

Speaking of GFWL, their versions of World of Goo and Osmos and casual games are lost forever too. I tried to retry my order history but it wasn't possible. Luckily, I downloaded CarneyVale Showtime as soon as I heard of the shutdown.

>a silent patch was sent out that literally disabled PT
False. There was never a 1.02 patch and is still only 1.01.

>City of Heroes
Not anymore it ain't

>Accursed Farms

I wish this faggot with his stupid face on his stupid video about games as a service that's been plaguing me for days now will just die already.

Supposedly there's one still at an arcade in Illinois.

>There's plenty of old MS-DOS games out there that have been lost to time I'm sure.

I have one that might count as it exists but cannot be run at all: First Expedition. There's almost no info on this game, and it's one of the few games that DOSBox can't run. Pic related is my sketch of what I remember the game looking like from playing it many years ago.

Attached: somekindofoldgame.png (320x240, 1K)

That's the one.

Did you tried playing it under Win31 in DOSBox. It worked for some DOS freeware game I had somewhere.

Many Toon Disney flash games were taken down.

2019 and am forgotten

Attached: 61jyG3yHKbL._SX342_.jpg (342x394, 41K)

Is there a specific issue you're talking about? Looks like it works fine for me, this is an out-of-the-box install of DOSbox too, nothing adjusted or configured.

Attached: FirstExpeditionDOSBox0.74.png (1281x701, 99K)

Tribes ascend when it was still a CRAPCUNT was actually pretty cool on its own, they ruined an alright game with the last update by listening to redditors. It is pretty much an extinct game that cannot be played the way it was meant to be anymore and im alright with it being dead, Id rather have kept the old game tho.

Attached: mike stolkasa.jpg (663x579, 39K)

There are iirc some arcade games that haven't been dumped. A few very early cartridge games.

Lots of arcade games that can be dumped but not played due to lack of proprietary control hardware.

Defunct MMOs and online games with disabled matchmaking.


Not a good answer as many of them still don't run the way the old systems intended to. It takes a ton of CPU power just to play NES/SNES games in proper/accurate cycles. Perfect Genesis emulation isn't a thing. PSX1 emulation is fraught with timing issues, etc.


Attached: qc2lf36gw5901[1].jpg (1280x720, 291K)

the only thing i remember about playing this game was a question "In Pikmin 2, who was Olimar's partner" and i was the only one who picked "Louie". all i know is bideo games so naturally i wasn't very good at this.

Kimmel is the most likely of the 3 to have fucked a dog so i pick B.

Alot of arcade games. Tattoo assassins is one of them.

Tattoo assassins is not a good game.

now he's free

Dark Spore was always online

>You’re talking about Ura Zelda which was essentially just a rom hack of ALTP
There are so many things wrong in that sentence I don't even know where to begin

All the online only games you see today will be extinct and completely forgotten in 30 years. Meanwhile, games from 30 years ago are still being played.

>Metal Gear Online 2

Attached: LIIIQIUIIIIDaaahghhgh.gif (352x288, 2.77M)

I will never forgive the makers of Valkyrie Sky for going directly from open beta to SHITCANNING the first shmup mmo. That game was unique and fun as hell, i had so much fun playing with randoms and I'll never be able to get that experience again


The fuck? How come whenever I try to play it, it always yells "file not found" at me and closes?

I still miss Super MNC.

I mean yes, most of them are garbage that was abandoned right before release though. I'm pretty sure Socks the Cat was extinct for awhile until getting miraculously resurrected.

I dunno, check to make sure you're running the game itself and not its install program?

Attached: myabandonware.png (1623x439, 43K)

what game is that?

Kinda off-topic, but where can I buy a big shelf to put my games on like the guy has in OP’s pic? My current shelf is running out of room.

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Huh, it works. I have no explanation for this.

Guess it's not extinct after all, but there's still little info on it. Possibly for good reason as no one's willing to play it.

Beyond autistic but interesting website

People have recreated MGO and MGO2 servers. You can even play MGO2 on an unhacked PS3.

