This game is good but overrated as shit. If you have played it, you know it to be true.
PSChad here
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It's not a perfect game, but I can't think of a better one this decade. Going back to it after Sekiro, DMC5, and RE2make was still a treat and that surprised me.
It's too hard just for the sake of it.
The DS games were never meant to be hard, they just got a reputation for being hard because they don't hold your hand.
Fromsoft got wind of this and started making games with "dude it's hard lol" as the main selling point. And now we have Bloodborne.
There is a huge difference between a game being challenging, and a game being bullshit.
No game is perfect, but it's easily Game Of The Generation. I can't think of a single title that even comes close.
Is it worth buying PS4 for? I don't care for other exclusives and prefer kB+m for anything else, but bloodborne looks great and I finally have money to spare
It's overrated garbage, but it's the best game on PS4 so I don't blame them for latching onto it.
Shit is shit yeah but at least cow shit doesn't stink
I used to fucking love this game but ever since I got a PC and started playing 60fps games (like Sekiro) I cant play this game anymore.
FPS never even bothered me and bloodborne felt great and I even almost had platinum until I saw how green the grass is on the other side.
Witcher 3
This game is easy as shit you can parry almost every tough enemy in the game, you haven't mastered the gun if you think it's difficult.
>using kb+m for anything other than shooters and rts
Cringe. I bet you look like a fat r*dditor faggot
A lot of people find bloodborne easier than dark souls though. Some find it harder. It's the same thing with Sekiro, it all comes down to playstyle and how well it meshes with the game.
>Is it worth buying PS4 for?
Lol no but if you end up buying one, get Bloodborne, it's cheap as fuck now.
it's too hard to master. you have to shoot at just the right time and then pray that you get the RNG crit
ALONE? Probably if you can get an original PS4 used, which looks to only be like $100 after a quick google search. That's still pricey for a single game, but if you can't find ANY other ps4 exclusive that interests you, then your gaming interests must be pretty narrow. Which is fine, just means you might not get the most of of a console purchase.
I find this game much easier than DS because I can dodge stuff super easily without having to worry about stamina. The movement and attack animations just feel better to me. Checkmate, difficulty is subjective.
>without having to worry about stamina
this game has the exact same stamina mechanic. you have to worry about it just as much
Whats so bullshit about BB? I just started a new game this morning, have not played in like 8 months, and killed everything in Central Yharnam + unlocked the routes to CB and Father G without dying once. The enemies here are slow and super telegraphed, you just have to make sure you have space and stamina to fight
As soon as you see their arm move you shoot that's all there is to it. It's not luck just timing. You watch their attack animation and learn. Things like werewolves are a joke when you get the timing down.
art team did good. thats the only thing that can't be overstated
tried it, didn't work, game's broken
>It gets good 30 hours in guys!
Witcher 3 is good all the way through, unlike bloodborne. There's a reason it won so many GOTY awards and Bloodborne got snubbed.
>I'm bad
>game must be broken
Well if that ain't just the zoomin'est thing I've ever read.
If you only care about Bloodborne and nothing else on PS4 i guess you could give PS Now a shot:
I know, it's not an actual PC port, but it looks just fine and people are saying that it plays well too.
Practice on those slow brute enemies early on in yharnam, when you see them raise their arm shoot it works every time
No, I found it more fun than the souls games. Trick weapons and quickstepping feels better than the apparent clunk and simplicity to the weapon movesets in the DaS games. Also, the bosses and individual level design is pretty great. The DLC is a masterpiece.
Stop bringing up your meme game in every BB thread.
nvm got it
Because people are suckers for being spoonfed an easily digested plot, easy combat,open-worlds and muh grayfeks. I like TW3, but I definitely prefer BB.
Witcher 3 was zoomer bait, that was all. Shit gameplay, shit story, shit characters, and shit systems prevented it from even reaching mediocre status. I am laffin' at your shit taste, mate.
It's not a meme it's literally GOTD
Okay but you're the only person who thinks that, everyone else gave it GOTY
>you're the only person who thinks that
Everyone over the age of 22 agrees with me though.
It's the best game of this generation and one the best games ever made.
I actually love Witcher 3, but you gotta admit it's not 'great' until about a day and a half into it.
It's one of my favorite games ever made and I fucking hate Sony
>Fromsoft got wind of this and started making games with "dude it's hard lol" as the main selling point. And now we have Bloodborne.
Retard you realise that Bloodborne came out BEFORE Dark Souls 2 and 3 right?
