"Ornstein and Smough, now those were real bosses ..." *sip*

>"Ornstein and Smough, now those were real bosses ..." *sip*

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People actually bought monster because of this.
It shows how easy it is for corporations to mind-control the public into buying their cancer.
This toxic "drink" apparently tastes just like shitty lemon-lime soda except worse.
Not only that but the high levels of caffeine are dangerous and addicting.

>caffeine addiction

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Never understood why those two are considered the best DS bosses. The only thing you need to do is keep moving backwards and you're golden.

DS is a Zoomer/Gen Z childhood system

>toxic drink

I bet you get high and drink every weekend though right?

because most other bosses suck ass

To be entirely honest, this fucking meme did actually at one point give me a strong urge to try a Monster, even though I hate all manner of these energy drinks. I didn't give in in the end, but I remember having this stupid drink on my mind for a couple of days straight.

I've never been high.
I've never been drunk.
I've never drank an energy drink before.

hey fuck you, artorias is good. so is neato, so are four kings.

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you this board about video games is mostly used by teens ? I can't believe it...

Your a lot of fun

I know that monster is the boomer drink, so whats the zoomer drink?

>taking poison is fun

>so are four kings.

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nigger cum

Mow lawns.


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Four Kings is unironically my favorite boss fight in the base game

I like the idea with the abyss, but the boss itself is gay