Some require "day 1 patches" to just run and we're not talking obscure titles. Given enough time it'll be only pirates with patch files will be able to play certain games without rereleases.

Probably, but I'm sure we'd have no way of even finding out about those games' existence in the first place.

I forget, why isn't scott pilgrim vs the world available anymore?
Never played it but it does look cool.

It was honestly a great idea and it's a shame no one else has tried something similar.

Attached: 1 vs 100 xbox live.jpg (800x450, 87K)

Probably licensing issues. Lots of games that get removed from online stores fall victim to this.

Digital only and was pulled off PSN/XBLA, probably due to licensing running out. There's been quite a few games that have been taken off stores and are no longer purchasable.

Yes. Aside from "always online" games, there are thousands of computer games that have been lost to time. Shareware/freeware was HUGE in the 90s, and many of those are lost forever. Some early arcade games are also lost forever. I'm older than most of Yea Forums and played hundreds of now-lost games when they were new.

So ignore this idiot:

Attached: Captura.jpg (156x49, 2K)

music licensing issues i think
there was dlc for it too so not only are there people like me with only the base game but there'll be some with only 1 of the 2 or both, making it potentially rarer
it's an extremely good gem of a co-op beat 'em up that offers some decent replayability and stats/buyable buff items
it's still really fun but honestly i don't see it going more than the next 5 years before someone re-releases it for consoles

I assisted with two of the games on this list, and three games that were killed that aren't on that list. Failed online games are a part of life.

Ask me stuff.

fuck you, I didn't need to be reminded of that

Post source code.

damn i remember inviting some friends over my house to play this together a couple of times. was a fun and unique experience for sure.

Man that shit was really cool you even win points to spend on games. One of the few games older family members played

Of course, but the games are probably to obscure, otherwise someone would have tried preserving it.

I could for one of those games, but the source code was stolen long ago anyway.

There are a lot of games thought lost that are actually preserved, but the problem is that they are all in the hands of extremely greedy and selfish collectors who would rather destroy what they have than ever share it.

On the rare occasion these rare games ever do reach the wild the drama is off the scales becuase those collectorfags lose their shit when anyone but them and their circlejerk has access to them.

List some examples.

>only one
Step it up user.
Steal from work and upload that shit online.

It's an anti reseller/piracy measure
Basically the idea was that when it goes you have to send the board back in to the manufacturer and get a new one, obviously you need to be the original licensed owner of the cab to get this service and it ensured that if the cab was resold that it would eventually be rendered unusable.

Of course, nowadays there's layers of online authentication, digital fingerprinting and other DRM to protect arcade games from being dumped and shared, so suicide batteries aren't as common anymore

>they killed Face of Mankind

I'm one of a few people with access to the actual Crazy Otto code, so there's that. "restricted to a few individuals but backed up" isn't really "extinct" though I suppose.

>Valkyrie Sky
fuck you for reminding me of that

Attached: 75385.gif (180x180, 22K)

The problem with Satellaview games is not that you can't get the rom data, the problem is that stuff like BS Zelda had other components to it that are truly lost forever and irreplacable, such as the live radio broadcasts that accompanied the game.

Anamanaguchi says "Fuck off".
>Can you guys (@Ubisoft, @UniversalPics) figure out how to re-release the Scott Pilgrim game so people stop falsely accusing us of removing it from stores ourselves? Gets kinda scary sometimes lol

The rights are a bloody mess between Ubisoft, Universal Pictures and Oni Press.

There are no known phones left with Xenosaga Pied Piper on it, nor was the game ever dumped. It is fully unplayable.

Attached: Xenosaga_Pied_Piper_logo.jpg (326x157, 27K)

Attached: They Fucking Did it!.gif (346x278, 3.65M)

but gameranger?

The Tomorrow Children was absolutely bizarre, it's a shame it's totally dead and only recorded in endlessly degrading YouTube videos.

This is missing Infinite Crisis. GIVE IT BACK.

Man I miss playing with all my cholos and niggas in VALOR.

What game?

looks like playstation home

Holy shit I remember them. The gaturro ones were legitimate garbage but I will admit the Matias one was kinda fun, but retarded levels difficult. It was about going on a spooky mansion and shit.

