He's going to make it kino

He's going to make it kino

Attached: wUA3ryyh_Co.jpg (799x542, 71K)

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I genuinely want to see it now just for him. He'll probably save it.

Is it bad that I want to watch this train wreck?


This but unironically.
I'm actually rooting for robotnik in this movie. Eradicate that fucking """hedgehog""" abomination, eggman, just do it

The "meow' joke is so bad that it made my dicklaugh

ITT paid shills

That's a post credit scene that will have no relevancy through a 90 min slog of shit and ass.


No because it unironically looks good.

If you put the previous stigmas aside and arent looking to be outraged you would realize that.

There's no way it's even trying to be anything else than "so bad you have to see it". No way even le big bad exec boogeyman is that out of the loop.

He's going to become fat by the end of the movie. Mark my words.

>I genuinely want to see it now just for him. He'll probably save it.
It's the only reason to even whant to see this movie, and i think they know it well, that's why they showed us that last Eggman image.

to congratulate this marvelous fuck up, any user has that pic with the fat blue dude and a fucked up fox flying? i feel that pic has a lot in common with this whole thing

I don't get the normies on this one. How Detective Pikachu can get the "hey this actually looks ok!" and Sonic can get universally puked on in the same month is beyond me.

They're both abominations.


take your /pol/ dogwhistle back to where you came from

theyre going to use this version bait for a potential sequel. this version of Dr will not appear in a bulk of the movie if only a minute.

common tactic do not fall for it.

always painfully obvious

Most of the Pokemon in Detective Pikachu look pretty good and the jokes in the trailer are pretty funny overall.

Sonic looks awful in his movie and most of the jokes fall flat.

if you think they're even remotely related besides "muh cg" you're fucking blind

Why are zoomers pretending Jim Carrey is still good when he's only made absolute garbage for almost 15 years?

>No because it unironically looks good.
Sounds like you have autism. This is the kind of movie that you'd have to enjoy with high levels of autism or weed. Preferably both.

same. saw the trailer and he was the only one even trying.

Too skinny Robotnik is fat

>How Detective Pikachu can get the "hey this actually looks ok!" and Sonic can get universally puked on in the same month is beyond me
Because Detective Pikachu use the exact same original character design for the Pokemons. Their shape, proportions and colors are all exactly the same as the pokemons from the games.
Sonic on the other hand has a compeltely new design, with much different proportions and different colors too, and the end result we see in the movie is, as you said, vomit-inducing.

I've enjoyed every single movie where Jim Carrey plays the villain. He does a nice blend of insanity and silliness. Just watched the Cable Guy for the first time since the 90s and I laughed harder than I have in a long time.

Robotnik will make Sonic kino.

Sup shill

>he was the only one even trying
Hes' Jim Carrey, he put his 130% in every role he pick up, even the worst one. You cna pick any movie he did and even if the movie was shit, he always did a great performance.

>Cable Guy
That movie is so underrated,

wouldn't go that far, but at least he usually seemed to have fun when acting.

>it unironically looks good

If you mean "good for a laugh" then I agree.

>fun when acting
Hard to tell that in his drama movie, but yes he seems to always have fun.

How can you post on Yea Forums while being blind?

This. It's going to be a very funny movie

Based schizo

How in the fresh fuck can anyone think Jim is going to be anything but annoying in this movie? That whole scene with the general was twice as long as it needed to be and just awkward, and they thought it was one of the better jokes to start the trailer off with. It's just Ace Ventura vs sonic, shits gonna be a trainwreck and the lack of originality for Jim's role is one of the worst parts.

>movies based on massive videogame fanchises where the characters from said franchises live in our real world
yeah, nah, not at all related

what the fuck are you talking about he was the most embarassing part.
that scene with the general wasn't just bad, it was pathetic, the whole idea of them thinking that was so genuinely funny that it deserved to take up a 3rd of the trailer is just sad and it made me realize just how Washed up mr. Ace Ventura man is, he was only ever good at playing one role and he can't even get it right anymore.

Best game movie since Mortal Kombat. Leaked image of Tails.

Attached: tails.jpg (1920x804, 825K)

he wont be a good character until the end of the movie

God I hope not

Man, you are one pathetic loser! no offence.

>Most of the Pokemon in Detective Pikachu look pretty good.

Good for Bloodborne DLC. Pikachu is more scary than Freedy Kruger.

take your mutilated genitals where you came from, tranny

>"Sonic's games are know for their music. What piece should use for the trailer?"
>"Nah, fuck that, just drop in the first cover of a 90's song you can get the rights to."

Attached: 1472767919522.jpg (574x890, 336K)


Attached: 1556634868772.jpg (600x453, 45K)

>all the redditors here who aren't aware the Reddit Carey they liked back in Poolander is long since dead and this is just a husk

>cable guy
my nigga, most kino karaoke scene in movie history

If you can't see the design differences and issues then you may actually have autism user.
Not joking, not insulting, I'd get checked

Attached: 1556733942868.png (748x1076, 1.15M)

My favorite part of the trailer was when Eggman and Sonic teamed up to beat the crap out of some fat incel who was wearing a Make America Great Again hat! I love it when even villains team up with the good guy to beat up nazis.


>our real world
Did you even see the actual Detective Pikashu trailer?That is not our world, that is literally the "pokeworld" of the games.
Sonic isntead is literally teleported in our actual real life world.

Why do I get the feeling he will be the actual main character and the entire movie will be about how he slowly goes full mad scientist?

You are literally obsessed

Reminder this this theme is not going to play at any point during Robotnik's scenes, with them using something far inferior instead.