Why was it forgotten?

Why was it forgotten?

Attached: Xenoblade_2.jpg (1280x720, 273K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It was shit

Yea Forums doesn't like talking about good games

the duality of japanese humour

>Multiple threads every day

Not enough irony in this shitty world to enjoy this game's brainless """"gameplay"""", embarrassing writing and bland generic characteres.

it wasnt you stupid fucking nigger

but if it was, it would be because brainlets cant look past the cringe cutscenes and shit designs despite the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.

>the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.

Attached: 1555234714126.jpg (478x523, 105K)

prove me wrong you fat fucking retard

>the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.

Attached: tfw.png (1280x1483, 41K)

It looked worse then xeno 1 and x. That's why I haven't picked it up yet

I heard that this game has a very unique sense of humor. Can someone show me any examples?

It wasn't, I've been seeing it on Yea Forums constantly since it came out.

You talk about this shit game eevryfucking day

take it or leave it

Attached: serveimage.jpg (3988x3988, 1.33M)

It’s posted about literally every day

Kino moment.

Do you really need to ask? Look at any playable character or watch any cutscene.

Every Zeke scene is great.
Should have been the protagonist.

The story and characters were too complex for the modern jRPG audience. Worldbuilding isn't looked upon too kindly by the majority of Xenoblade fans. Couple these with the game being exclusive to Nintendo hardware and it starts to make sense. It honestly doesn't help being a sequel to a rather shallow RPG for the Wii of all things. Oh, and the artstyle absolutely angers some people, so it never had much of a chance here anyway. It's not forgotten - it's just a niche RPG from a dying age.

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first one is better, and this one feels like an anime you're watching more than a game

The first one is the worst nu-Xeno game, though.

He's definitely right about the music

Scene was worth it for the battle transition


Considering SMTIV exists, he's not.


>Some of the best music

>the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.
>some of the best out of any jrpg in years.
>some of
Thanks for outting yourself as a retard and ending the debate before it started I guess

Based Yea Forums not being able to read.


>daily threads for 2 years straight

>the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years

>wojakredditer makes an absolutely abhorrent post
Why am I not surprised?

Xenoblade 2 reminds me of games like Lunar, Skies of Arcadia and of course, Xenogears and why I like JRPGs in the first place.
Strong contender alongside Dragon Quest 11 for JRPG of the generation.

Attached: Kinoblade 2 grid.jpg (2132x1200, 1.28M)


I jack off to pyra daily tho


Attached: __homura_xenoblade_series_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_yuuki_shin__05f7c243ea320e6a33e7368762d89688.jpg (1306x2017, 322K)

There's a thread every day.

>Dude, purple
You could've picked better screenshots for a cinegrid.

Because it didn't have Fei Fong Dong

Attached: 1541102804145.jpg (1369x708, 177K)

>fun little classic-style fantasy RPG story for the first 70%
>oh by the way, the catgirl was forced to eat her beloved sister's dead corpse by her mindbroken mentally deranged father
>and here's an actual American city with human zombies running around
>oh wait, that mystical world tree is actually a fucking space elevator/super computer/space station
>and here's a fucking infodump about current humans and life is made of nanomachines that eventually evolved and became selfaware and your tittyblades are conscious computers and your mysterious god is a pathetic scientist who hates himself
what the fuck were the writers smoking

Attached: images.jpg (193x226, 5K)

The absolute fucking state of Xenogears.

Attached: 1552681893156.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Thanks Square Enix

It's a nearly two years old single player game and it still gets daily threads on Yea Forums, in what measure is it "forgotten"?

Sounds like your standard Xeno game to me.

>What the fuck were the writers smoking
It's the most Takahashi-style writing of the Xenoblades and even then, what you've described its pretty tame compared to older Xeno stuff.

>All the girls are taller than the boys
oooooh nonononononono

At what point did you realize he was the best JRPG antagonist of all time?

Attached: Malos.gif (316x320, 3.95M)

XB2 is in a tough spot for me because half of me hates it and the other half fucking loves it. It's almost my favorite game of all time but the whole thing is just...frustrating.

Attached: 1518223438365.png (601x520, 34K)

anime is so freakin weird... 0_o

Nigga you're fucking colorblind

Nothing, Takahashi was just getting himself back in the game after a brief hiatus

Not even the best antagonist in the series, but I fucking love him anyways.

In the dlc when he actually has emotion.

Attached: EVERYONE IS HERE!.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

When Nia gave him super cancer and then he showed up fine and talking shit 5 seconds later

I just got to the Song of Nephilim in XS1 and Albedo is pretty based too, I was laughing like a retard when he tore his own head off and then squashed it.

>Not even the best antagonist in the series
[citation needed]

Best Xenoblade antagonist, definitely. But he can't be the best JRPG antagonist when he's not even the best Xeno antagonist.

Is this your literal first Xeno game? Cannibalism and IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG isn't exactly new territory for Takahashi.

It's new territory for xenoblade secondaries who've only played blade 1, x and 2 but not older xenos.

So after Xenogears, Xenosaga 3 and Xenoblade 2, what's next for this madman?

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Attached: Xenoblade-X.jpg (4000x3930, 3.51M)

Pyra/Mythra are barely taller than Rex. They always seemed taller than that.

Attached: Height.jpg (2661x1911, 2.15M)

Xenogears -> no weeb pandering
Xenosaga -> light weeb pandering
Xenoblade 2 -> heavy weeb pandering

the trend shows that the next hit xenoblade will be a persona-tier or trails-tier weeb pandering with dating sim elements.


Attached: __mikumari_xenoblade_series_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_j_ck__ecd1f679547fde53ee04806762e36c9f.jpg (718x1100, 97K)

>Xenogears -> no weeb pandering
>Xenosaga -> light weeb pandering
Lemme guess, you never played the games did you?

But Xenoblade 2 turns a bunch of anime tropes on their heads. It's more of a deconstruction of anime.

There's so many things wrong with this post I don't even know where to begin.

The artbook heights don't seem super accurate to what's shown ingame. Isn't Dromarch shorter than Nia?

How the hell is this considered acceptable character design, Yea Forums?

Attached: Rex_Design.jpg (1280x1810, 193K)

It's not a deconstruction at all, are you drunk? It's fucking shameless about being aggressively anime.

If seems that faggot ban evaded, is back with his bullshit again and you idiots keep REPLYING him.

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>t. hasn't played the game

Gramp's back........home...

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Gramps should've stayed big.

I think I know the answer to this already:

Can I play the dlc prequel before XC2?