Goddamn that was a great mech game.

Well I’ll be fucked I actually still have it, but its so fucking old I doubt it works.

Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 2.08M)

Didnt the people who made the Boogie movie back in 2009 make a phone game for it as promotion? Didnt even came out tho.

Upload it, please.

There are no records.

Try it anyway user, you never know

was this playstation home?

1 vs. 100.

Feel free to laugh at me but I have no disc drive in my pc not personal laptop. Still, I can try something in my office tomorrow, I think my work laptop has that. Anywhere I can keep you up to date kind user? If not where I can upload it to? The disc is kinda scratched but I think the actual files should be ok, I hope.

There's a handful of fan remakes but until they're even remotely close to done paragon is turbo extinct. Fuck epic

Anywhere. Just use the words Yo Matias PC3 Programs and I will find it in the archives, if nothing goes wrong.

Nevermind, there's no need.

Thanks anyways.

Alright, if we get lucky I will have this by tomorrow night and will try to put it somewhere that is easy to find. Worst case I just make a new thread like OP and mention this. Wish me luck and goodnight user, glad to see someone else knew these existed.

Oh shit nice. Good to know someone else got it. Ill keep the CD in case down the line there is a museum, exibit or whatever I can donate it to for preservation and archival.

loved this game

At least he still has his virginity

Yeah, I used to buy a lot of physical PC releases from local distributors like PC3, Edusoft/Synergex de Argentina, Microbyte and Tele Opción and those shitty compilations of Ediciones Top Multimedia. A pity that the physical PC market died so suddenly here like 3 or 4 years ago.

Could be wrong but these servers died in like 2009 and I will never forgive them for it. So upsetting, incredibly fun online game.

Attached: 220px-Chromehounds.jpg (220x305, 25K)

*And GTC Ribbon that imported the FX Interactive releases from Spain.

A shit ton of Xbox Heug games got lost to time and never dug up because Xbox emulation still doesn't exist in the Year of our Lord 2019. One X is at least doing a decent job of making them backwards compatible and available digitally but it's not enough.

Attached: 51D5X8HEDKL[1].jpg (351x500, 48K)

City of Heroes

Came to say this. Got it on sale a couple weeks before the shutdown and by the time I started it up the game was dead forever. we know less about old games than we do of ancient Egypt and renneisance

>get wild hair up my ass to play Transformers Devastation because I remember trying it and it was good
>literally cant be sold anymore because the licence with hasbro expired

Piracy saves the day again.

the original version of the game is. it was bought by jagex and made worse, but i see private server threads on here all the time.

City of Heroes

Im always surprised by the lack of Xbox emulation. Im guessing its because some of the major games like halo and fable ended up on pc anyways. Of course, PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time renown for its library and even it has some pretty terrible emulation. PCSX2 gets stuff playable but usually only just.

>family guy online
i remember signing up for the beta for this and not getting in

You can always set up a server for MMOs as long you have the files but dam that it is a pain if you have no reference at all how the servers used to work.
90% of the Koreans MMOs use the global/login/world server setup, first 2 are easy, last one is a pain because there is a stupid amount of stuff handled by the world server (Events, chats, players, etc).

If you don't get a idea of how the server sided stuff works while the game is running you are going to spend a few months remaking everything from scratch in a way that werks and unless you have chronic autism for this game and you have a Gentoo sized beard nobody will develop a server for that dead MMO.
Honestly it would be cheaper to buy the server files from the developer/publisher and from dead MMOs they aren't that expensive.

Too bad the devs didn't, it had soo much potential but they just walked out with the money while they could.

It is again since the lawsuit.

I'm pretty sure the old tennis for 2 hardware was dismantled.

This list is missing a huge amount of games, i can count atleast 19 MMOs that closed since January.

i wish that they would put this game on steam, loved playing this back in the day

Attached: South_Park_Tower_Defense[1].jpg (219x300, 45K)

wow they're all shit who cares

that's a fucking sick idea though

There is a dump for it around though, just wait for PS4 emulators (which wont happen for a while since Brazilians are the only ones actively hacking the PS4 since release and i doubt any of them have emulator developing experience but they are the only ones with the console documentation since the Western and eastern "hacking" communities went full atentionwhore and are pulling a vita)

Kill myself because i wouldn't be so retarded to not have a digital copy of them as backup to create repros if something ever happened to the originals.