Haha dumb faggot
bloodborne came out after dark souls dumbfuck
Then why is DS2 worse than bloodborne? Checkmate
It's true, bloodborne 2 is much better.
it came out between Dark Souls 2 and 3
Miss your shield I see
>Bloodborne came out BEFORE Dark Souls 2
You sure, user?
it's actually severely underrated by the vast majority of gamers. Its small cult following overrates it though
>Its small cult following overrates it though
I mean that's with every game but alright
You'd be surprised, it's far more forgiving than Dark Souls is without a shield.
Since Nioh is on pc I'm not really looking forward to any other PS4 exclusive, but I'd probably play some more games along the way out of sheer curiosity. And yeah, I'm thinking of used one
Seems reasonable to try it before buying, thanks
The sweet, sweet irony is that despite being overrated it's still a whole head above literally any. Other. Game. This. Gen.
I genuinely cant think of flaws with this game. If I want to get really nitpicky maybe the choice of weapons early on is a bit on the slim side.
Except Witcher 3
And the fun stops 50 hours in. The dlc are better since cdpr created their own story, but I still struggled with finishing blood and wine. I can hardly see any game with dull gameplay as goty contender
I love it, but after getting the platinum I always go back to the actual Souls games for replays. I like the build variety and NPCs more in those.
Without old hunters it's good
With old hunters it's goat
It has too many problems. It has no replayability, and it's too easy. I played on deathmatch and the potions and bombs make it too easy to exploit enemies. And on top of that quen exists and the AI is TERRIBLE. But its withought a doubt one of the best rpg's
>If I want to get really nitpicky maybe the choice of weapons early on is a bit on the slim side.
And even then, Old Hunters squashes this pretty well. Only problem are any weapons past Ludwig if you wanted them, as it does shorten the DLC and he is the crown jewel of it.
I don't know your taste but exclusives I enjoyed (and I love Bloodborne)
>God of War
>Persona 5
>SotC/Ico remasters (these are ps3 as well, but if you don't buy consoles, you could get them this way).
>Until Dawn
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
I mean obviously those titles span a ton of genres. My interests are pretty broad and I enjoy a lot of different content. This isn't true for everyone so if you're interests are more narrow / specific you might even dislike some of those. IF you like their genres though, they're all good entries.
Bloodborne is nowhere near as good as you think it is, only one major Site considers it a masterpiece.
before sotfs at least
>caring about journo opinions
demons souls
dark souls
all amazing because they are new IPs
>Yea Forums
>not head over heels for Bloodborne
Why are you so retarded
> Implying Reddit, Yea Forums & GameFaqs are Journalists
>implying their opinions are any more valid
>caring about reddit
It's literally the same Sonyfags spamming threads about Bloodborne every time
Most BB threads aren't there to talk about the game, weapons and lore. Most of the time they're pretty comfy too. Keep coping that your fotm meme game has been forgotten.
Not sure why it wouldn't be as good as I think it is when only my opinion matters when it comes to how much I like things.
I disagree lol.
user, if everyone in this thread, and every other thread, saying they love Bloodborne is lying, guess who the idiot is
Imagine actually caring about console wars when such things are dead these days. Maybe it's just a really good game that everyone wishes wasn't stuck on one system, hurrr durr how about that huh you dumb fuck
Witcher 3 will never be forgotten.
I genuinely dislike Sony and even hate the fact bloodborne is stuck on that system with its shoddy frame pacing, but I think it's a top 5 game.
Never saw a game turning into such garbage after Rom. Yaargul is garbage. Mensis is fucking garbage. FPS constantly down in the shitter even with PSPro. I can't wait to be done with this trash so I can never touch it again. Thinking this piece of shit is a masterpiece is ludicrious.
Sony is for fags, BB is trapped on a dogshit prison, etc, but BB is the king.
Not his fault if you faggots reek of onions
Yhargul is great and so is Mensis lol
Once you've played one Soulsborne, you've played them all.
stop posting this retarded fucking reddit compilation. no one in real life cares about the billion Zelda sequels.
Yeah I do love running past everything at 10 smooth FPS to kill the bell maidens. This place is literally unplayable.
The combat feels like shit. I picked it up after Sekiro and couldn't keep going after 6 hours.
BOTW is way funnier and better than BB.
What the fuck dude, what the fuck.
>can't wait to explore the same temples with the same items with the same plot with the same characters with the same setting at piss easy difficulty for the 50th time!
>Just like when I was a child!
Stop being such a baby. It takes like 10 minutes to get used to 30fps if you aren't autistic.
> BOTW (97) (GOTY Winner)
> Bloodborne (92) (Lost to Undertale, Fallout 4, MGS5 & Witcher 3)