Yes, but opinions vary over if is a good idea or not.

Attached: Gunblades.jpg (3840x2160, 1.02M)

"It was Earth all along!" shouldn't be new territory for people that played XC1, and with all the fucked up shit in XCX sidequests, cannibalism shouldn't come as that much of a surprise. That user probably hadn't played a Xeno- game in his life

yeah it's all a bit weird, maybe they got the measurements by T-posing the models or something, and dromarch maybe in his seated animation

You are here early this time, in case you didn't know, the artbook was scanned.
Also posting this for everyone.

Attached: 001.jpg (1280x1821, 356K)

He did, at the end.

>Forced to eat her sister in a feeble attempt to keep her memory alive.
>Made to call her driver father and act like his real daughter.
>Has to run from Indol for being an abomination.
Nia had a pretty rough life.

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Attached: 1512111584645.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Based Negrescos has one mission: to draw all the blade girls.

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Has anybody ever noticed there's an "X" inside the 2 of the Xenoblade 2 logo?
What does this mean?

Attached: Untitled.png (679x333, 99K)

what does one-eyed monster stand for?

i just started playing it. seems ok. don't know how far i'll get before i drop it.
glad i can play with the jap dub, because the english dub is shit.

They can do whatever they want, my number 1 fan.

Remember when the cuckfags and NTRfags used this to shitpost and then Torna destroyed them?

You can, that's why you can get it standalone.
But playing Torna after the main game is probably the best way to go. It was originally going to happen after chapter 7 or 8, but it was all changed and expanded.

You technically can, but you shouldn't. The DLC doesn't explain things all that clearly for someone who hasn't played the main game, and was designed to ideally be played between chapters 7 and 8 of XB2 or after finishing the game.

Male genitalia.

So Mythra was truly...

Attached: D5lHLtGXoAALoEe.jpg (1200x675, 184K)

Nice. Can't wait to look at it.

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Find a flaw.

Attached: Clipboard_1528825320553.png (800x450, 672K)

It is a fragment of Pyra's tits.

It's the 'X' on Pyra's outfit.

I mean look at this chad looking down on that happy city.

Attached: 0B4AA702-E537-4110-918D-B2D51CFE74E0.jpg (900x699, 155K)

...A shotacon all along.

Attached: D5lHMKCWsAMh3lZ.jpg (1200x675, 190K)

Mike Wazowski. Mythra told Rex to shut up because she didn't want to get sued by Disney.

Permanent Orb Master sours the combat.
Also the writing is way too inconsistent with the main game.

Too short, combat's too simple and doesn't allow for customization, some areas lack night themes, Gormott is barren, doesn't even address Temperentia.

Malos is a pretty decent antagonist with nicely established motivation, especially once you've played the Torna expansion. I find it almost fundamental for a good JRPG to have a solid antagonist - it's the main reason why the mainline FF games for over a decade now have been utter shit - and Xenoblade 2 has that. Malos is one of the reasons why it's one of the better JRPGs in recent years.

Attached: Azami.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

so during the aegis war, was Malos just slumming it out in the wilderness or something when he wasn't blowing shit up?

Why do you keep posting an edit that looks better than the actual design does?

I wonder how many here know the origin of this pic.

Attached: D5haTguWsAA4_df.jpg (600x782, 89K)

>Take two steps back from Xenoblade X and one step forward from Chronicles

I just don't understand why they walked back so many amazing design choices found in X. Fall damage is retarded and takes the fun out of exploring. The gated chests/treasures are retarded and takes the fun out of exploring. The slow movement speed is retarded and takes the fun out of exploring.

Xenoblade as a series has always been promoted as one that is about exploring ffs. It's literally what the marketing and treehouse segments on XBX/2 were focused on, and 2 cocks it up in such an obscene way, especially given X made exploring super fun. In 2, chances are if you go exploring you're going to run in to something that is essentially to stop you from sequence breaking. Absurd.

A failed coathanger abortion like yourself?

Mandatory sidequest gates are too close together. The first one should have been when you first got to Aletta or something.

So what got that faggot banned in the last thread? because he is back again.

He probably slept inside Siren. Or in a big nest of Gargoyles.

Development on 2 started before X even came out, and a bunch of X's staff were diverted to work on BOTW's world instead of working on XB2.

>What does this mean?
The Black Knight is Alvis/Ontos.
Lao becomes Ontos's driver.
Mira isn't in the same universe as Earth; what everybody thought was Earth blowing up in X was actually the flash from when Klaus pressed the button. The zohar/conduit being activated accidentally also sent the Mimeosomes into an entirely new pocket universe (Mira) akin to Xenoblade 1's universe with its own aliens and people and made-up history and fauna and rewrote the Mims' memories to fit in with the events of that universe. Everybody recalls there being an existence outside of Mira (outer space, other planets like Earth) but it's only written in their memories. Everybody's missing bodies are still in the real universe; drifting in space aboard the white whale.
Elma is an artificial aegis and the lifehold is an artificial conduit that can only be accessed by Elma.
The "hero who saved the white whale" is the black knight (Alvis).

Or it's just Pyra's tits.

>Permanent Orb Master sours the combat.
>combat soured by something you looked up online to find out about

Attached: AkhosCliche.jpg (1920x938, 253K)

is the story in xenoblade X and 2 as good as in the first one?

Attached: D5O27UfVUAAmYtJ.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1536, 264K)

X and 1&2 are confirmed to be two different series, Takahashi wants to make a sequel to X in the style of X and make a sequel to 2 in the style of 1&2.

>Fall damage is retarded and takes the fun out of exploring
That's a new one

I think he said the T word. Funny, mods let all his shitposting and falseflaging go but as soon he says the T words they nuke his ass.

Attached: Niaposting cat.png (841x946, 522K)

What? You don't have to look it up at all, it's obvious just by playing the game normally and using specials.
Koh Kojima wants to make X2, Takahashi wants to make a M rated game or something.

That are some tiny feet or really THIN metal.

>Development on 2 started before X even came out
Source? I remember reading pretty much the opposite, that 2 was worked on while the X staff went to BotW in 2015, which resulted in 2 being largely outsourced. But X wrapped development in January 2015 and 2 begun full development around that time.

I wasn't aware that all specials applying orbs to enemies whether they're part of or ending blade combos or not was something that only occurred if you looked it up.

The story of 2 was being written before X even came out. Development started AFTER.

2 was initially created to use a lot of the scrapped ideas from X since X's original script was trashed to prioritized gameplay and exploration.