The achievements for this were ridiculous. Answering something like ten questions in a 15 or 20 question session correctly within 2 or 3 seconds or it appearing was insane. You essentially had to guess and hope it not only counted the timeframe correctly but you picked the right answer as well.

i played this with one of my friends a few times it was running. i remember one guy got to the last question and lost, and they called him up and talked to him for a while. this was a really cool idea, wish they would bring something like this back.

Literally played it last night, you are a liar

>Ghost Recon Phantoms
I'm still upset.

Attached: 1551833632855.png (673x720, 681K)

even if this is true, anyone can just DL unreal P.T., it's literally the same game.

I'd cry for a month, then my third eye would open and realize I broke the curse and convert to emulating instead.

What was that?

>Tfw MMO has a community so autistic they develop their own server and they make it public assuring the game will never die and there is one for all versions in case you dislike something

Attached: kissclipart-maplestory-logo-png-clipart-maplestory-2-maplestor-14bb8f3e64d8a1a9.png (900x760, 200K)

It's a Bejewled-type matching game with Sailor Moon characters and voice acting etc. for smartphones. The servers were shutdown like last month, which it connects to at startup, so now you can't play it at all despite being a single player game.

Son of a bitch!!! Loved that game.

It was kind of like Bejeweled but with anime girls screaming Japanese at you non stop

is it unplayable because it had game logic over the internet like other shit from the time or is it just very hard to crack?

>Tfw original developers release the server files when the company fires and replaces them

Attached: fre-mmorpgs.jpg (500x304, 43K)

Of course they do. No one fucking cares about them though.

Sounds easy to create a server for it, most phone game servers are stupidly simple to recreate, the problem is who would want to host a maintain it.

any gameplay footage?

I have been trying to find this, its the most literaly who game I know.

Attached: 17 Keys.jpg (944x541, 49K)

If it is a single player game, wouldn't it be easier to just create something that makes it think it connected to a server, or removes the server connection requirement on startup, instead of getting an actual server?

There are emulators for them, altho it's likely that 131204012591 pong clones aren't all emulated, which I think you can understand.

Monaco GP arcade, it’s genuinely impossible to emulate

>dust 514
it hurts

Yeah but android sucks for local servers because the OS itself would close it randomly because it would be a background process.
Removing the connection would be a pain because all mobile games have multiple server calls, you would need to create a way to store what was meant to be exchanged with the server locally, its possible, just annoying because you have to mess with the game code.

You're forgetting the thousands of games created by one person with Clickteam and Shockwave player.

I loved Billy Bob the Cactus Blob.

There are research centers in Utah right now draining entire lakes to sustain their storages and supercomputers, your job has already been done to death.
Plus MEMEX existed, so you're not the only one with that idea anymore

There are shockwave players though, as long you save them they wont be lost i guess.

>Im always surprised by the lack of Xbox emulation. Im guessing its because some of the major games like halo and fable ended up on pc anyways
You would be wrong for many reasons and none of those reasons are because "there's a PC version so close enough". In fact, wasn't halo for pc garbage? Or was it just the mac version? I tried fable 3 for pc quite a few years ago and it was completely fucking broken. Shit performance all the way through.

In any case, there aren't very many original xbox games that got a pc port, and many that did, run like shit. iirc, many halo fanboys refused to play halo mp on pc, even on a lan because of how bad it was. They all preferred to get a bunch of xbox's and tv's and connect them all together in a big fucking mess than deal with the pc performance.

Ironically an xbox emulator for pc may have worked better than the pc ports. So that alone should be enough to explain the demand for an emulator right there.

You dont need mad funds for it, storage is cheap.

Attached: Incomplete backup.png (377x487, 35K)

Any news on the sequel? 514 is still my favorite sci-fi FPS and last I heard was a basic "still in development" message like 2 years ago.

>PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time renown for its library and even it has some pretty terrible emulation
All Sony consoles have awful hacking teams that fight between themselves all the time.

Drama between the 2 main teams, most documentation was never public because this.
Everyone wanted to work on their own, no proper console documentation was ever shared because nobody wanted to share them because everyone wanted attention/e-peen and shit.
Fucking Cell and hardware security, documentation was slowly made public through time.
Attentionwhoring and money scams.
Attention whoring and scams as far the eye can see and even more where it cant, also "We don't want PSVita to become the next PSP so we will never share anything".
Everything done by one team, thanks to such documentation PPSSPP was developed, CFW was done by multiple people.

Meanwhile Nintendo consoles
>Here is all the documentation of how both software and hardware works

>long term storage
shit nigga, what are you doing??

Attached: fallout - vaultboy4.jpg (150x150, 31K)

Read filename, its a external HDD because windows cant into anything that isn't NTFS.

>yfw since this game is officially permanently dead your waifu will forever be S+ tier and no one can do anything about it

It helps me cope with the pain. But still, neener neener

Attached: FC_Minor_THE_REBORN_I_common.png (300x588, 272K)

No shit, retard. That's why you don't use windows for this.

It was basically an MMO and required server connection at all points to do anything. And sadly since no one truly gives a shit to even attempt to learn a private server its just dead. Lots of online games have fallen in the same way.

Also the complete is in my NAS, second backup is in my house, third backup made out cheap WD Green HDDs hidden in a family member house, 4th backup in my grandmother house.
I wonder how cheap QLC SSDs will get with time too.

I can see the exact same thing happening to Diablo 3 down the line, though I think the console versions of that game aren't always online


Attached: reeeee.jpg (274x274, 10K)

I think that it's so sad that a game could someday just totally disappear like that, and I think it's even sadder when the people who made the game don't make plans to keep it around and/or just don't care

People already have private servers for that game, both for modern retail versions and the old RMAH versions. There are some shit that are just bad and still can be played thanks to shit like that. FF14 original release also has a private server for it. Sometimes its easier than others but thanks to a low interest and install base some games won't even get the attempt.

Usually because the publisher owns the game and not the developers.
The second it stops being profitable they will delete anything related to it, if the developers really care for that game they will do something about it but usually its a bad or expensive idea go against whoever published your stuff.

Retro Tamagotchis of every variety are still very much around.
There were these other similar-ish toys called aquapets, they relied on water inside to work and every single one is either full of mould or leaked out.

I doubt CCP can afford to do anything but EvE at this point.

Man, this reminds me that I bought Midnight Club LA again somewhat recently. The GameSpy servers were shut down so online was totally dead. The thing is, there was a requirement you had to meet online to unlock the Audi R8.

Attached: 1536615976120.jpg (541x541, 33K)

This thread serves as a reminder to why I primairly buy physical, single-player games. One of the things that shocked me the most about the last gen was how many multiplayer games/modes are offline. Imagine having paid full price for an online only game or even bought digital cosmetic items that you'll never access to again.

Sounds like a console only problem.

Wasn't this guy sued for insurance fraud because he burned this place on purpose?

PC has the same problem with dead Windows Live games. Like Lost Planet 2.

LP2 still works it's just dead because it's several years old at this point

I played a game a long time ago called Warrior Epic. I was part of the game's closed beta, and then i played for the game's full release. It was a diablo-styled adventure game that had a bit of flavor from PSO, with multiple characters that you could play as and level up.

It was a very clever, very fun game, but the game got released and then shut down just a few months later.

No one remembers it, there's hardly any information on the game, there's no interest in a private server, and it's just utterly dead and forgotten.

My friend did this, but the servers were like 10 people. Also if you go in a Japanese lobby as an American, they basically kick you immediately. You can play it, but nothing will match its glory of when it was at its prime.

Any examples of at least decently popular extinct games?
Thread is interesting but it seems to be only shovelware or literally whos.
I'm talking about the 'we lost half of Murneau's filmography and all of Aristotle dialogues' type stuff.