looks very generic will probably be dead on arrival like Tomb Raider and Dishonoured 2
Awful "gameplay" trailer where it's 50% cinematic, 25% "dude look, you can move this object with your mind, and this one, and this one," and 25% actual gameplay-relevant stuff. Game might be neat though since telekinesis + gunplay is fun stuff.
>inb4 it's a movie "game" with 20 minutes of actual gameplay.
for some reason visually I don't find it interesting at all
when I heard people talk about this game on a podcast I was imagining it would be in some gothic building but it looks too antiseptic
>it's another "badass" woman
>starts with bwaas
>white text telling bullet points is pretty weak, could just narrate them instead
I guess they cant afford actual trailer makers so they rely on tropes
The gameplay is half life gravity gun, magic fireballs and flying.
Prob more appealing than any other remedy game since female protag and faster movement speed.
oh wow you have a grav gun amazink
have sex
Looks cool, gonna pirate it
Bad looking heroine means it likely woke shit (especially when her real life model is much more beautiful) so I won't buy it. The leveled enemies stuff is worrying too, as if all the physic manipulation stuff actually won't matter
I'll still pirate it and hope it's fun, the environments is the best thing I can say about this and you can fly.
All remedy games are good and this one will be as well. Yea Forums has absolutely dogshit taste so it will be ignored here except for the occasional weeb chimping out about it starring a woman
>Bad looking heroine means it likely woke shit (especially when her real life model is much more beautiful) so I won't buy it.
You've become mentally ill from being alone, like Notch
Seething. You can smell the intent behind this, don't kid yourself you tranny
Looks fun, but I bet it'll be short
>alan wake and cia break good
Crafting and sjw protag
Will pirate on pc since they fucked up Quantum Break and ate doing shitty exclusives content bullshit
>Bad looking heroine
What trailer did you look at?
looks like sjw garbage
shit that doesn't belong on steam
Give us Alan Wake 2 already you fucking hacks.
you have dogshit brain
the game won't look anything from the trailer
and I'd hazard a guess that the main mechanic of the game will be complete underdeveloped and the story will be unnecessary convoluted to give the appearance of depth
nice graphics
short game