>What? You don't have to look it up at all, it's obvious just by playing the game normally and using specials.
The game hints at it by saying something like "man, those common Blades have the potential to have some really powerful skills!", but that's it. You can't get the Orb Master skill on a rare Blade, so you're left with having to use common Blades. What sort of autist would do that, unless they're some kind of min-maxing fag that looked up optimal ways to beat the game online and can't figure anything out for themselves?

Ahahahahhaa, oh no, son.
Eric won't let you forget this game, he will personally make sure you will remember it by spamming the webm and shitposting whenever it is mentioned.

Attached: Nia.png (720x1200, 1.21M)

>2 was initially created to use a lot of the scrapped ideas from X since X's original script was trashed to prioritized gameplay and exploration.
If you've read the Art of Mira book, you'd realise the original X story and 2 are complete opposites. Where on earth did you read that?

One-eyed Willy

Eh, I've seen more normal threads about XC2 than Eric shitposting in recent times.

...What? I'm talking about Torna making the skill a part of the combat, not the skill's use in the main game.

Attached: D4twQjKVUAAbWNa.jpg orig.jpg (1447x2046, 288K)

Why would you think he was talking about the main game when he replied to a post about TGC?

This one is from yesterday
Notice all those deleted posts?

This is what I what thinking of.
>Plans for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 started back in July 2014.
>Monolith Soft was working on Xenoblade Chronicles X at the time, but began work on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at the same time.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X took a different direction from Xenoblade Chronicles, so the developers grew impatient after hearing fans ask “Why did you change it?”

How can people enjoy playing this game when it looks so ugly? This is the eastern equivalent of MK11.

Attached: 1496082166586.png (360x474, 125K)

Eh, then we can agree to disagree then, though I see where you're coming from. The rigid nature of the party system in Torna means it isn't too drastically abused, necessarily.

Nia is not for lewd.

Attached: Lora and the fujoshis.png (1473x1422, 1.15M)

To EB fair, it has a bad case of BoTW syndrome right now where idiots make threads just to shitpost about it.

>Nia is not for lewd.
That's a lie and you know it.

Attached: 1556241556868.jpg (1280x720, 272K)

Nia is for throbbing, pulsating, slightly oversized beautifully shaped supreme white cocks.

I disagree. But I get your point user.

Attached: Dx7JNgDU8AA3Zu0.jpg orig.jpg (1333x1463, 316K)

Is just ONE faggot as the previous thread confirmed.

Is she actually hairy or not?

Because it's not ugly you fucking mongoloid

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Cinegrid.jpg (3000x1688, 2.97M)

>right now
it's had that since it came out

Remember when we made fun of this for months?

Attached: 1512306057752.png (1428x760, 1.11M)


Name a more underappreciated blade. pro tip: you can't

Attached: 2018010117021300-659B13F48903294AE2B3FA4F12DA9898.jpg (1280x720, 214K)

Probably not. With how high cut her leotard is, it'd be easy to tell.

Attached: 1554096753665.jpg (1793x1803, 409K)

Ok, "when people made fun", there, happy?

Attached: 1512307041984.png (900x2389, 2.56M)

I don't think people were making fun as such; I think people were legitimately angry that she got shot down

Any of the Torna blades.
A couple of them didn't even get any fanart for the art contest in Japan, so art of their drivers won those categories.

The backgrounds are beautiful don't get me wrong, but they're riddled with ugly ayy lmao golbins like kys delusional weeb

Nia is for foot rubs!

Attached: 356F0A06-1526-4BCF-9FCE-B37F3B7F381F.jpg (1024x768, 176K)

Nim or whatever was the name of the furry face blade. By now, even godfrey is more popular than her.

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Attached: 74492846_p0.png (1980x1080, 2.73M)

17 years later, still best girl

Attached: 1556215689246.jpg (750x612, 126K)

She's cool and all but she's not really useful in combat unless MAYBE you unlock that one node in the hidden driver affinity chart to give you the 5 sec of invulnerability at 1 hp, this way you have 5 sec on damage spike. However you have to first get hit hard by the ennemy and you still have 50% chance of dying

Was it kino?

Attached: Xenobreasts.webm (1280x720, 3M)

While I thought the game itself was okay, the soundtrack was Godly.

Seeth harder faggot


You will never be a woman

Reminder she is the only blade with actual IMPORTANT lore in the artbook.

Attached: img0137.jpg (1280x1819, 362K)


it came out 2 years ago and it's still talked about on here on a regular basis. what the fuck do you want.

Attached: 1505344334960.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

Attached: 1537615430133.png (1287x1407, 1.62M)

Thanks god, now shut the fuck up roastie

remember when everyone thought pyra was going to burn down the world tree

Xbc2 has become one of the most productive Nintendo games in terms of fanart together with pokemon and fire emblem. As much that faggots cries, it won't be forgotten in a long time, hell, more doujins of it are coming for the next comikon.

Attached: 36b.png (996x1080, 1.06M)

Attached: retard.jpg (168x195, 9K)

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It's not though, people bitch about it every day.


Attached: i can't brain.png (512x384, 283K)

>we can agree to disagree
user, you were obviously wrong and retarded, stop trying to save your ass, it's just pathetic.

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>Daily threads for two years

Attached: Now that's what I call a yikes.jpg (371x328, 43K)

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Easy: shitfrey

Why nia is so shocked?

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Looks like she didn't expect Adenine to scratch the void in her chest.

>All this adeleine fanart.
And yet she doesn't have lewds! but she does have an ass! it can work!

Attached: img0127.jpg (1280x1799, 323K)

Classy game for true gentlemen

Are you sure she doesn't have lewds? I could've sworn I've seen at least one.

Attached: 10446096745b5d76ba5070c.png (1045x1166, 2.01M)

She's a cute book.

Attached: 71306063_p0.jpg (1378x2039, 2.99M)

Attached: D5l1yzqXkAEsvoA.jpg (765x1200, 168K)

That bitch is the worst fucking blade in the game. Shit design, shit voice, and FUCK FOX NIGGERS.

Good taste. Pic related was cool too.

Attached: perceval.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Godfrey is a meme because of how bad he is. The other male Blades, Gorg and Dagas, are much more forgotten (Floren need not apply)

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>tentacles going through her belly

Attached: 1534316775101.jpg (577x577, 124K)

Attached: niyah (xenoblade (series) and etc) - 36a4d47bd39b6a1da99a8ae4fc4dfe3f.jpg (4000x2896, 1.86M)

Attached: 1556081274602.jpg (1600x1600, 222K)

After years of shilling and shitposting I have finally given in to the Xeno meme. I hope you're all proud of yourselves, you fucking got me. This shit is even more anime than I expected, no wonder normies hate it.

