>game comes with a pin if you pre order
Is there a more lame preorder bonus than this?
Game comes with a pin if you pre order
>pre order and play the game a week before anyone else
at least a pin is some cool physical merch
m&l vs paper mario came with these gay little paper craft statues too i guess it's kind of cool for something different but i just threw them away because i'm straight
>game comes with artbook but its only included in the most expensive edition that also has a worthless plastic piece of shit figurine.
>artbook also wont be sold separately after
why fucking do this. fuck you and your plastic dolls.
Rage 2 has the worst one I've seen yet, at least in terms of the marketing. You pre-order to get a "cheat code" that activates an NBA Jam-style announcer. The phrase "Pre-order to get Cheat Code" physically hurts me to read. Just call it a Pre-order exclusive announcer pack or some other corporatespeak shit.
>game comes with an artbook
>It's digital
it's basically "the game will suck so buy it before everyone tells you how it sucks"
>announcement is honest and unique
you are cancer
>lmao ur just paranoid about ur "muh seekrit club" xDD theres nothign wrong about Yea Forums being popular xDDD
fucking cuck loool
>he thinks facebook frog and redditjak represent Yea Forums
actual autism
>Put rez pin on my backpack
>It comes unattached and falls off somewhere at work
>Pin lost forever
feels bad man
Haha good to know you care so much about this shitty place, I hope you lose the one thing that you enjoy in life. We're already overtaking this site.
Seething tranny
It was inevitable, /pol/ ruined everything
>>pre order and play the game a week before anyone else
>they do this for a multiplayer game that needs a day one patch to fix the broken matchmaking
that spike isn't from gamergate
>muh goobergate
Dumb r*ddit tourist
based graph tbqh!
look again sweetie, we are both on the same team :)
I like pins, I wear them on my tie at work. I've had a couple people compliment me on the thunder badge, and a few people ask me who the pyro was
This image aged so fucking poorly, it hurts
How are you straight if you are playing mario games to begin with