It's not that bad so far, I'm enjoying it.

How is Torna, I've heard everything from 'its way better' to 'its terrible'. I liked the main game despite obvious flaws though

The former.

>Getting daily waifu threads
What did the XC2DF mean by this?

XC2fags are truly the new bronies, they have to insert their characters into anything and everything.

It's a great game with obvious flaws, just like the base game.

100% worth it if you liked the base game, it's the Lacan fashback made playable.

Attached: 1546158230406.jpg (1123x1000, 254K)

>Game comes out
>people play it
>decent sales
>conversation up the wazoo on Yea Forums plenty of daily threads, often more than one.
>time passes, people have finished and/or stopped playing.
>conversation dies down
>some faggot OP shows up for once in around 2 years to complain about why no one is talking about the game.

Every fucking time.

Attached: 1545741574191.jpg (255x191, 16K)

The big thing I didn't like about the main game was the gacha shit and how insanely convoluted a lot of the upgrades were. Like needing lighting level 7 or something to open that door towards the end. It doesn't have that level of assery right

Attached: D3UVIrFUUAArICD.jpg orig.jpg (480x640, 49K)

>Those sneaky belts on Jin's boots
Aaaah Nomura

There's a recent this time, considering it's a discord op.
This same exact thread was made like 3 times, just like Left or Right, and Chronicles of Xenoblade, it's all autistic discorders.

Gacha is no more and the field skills are still there but less annoying due to the shorter length of the expansion.

Attached: um6ijro.jpg (3192x2124, 678K)

It doesn't have the gacha in that all 3 party members just have their two story blades and that's it. It does have the insanely convoluted upgrades though.

Why does most of Yea Forums play this dubbed?

>despite the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.
Name 5 JRPGs you played in the last 5 years.

There's no gacha, but it forces you to finish a bunch of sidequests to progress the plot twice, and one of those times is right before the final dungeon, which utterly fucks the pacing.
It's pretty good overall, but they could've done better.

One question: "intentionally evading spam/post filters" counts for "ban evading"?

Attached: bunny in a tank.png (777x458, 484K)

>he's actually ban evading


Persona 4 Golden
Final Fantasy IX
Xenoblade X
Radiant Historia

All his posts count as "Participating or instigating a flamewar" anyway.

Not what I meant, I mean JRPGs released in the last 5 years.

Attached: D4U4IkDW4AARZDA.jpg orig.jpg (1424x1930, 231K)

We don't.

Don't respond to the autistic ban evader.

>Everyone on Yea Forums is one person

Are you mentally retarded?

Last thread proved he is indeed one.

This but unironically.

>Ywn have a pycho-obsessive controlling girlfriend.

Attached: D3uHju3U0AA38a8.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1500, 361K)

Did she always have the welsh accent, or did her father demand she speak like a Gormotti?

Attached: 68005471_p0.jpg (1333x1200, 550K)


The accent was probably part of her lessons on 'how to be a lady' before things went to shit.

Fuck off.

>Defending a tripfag
This place has gone straight to shit.

Attached: D4XF38VUwAAl5Au.jpg orig.jpg (2812x2160, 478K)

This place was always hell.

Attached: 1524691774600.jpg (861x1350, 297K)

No reason to make it even worse in that case.

wow im sold on this game now

Attached: D0ppj8SVYAMHOb0.jpg orig.jpg (1645x1463, 263K)

Is this game only for the switch? I don't really want to buy it for just one game.


emulation will get there at some point
whenever yuzu's done being a bing bing wahoo emulator

Remember that horrible Nia and Pyra doujin where the former got vanilla while the later got shit? well, this one will fix the aftertaste of that shit.

Attached: D414J5hU0AYASZ3.jpg (852x1200, 202K)

Shitty anime tropes, same reason why the only thing people remember about Zesteria is the two yaoi niggas.

I find strange how QT PI doesn't have doujins.

Attached: 16.jpg (1038x1511, 324K)

Don't fuck robots.


Fuck robot girls.

Attached: ccd28ca55c53bed03666fba05bcc6e54.jpg (656x915, 304K)

That is a blade based off a robot. Not an actual robot.

>Fanart equals quality
What did she mean by this?

who are you quoting?

Name one (1) bad game that has lots of fan art.

Which game are you playing?


Senran Kagura


Skyward Sword


All games sold on ecchi are mediocre, XC2 included.

That is bullshit, Zelda in general has low fanart count as japan (the main source of it) doesn't like it as much as the west.

Attached: D5kgizkX4AAnE5y.jpg orig.jpg (700x1000, 149K)

You yourself brought up Fire Emblem.

But that user never said that.

Besides Wind Waker, the most Zelda related fanart I've seen had to do with Skyward Sword.
But Breath of the Wild probably broke that with crossdressing Link.

Did you know that Nopon only make 2% of the Goldmluth population but they are responsible for 90% of illegal core trafficking and gangs?

Attached: IMG_20190501_123122.jpg (769x1000, 119K)

OoT has lots of Malon, Ruto, and Saria.
TP has lots of Midna.
BotW has a tons of Mipha, Sidon, and Zelda.

MM is the only one that doesn't really have much fan art.

You can't tell me what to do!

Attached: IMG_20190420_113242.jpg (914x638, 166K)


Attached: DgfEmFPX0AAvArj.jpg orig.jpg (712x1036, 166K)

Go to bed eric

Attached: 1556711227961.png (842x444, 144K)

>Eric boogeyman

Funfact, this post was NOT referring to Xenoblade 2.

Looks like Eric has stopped with the BOTW threads and moved onto XB2 threads. Nevermind that we had a Xenoblade waifu thread every hour for 15 months after the game was released.

Waifu threads belong on /vg/.

Attached: EtherLines.jpg (2687x1098, 1.01M)

True, but the mods lefts them up anyway.

Attached: 1552788451757.jpg (875x1123, 175K)

Yeah, because they always protect these threads for reason, while everything else gets sent away after a year.

Both that pic and this one were done by fujoshis, which means is not their main focus. why the world is so unfair?

Attached: __hana_and_hana_jd_xenoblade_series_and_etc_drawn_by_fujimoto_hideaki__8724fc39e0ae0b8f499fdda30a7ff (600x800, 458K)

Attached: medium.jpg (1280x1042, 189K)

Waifu threads belong in the trash.

/trash/ is good too, that's where they sent some Danganronpa threads.

Five Nights at Freddy’s

Agree that XC2 is a great game though. I love my Welsh cat wife

Can't be helped.

Attached: DgMBI96W4AIvk63.jpg orig.jpg (2896x4096, 888K)

This image was already posted you blind fuck.

Attached: xenoblade.jpg (1200x675, 232K)

>Niafag thinking his opinion matters

It came out almost 2 years ago, has no online, updates stopped, that's why

oh shit sorry im drunk

This is unironically the most unpopular blade.

>Why was it forgotten?
Because not a single person in this thread is talking about the game, they'd rather waifupost.


Poor girl.

Attached: DWhIDl6VAAQjxZa.jpg orig.jpg (1860x2250, 504K)

Why did you delete your other image?

Why was the cute Nim art deleted?
She's a video game character, janny. She's even a character of the game this thread is about.

Attached: 1548042472636.jpg (1189x1200, 155K)

It might have gotten deleted for furryshit.

why you deleted the previous pic?

uuhhhhh... meow?

I didn't.

Attached: Dg2FxoiV4AAX1PO.jpg orig.jpg (1372x1178, 155K)

You wouldn't even know this was a game thread tbqh

>no core crystal



Attached: 1552455694223.jpg (400x397, 54K)

>tfw no hot sweaty steampunk gf

Well, that is bullshit, even if she is an ugly furry, she is a xbc2 character. Als, that means a mod is here and yet doesn't deal with that ban evader?

Attached: img0120.jpg (1280x1830, 267K)

Nim is cute you rube.

Attached: 1510801063378.jpg (504x900, 66K)

Why won't you shut up about your imaginary boyfriend?

Attached: D5TjeERUEAUI68M.png orig.png (600x681, 529K)

Did you get a warning?

Why is she such a fucking racist?


If I really wanted to crash this thread no survivors. I'd do so by now

Attached: DnZf8IPU0AAWEly.jpg orig.jpg (730x720, 83K)

I mean for the nim pic, to prove that the janny really thought it was random furryshit.

>nia nipples
Thanks user, now I have a throbbing erection

/xgg/ made it clear that waifushitters, smashfags, /xcxg/, nintendies, burgers, /feg/, dubfags, and secondaries were unwelcome. The general killed themselves because the dlc was sadly subpar. It's a shame honestly they seriously loved Xeno. I still miss those guys, but especially the ESL Addam shipper.

Attached: WE.png (460x371, 300K)

Still no.

Attached: DRu6tCjVwAA253-.jpg orig.jpg (1160x1200, 169K)

So why couldn't they go straight to Indol from Uraya? Why did they need to go through Mor Ardain?

Attached: 1514033565294.png (271x351, 140K)

fuck I miss /xgg/

>Any of this true
The main reason was because most people kept posting on Yea Forums.

Attached: Gramps.png (211x437, 145K)

>waifushitters were supposedly unwelcome on /xgg/
That never stopped me

Attached: DZlKZYhU0AA6Ci2.jpg (1000x1000, 136K)

Attached: feels.png (500x461, 24K)

So they were elitism faggots like /2hu/?

Attached: Bullying level celestial.png (391x418, 322K)


Attached: japanese humor.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

Mor Ardain has a closer relationship to Indol, so I'd guess that Uraya didn't have any direct ships there because of that. It still doesn't make sense that they couldn't just go there directly from Argentum, though.
Maybe the Titans were just in shitty positions or something.

that guys just a fucking liar lol

>Not the improved version

Attached: ec68dc2d62920874dc8017e44aae3a7c.jpg (944x1334, 1.1M)

I don't. If it had stayed alive, by now it would've become completely cancerous.

Titans move around the cloud sea

Attached: tarbo+tarbo (exxxpiation)-2019-01-13-deff9ed51e8d292b6e4838d2bc7d34b1.jpg (2480x2960, 3.44M)

Speaking of mythra, a new doujin of her was scanned!
is shit...

That's unfortunate

Attached: D5UckR-UIAMOK03.jpg orig.jpg (549x800, 78K)

I do wonder what happened to the anti-American user(s). Most Xeno threads during Euro hours are slow as fuck, but it beats all this shitposting.

God I hate ntr.


Attached: netorare.png (1031x672, 1.07M)

Attached: 1531266452367.jpg (587x623, 28K)

I don't known what's worse than mind break or Ntr, but both of them combined always make a shitty doujin

Attached: D2U8i16U8AAkQ8T.jpg orig.jpg (2780x1970, 414K)

Story was pretty meh, people only cared because of the hamfisted tie-ins to the first game near the end. I genuinely pity anyone who played with the dub and wanted to take the story seriously, the torna trio is horrendous. Gameplay is pretty fun and engaging once you actually get all of the mechanics unlocked, but that takes far too long for how barebones it all starts out and gives less patient people the wrong impression as they're stood there autoattacking for 5+ seconds at a time. Soundtrack blew the first one out of the water which I didn't even think was possible going in.

Overall probably my favorite game on the system, though MHGU might've beat it out if I hadn't already played it on 3DS.

>Soundtrack blew the first one out of the water which I didn't even think was possible going in.
Too bad it wasn't as good as X's.

I wish her face was revealed.


They could've taken out the tie-ins and I would've liked the story just as much.
I feel bad for anyone who only enjoyed it because Klaus shows up and Shulk has a cameo.

As she is right now, she reminds me Angewomon and her relatives.

Why we couldn't save them?

Attached: Dld305QUcAApnaO.jpg (619x876, 121K)

>these thighs
>being allowed to exist in a world as flawed as this one

Attached: 1533744234979.jpg (818x1080, 781K)

Because nice things can't happen user. I want Lora to kick me

Attached: DnEWfdSUwAAaWwk.jpg orig.jpg (600x800, 63K)

And I want you to stop using a trip like a faggot.

I want you to stop being a fucking asshole.

Attached: Di40LKdUYAAH6L3.jpg (857x1200, 140K)

Well neither thing is going to happen my favorite XB shitposter.

Attached: __raiko_xenoblade_series_and_xenoblade_2_drawn_by_w2398510474__fdc9dfc4fa033e09905a147463a3c125.jpg (1000x1000, 103K)

This is where dreams are made

Attached: 1547042581145.jpg (219x279, 36K)

>Mythra gets a vision of the future
>it's useless bullshit about MUH REX instead of something actually useful, like any of the awful shit that;s going to happen after the aegis war
great job, champ


>Muy Rex.
Make sense.

>Translucent cloth on her belly with the purpose of showing off her belly button.
These artists know what's good.

Attached: 1527398165317.jpg (680x962, 100K)

Why did Amalthus attack the survivors in Spessia?

Nia has everything Melia should have had: love, popularity and fanart.

If you had only one chance to glimpse into the future, would you look to see if you'd die a virgin, or look to see if something awful is going to happen in your already shitty life?

Attached: 68125207_p0.jpg (1191x1684, 2.56M)

Wanted to erase all traces of Torna culture to erase the "Blades are Titans and Titans are our friends" Torna religion so he could continue fucking over Core Crystal data gathering to doom the world.

God, I wish that was me.

>I'll never be a father and have a daughter like Electra
She's so daughter tier it hurts

Attached: 1556792400159.png (394x360, 155K)

If only.

Attached: DgdisrYV4AE9u3N.jpg orig.jpg (957x825, 136K)

This nigga right there know what's up. Though I don't see DQXI as highly, a jRPG can only be as good as its music, and DQXI's wasn't. Might change my opinion once DQXIs is released, but it won't beat XC2's anyways.

Attached: Kinoblade 2 - Argentum.jpg (2133x1200, 1.32M)

Attached: NaughtyKitty.jpg (800x650, 103K)

Attached: D5ZMzhuU8AMIUMA.jpg orig.jpg (900x1100, 182K)

The main states Indol slaughtered Torna to kill Addam and Mythra. The Tornans on Spessia were (likely) from Aletta, so Amalthus likely assumed Addam and Mythra were there. Even though Aletta was supposed to evacuate to Leftheria.
2nd option:
Torna doesn't care about staying consistent anyway, so just make something up.

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (1280x720, 237K)

I like welsh accents so I want to give this game a shot. Should I play the first? I also played Ni No Kuni for the same reason. Hasn't steered me wrong yet.

>do KOS-MOS's blade quest
>gets ruined by a cunt of a girl
Why would they do this

>t. I haven't played/know xenosaga.

Attached: COME AND GET ME.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

>a jRPG can only be as good as its music
Chrono Cross still isn't a good game.


>Even though Aletta was supposed to evacuate to Leftheria.
I thought the reason Addam told Lora to go meet up with the people in Spessia was because he wanted her to tell them to go meet with him in Leftheria. Wouldn't that be unnecessary if that had been the plan from the beginning?
The first game doesn't have Welsh accents, but it's still a very good game.

Attached: D0LQXCtVAAEhYNU.jpg orig.jpg (775x1100, 181K)

For me, it's crabs croquettes

Attached: D5YhKwqUYAcHb7v.jpg orig.jpg (800x1119, 142K)

Attached: You_get_used_to_it.png (960x540, 508K)

Is there a cunt of a girl in xenosaga?

Why is the character design so shit?


Attached: c793782b2629e9c0e2ac17daccdb3514.png (1748x2480, 3.42M)

God I want to die between those thighs

Attached: lewd.gif (540x270, 371K)

It wasn't a good JRPG like Persona 5.

Attached: Persona5Hero.jpg (1920x1022, 103K)

For me, it's Herald

Pneuma is such literal perfection, holy shit. We better get a fig of her after KOS-MOS gets her painted prototype and her release date.

Attached: 74395079_p0.jpg (3154x5131, 2.97M)

Ye, she's the main character.

What is he seeing?

Attached: D3oWLQ7UwAAvv6p.jpg orig.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

Attached: D4FPZ9_UIAAdtOW.jpg orig.jpg (1378x2039, 340K)

let's just say there's a reason one of the goals monolith had while making xenoblade 1 was to have 'a hero who isn't hated'

>Persona 5

Mythra has her priorities straight.

Maybe you should try having sex?

A spamming tripfag

I honestly didn't have much problems with Shion maybe she was too realistic for the audience. Well she's a cunt for her betrayal, but she was also in a total mindbroken state, so yeah

Attached: D5Zsnu9UwAA9FFh.jpg orig.jpg (827x1169, 145K)

Shulk is in the ambiguous teenage years of the average JRPG protag, so while he still has room to grow he's probably still going to be a shorty, but Rex is literally a child.


Attached: Dundun.jpg (470x259, 36K)

Attached: 74338696_p0.jpg (5367x3118, 1.91M)

Any more artwork like this?


Attached: __lora_and_shin_xenoblade_2_ogon_no_kuri_ira_and_etc_drawn_by_himono_xeno__e7867779131aba2e72babe14a (820x1168, 200K)

What do you mean forgotten? There's been plenty of threads about it

Not with this particular style

Attached: D5JBqCBUwAAmkFU.jpg orig.jpg (2407x1114, 616K)

I wouldn't call those XC2 threads.

Attached: D5OmUbiUEAAVYxi.jpg orig.jpg (2847x3306, 1003K)


Attached: D5YoOfNUwAEHF9q.jpg orig.jpg (2896x4096, 1.6M)


There's a lot of issues. Mostly that the "hook" of shion's plot development arc occurs entirely offscreen between XS1 and 2, and that the "climax" is a muddled mess at the end of XS3 that is a combination of Shion coming to terms with her problems and bouncing in and out of multiple forms of mind control, that ultimately means nothing because the very existence of Shion was ultimately irrelevant to Kos-Mos deciding that enough time had passed for her to arbitrarily pull a win out of her ass.

Awh shit, here we go agein

Very much so.

Attached: DnteRIlV4AYtvC4.png orig.png (584x600, 230K)


Gormott would have been cool with like different small villages

Attached: 74400747_p0.jpg (2354x1024, 1.56M)

>Blade/Sidequests that makes you do a merc mission

Attached: 1555347330234.png (800x605, 614K)

Attached: D351o8BVUAAmeAA.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1000, 133K)


>lol let's put 34 lizardmen in this narrow path in a high area
>oh, I know, let's add a few of these fuckers who can attack from a mile away and run away when you get close alerting everyone else!
>let's make this part mandatory and put a checkpoint far away so people have to try over and over again!


I'll second that for sure, there's just so many little things that bug the shit out of me

It wasn't. However, in terms of its problems, I'd the tedious open world time sinks are what make the game worse than the first Xenoblade.


Attached: 74351140_p0.png (700x1094, 863K)


That was the intended idea with the two hunters camps, the docks town, and the destroyed village, but the necessity of having all of the shopping shit in only one location made everything except the docks just a "go here to talk to an npc and advance sidequest" point rather than something that actually feels like a safe hub.

Question, is any actual XC2fag okay with the spamming tripfag? Are you really okay with threads that don't discuss the game?

Attached: __hikari_xenoblade_series_and_etc_drawn_by_swd3e2__353965ca2e1e621c5c6ae1e3e002acac.jpg (2126x1063, 740K)

Same. These towns and multilayered world man. Even Argentum is better than most "towns" in RPGs these days

I mean, aceman is the waifufag spammer to end all waifufag spammers.


he sucks ass but nothing i can do about it


Shut the fuck off, you are pissed off your shitposting didn't work this time.

So is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Uh not the original design, nice bait mate

You can try reporting him.

I appreciate it, at least he posts new stuff and not recycled pics like everyone else

Why do you keep defending the spamming tripfag? Have you even played XC2?

im no snitch you bitch

>oh no, some horrible monster is spamming pictures of girls from the video game that range from cute to lewd without ever crossing into weekend vacation territory

literally the only problem with aceman is that he uses a trip

He's in pretty much every jrpg series threads, and some others. I don't mind him, he's harmless. He's been part of this board for a long time now, but a newfag like you wouldn't know. Report him and see what happens like what happened to you yesterday

>threads every day

I have and I appreciate the pictures, just hide them if it bothers you

He is not breaking any rule, unlike the ban evading faggot.

I don't think it was really forgotten. I still see it mentioned enough. Good game and made what would have been a regrettable Switch purchase a little less regrettable.
Switch is still a shit console though. The only other good game for that system that isn't multiplat or on PC already is BOTW.

So you don't actually want to discuss video games.

This but unironically.

Pyra with her prototype colors could've worked as well.

Attached: D5fiuaEV4AEwUP0.jpg orig.jpg (1446x2048, 273K)

>without ever crossing into weekend vacation territory
I'm strongly considering it.

Attached: e827cb2733499e37d4466f2ff2d0ea81.png (1346x1878, 1.66M)

>Calling someone a newfag while defending a tripfag

She looks like she used a fire flower, is cute.

I'd take tripfags over xfag and waifuposters any day. At least they're easy to filter out.

You won't, because you crave attention.

>because you crave attention.
Sounds like someone's jealous.

Yea Forums is too stupid to discuss Xeno on a meaningful level. Unless it's Shulkfags memeing or tourists spamming Pyra's tits you won't see a thread make it over 300 posts. I'll wait for /xgg/ to return before I spend any energy arguing over Xeno.
Also if you're gonna spam fanart at least post some wholesome Rex X Mythra/Pyra art once in a while.

Attached: 1554837718182.jpg (930x2010, 326K)


You DID play the Malosblade DLC, right?

Attached: D4m-cQXUUAEYJBZ.jpg orig.jpg (2362x3496, 388K)

if you wanted to get angry at off-topic comments in a Yea Forums thread you could do much worse than a picture of a character from said game with no text.

I just want your love most of of all.

Attached: 2bc7d4fbf5cbd52585ea343db12a00a5.jpg (900x637, 108K)

The tripfag IS a waifufag though.

Attached: Blades in the beach.jpg (5014x3541, 2.77M)

You could have avoided being retarded if you just excluded the music from your wojackposting.

Chrono Cross is fantastic though

>the music and story being some of the best out of any jrpg in years.

Attached: youserious.gif (400x260, 1.83M)

If you want my love then post NSFW and take a vacation.

God, I wish that was me.

he's a waifufag who I can filter, so he's automatically superior to shit like or that one spic who spams the awful crossover art

It has nothing to do with how new or old this shit is. There are mechanics similar to Xenoblade 2's that are older than Xenoblade 1. It's just that Xenoblade 2's content is subject to a lot more gating and roundabout tasks than the first game's, which makes it harder to enjoy sometimes. I don't particularly like crap like the gacha blade system, or the mercenary missions, or field skills, or having to play a tedious 8-bit arcade mini-game for hours to get upgrades for three particular blades. Sure, Xenoblade 1 had its fair share of open world shittiness with Colony 6 and town affinity charts, but at least the exploration and side content was more easily accessible to the average player.

Attached: 1519981511435.jpg (918x807, 144K)

It would be better is someone translated that first.

please try to describe what you think flooding is, because I think you may be confused

But I want proof.

Attached: 1514934311763.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

But he's right about the music, too.

Still waiting for that counter example user
LITERALLY the only thing I got is Nier Automata

Shit is the stuff that ISN'T forgotten on here, loser.

You are just a ban evader faggot, pissed that all your bullshit was nuked yesterday, revealing that all the different shitposting were done by exactly one faggot.

It's shitposted everyday, how could you possibly forget it. Also its a great game.

Actually you want attention.

>LITERALLY the only thing I got is Nier Automata

Attached: DPD51FbV4AABWOh.jpg (651x711, 57K)

Dude, why you just don't ignore the ban evader?

Then I guess this is over.

Attached: DxnYofpVYAAR547.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1000, 103K)

Forgot my pic

Attached: 36190303persona51280-3-1490732046280-1493395064002_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

You're in no position to complain about no one talking about XC2 seeing as it was proven, through all your posts getting deleted at once last time, that literally all you talk about is meta shit and fanbase wars.

Have you ever envied a video game character?

Attached: Normal.gif (1080x765, 3.44M)

I realpy love these images, they're perfect

I'm bored.

We're at almost 500 replies.

Senpai noticed me for once.

Attached: DT3K4cHU8AAzNr8.jpg orig.jpg (900x1150, 138K)

Movies aren't games, user.

Attached: 1551810711207.jpg (738x302, 106K)

The irony being that Xenoblade 2 is better than Persona 5

Attached: shadow2810-2017-12-05-59f47ab02a1f5df72b430950c6a4e22c.png (783x759, 164K)

The thread is over anyway, you would have just pussied out anyway, you probably don't even have any NSFW to begin with.

Nope...because they don't actually exists, you can't envy what doesn't exist.

Attached: 60707147_p13.png (646x503, 154K)

I wonder if Poppi ever considered having children. But then got very sad when she remembered that she is a robot and cant.

It's a 'master driver aptitude test'.
Amalthus is a fucking pussy and won't hug Malos because they're both guys and that's weird, and fails. Rex is shy but he'll hug Pyra, and passes.

Why the fuck aren't the summoning sequences viewable in the blade album? I accidentally clicked skip awakening and missed out on one scene

Xenoblade 2 has more cutscenes than Persona 5.

How do we stop aceman?

Again, tora is working in that.

Next thread. I promise

Attached: DRd_fW8VoAAtUM0.jpg orig.jpg (1080x1626, 284K)

Imagine envying a bland protag with zero growth like Rex just because he has 2 bland anime twins following him that aren't even confirmed to like him sexuality

He also insults any crossover pic that appears and falseflags with persona 5

Attached: D5mOqwfWsAASRHS.jpg (1000x921, 126K)

Game is tight.

Fuck Blade Gacha.

Simple As.

Xenoblade 2 has 14 hours, Persona 5 has 43 hours. Both games are of similar length.

I'm surprised only 44 hours of Persona 5 is cutscene or visual novel stuff. My first play through was 115 hours and I could have sworn I spent more time doing social stuff than palace/mementos stuff.

Best boy.
They're reviewable in the event theater.

Attached: D5ToBlXU0AEUcon.jpg (1280x720, 232K)

It also has more gameplay. And 80% of Persona's "gameplay" is just reading text, half of which is someone repeating something you read secinds before

By not giving him the attention he so desperately craves.

Gormott should have been Temperantia before it was destroyed.

Think about it right, iirc in the base game Jin, Torna and a bunch of people imply that Judicium was around 500 years ago.
Turns out when you play Torna it was ruins even back then.
So how the hell does Jin know how to use the Flesh eater tech in the base game?

Would have been cool to run around it, better than Gormott at least.
But hey I can understand not wanting to remake an entire map that looks wildly different compared to Gormott which almost looked the same.

Generally a bunch of problems like this where they didn't address or flat out ignore things that you assumed happened if you just pay the base game. Like those ruins in Tantal.

Then you got the whole 'Aegis War' never feeling like a war at all and more like a small group of guys fighting just this one dude. But that might just be me though.

Also Gort, I don't get his character at all, he has his bit in the start and just shows up at the end to be weird and doesn't have any purpose at all. So why is he there? But look it's been a while since I played it so I'm all ears if I just missed something.

But still I enjoyed it, little things like showing what kind of material you get from collection points, campfires and crafting were neat, the combat was fun and didn't take 20 hours to enjoy it. Sidequests were pretty cool even though they were forced at certain points. Community is basically the new affinity chart but you actually do feel like you want to finish it. Only having 2 blades to focus on was good cause I didn't feel like i was missing out on combat by not having rolled a certain blade like in the base game.
It makes me wish in the base game they filled out the slots for each character throughout the story with like two or 3 extra blades for each character that you can find in the world. To me that way it doesn't feel like you're being cheated.

They like him romantically, and unless you're an unfortunate soul meant to suffer on this mortal coil, most romantic relationships eventually lead to sex.

>Bump limit
Dancing elf for everyone except the ban evader.

Attached: 1556736341848.gif (514x490, 71K)

Wrong, that adds up all S-Link shit while only counting main XC2 cutscenes.

It's a one and a half year old game with very little left to discuss about it besides the DLC. It would be perfectly normal for discussion to die down. That said, it isn't forgotten because we literally have multiple threads per day about it.

I'm there right now, I went to check that menu right after I posted

fuck off you didn't post that

XC2 literally plays itself.

oh i see now, thanks

Well, as the thread is over, I guess there is not harm in posting these evidence screenshots.

Attached: 1556732459069.png (1228x361, 61K)

Rex would be the one she jumps, right? He is her vice-masterpon.

ban evader-kun also helps us reach the bump limit in his own way

>They like him romantically
You have no evidence to support this claim.

>Rex is a bland protagonist
literally the best version on the shounen archetype

Pandoria is a perfect girl. Sadly there isn't a lot of interest in her

>Two years later
>Threads still hit the bump limit
Is XB2 the most based game ever made?

Attached: 1556655696502.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

You would have the same evidence as me if you actually played the game.

Attached: DkAjAdoVsAAc-sb.jpg orig.jpg (800x1000, 133K)

The dub shitposting, "rex sucks", "crossover art is cringe", the persona 5 war instigator, meta shitposting, ALL is work of one single insane faggot.

Attached: 1556735448091.png (568x400, 46K)

There's way, WAY better shonen protags in both video games and anime.
You must not like a lot of Japanese stuff

Thanks for letting me know you didn't play it. Also, P5 is my favorite game this gen, I was just pointing out you're wrong. Daily phone conversations are not gameplay

>Daily phone conversations are not gameplay

There's zero points in the game where it's ever anything but implied.

>Only one person would ever criticize the dub, Rex, or the cringe meme art

>thread is over
And all my pics are in my other comp, dammit, I am out of pics.

Attached: 1462242228564.png (333x269, 39K)

Malos' game is just that good

Attached: malos.webm (569x320, 2.9M)

I love this series.
I love XB2.
I love this world, because you guys are in it.
Good night, everyone.

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>Think about it right, iirc in the base game Jin, Torna and a bunch of people imply that Judicium was around 500 years ago.
It's outright stated that it was destroyed in the Aegis War in the Japanese version, and Malos even regrets that it isn't still around, since Jin could've gotten better treatment. I don't know if the implication that it's already ruins in the DLC is just a mistake or what, but it's a huge fuckup.
And I think the reason Gort is there is to give a face to the humans who are continuing to be utter scumbags in the face of the potential end of the world. It helps lead to Jin's conclusion that the rotten parts of humanity are so bad that the good parts can't possibly outweigh them.

The only thing wrong with the dub is Rex during battle and action sequences

>Xenoblade 2 is better than Persona 5

Attached: mj-laughing.gif (282x211, 3M)

>Every post in the thread hating on Rex and XC2 was deleted in a single second
Literally is one person, it was hilarious

Thank you for posting that webm.

Attached: praise the tits.png (1024x1728, 1.44M)

But that's correct.

Attached: rooru kyaabetsu-2018-04-13-a67443672af6fe35347c04572f721e40.jpg (1660x2037, 1.65M)

Yes, because all the instances of that in the previous thread were deleted when he was banned. Every single insult to crossover art, shitposting about dubs, insults to rex, persona 5 falseflagging, all the 70 post with different theme were delete when that guy go banned. Is ONE single person.

He's not wrong.

Sorry, but you're apparently a shitposter because nobody is allowed to criticize the dub or Rex.

the only thing xeno 2 is better at is being a cringe compilation.

Attached: cringeeeeeeeee.jpg (680x543, 39K)

that's not true at all
the majority of them were, but not all.


How do you know it wasn't multiple people that got banned?
There were NSFW bans in that that thread too.

All of the posts he's talking about were deleted at exactly the same time.

Everything went puff in one move.

So did the NSFW pics

there was ONE single NSFW pic and I think the poster deleted it himself.

>Page 10
Goodbye anons. Yes even you

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